Udenrigsudvalget 2016-17
URU Alm.del Bilag 274
(unofficial translation)
4 September 2017
Remarks by Mr. Tadamori Oshima
Speaker of the House of Representatives, Japan
Yesterday, North Korea conducted its sixth nuclear test. It is estimated that the destructive
power of the weapon that was tested exceeds that of all previous tests. Additionally, North
Korea has also launched a series of missiles. Most importantly, the ballistic missile fired on
29 August flew over Hokkaido and landed in the Pacific Ocean. It must be said that the
nuclear test in combination with the missile launches has elevated the threat to Japan to
unprecedented direct and real levels. We strongly condemn North Korea and lodge our
firmest protest.
Faced with North Korean nuclear tests and missile launches, the international community has
adopted a number of United Nations Security Council resolutions demanding that such
actions be stopped. It is absolutely unacceptable that North Korea has continuously ignored
these resolutions and has repeatedly and clearly challenged the peace and security of Japan,
the region, and the entire international community.
In light of these developments, we strongly urge the Government of Japan to cooperate even
more closely with the United States, South Korea, China, Russia, and other major relevant
countries, and to act affirmatively in the UN Security Council to realize united action by the
international community in implementing effective measures that will force North Korea to
abandon all of its nuclear arms, accept IAEA inspections, pursue the denuclearization of the
Korean Peninsula, and abandon its missile development program. We also call on the
Government of Japan to take every possible measure to ensure the safety of the Japanese