Udenrigsudvalget 2016-17
URU Alm.del Bilag 215
June 2017
Valentina Azarova
An unlawfully prolonged occupation arises
when an occupying state seeks to permanently
transform the international status, government
or demographic character of a foreign territory,
including through
de jure
de facto
Israel’s continued use of force to prolong its occupation
is not justified by military necessity, but reflects
government-sanctioned policies and practices of
creeping annexation. As such, Israel’s occupation
of Palestine has become unlawfully prolonged.
Diligent enforcement is needed of all
applicable international law, which includes
international humanitarian law, international
human rights law, the laws on the use of force
and on the self-determination of peoples to
further Israel’s withdrawal from the territory.
Third party states and international actors are legally
obligated to ensure non-recognition of Israel’s
internationally unlawful acts. They should be at the
forefront of eforts to further Israel’s compliance with
international law. The EU and other third parties
should use the 50th year of Israel’s occupation to
comprehensively review their dealings with Israel and
Israeli entities, to ensure that they are not recognising
as lawful Israel’s internationally unlawful acts.
June 2017 marks 50 years of Israel’s belligerent occupation
of Palestinian territory, making it the longest occupation
in modern history. The maintenance and expansion of
settlements and associated infrastructure in the West Bank,
the exploitation of natural resources for the benefit of
Israel’s economy, and policies that encourage the transfer
of Israeli citizens into occupied territory and result in the
forcible of transfer Palestinians within and outside that
territory, all point to Israel’s intent to permanently change
the status of Palestinian territory. Fifty years on, Israel has,
in fact, undertaken the
de jure
de facto
annexation of
large parts of occupied Palestinian territory.
Military occupation is permitted in international law only if it
is temporary and based on military necessity, but in the case
of Israel’s occupation there is no end in sight. International
law contains clear guidelines on how occupations should
work: a territory must be returned to its temporarily
displaced sovereign, and the Occupying Power must be able
to justify its continued control over the territory at all times
on the basis of military necessity. The Israeli government,
however, shows no indication that it will fully withdraw
from the occupied Palestinian territory and transfer control
back to the Palestinian sovereign.
Governments and legal scholars alike have focused
on the conflict management provisions enshrined in
international humanitarian law (IHL) and international
human rights law (IHRL) in their assessments of Israel’s
actions and their effects. But Israel’s prolonged occupation
of Palestinian territory has not only resulted in pervasive
violations of these international laws, such as the 1949
URU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 215: Materiale fra høring om danske investorers ansvar og handlemuligheder i forhold til investeringer i virksomheder med aktiviteter i israelske bosættelser den 1. juni 2017
Fourth Geneva Convention, it has been based on rejection
of their applicability in the first place.
Attempts by third
states and international actors to enforce IHL and IHRL
have failed to bring about Israel’s compliance because this
partial legal framework neither adequately captures the
legal consequences of continued occupation with the aim of
acquiring the territory, nor generates appropriate remedial
action for such a situation.
The situation in Israel/Palestine today is at a critical juncture.
The Middle East Peace Process (MEPP) has proven a perennial
failure. Meanwhile, Israel has ramped up its settlement-
building activity to some of the highest levels ever seen. A
more diligent application of international law norms beyond
IHL and IHRL is therefore needed to ensure the effective
implementation of international law in the unlawful situation
created by Israel’s prolonged occupation, and to mobilise,
legitimise, and incentivise responses from third parties to
bring the occupation to an end. This paper identifies a legal
framework that foregrounds the obligations of third parties
not to give legal effect to the occupation, and in doing so, may
provide a way forward for ending the occupation.
UN Security Council Resolution 2334 reiterates the
importance of states abstaining from recognising Israel’s
internationally unlawful acts. To do so, they are required
to distinguish between Israeli and Palestinian territory,
and exclude settlement-based entities and activities from
their dealings with Israel. Third party actors – including the
European Union and its member states – have taken notable,
but still insufficient, steps to this effect in recent years. The
EU and its member states have a deep-seated commitment
to the observance of international law, on which their ability
to uphold the integrity and effectiveness of their own legal
order hinges. They should be at the forefront of efforts to
encourage Israel’s compliance with international law, and
further its full withdrawal from Palestinian territory in
order to bring the occupation to an end.
The legal framework identified by this paper reveals how
third parties that are committed to respecting international
law compromise the integrity of their internal legal orders
and public policy commitments by giving effect to Israel’s
internationally unlawful acts in relation to Palestinian
territory. The same framework may be applied to other
ongoing situations of prolonged occupation that resemble
annexation or otherwise permanently transform the
occupied territory, including northern Cyprus, Nagorno-
Karabakh, Transnistria, South Ossetia and Abkhazia,
Western Sahara, and, most recently, Crimea.
What is occupation law?
International law recognises the military occupation of an
enemy’s territory as a legitimate method of warfare. The
law of armed conflict, also known as IHL or jus in bello,
regulates Occupying Powers. The rules governing belligerent
or military occupation − hereafter referred to simply as
‘occupation’ − come into effect as soon as a situation of
occupation exists, as determined by the fulfilment of a series
of criteria enshrined in IHL. There is an occupation when a
state, that is “not the recognised sovereign of the territory”,
gains “effective control” over a foreign territory by force.
Contrary to Israel’s arguments, the applicability of the law
of occupation does not depend on the territory having been
taken militarily from its “rightful sovereign” at the time
when it was first occupied, which in the case of Palestinian
territory was from Jordan and Egypt. This view was also
affirmed by the International Court of Justice (ICJ).
specialised body of law only regulates the conduct of an
occupying state and does not assess the legality of the force
it uses during the invasion phase of the occupation, or
the force it uses to maintain its presence in the occupied
territory afterwards.
These assessments are based on the
rules on the use of interstate force, set out in the United
Nations Charter, also known as the
jus ad bellum.
The normative framework governing an Occupying Power’s
actions balances the military necessity of occupation with
the imperative of humanitarian protection of the population
in the occupied territory. The law of occupation allows the
Occupying Power to use force, as long as it is for reasons
of genuine military necessity. In limited circumstances, the
occupier may take steps that seriously infringe the rights of
the population in the occupied territory, such as temporarily
reassigning people’s place of residence to protect them from
harm due to the occupier’s ongoing military operations.
June 2017
2 On other occupations, see: Paul Wrange, “Occupation/Annexation of a Territory:
Respect for International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights and Consistent EU
Policy”, European Parliament, July 2015, available at http://www.europarl.europa.eu/
thinktank/en/document.html?reference=EXPO_STU(2015)534995; “Illegal Economic
and Other Activities in the Occupied Territories of Azerbaijan”, Azerbaijan Ministry of
Foreign Afairs, March 2016, available at http://mfa.gov.az/iles/ile/MFA_Report_on_
the_occupied_territories_March_2016_1.pdf; “Third Quarterly Report (July - September
2016) of the Ministry of Foreign Afairs of Georgia on the Human Rights Situation in
the Occupied Regions of Georgia”, the Ministry of Foreign Afairs of Georgia, available
at http://smr.gov.ge/Uploads/VII__1b08da4c.pdf; “Rights in Retreat: Abuses in
Crimea”, Human Rights Watch, 17 November 2014, available at https://www.hrw.org/
report/2014/11/17/rights-retreat/abuses-crimea; Thomas Hammarberg, “UN Special
Expert on Human Rights in the Transnistrian Region of the Republic of Moldova, Report”,
United Nations, 14 February 2013; “Occupation and Other Forms of Administration
of Foreign Territory”, the International Committee of the Red Cross, 11 June 2012,
available at https://www.icrc.org/en/publication/4094-occupation-and-other-forms-
3 Article 42, Hague Regulations 1907. Article 2(2), Geneva Conventions 1949; and
“Commentary: Convention (I) for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and
Sick in Armed Forces in the Field. Geneva”, the International Committee of the Red Cross,
12 August 1949, pp. 115, para 324, available at https://ihl-databases.icrc.org/applic/ihl/
4 “Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian
Territories: Advisory Opinion, 2004”, the International Court of Justice, 9 July
2004, 136, para. 78, available at available at http://www.icj-cij.org/docket/index.
php?p1=3&p2=4&case=131&p3=5 (hereafter, “ICJ Wall Opinion”). See also: Meron, “The
West Bank and International Humanitarian Law”.
5 See, John Quigley,
The Six-Day War and Israeli Self-Defense: Questioning the Legal
Basis for Preventive War,
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013).
6 Article 41, Fourth Geneva Convention, 1949.
1 Theodor Meron, “The West Bank and International Humanitarian Law on the Eve of the
Fiftieth Anniversary of the Six-Day War”,
American Journal of International Law,
10 May
2017, pp. 4-5, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/american-journal-
(hereafter, Meron, “The West Bank and International Humanitarian Law”).
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But the specialised rules of occupation law also create
obligations to respect and provide for the fundamental
and inviolable guarantees of ‘protected persons’, i.e. the
local population in the occupied territory.
Having ousted
the sovereign and stepped into its shoes, the Occupying
Power is legally obligated to fill the governance vacuum and
provide minimum protections to the population under its
control. Occupation law restricts what an Occupying Power
can do, with the aim of protecting individual rights, and the
level of such restrictions and protections is usually higher
in times of calm occupation than during active hostilities.
The Occupying Power is under an obligation to ensure and
maintain civil life and public order, while respecting the
local laws and institutions.
However, the nature of the authority exercised by the
occupier in the occupied territory is purely administrative.
The occupying state is forbidden from taking decisions that
are expected to detrimentally affect the ability of the rightful
sovereign to regain control over the territory, or the future
exercise by the local population of their internationally
recognised right to self-determination.
Occupation law is premised on the idea that occupations
are inherently temporary, are at all times based on military
necessity, and eventually involve the transfer of effective
control over the territory back to the ousted sovereign at
the end of hostilities. The presumption that occupation is
temporary and exceptional is meant to act as a bulwark
de jure
de facto
Attempts to annex a
territory would contravene the international law prohibitions
on the acquisition of territory through the use of force
against the territorial integrity and political independence
of the occupied territory.
An Occupying Power is required
to safeguard the natural resources of the occupied territory,
and permitted to exploit them only for the benefit of the local
population, and exceptionally for the purpose of covering
reasonable expenses of its military administration.
For the
same reason, occupation law prohibits the occupier from
artificially creating demographic changes there, for example
by transferring its civilian population into the occupied
and transferring the local population out of the
territory, or forcing them to move within it.
The effectiveness of occupation law as a regulatory framework
depends on the occupying state’s willingness to respect
certain bright-line rules contained in other international
law norms. Besides the prohibition of territorial acquisition
by force,
these includes the right to self-determination
of peoples,
and the prohibition on racial discrimination,
as well as other causes of persecution enshrined in
International Criminal Law (ICL).
ICL provides a set of
rules and procedures that facilitate the enforcement of the
most serious violations of IHL and IHRL.
While occupation law grants the Occupying Power some
leeway for actions required by military necessity, the rules
on the interstate use of force (jus
ad bellum)
impose a
different test regarding the necessity of the occupation itself.
Under this body of law, the occupier must, at all times, be
able to justify its continued use of force to maintain the
occupation on the basis of military necessity, which must
be proportionate to its legitimate military objectives.
instance, an occupation may be legitimate if it is required
to prevent a belligerent party from launching imminent
attacks in the context of active hostilities on the territory of
the occupying state, if the latter were to withdraw. However,
an occupying state is prohibited from prolonging an
occupation solely to “impress upon the enemy the necessity
of submitting to terms of peace.”
The rules of occupation law are necessarily consistent with
broader international law principles, which tightly regulate
the exceptional nature of belligerent occupations in the
context of international armed conflict. These bodies of
law affirm the temporary nature of occupation and the
duty-bound administrative role of an Occupying Power.
As such, occupation law renders null and void any consent
given by local representatives of the occupied population
for the occupier to revise the institutions or system of
government of the territory, or the international status
of the territory through annexation.
It also prohibits
any other measures that would permanently compromise
the future rights of the local population. To protect a
people’s right to self-determination, the resolution of any
‘final status’ issues, as they are referred to in the Israeli-
Palestinian context, including the return of refugees and
any changes to the pre-1967 borders, is deferred until the
end of occupation. Relegating this process to the end of the
occupation is meant to prevent the occupier from coercing
local authorities into ceding territorial or other sovereign
rights while under the gun.
15 Article 2(4), UN Charter. The only exceptions to the use of force are the right to self-
defense (Article 51) and an explicit authorisation to that efect by the Security Council
(Chapter VII).
16 Article 55, UN Charter; Articles 1 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political
Rights (ICCPR) and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
17 “‘Persecution’ means the intentional and severe deprivation of fundamental rights
contrary to international law by reason of the identity of the group or collectivity”; Articles
7(2)(g), Rome Statue of the ICC.
18 “Case Concerning Military and Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua
(Merits) (Nicaragua v. United States)”, (1986) ICJ Rep. 14, 94; Yoram Dinstein,
Aggression and Self-Defense
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011) para. 607
(hereafter, Dinstein,
War Aggression and Self-Defense).
19 Hersch Lauterpacht (ed),
Oppenheim’s International Law,
7th edition, 1948, p. 432.
20 Yoram Dinstein,
The International Law of Belligerent Occupation,
Cambridge University Press, 2009), pp.55-60. (hereafter, Dinstein,
The International
Law of Belligerent Occupation).
7 Articles 27 and 47, Fourth Geneva Convention, 1949. See also, Eyal Benvenisti,
International Law of Occupation,
(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012), pp.89-
103 (hereafter, Benvenisti,
The International Law of Occupation).
See also, Salvatore
Fabio Nicolosi “The Law of Military Occupation and the Role of De Jure and De Facto
Polish Yearbook of International Law,
2011, Vol.31, pp.165-187, available
at https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2218606. (hereafter, Nicolosi,
“The Law of Military Occupation”).
8 Article 1(4), Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions, 1977.
9 Article 43, Hague Regulations, 1907. Article 64, Fourth Geneva Convention IV.
10 Nicolosi, “The Law of Military Occupation”.
11 Article 2(4) and (7) UN Charter, 1945; R.Y. Jennings,
The Acquisition of Territory
in International Law,
(Manchester University Press, 1963). (hereafter, Jennings,
Acquisition of Territory in International Law).
12 Article 55, Hague Regulations 1907. See also: James Steward, “Corporate War Crimes:
Prosecuting the Pillage of Natural Resources”, Open Society Justice Initiative, September
2011, available at https://www.opensocietyfoundations.org/reports/corporate-war-
13 Article 49(6) Fourth Geneva Convention 1949.
14 Article 49(1), Fourth Geneva Convention 1949.
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Occupation law was codified in IHL before modern human
rights treaties, which means that IHRL fills in many of the
gaps left by IHL’s minimal provisions on the protection
of the population in occupied territory.
In all cases, to
protect against revisions and transformation of the territory
prohibited by IHL, the application of IHRL to the population
in the occupied territory must be predicated on the full
implementation of IHL rules. An approach that seeks to
apply IHRL without being based on respect for IHL creates
protection gaps of its own.
Occupying states have used human rights to justify the
adoption of transformative measures in an occupied territory
that vastly exceed the narrow mandate granted to them in
This is especially the case when it comes to an occupier’s
legal obligation to maintain the laws and institutions in force
prior to the occupation.
The deployment of human rights
concerns to actually further a transformative agenda through
occupation can encroach on the present and future rights of
the population in the occupied territory, especially when the
Occupying Power has undertaken to change the territory’s
demographic character by transferring its own civilians there,
in violation of IHL rules.
In practice Israel has done just this – using human rights-
based argumentation to protect the settler population in
the occupied territory. The Israeli Supreme Court applies a
balancing test to adjudicate between settlers and Palestinians
claims under a pretence of equal rights; treating Israeli
citizens as elevated constitutional subjects and denigrating
Palestinians for the alleged security threat they represent.
In so doing, Israel actively undermines the prohibition placed
on its nationals’ presence in the occupied territory.
by the Occupying Power to maintain the occupation.
means that an occupation may be unlawfully prolonged and
administered, but not unlawful in itself.
The legality of an occupation is determined by the
underlying purpose of the occupier’s use of force: whether
the occupier uses force to undertake an occupation with
concrete military objectives, to annex parts of the territory,
or otherwise seeks the transformation of the status of the
territory. This prohibition covers any use of force that might
affect the local population’s internationally recognised
right to self-determination and sovereignty in the territory,
by precluding its ability to resume control at the end of
occupation. An occupation in which force is used to fulfil
the goal of permanently acquiring a territory is unlawful
and attracts consequences under the international law on
the use of force. The emergence of such a situation also
triggers the legal obligations of third states in international
law to cooperate to bring the occupation to an end, while
also ensuring that they do not give effect to internationally
unlawful acts in their dealings with the occupying state.
The limits of occupation law
Occupations that are unlawfully prolonged through the
illegal use of force in pursuit of territorial acquisition,
or the territory’s secession, have, over time, exposed the
inherent limits of occupation law in three related areas: first,
in the narrow protection mandate occupation law assigns
to the occupying state, irrespective of the duration of the
occupation; second, in the inadequate legal consequences
it prescribes for violations of IHL; and, third, in its limited
ability as special-purpose law to pursue its regulatory
objectives in situations of
de facto
administration that
neither resemble, nor are predicated on, respect for the
norms that occupation law depends on for its effectiveness
(e.g. the prohibition on territory acquisition by force).
First, occupation law offers a restricted, duty-bound
mandate to the occupying state that limits the scope of its
authority vis-à-vis the population of the occupied territory,
for reasons outlined above. However, with each passing
year of an occupation, the need increases for occupiers to
make executive decisions and adopt reforms in order to fully
protect the occupied population’s human rights.
In other
words, in cases of prolonged occupation, an Occupying
Power is often trapped between the imperative to refrain
from taking executive decisions lest it violate occupation
and the need to take them as a temporary governing
authority to ensure the development of the territory and
to protect its population’s human rights.
The proper
26 Article 2(4), UN Charter. See also, Rotem Giladi, “The Jus ad Bellum/Jus in Bello
Distinction and the Law of Occupation”,
Israel Law Review,
Vol. 41, 2008.
27 See: Vaious Koutroulis, “The application of international humanitarian law and
international human rights law in situations of prolonged occupation: only a matter
of time?”,
International Review of the Red Cross,
31 March 2012, No. 855, available
28 See the Israeli military administration’s measures to developed the quarries, later
approved by the Israeli supreme court as forms of economic development permitted by
an occupying power; HCJ 2164/09,
Yesh Din v. IDF Commander in the West Bank
et al.,
26 December 2011.
29 Benvenisti,
The International Law of Occupation,
When maintaining an occupation is
Occupation law can only function effectively if an Occupying
Power adheres to the norms outlined in the international law
on the use of force. Occupation law itself does not provide
a measure for determining whether the continuation of an
occupation is lawful or not. In international law, an occupation
itself can neither be lawful nor unlawful; occupations are
merely a matter of fact, and are regulated as such.
legality of maintaining an occupation, however, is determined
according to the legality of the continued use or threat of force
June 2017
21 Yutaka Arai-Takahashi,
The Law of Occupation: Continuity and Change of
International Humanitarian Law, and its Interaction with International Human Rights
(Martinus Nijhof, 2009), Chapter 11.
22 This was the case, for example, following the US invasion of Iraq in 2003.
See: Andrea Carcano,
The Transformation of Occupied Territory in International Law,
(Brill I Nijhof publishers, 2015).
23 Article 43, Hague Regulations 1907 and Article 64, Fourth Geneva Convention 1949.
See also: Marco Sassòli, “Legislation and Maintenance of Public Order and Civil Life
by Occupying Powers”,
European Journal of International Law,
Vol. 16, 2005, p.662,
available at http://ejil.org/pdfs/16/4/313.pdf.
24 Aeyal Gross, “The Righting of the Law of Occupation”, in Nehal Bhuta (ed.),
Frontiers of Human Rights,
(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016).
25 It bears noting that the use of the term ‘unlawful occupation’ is misleading insofar
as there is no diference between lawful and unlawful occupation in dealing with the
respective duties of the occupier. See “Hostages trial” (US Military Tribunal, Nuremberg,
1948), 8 LRTWC 34, 59, available at https://www.loc.gov/rr/frd/Military_Law/pdf/Law-
Reports_Vol-8.pdf. See also: Dinstein,
The International Law of Belligerent Occupation,
URU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 215: Materiale fra høring om danske investorers ansvar og handlemuligheder i forhold til investeringer i virksomheder med aktiviteter i israelske bosættelser den 1. juni 2017
resolution of such a situation in which executive decisions
need to be made, should be, naturally, to expedite the
return of an occupied territory to the status it had prior
to occupation. But with Israel’s occupation of Palestinian
territory that has not been the case.
Second, the proper function of occupation law depends
on the occupying state’s willingness and ability to respect
other international law. Occupation law was never
intended to account for cumulative and compounded
violations of IHL such as those resulting from
de facto
de jure
annexation of parts of an occupied territory. Yet
most contemporary occupations, including in Palestine,
have become situations of
de facto
administration that
transform the territory, persist long after active hostilities
have ceased, and have no basis in lawful military
necessity. In many cases, the motive of contemporary
occupiers includes acquiring rights to the territory and
wrongfully benefiting from its natural resources. But
because occupation law is commonly applied in isolation
from other international law, the legality of the continued
presence of the occupying state in the occupied territory
often remains unaddressed. Such questions fall outside
the scope of jus in bello – which governs conduct during
war time, including situations of occupation. The gaps
in contemporary international legal practice mean that
the legal consequences occupying states should incur for
prolonging their occupations remain unclear.
Third, occupation law’s preoccupation with humanitarian
its emphasis on conserving the laws
and institutions in force before the occupation, and its
minimalist approach to human rights protection, have
created protection and enforcement gaps. When the
international response to such situations overemphasises
the occupying state’s obligations under occupation law
and IHRL, without the concomitant application of the law
on the use of force,
it risks harming the effectiveness
of international law. In a situation where the Occupying
Power is unwilling to end the occupation, the application
of IHL and IHRL cannot alone prevent the occupying state
from benefiting from its unlawful exercise of sovereign
authority, or prevent abuses of the local population’s
rights. While occupation law continues to formally apply
to the actions of an occupying state that violates the law on
the use of force, such cases of occupation require diligent
application of the law on the use of force to encourage an
Occupying Power to withdraw from foreign territory.
Defining an unlawfully prolonged
Under the criteria provided by international law, many
contemporary occupations appear to be unlawfully
prolonged. An occupying state that seeks the permanent
transformation of the political and legal order of a
territory, for instance, by supporting a proxy government
or secessionist movement, or by pursuing annexation
of a territory, attracts state responsibility for serious
breaches of the peremptory norms of international law
(also known as
jus cogens).
Under the UN Charter, such an occupier is assumed to be
working towards the goal of preventing the ousted sovereign
from regaining control over its internationally recognised
territory, and denying the population in the occupied
territory the ability to, in future, exercise their internationally
recognised right to self-determination of peoples. Prolonged
occupations should give rise to presumptions among
members of the international community that the long-term
goal of the occupier is permanent alteration of the territory’s
status or the rights of its local population.
A potential consequence of determining such an objective
is that the formal status enjoyed by an Occupying Power in
international law – one that presumes that the occupation
is being maintained on grounds of security –is undone.
While such occupying states remain bound by existing
international law obligations, their primary obligation is
to undertake all necessary measures to withdraw from the
territory. In the interim, they are arguably precluded from
lawfully availing themselves of the tactical measures they
are otherwise permitted to use in active hostilities, and when
faced with sporadic violence from the local population.
32 On the status of the prohibition on the use of force as peremptory norms (jus
War Aggression and Self-Defense,
p.104. See also: Robert Adams,
“Transformative Military Occupation: Applying the Laws of War and Human Rights”, in
Michael Schmitt, Jelena Pejic (eds),
International Law and Armed Conlict: Exploring the
(Brill I Nijhof publishers, 2005), pp.439-495.
33 Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, GA
Res 1514(XV), UN General Assembly Resolution 1514(XV) adopted 14 December 1960.
Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-
Operation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, UN General
Assembly Resolution 2625 (XXV), adopted 24 October 1970. The Right of Peoples and
Nations to Self-Determination, UN General Assembly Resolution 637 (VII), adopted 6
September 1952. Permanent Sovereignty over Natural Resources, UN General Assembly
Resolution 1803 (XVII), adopted 14 December 1962.
34 The UN terminated South Africa’s mandate as administrator of Namibia and placed it
under UN administration. See: UN General Assembly Resolution 2145 (XXI), 27 October
35 Israel has used the descriptor ‘an armed conlict short of war’ to use lethal force in the
administration of daily afairs in the territory, where more restrictive standards of IHRL
on the use of force are otherwise applicable; “Sharm El Sheikh Fact-Finding Committee
First Statement of the Government of Israel”, 28 December 2000, para. 286, available
at www.mfa.gov.il/MFA/MFAArchive/2000_2009/2000/12/Sharm%20el-Sheikh%20
30 Meron, “The West Bank and International Humanitarian Law”, p.10.
31 Meron, “The West Bank and International Humanitarian Law”, p.10.
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The reasons for Israel’s prolonged
There is a broad consensus among states and legal experts
that the Palestinian territory of the West Bank, including
East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip, is occupied, and triggers
the application of the law of occupation enshrined in IHL.
Israel, however, has long argued that the law of occupation
does not apply to Palestinian territory, since there was no
sovereign Palestinian state before 1967,
and that, instead,
the territory’s status is ‘disputed’.
Israeli Supreme Court
decisions have, at times, affirmed the applicability of what
Israel calls the ‘humanitarian provisions’ of the 1949 Fourth
Geneva Convention and 1907 Hague Regulations that codify
the law of occupation, but have not rejected the government’s
claim that the 1949 Fourth Geneva Convention (a critical
component of the international legal framework applicable
to occupied territory) does not apply
de jure
en bloc.
arbitrary standard on what to include in the ‘humanitarian
provisions’ category gives unrestricted discretion to Israel
to reject, for instance, the provision in Article 49(6) of
the Fourth Geneva Convention prohibiting the transfer of
civilians of the occupying state into occupied territory (i.e.
one of the policies implemented by Israel to maintain and
expand the settlements).
Only a few months after enacting the requirement that
Israel’s military administration of occupied Palestinian
territory “observe the provisions of the Geneva Convention”
in military law, in December 1967, the military commander
rescinded that law based on the view that “[t]he territorial
position [of the West Bank and Gaza] is
sui generis”,
unique and under-determined, and not occupied.
recent granting of formal legal status to settlement outposts
under Israeli law affirms the Israeli government’s long-
standing position that it is not bound by occupation law.
A host of archival material from the first few years of the
occupation recently discovered by Akevot – the Institute
for Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Research − demonstrates
the politically premeditated character of Israeli government
positions and its long-standing attempts to circumvent
its obligations under IHL in disregard of the Palestinian
people’s rights in international law.
36 Eyal Benvenisti, “Occupation and Territorial Administration”, in R Liivoja and T
Maccormack (eds),
Routledge Handbook of the Law of Armed Conlict,
(Routledge, 2016).
See also, “Situation on Registered Vessels of Comoros, Greece and Cambodia Article 53(1)
Report”, ICC Oice of the Prosecutor, 4 November 2014, para. 16, available at
37 This position was based on Blum’s ‘absent reversioner’ claim; Yehuda Blum, “The
Missing Reversioner: Relections on the Status of Judea and Samaria”,
Israel Law Review,
Vol.3, 1968, p.279. It was supported before the government by Meir Shamgar, who later
became an Israeli supreme court justice; Meir Shamgar, “The Observance of International
Law in the Administered Territories”,
Israel Yearbook of Human Rights,
Vol.1, 1971,
38 “Is the West Bank ‘Occupied’ or ‘Disputed’ territory”, Israeli Ministry of Foreign afairs,
available at http://mfa.gov.il/MFA/ForeignPolicy/FAQ/Pages/FAQ_Peace_process_
with_Palestinians_Dec_2009.aspx#Settlements1; See also: “Cautionary remarks with
respect to the use of certain terms”, Akevot, available at http://akevot.org.il/en/article/
39 Meron, “The West Bank and International Humanitarian Law”, pp.15-16.
40 Eyal Benvenisti, “The Missing Argument: The Article that Changed the Course of
American Journal of International Law,
Vol. 111, 2017, pp.31-32.
41 Ian Fisher, “Israel Passes Provocative Law to Retroactively Legalize Settlements”, the
New York Times,
6 February 2017, available at https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/06/
42 See: Akevot archive, available at http://akevot.org.il/en/paperwork/.
Even before the beginning of the occupation in 1967, a set
of Israeli legislative and administrative acts compromised
the sovereign status of the occupied Palestinian territory.
Some were based on a law from 1948 still in force today
that provides: “Any law applying to the whole of the State
of Israel shall be deemed to apply to the whole of the area
including both the area of the State of Israel and any part
of Palestine which the Minister of Defence has defined by
proclamation as being held by the Defence Army of Israel.”
Although the Ordinance has not been referred to in practice,
it remains in force and can therefore be assumed to inform
Israeli institutional practice.
Successive Israeli governments have, for decades,
established, maintained, and expanded settlements and
their infrastructure.
These policies and practices have
led to the extensive appropriation of Palestinian land
and natural resources,
wrongful allocation of property
rights to entities established and operating in settlements,
widespread displacement of Palestinian communities, and
denial of their basic rights, such as access to education
and healthcare, due to the location of the settlements.
To enable the absorption of the settlements,
Israel has
extended its domestic legal jurisdiction into occupied
territory; its domestic law mandates the operation of Israeli
domestic ministries and public bodies in settlements.
These measures constitute systemic violations of the duty-
bound authority of an Occupying Power, and the narrow
remit it has as
de facto
administrator of the occupied
territory, since they entail sweeping reforms to Palestinian
laws and institutions, including by replacing the jurisdiction
of Palestinian courts with that of Israeli military courts.
Israeli governments have undermined Israel’s obligations
as an Occupying Power under international law
prejudicing the future rights of Palestinians.
In 1968,
the Israeli government decided to set aside the ‘top secret’
opinion by its legal adviser, Theodor Meron, later an ICJ
judge, which insisted on the applicability of the 1949 Geneva
43 “Area of Jurisdiction and Powers Ordinance No 29”, adopted by the Knesset
September 22 1948, available at http://www.geocities.ws/savepalestinenow/israellaws/
44 For discussion of the efects of the ‘Alon Plan’, the ‘Drobless Plan’ and the Sharon
plans, see: Matityahu Drobles,
Settlement in Judea and Samaria: Strategy, Policy and
1980, p.3; “Dispossession and Exploitation: Israel’s Policy in the Jordan Valley
and Northern Dead Sea”, B’Tselem, May 2011, available at http://www.btselem.org/
northern-dead-sea (hereafter, “Disposession and Exploitation”, B’Tselem).
45 “Acting the Landlord: Israel’s Policy in Area C, the West Bank”, B’Tselem, June 2013,
available at http://www.btselem.org/publications/summaries/201306_acting_the_
landlord. Edith Garwood, “Troubled Waters: Palestinians Denied Fair Access to Water”,
Amnesty International, October 2009, available at http://blog.amnestyusa.org/middle-
46 “Humanitarian Impact of Settlements”, United Nations Oice for the Coordination of
Humanitarian Afairs (UN OCHA), available at
47 Eyal Benvenisti,
Legal Dualism: The Absorption of the Occupied Territories into
The West Bank Data Project by the Jerusalem Post, 1989.
48 “One Rule, Two Legal Systems: Israel’s Regime of Laws in the West Bank”, Association
for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI), November 24 2014, available at http://www.acri.org.il/
en/2014/11/24/twosysreport/ (hereafter, “One Rule, Two Legal Systems”).
49 Lior Yavne, “Backyard Proceedings: The Implementation of Due Process Rights in the
Military Courts in the Occupied Territories”, Yesh Din, December 2007, p.43, available
See also, Sharon Weill, “The
Judicial Arm of the Occupation: The Israeli Military Courts in the Occupied Territories”,
International Review of the Red Cross,
Vol.89, No. 866, 2007, available at https://www.
50 See: “Geneva Convention: Blasting homes and deportation”, Akevot, 12 March 1968,
available at http://akevot.org.il/en/article/theodor-meron-opinion/?full.
51 Meron, “The West Bank and International Humanitarian Law”.
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Conventions to the Palestinian territory and affirmed
the illegality of settlements under international law.
The declassified cable – originally sent to Yitzhak Rabin
who was then Israeli Ambassador in Washington, DC –
acknowledges that “there is no way to reconcile [Israeli]
actions in Jerusalem with the restrictions emanating from
the Geneva Conventions and The Hague Regulations.”
The cable acknowledged that in order to “leave all options
regarding borders open, we must not acknowledge that our
status in the administered territories is simply that of an
occupying power.” These documents indicate that, from
the outset of the occupation, the Israeli government knew
that its positions and plans violated its obligations under
international law.
Israel’s rejection of the international law of occupation,
and its deep-seated commitment to the settlement process,
is mirrored by its refusal to recognise the sovereignty of
the Palestinian people in the territory. Israel held firm
to this position during and after the negotiation and
implementation of the 1993 Israel-PLO Interim Agreement
(or the Oslo Accords), which was intended to organise the
administration of the territory pending the conclusion of
final status negotiations.
the West Bank designated ‘Area C’ by the Oslo Accords, over
which Israel in fact maintains exclusive control.
intention to acquire the occupied Palestinian territory is
apparent from institutional practice, including legislative
and administrative acts that underpin and enable:
Its rejection of the applicability of occupation law, and
in particular the 1949 Fourth Geneva Convention, and
its official position that the status of the territory in
international law is ‘disputed’;
The extension of its domestic legal jurisdiction and laws
to the occupied territory;
The imposition of administrative measures and
institutional practices that further the economic, social,
and political integration and absorption of occupied
territory into the territory of the occupying state;
The transfer of the occupying state’s civilian population
into the territory, and the recognition of their habitual
residence in that territory, often alongside the direct
and indirect forcible transfer of the local Palestinian
population to make way for settlements; and
The conferral of status under the domestic laws of the
occupying state to the local population in the occupied
territory, and to the nationals of the occupying state
transferred into the territory.
From occupation to annexation
For a state’s actions towards foreign territory to be designated
annexation – a violation of the cardinal prohibition on
the use of force to acquire territory – the state must have
demonstrated intent to acquire permanent title over the
That intent can be either formally declared and
enacted in law, and hence known as
de jure
annexation, or
it can manifest
de facto
in the practices and policies of an
occupying state towards the occupied territory.
Unlike with its
de jure
annexation of East Jerusalem, Israel
has not declared its intention to annex the rest of the West
Bank to Israel,
but, in effect, its institutional and legal
practice has increasingly absorbed and integrated the
settlements into Israel.
Through a practice of creeping
annexation, Israel has effectively absorbed the 62 percent of
52 Gershom Gorenberg, “Israel Knew All Along that Settlements, Home-Demolitions
Were Illegal”,
19 May 2015, available at http://www.haaretz.com/opinion/.
53 “The Comay-Meron Cable reveals reasons for Israeli position on applicability of 4th
Geneva Convention”, Akevot, 20 March 1968, available at http://akevot.org.il/en/article/
54 See also, a backgrounder note issued by the Ministry of Foreign Afairs airming the
need to maintain this position due to Israel’s actions in contravention of the Convention;
Position Paper in light of the visit of Victor H Umbrict, member of the Presidential Council
of the ICRC, 4-8 December 1971, Sent on 31 November 1971 by A Hassin, 3-4 (unpublished;
curtesy of Akevot).
55 Antonio Cassese, “The Israel-PLO Agreement and Self-Determination”,
Journal of International Law,
Vol.4, 1993. See also: Raja Shehadeh,
From Occupation to
the Interim Accords: Israel and the Palestinian Territories,
(Kluwer, 1997).
56 Rainer Hofman, “Annexation”, in
Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International
57 Rainer Hofman, “Annexation”, in
Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International
58 Proposals to this efect are under consideration by the current Israeli government.
See, “Netanyahu ally: West Bank Annexation would, be a disaster”, the
Times of Israel,
31 December 2016, available at
59 “One Rule, Two Legal Systems”; Michael Karayanni,
Conlicts in Conlict: A Conlict
of Laws Case Study on Israel and the Palestinian Territories
(Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 2014). See also, Yael Ronen and Amir Paz-Fuchs, “Occupational Hazards”,
Journal of International Law,
Vol.30, 2012, p.2.
Under Israeli law, the chief Israeli military commander,
who heads the Israeli Civil Administration, is authorised
to appropriate Palestinian land and allocate property
rights to public and private entities for the purpose of
establishing and developing settlements.
The majority
of settlements, according to Israeli records, are ostensibly
built on public Palestinian land,
which Israeli military
law places under the administration of the Israeli military
custodian, who is, in turn, permitted to allocate the land,
rights of possession, and control over it to Israeli entities
for the construction of settlements.
Although the appropriation of land in occupied territory
for the purpose of facilitating the transfer of its own civilian
population is unlawful regardless of the land’s public or private
ownership, Israel distinguishes between public and private
land in an attempt to disguise the settlement enterprise as
60 About 42 percent of this area is land built-up with settlements, while other parts make
up the jurisdictional areas of settlements or nationals parks under Israeli control, often
allocated for settlement use. See, “By Hook and By Crook: Israeli Settlement Policy in
the West Bank”, B’Tselem, July 2010, available at http://www.btselem.org/publications/
summaries/201007_by_hook_and_by_crook. (hereafter, “By Hook and By Crook”,
61 “Under the Guise of Legality: Declarations on state land in the West Bank”, B'Tselem,
March 2012, available at http://www.btselem.org/publications/summaries/201203_
under_the_guise_of_legality. (hereafter, “Under the Guise of Legality”, B'Tselem).
62 “Summary of the Opinion Concerning Unauthorized Outposts-Talya Sason, Adv”,
the Israeli Ministery of Foreign Afairs, 10 March 2005, available at
Unauthorized%20Outposts%20-%20Talya%20Sason%20Adv.aspx. (hereafter, “Opinion
Concerning Unauthorized Outposts”).
63 As early as 1967, then Minister of Interior Haim-Moshe Shapira stated that settlements
would be called “military strongholds”, yet this practice has been phased out over the years:
“There is the question of the Arabs and the question of the Jews”, Akevot, 20 August 1967,
available at http://akevot.org.il/en/article/question-of-arabs-and-question-of-jews/?full.
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lawful acts of military necessity by limiting them to publicly
owned land.
This has been the case since the Israeli High
Court of Justice, in its 1979
Elon Moreh
judgment, prohibited
the construction of settlements on privately owned Palestinian
In a 1980 legal opinion, then Attorney General Yitzhak
maintained that the
Elon Moreh
ruling did not
foreclose “seizing” private Palestinian land, if this was done
under the pretext of the military need to maintain public order
through protection of the settlements.
To incentivise population transfers, Israeli domestic law
offers individual settlers, private entities, and settlement local
authorities, financial benefits and property rights to encourage
their permanent relocation to the settlements.
Even before
the recent adoption of the Law for the Regularisation
of Settlement in Judea and Samaria in 2017,
the Israeli
government appears to have been quietly implementing the
recommendations of the Levy Report on the ‘legal status’
of building in the West Bank, which was commissioned but
never formally endorsed by the government, by offering
services and informal status to outposts,
while also turning
a blind eye to private acts of ‘land grab’ by settlers.
By contrast, the Palestinian population of the occupied
territory is subject to Israeli military law, including military
courts and law enforcement authorities. The Israeli civil
administration − a branch of the military − maintains
the Palestinian population registry and issues Palestinian
identification documents that resemble residential status.
During its administration of the population registry since
1967, Israel has lowered the population of the West Bank
and Gaza by at least 600,000. Many have been excluded
from the Palestinian population registry, thereby preventing
them from remaining in or re-entering the territory.
2000, with no justification in military necessity, Israel froze
all updates to the registry, except for children under 16 born
to a resident parent and other exceptional cases.
International institutions have already characterised Israel’s
practices as having the effect of annexation. The ICJ, in its Wall
Advisory Opinion, held that the wall and its accompanying
regime resulted in “a ‘fait accompli’ on the ground that could
well become permanent, in which case, and notwithstanding
the formal characterisation of the wall by Israel as a necessary
part of security infrastructure, it would be tantamount to
Recently, the Human Rights Council’s
March 2017 resolution on Israeli settlements condemned
Israel’s use of “measures the express purpose of which is to
facilitate and authorize the ultimate annexation of Palestinian
land, in contravention of peremptory norms of international
These determinations, however, have not been
matched by state and international actors’ responses, which
are discussed below.
Towards the enforcement of an integrated
normative framework
Some critics have blamed occupation law for being
ineffective, particularly but not exclusively in the case
of Israel’s occupation. But it is the international practice
of applying it disjointedly from other international laws
on the interstate use of force and self-determination
of peoples (the
jus ad bellum)
that has undermined its
effectiveness. The actions of an Occupying Power in
international law, however, are regulated by an integrated
normative framework that includes all applicable bodies
of international law, in line with the coherence and
systemic integrity of the international legal system.
Under such a framework, an occupying state is neither
absolved of its obligations under occupation law, nor
permitted to breach peremptory norms of international
law on the use of force and self-determination, without
incurring legal consequences.
64 See, for example, Justice Shamgar who stated that the claimant lacked the standing to
challenge the use being made of public land that had been allocated for the construction of
settlements: HCJ 277/84 Ayreib v Appeals Committee et al. 40(2) PD 57, 1986.
65 See, for example, the fact that the Israeli Supreme Court accepted the military claims
that the settlement of Bet El has the function of a security installation, HCJ 606/78
Suleiman Tauiq Ayub et al. v. Minister of Defense et al.; Jameel Arsam Matu’a et al. v.
Minister of Defense et al, PD 33(2), 13 March 1979.
66 “AG Zamir’s Legal Opinion following Elon Moreh Case, reviewed by The Law in These
Parts”, Akevot, 8 November 2015, available at http://akevot.org.il/en/news-item/zamir-
67 “Under The Guise of Legality”, B’Tselem.
68 On the incentives system: “Under the Guise of Security: Routing the Separation Barrier
to Enable Israeli Settlement Expansion in the West Bank”, December 2005, available
security. In 2015 there were nearly 550,000 settlers in the West Bank settlements
(including East Jerusalem), living in some 150 settlements: “Statistics on Settlements
and Settler Population”, B’Tselem, 11 May 2017, available at http://www.btselem.
org/settlements/statistics; “Land Grab: Israel’s Settlement Policy in the West Bank”,
B’Tselem, May 2002, pp.72- 84, available at http://www.btselem.org/publications/
summaries/200205_land_grab; “By Hook and By Crook”, B’Tselem, pp.21-35. See also:
Kerem Navot,
Israeli Settlers’ Agriculture as a Means of Land Takeover in the West Bank,
RHR.org, August 2013, available at http://rhr.org.il/heb/wp-content/uploads/Kerem-
Navot.pdf. (hereafter, Navot,
Israeli Settlers’ Agriculture).
69 “ACRI, Peace Now and Yesh Din Petition the High Court against the Expropriation
Law”, Association for Civil Rights in Israel, 5 March 2017, available at www.acri.org.il/
70 “From Occupation to Annexation: The Silent Adoption of the Levy Report on
Retroactive Authorisation of Illegal Construction in the West Bank”, Yesh Din, February
2016, available at https://www.yesh-din.org/en/from-occupation-to-annexation-the-
71 “Crime Without Punishment: Failure to Prosecute Israelis Involved in Illegal
Construction in the West Bank”, Yesh Din, February 2017, available at www.yesh-din.org/
72 Since the registry was ‘frozen’, along with any changes to residential addresses, Israel
has efectively come to control residency between Gaza and the West Bank, and requires
‘permits’ for travel in either direction: “Travel between the West Bank and the Gaza Strip”,
Hamoked, available at www.hamoked.org/topic.aspx?tid=sub_30.
73 “‘Forget about Him, He’s Not There’: Israel Control Over the Palestinian Population
Registry”, Human Rights Watch, 5 February 2012, footnote 8, available at https://www.
74 “Perpetual Limbo: Israel’s Freeze on Uniication of Palestinian Families in the Occupied
Territories”, B’Tselem, July 2006, available at http://www.btselem.org/publications/
summaries/200607_perpetual_limbo; “Residents Without Status”, B’Tselem, 21 July
2013, available at www.btselem.org/gaza_strip/stateless.
75 “Legal Consequences of the Constrcution of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian
Territory”, International Court of Justice, 9 July 2004, para. 121, available at http://www.
76 Human Rights Council Resolution, Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian
Territory, including East Jerusalem, and in the occupied Syrian Golan, UN Doc HRC/
A/34/L.41, 21 March 2017, para 7. https://unispal.un.org/DPA/DPR/unispal.nsf/0/256
77 Article 31(1)(c), Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, 1969.
78 On the consequences of such violations, see: Iain Scobbie, “The Invocation of
Responsibility for the Breach of Obligations Under Peremptory Norms of General
International Law”
European Journal of International Law,
Vol. 13, 2002, pp. 1201-
1220, available at http://www.ejil.org/pdfs/13/5/1582.pdf; Alexander Orakhelashvili,
Peremptory Norms in International Law (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008).
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Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territory, and a number
of other contemporary occupations, attract consequences
beyond occupation law for the following internationally
unlawful acts:
The use of force against the territorial integrity of
another sovereign;
The establishment and maintenance of a systematic
practice of racial discrimination in the occupied
territory, predicated on the transfer and recognition of
the habitual residence of Israeli nationals in occupied
The flagrant denial of the right to self-determination of
the local population of the occupied territory.
may even go so far as to state that they amount to acts of
aggression, which, according to UN General Assembly
Resolution 3314, includes acts of “military occupation,
however temporary, resulting from such invasion or attack,
or any annexation by the use of force of the territory of
another State or part thereof.”
The UN General Assembly could also request the ICJ to
provide an advisory opinion on the effects of Israel’s
continued presence in Palestinian territory, and the legality
of its use of force to maintain the occupation. The ICJ
assessed the legality of prolonging an occupation in its 1971
Advisory Opinion on South Africa’s continued presence in
Namibia. The court concluded that the effect of prolonging
the occupation of Namibia was that South Africa eroded
the occupied people’s right to self-determination, thereby
creating an “illegal situation”.
That opinion led the UN
Security Council and the UN General Assembly to impose
smart and targeted sanctions on South African entities with
the aim of bringing the prolonged occupation to an end.
Third, because Israel’s prolonged occupation is unlawful,
many of its actions in the administration of the territory
are deemed invalid as a result of them being predicated
on its illegal use and threat of force, i.e. in violation of
the peremptory norm of international law prohibiting
the acquisition of territory by force.
Third states should
closely scrutinise them to be sure that they are not given
effect. Diligently upholding a standard of non-recognition
could also make it less difficult to reverse such effects
after the end of the occupation. Measures that are likely
to be invalidated by international law include: those
excluding Palestinians and other members of the protected
population (e.g. foreign spouses of Palestinians) from the
territory; assigning different residency status and rights of
movement to individuals in the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and
East Jerusalem; and appropriating Palestinian land and
allocating rights to property for the settlement enterprise.
The compounded effects of continued foreign occupation
beyond IHL and IHRL were examined by the European
Court of Human Rights in
Cyprus v Turkey.
It found that
violations of the European Convention on Human Rights
were caused by Turkey operating an unlawful administrative
regime – the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus – that
left no available route through which to end the property
rights violations suffered by Cypriots.
The monetary
award of damages for these serious human rights violations,
amounting to €90 million payable by Turkey to Cyprus,
83 Article 3, UNGA Resolution 3314 (XXIX). Yoram Dinstein, “Aggression”,
Max Planck
Encyclopaedia of International Law,
September 2015.
84 “Legal Consequences for States of the Continued Presence of South Africa in
Namibia (South West Africa) notwithstanding Security Council Resolution 276 (1970)”,
International Court of Justice, 21 June 1971, pp.12-14; Stephanie Koury, “Legal Strategies
at the United Nations: A Comparative Look at Namibia, Western Sahara, and Palestine”, in
Susan M. Akram, Michael Dumper, Michael Lynk, Iain Scobbie (eds),
International Law
and the Israeli-Palestinian Conlict
(Routledge, 2010).
85 The principle of invalidity is a customary rule applicable to violations of
jus cogens,
and codiied in relation in Article 53, Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties 1969. See:,
Christos L Rozakis, “The Law on Invalidity of Treaties”,
Archiv des Völkerrechts,
No. 2, 1974, available at http://www.jstor.org/stable/i40036026.
86 Concurring judges noted that “the present judgment heralds a new era in the
enforcement of human rights”:
Cyprus v Turkey,
the European Court of Human Rights
14 May 2014, available at https://lovdata.no/static/EMDN/emd-1994-025781-3.pdf.
Cyprus v Turkey).
This section considers each of the consequences for these
unlawful acts in turn, as well as some of the responses they
merit from third parties and international institutions.
Unlawful use of force
Israel’s continued use of force through occupation of
Palestinian territory attracts consequences under the
UN Charter’s prohibition on the acquisition of territory
by force. A situation of occupation maintained in the
pursuit of territorial acquisition by force, rather than for
reasons of military necessity, is “no different from outright
Both the basis for maintaining such a situation
and the effects of its maintenance and continuation on the
status of the territory and the rights of its local population
amount to violations of international law.
International law provides a rigorous system of disincentives
for responding to such unlawfully prolonged occupations.
First, third parties have an obligation to put an end to
an occupier’s violations through collective and unilateral
To this end, States are expected to adopt
and further determinations by international institutions
commensurate with the gravity of the conduct. Following
Russia’s activities in Crimea in March 2014, for example, the
EU and United States adopted firm positions on the unlawful
character of Russia’s use of force against the territorial
integrity and the political independence of Ukraine.
Second, the UN Security Council may act in accordance with
its authority under the UN Charter to determine that such
acts are ‘crimes against peace’ which therefore constitute
an international threat to peace and security. The Council
“Concluding Observations of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial
Discrimination: Israel”, UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, UN
Doc. CERD/C/ISR/CO/14-16, 9 March 2012, para. 24, available at www2.ohchr.org/
80 Benvenisti,
The International Law of Occupation,
81 Article 29, Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties 1969. See also:
Council v.
Front Polisario,
Judgment of the European Court of Justice, Grand Chamber Judgment,
C-104/16 P, 21 December 2016, available at http://curia.europa.eu/juris/document/
82 For discussion of these positions, see: Antonello Tancredi, “The Russian Annexation
of Crimea: Questions Relating to the Use of Force”,
Questions of International Law,
May 2014, available at http://www.qil-qdi.org/the-russian-annexation-of-the-crimea-
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was heralded by the court as “punishment for unjust war
and its tragic consequences in Europe.”
Although Israel
is not subject to the European Court’s jurisdiction, the
precedent set by this ruling indicates the gravity of such
violations and the response they merit from third parties
and international institutions. The UN Security Council
similarly upheld Iraq’s “liability under international law for
any loss, damage, or injury arising in regard to Kuwait and
third States, and their nationals and corporations, as a result
of the invasion and illegal occupation of Kuwait”.
decisions affirm the importance of offering reparations,
including monetary compensation, to victims of the serious
human rights violations they cause.
rights granted to other Israeli citizens.
The basis for this
judicial practice is Israel’s formal government-sanctioned
policy of recognising the habitual residence of settlers
in the occupied territory, which is contrary to the most
fundamental dictates of IHL. As such, Israel’s protection
of settler rights in occupied territory cannot be considered
as a lawful basis for justifying the limitations placed on
Palestinian rights in the same territory.
The legal and administrative system Israel maintains in
the Palestinian territory of the West Bank, including East
Jerusalem, applies one set of rules for Palestinians and
another for Israelis residing in the territory.
By establishing
two separate systems for Israelis and Palestinians, Israeli
authorities also violate the international law prohibition
on discrimination.
In sum, Israel’s prolonged occupation creates a situation
of serious human rights violations and unbearable living
conditions, in which communities and individuals see no
other option but to relocate.
This is in contravention of the
absolute prohibition on forcible transfer of the population in
the occupied territory inside or out of that territory.
forcible transfer of Palestinian communities undermines
their economic and social development,
which Israel is
obligated to respect.
Such actions, intended to further Israel’s settlement
policy, may amount to persecution, which is defined as
a crime against humanity under the Rome Statute of the
International Criminal Court (ICC),
The ICC Office of the
Prosecutor is therefore arguably expected to consider the
implications of these actions in its preliminary examination
of the ‘situation of Palestine’ that began in January 2015.
Structural abuses of human rights and
The relationship between IHL and IHRL is complementary:
Israel’s occupation, which is based on continuous violations
of IHL, entails systemic abuses of Palestinian human
Israel rejects the extraterritorial application of
IHRL to the occupied Palestinian territory as mandated by
international law.
However, all international bodies that
have addressed the issue have found that Israel’s obligations
under the International Covenant on Civil and Political
Rights and International Covenant on Economic Social and
Cultural Rights, to which it is a State party, apply to territory
that remains subject to its effective control and
de facto
jurisdiction through occupation.
As discussed above, the application of IHRL to the
occupied territory must, at all times, be predicated on the
full implementation of IHL rules. The Israeli policy is to
settle its own citizens on the occupied territory, through
state encouragement, organisation, material and budgetary
and the protection of their right to reside there
as Israeli citizens subject to Israel’s domestic jurisdiction.
It is then Israeli authorities and courts that adjudicate
Palestinian rights claims, under Israeli law, creating a
bifurcated legal system that pits Palestinian rights against
those of Israeli settlers, who enjoy the full gamut of
95 Aeyal Gross,
The Writing on the Wall: Rethinking the Law of Occupation
(Cambridge University Press, 2017), Chapter 5.
96 The irst measure to be considered is their removal from that place, and the only
measures to protect them in the interim should be temporary: David Kretzmer,
“Settlements in the Supreme Court of Israel”,
American Journal of International Law,
Unbound Vol.111, 2017, p.44, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/
97 “UN Fact-Finding Mission Report on Settlements”; “Separate and Unequal: Israel's
Discriminatory Treatment of Palestinians in the Occupied Palestinian Territories”,
Human Rights Watch, December 2010, available at https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/
98 Article 1, UN Charter. Article 2, International Covenant on the Elimination of all forms
of Racial Discrimination.
99 “Forced Displacement: 2015 Overview”, UN OCHA, 3 June 2016, available at
100 Article 49, Fourth Geneva Convention, 1949.
101 “Area C and the Future of the Palestinian Economy”, the World Bank, October 2013,
available at http://documents.worldbank.org/curated/en/137111468329419171/West-
102 “Customary International Humanitarian Law, Rule 156: Deinition of War Crimes”,
International Committee of the Red Cross, available at http://ihl-databases.icrc.org/
customary-ihl/eng/docs/v1; FIDH, “Investigate Persecution Arising out of Ongoing
Gaza Closure, Palestinian Human Rights Organizations Urge ICC Prosecutor”, FIDH, 21
November 2016, available at
103 “Preliminary Examination of the Situation of Palestine”, ICC Oice of the Prosecutor,
16 January 2015, available at www.icc-cpi.int/palestine;Valentina Azarova, “Palestine’s
day in court? The Unexpected Efects of ICC Action”, Al-Shabaka, 1 April 2015, available
June 2017
Cyprus v Turkey,
para 24.
88 Security Council Resolution 686 (1991) on the end of hostilities in the Gulf region, UN
Doc. S/RES/686(1991), 2 March 1991.
89 “Basic Principles and Guidelines on the Right to a Remedy and Reparation for
Victims of Gross Violations of International Human Rights Law and Serious Violations
of International Humanitarian Law”, United Nations Human Rights Oice of the High
Commissioner, adopted and proclaimed by General Assembly resolution 60/147 of 16
December 2005, available at http://www.ohchr.org/EN/ProfessionalInterest/Pages/
90 “International Fact-Finding Mission on Settlements and their Impact on the Civil,
Political, Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights of Occupied Palestinian Territory”,
United Nations Human Rights Oice of the High Commissioner, 29 June 2012, available
IsraeliSettlementsInTheOPT.aspx (hereafter, “UN Fact-Finding Mission Report on
Settlements”). See also: “Arrested Development: The Long Term Impact of the Separation
Barrier”, B’Tselem, 2012, available at http://www.btselem.org/download/201210_
91 “ICJ Wall Opinion”, pp. 187–189, paras 127–131, and pp.191–192, para 134.
92 “Concluding observations on the fourth periodic report of Israel”, United Nations
Human Rights Committee, UN Doc. CCPR/C/ISR/CO/4, 21 November 2014, para 5,
available at https://goo.gl/YOOG9H.
93 “Under The Guise of Security”, B’Tselem.
94 HCJ 1661/05,
Gaza Coast Regional Council v Knesset,
PD 59(2) 481 (2005) 524;
Meron, “The West Bank and International Humanitarian Law” p.17.
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The right of the Palestinian people to exercise self-
determination through independence and sovereignty is
internationally recognised.
As a peremptory norm of
international law, self-determination is both a general
principle enshrined in the UN Charter,
and a collective
human right of a people to “determine its own political
economic and social order, according to its own practices
and procedures of governance, rather than having these
kinds of decisions determined by a foreign power in the
course of an occupation”.
The right to self-determination is a corollary to the
prohibition on the acquisition of territory by force, because
the right protects the link that a self-determining people
maintains with a given territory.
Its premise is also
affirmed by the IHL prohibition on the transformation
of the occupied territory’s government, legal status, and
demographic characteristics. Israel’s rejection of Palestinian
self-determination and sovereignty in the territory,
therefore, is probative of its underlying intent to pursue the
permanent acquisition of Palestinian territory.
To protect the collective right to self-determination of
the local population in the occupied territory, occupation
law suspends certain decision-making processes (placing
them in what is called a state of ‘abeyance’) until the return
of the rightful sovereign – in addition to prohibiting the
representatives of the local population of the occupied
territory from waiving the law’s protections, as noted
Israel has made repeated attempts to gain
Palestinian consent and international recognition for ‘land
swaps’ between occupied territory and Israeli territory.
However, a treaty that cedes title to territory is deemed void
from the outset if it is signed under coercion that results
from the unlawful use of force.
While the representatives of the population in the occupied
territory maintain a degree of agency and are able to enter
into special agreements with the occupier during occupation
for the purpose of facilitating the territory’s administration,
such agreements cannot absolve the occupying state of its
IHL obligations.
The Oslo Accords are therefore special
agreements for the interim administration of the occupied
territory that establish the Palestinian National Authority as
a subordinate authority of the Occupying Power. The Accords
neither absolve Israel of its IHL obligations as an Occupying
104 UN General Assembly Resolution 3236 (XXIX), adopted 22 November 1974,
recognised the Palestinian people's right to self-determination, established oicial United
Nations contact with the Palestine Liberation Organisation and added the “Question
of Palestine” to the UN Agenda, available at https://documents-dds-ny.un.org/doc/
James Crawford,
Brownlie’s Principles
(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013), p.595.
106 Articles 1, ICCPR and ICESCR.
107 On the components of the right to self-determination, see: Catriona Drew, “The East
Timor Story: International Law on Trial”,
European Journal of International Law,
No.4, 2001, available at http://ejil.org/pdfs/12/4/1539.pdf.
108 Adam Roberts, “Transformative Military Occupation: Applying the Laws of War and
Human Rights”,
American Journal of International Law,
Vol.100, No.3, 2006.
109 Jennings,
The Acquisition of Territory in International Law,
110 Article 47, Fourth Geneva Convention, 1949.
nor constitute an act of consent by Palestinian
representatives to waive rights that have been subsequently
undermined by Israeli violations of international law.
Effects on Europe
Israel’s illegal use of force to prolong its occupation has
created an unlawful situation that third party states are
tasked to bring to an end under the international law on
state responsibility. Doing so will require the EU and its
member states to rethink a failed peace-making model
that has, in many cases, acquiesced to Israel’s practice and
policies, and that fail to effectively challenge the underlying
basis for its continued occupation of Palestinian territory.
Europe should align its positions and actions with the
full gamut of international law-based consequences and
promote their rigorous enforcement in furtherance of the
end of occupation, both bilaterally and in multilateral fora.
At a minimum, third states are under a responsibility in
international law to act cohesively and vigorously to ensure
the non-recognition of the unlawful situation and deny
it effectiveness. The proximity of the EU and its member
states to Israel through interstate relations and dealings
that may extend to the settlements places them in an uneasy
situation. The EU is also necessitated by its internal legal
order to ensure that it does not give legal effect to Israel’s
internationally unlawful acts in the context of their mutual
relations. Building relations with Israel without regard to
these imperatives threatens the integrity of the EU’s own
internal legal order.
All states have an obligation to uphold the international rule of law,
and to endeavour, through international cooperation, to bring an end
to serious breaches of peremptory norms of international law,
to ‘ensure respect’ for IHL.
At a minimum, all states must abstain
from recognising such violations as lawful, or aiding or assisting
them; a customary norm that is codified in the 2001 International
Law Commission’s (ILC) Draft Articles on the Responsibility of States
for Internationally Wrongful Acts.
The ILC referred specifically to
territorial acquisition through unlawful force, and the denial of
self-determination, as cases covered by this obligation,
which is
111 Articles 7 and 8 to the Geneva Conventions. The ICRC 2016 Commentary on
Convention (I) states that this article is a safeguard to ensure that a state cannot excuse
its failure to respect its obligations under the Conventions on the grounds that it is
based on the will of the protected persons (361, para. 988). Meron, “The West Bank and
International Humanitarian Law”, p.12.
112 Dinstein,
The International Law of Belligerent Occupation,
113 Article 41(1), “ILC Draft Articles on the Responsibility of States for Internationally
Wrongful Acts”, 2001. See also: Vera Gowlland-Debbas,
Collective Responses to Illegal
Acts in International Law,
(Brill I Nijhof publishers, 1990).
114 See: Common Article 1 to the Geneva Convention, Rule 144, Ensuring Respect for
International Humanitarian Law Erga Omnes, ICRC’s Customary IHL Study; Marco
Sassoli and Theo Boutruche, “Expert Opinion on Third States’ Obligations vis-à-vis IHL
Violations under International Law, with a special focus on Common Article 1 to the 1949
Geneva Conventions”, November 2016, available at www.nrc.no/globalassets/pdf/legal-
115 Articles 40 and 41(2) ILC Draft Articles on the Responsibility of States for
Internationally Wrongful Acts 2001; Stefan Talmon, “The Duty not to recognize as
Lawful a Situation Created by the Illegal Use of Force or Other Breaches of a Jus Cogens
Obligation: An Obligation without Real Substance?”, in C. Tomuschat, J.M. Thouvenin
The Fundamental Rules of the International Legal Order
(Brill I Nijhof publishers,
116 “International Law Commission, Report on the Work of Its Fifty-Third Session”, UN
GAOR, 56th Session, Supplement No 10, 114, para. 5.
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also a corollary of the principle of
ex injuria jus non oritur,
to prevent a wrongdoer from benefiting from its wrongful acts.
In the case of
de facto
annexation of foreign territory,
non-recognition is also necessitated by the law of treaties,
codified in the 1969 and 1986 Vienna Convention on the
Law of Treaties. It provides that agreements between
states, as well as those between states and international
organisations, may not be applied in a manner that affects
the rights and obligations of a third-party sovereign without
its consent.
In other words, third states and international
organisations cannot enter into agreements with Israel in
relation to Palestinian territory that have not received the
consent of the Palestinian representatives or that affect
existing agreements with them.
With the aforementioned provisions in mind, UN
Security Council Resolution 2334 calls on all states and
international actors to “distinguish, in their relevant
dealings, between the territory of the state of Israel, and
territories occupied since 1967.”
Third states that violate their obligations to ensure that
wrongdoers do not benefit from their wrongs, compromise
their own commitments to respect international law and
contribute to its observance by their partner countries. Such
states may also run afoul of the obligation not to give legal
effect to internationally unlawful acts occurring in situations
of unlawfully prolonged occupation. By giving effect to such
unlawful acts, some third parties may also compromise the
implementation of their domestic law and public policy by
relying on the other’s non-corresponding wrongful practice
and interpretations of international law.
The very reason that non-recognition is identified as a norm
of customary international law is that it is deeply embedded
in national systems. The imperative of non-recognition as
lawful of the internationally unlawful acts of other states
is a function of states’ ability to uphold the integrity and
effectiveness of their domestic legal orders. To do so, states
must guarantee their ability to rely on the practice of a
partner country for the implementation of an instrument
of privileged bilateral dealings. For this reason, states’
observance of the principle of non-recognition can take the
form of interstate enforcement measures intended to correct
the partner country’s practice as a condition for its relations
with the third state. Recent corrective measures by the EU
and its member states to their dealings with Israel are driven
by a form of this internal imperative.
EU legal necessity
Over the past few years the EU has consolidated its
commitment to non-recognition and developed a specific
position on the non-recognition of Israeli sovereignty over
Palestinian territory. This has led it to exclude public and
private entities based or operating in the settlements from
its relations and dealings with Israel and Israeli entities.
Since 2012, the EU’s Foreign Affairs Council has adopted a
set of key positions in its Conclusions that affirm the need to
adopt such ‘differentiation’ measures in all areas of EU-Israel
relations. These include reaffirming the EU’s commitment
“to ensure continued, full and effective implementation of
existing EU legislation and bilateral arrangements applicable
to settlement products,”
and mandating that “in line with
international law − all agreements between the State of Israel
and the EU must unequivocally and explicitly indicate their
inapplicability to the territories occupied by Israel in 1967.”
The need to differentiate between Israeli and occupied
Palestinian territory is an imperative of EU law and policy that
is needed to enable the full and effective implementation of EU
and member states’ domestic laws. The EU and its institutions
are legally bound under the Lisbon Treaty to ensure respect for
international law in the exercise of their powers.
The EU also
has an interest in preventing and resolving ongoing conflicts,
and to this end is committed to encouraging the observance
of international law by its partner countries, particularly those
involved in armed conflicts. This aspect of the EU’s Common
Foreign and Security Policy is also reflected in the EU’s
Guidelines for Promoting Compliance with IHL.
The EU’s commitment to the imperative of non-recognition
can be traced back to the European Community’s 1991
declaration on the recognition of new states, which states
that “[t]he Community and its Member States will not
recognise entities which are the result of aggression”, and
notes that the commitment to the principles of the UN
Charter and the inviolability of all frontiers,
inter alia,
to be “laid down in agreements”.
In a statement to the
Sixth Committee of the General Assembly, on 30 October
2007, the European Commission affirmed that:
“[…] international organisations [such as the EU]
are also (like States) under an obligation not to
recognise as lawful a situation created by a serious
breach (draft Article 45 paragraph 2). In this respect
the SR [Special Rapporteur] rightly mentions the
declaration of the Community and its Member States
121 “Council Conclusions on the Middle East Peace Process”, the European Council,
20 July 2015, available at www.consilium.europa.eu/en/press/press-releases/2015/07/20-
“Council conclusions on the Middle East Peace Process”, the European
Council, 18 January 2016, available at www.consilium.europa.eu/en/press/press-
123 See, for example:
Anklagemyndigheden v. Poulsen and Diva Navigation Corp.,
C-286/90, 24 November 1992, para. 9.
124 “European Union Guidelines on Promoting Compliance with International
Humanitarian Law (IHL)”, the European Commission, www.consilium.europa.eu/
125 “Declaration of Guidelines on the Recognition of New States in Eastern Europe and
in the Former Soviet Union”, adopted at an Extraordinary EPC Ministerial Meeting at
Brussels on 16 December 1991; text in
European Journal of International Law,
No.72, 1993.
June 2017
117 Martin Dawidowicz, “The Obligation of Non-Recognition of an Unlawful Situation”, in
James Crawford (ed),
The Law of International Responsibility
(Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 2010), pp.677-686.
118 Articles 29 and 34, Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, 1969 and 1986. See
its application in,
Council v. Front Polisario,
Judgment of the European Court of Justice,
Grand Chamber Judgment, C-104/16 P, 21 December 2016.
119 UN Security Council Resolution 2334 (2016), para 5.
120 Krassimir Nikolov, “Ashton’s Second Hat: The EU Funding Guidelines on Israel as
a Post- Lisbon Instrument of European Foreign Policy”,
6 October 2014,
available at http://diplomacy.bg/archives/1299?lang=en.
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of 1991. It should be pointed out that this was a joint
statement of the international organisation and its
members. It therefore also forms part of the practice
of the European Community as an international
The EU’s Lisbon Treaty also requires that consistency
is maintained between the EU’s policy positions and
its activities, including its external relations. This is a
fundamental obligation of “unassailable necessity” to the
EU’s legal order.
The European External Action Service
is charged with ensuring that the EU’s external relations do
not disrupt its ability to fully implement EU law, including
instruments of privileged dealings, consistently with EU
public policy, in order to protect the integrity of the
The EU has begun to apply its internalised non-recognition
imperative to its relations with Israel and Israeli entities. It
significantly furthered the implementation of this imperative
to these relations with the European Commission’s July
2013 guidelines on the implementation of the EU’s financial
which set out the parameters of Israel’s
participation in EU programmes such as Horizon2020
and which prohibit EU funding of Israeli entities based or
operating in the settlements.
dealings with Israel and Israeli entities that are predicated on
its unlawful acts. Instead, the revision of EU-Israeli dealings
has been piecemeal, and includes numerous cases where
the implementation of EU law remains deficient.
EU’s dealings with other partner countries that wrongfully
maintain occupations of foreign territory, for example
Morocco, suffer from similarly deficient approaches to the
implementation of non-recognition. But here, too, growing
awareness of the risks that such relations represent to its
legal order has begun to raise the EU’s awareness of the
need to correct its interstate relations and private dealings
with Moroccan entities. In a 21 December 2016 judgment,
the European Court of Justice Grand Chamber upheld that
Morocco, arguably with EU acquiescence, was wrongfully
applying the EU-Morocco Association Agreement to the
territory of the Western Sahara, without the consent of
the Sahrawi people or their internationally recognised
representative, the Polisario Front.
The EU’s observance of international law through non-
recognition can contribute to bringing about Israel’s respect
for its international law obligations. UN Security Council
Resolution 2334 arguably appreciates the prospects of
furthering the enforcement of international law through non-
recognition by calling on all states to uphold the territorial
distinction between Israeli and Palestinian territory.
The EU is also well positioned to encourage other third states
and international actors, including regional organisations
and blocs such as the European Free Trade Association and
Mercosur, whose member countries engage in relations
and dealings with Israel and Israeli entities to review their
dealings and correct them as necessary to ensure the non-
recognition of Israel’s internationally unlawful acts.
To activate such restrictive and corrective measures of
non-recognition, their significance for the internal legal
orders of states and the harmful consequences of their
non-implementation should be transparently and publicly
communicated to both nationals and domestic regulatory
authorities. A transparent process for the adoption of
non-recognition measures would also minimise attempts
to obstruct such measures through political pressure and
undermine their significance for states’ internal legal orders.
Need for coherence
The EU needs to act more diligently to implement non-
recognition in the context of its relations with Israel,
as well as in other contexts of unlawfully prolonged
occupations. Where the EU and member states have
failed to apply the principle of non-recognition, they have
harmed the EU’s legal order and undermined its ability to
protect EU nationals, including corporate entities, from
the reputational, economic and legal risks associated
with Israel’s internationally wrongful acts. The revisions
undertaken by the EU to ensure non-recognition of Israel’s
sovereignty over Palestinian territory has arguably benefited
Israel in the long run by facilitating the EU and its member
states’ risk-free dealings with Israel and Israeli entities in a
manner that does not give effect to Israel’s internationally
unlawful acts. However, proposals to this effect are opposed
by some EU member states.
The EU and member states have not yet devised a coherent
policy and process for proactively detecting and correcting
126 Cited in Charles Shamas, “EU-Third Country contractual engagements under the
European Neighbourhood Policy: Improving the EU’s Normative Housekeeping through
Ex-Ante Conditionality and Safeguard Provisions”, in
Building a Neighbourhood on
Shared Values: Do the EU and its Member States have legal obligations to ensure that
agreements with partner countries are not implemented in violation of fundamental
principles of international law?,
Brussels, 27 November 2007, (unpublished). (hereafter,
Shamas, “EU-Third Country contractual engagements”).
127 See, Armin von Bogdandy, “Founding Principles”, in A von Bogdandy, J Bast (eds),
Principles of European Constitutional Law,
2011, pp.11-54.
128 Shamas, “EU-Third Country contractual engagements”;. Patrick Muller and Peter
Slominski, “The Role of Law in EU Foreign Policy-making: Legal Integrity, Legal Spillover,
and the EU Policy of Diferentiation towards Israel”,
Journal of Common Market Studies,
2016, p.6.
129 “Guidelines on the eligibility of Israeli entities and their activities in the territories
occupied by Israel since June 1967 for grants, prizes and inancial instruments funded
by the EU from 2014 onwards”,
Oicial Journal of the European Union,
19 July 2013,
130 Hugh Lovatt, “EU diferentiation and the push for peace in Israel-Palestine”, the
European Council on Foreign Relations, 31 October 2016, available at http://www.ecfr.
131 CJEU C-104/16 P,
Council v. Front Polisario,
Grand Chamber, Judgment of 21
December 2016.
132 UN Security Council Resolution 2334 (2016), para 5.
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Charting a way forward
Israel’s continued occupation of Palestinian territory
attracts legal consequences beyond occupation law. The
demonstrated effects of Israel’s actions in bringing about the
annexation of large parts of the Palestinian territory violate
the prohibition on the use of force to acquire territory, and
the internationally recognised right to self-determination
of the Palestinian people. Occupation law alone does not
offer a sufficient remedial course of action for these serious
breaches of peremptory norms of international law.
There is broad consensus about the applicability of
occupation law to Israeli actions in relation to Palestinian
territory, yet few third states and international actors have
adopted positions and measures directed at Israel’s unlawful
exercise of sovereign authority in the occupied Palestinian
territory. Even fewer third parties have adopted positions
on the consequences of its actions under the law on the use
of interstate force, let alone taken active measures to require
and compel Israel to bring an end to its unlawfully prolonged
occupation of Palestinian territory through full and effective
withdrawal from the territory that returns effective control
to the Palestinian sovereign.
International law provides a rigorous system of disincentives
that is commensurate with the gravity of Israel’s acts.
However, not all relevant international law norms have
been applied diligently to this situation of unlawfully
prolonged occupation. All states should appraise the
nature and effects of unlawful Israeli acts in view of the
threat they pose to international peace and security, and
should ensure they do not recognise as lawful these acts,
their effects, and the rights and benefits they purport to
create. This is a requirement for all states participating in
the observance of international law, which requires states to
cooperate through international mechanisms – such as the
United Nations General Assembly and Security Council, the
ICC, and ICJ – to further measures that could alleviate the
harms suffered by victims and incentivise the wrongdoing
authorities to cease and desist from their unlawful acts.
The EU and its member states must ensure, in line with their own
laws and policy, the non-recognition of Israel’s internationally
unlawful acts. Ensuring non-recognition is a legal necessity
as it enables the full and effective implementation of EU law
and guarantees protection for EU nationals and companies.
Accordingly, the EU and its member states are required to
exclude unlawful Israeli activities outside the 1967 borders,
as well as other internationally unlawful acts engaged in by
Israeli authorities (e.g. intelligence gathering in contravention
of human rights and international law standards), from their
dealings with Israel and Israeli entities. To proceed in their
relations and dealings with Israel and Israeli entities, the EU
and its member states must ensure that Israel is willing to
respect and align its conduct with the positions of the EU and
its member states’ on the correct application of international
law, or to effectively exclude its unlawful activities in the
occupied territory from the scope of such dealings.
The EU and its member states are also required, under their
domestic law, to regulate their businesses’ operations in,
and in relation to, Israeli settlements. Some 18 member
states have issued advisories alerting EU-based companies
of the risks of such activities.
Yet, these notices should
be coupled with domestic compliance measures; those
that inform businesses and other domestic subjects of the
risks such activities entail under domestic laws, and that
concomitantly instruct domestic regulatory authorities
about the correct implementation of domestic law to such
transnational activities. To this end, and in adherence to
their obligations as ‘home-states’ under the UN Guiding
Principles on Business and Human Rights,
EU states
should also support the work of the UN to establish a
database of businesses operating in settlements, pursuant
to Human Rights Council Resolution 31/36 of March 2016.
To guarantee the coherence and transparency of its decisions,
the EU should comprehensively assess its dealings with Israel
and Israeli entities, in line with its legal necessity to ensure
the non-recognition as lawful of internationally unlawful acts,
and with its policy commitment to the implementation of
‘differentiation’ measures in the Israeli/Palestinian context.
The EU and its member states should also be looking to review
their dealings in and policy positions on other contexts of
unlawfully prolonged occupation. The reasons and basis for
such measures should be openly communicated by the EU on
behalf of its member states to establish a unified position on
the need to adopt measures to protect the EU legal order and
to avert against attempts to disrupt their implementation.
June 2017
133 “EU member state business advisories on Israeli settlements”, the European Council
on Foreign Relations, November 2016, available at http://www.ecfr.eu/article/eu_
134 “Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: Implementing the United
Nations ‘Protect, Respect and Remedy’ Framework”, United Nations Global Compact, A/
HRC/17/31, 21 March 2011, Principle I: State Duty to Protect, available at https://www.
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Unlawfully prolonged occupation
The term ‘unlawfully prolonged occupation’ is not a technical
term or legal category of international law; it is a descriptive
term used in this paper. An unlawfully prolonged occupation
arises when an occupying state seeks to permanently
transform the status of a territory, its government, or its
demographic characteristics. This includes the pursuit of the
de facto
de jure
annexation of the occupied territory, or
support for a proxy government or secessionist movement.
Such actions by an occupying state amount to violations
of occupation law and constitute serious breaches of the
peremptory norms of international law (jus
those on the use of interstate force.
Jus in bello
Jus in bello
– synonymous with international humanitarian
law (IHL) or the law of armed conlict – regulates the conduct
of parties engaged in an armed conlict and occupation. IHL
seeks to minimise sufering in armed conlicts, including
by protecting victims of armed conlict and ofering special
protection to vulnerable populations such as ‘protected
persons’, i.e. the local population in the occupied territory.
To ensure the protection of all civilians, and guarantee
compliance by belligerents, IHL applies equally to all
belligerent parties irrespective of the legality of their reasons
for engaging in war. The rules on occupation enshrined in the
two main instruments on the law of occupation – the 1949
Fourth Geneva Convention and 1907 Hague Regulations
– safeguard the welfare of the population, and protect its
political and legal order from sweeping transformation by the
occupying state.
Jus in bello
is regarded as being applicable
independently from
jus ad bellum.
Jus cogens
Jus cogens
(Latin for ‘compelling law’) is an international
legal term that refers to the peremptory norms of
international law from which no derogation is permitted,
and from which states cannot opt out. These norms are
recognised by the international community as foundational
and fundamental to the maintenance of an international
legal order. While there is some disagreement among states
about the content of
jus cogens,
it authoritatively includes
the prohibition on the use of interstate force, the prohibition
of racial discrimination, and the right to self-determination.
Violations of
jus cogens
attract the consequence of invalidity
of such acts and the rights and beneits they constitute,
and trigger third states and international organisations’
obligations to not recognise such acts as lawful, and to
cooperate to bring them to an end.
International human rights law
International human rights law (IHRL) is a set of
international norms enshrined in a series of international
treaties, including the two human rights covenants (the
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the
International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural
Rights), as well as a list of specialised human rights treaties.
Many IHRL norms are customary and thereby binding on
all states and non-state actors. IHRL continues to apply in
times of armed conlict and occupation of foreign territory
(the occupying state’s obligations apply extraterritorially).
States are permitted to derogate from their IHRL obligations
if their actions accord with IHL. In time of occupation,
particularly when hostilities have subsided, the application
of IHRL is likely to overtake that of IHL, to ensure more
protection for civilians when the Occupying Power acts in
the capacity of a
de facto
administrator, akin to a civilian
(non-military) authority. The application of IHRL to the
occupied territory is conditional on the occupying state’s full
implementation of IHL, which prohibits the occupying state
from transferring its population into the occupied territory
and treating it as part of the local population.
Jus ad bellum
Jus ad bellum
refers to the conditions under which states
may resort to armed force in international relations. The
prohibition against the use of interstate force enshrined
in the 1945 UN Charter, which prohibits states from
resorting to force against the territorial integrity or political
independence of any state or self-determining people’s
territory, is a core element of this body of rules. According
to this body of law, a state can maintain an occupation,
which requires its continuous use and threat of force, only
if such force is justiied on grounds of military necessity
and proportionate to its lawful military objectives. The
acquisition of territory by force, or attempts to force the
territory’s secession, amount to violations of the
jus ad
and trigger consequences of invalidity of the acts
and beneits they create, as well as the responsibilities of
third states (see
jus cogens).
International criminal law
International criminal law is a body of public international
law that provides a body of rules that deines international
crimes − the most heinous acts that ofend humanity and
harm the fundamental interests of the whole international
community. Such acts include the most serious violations
of IHL and IHRL and, in such manner, facilitate their
enforcement. ICL provides the basis for adjudicating the
individual liability of alleged perpetrators of acts deined
as international crimes in the 1998 Rome Statute of the
International Criminal Court (ICC), through international
prosecution. Since 2001, the ICC has been charged with
jurisdiction over its State Parties, given certain prerequisites,
which since 2015 include Palestine (the preliminary
URU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 215: Materiale fra høring om danske investorers ansvar og handlemuligheder i forhold til investeringer i virksomheder med aktiviteter i israelske bosættelser den 1. juni 2017
June 2017
examination of Palestine by the ICC Oice of the Prosecutor
remains underway since January 2015). States party to the
1949 Fourth Geneva Convention are also required to enact
laws and seek the prosecution or extradition of individuals
suspected of committing a grave breach of the Conventions
(synonymous with war crimes), irrespective of nationality.
Right to self-determination of people
The right to self-determination of people is the right of a
people to freely determine, without external interference,
their political status and to pursue their economic, social, and
cultural development. It is a customary norm of international
law, considered to have the status of a peremptory norm of
international law (jus
This collective human right
is enshrined in the two main human rights covenants (see
IHRL). It is also a principle of international law, enshrined
in Articles 1 and 55 of the 1945 UN Charter and in a series
of United Nations General Assembly resolutions, notably
the 1960 Declaration on the Granting of Independence to
Colonial Countries and Peoples and the 1970 Declaration
on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly
Relations and Co-operation among States.
URU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 215: Materiale fra høring om danske investorers ansvar og handlemuligheder i forhold til investeringer i virksomheder med aktiviteter i israelske bosættelser den 1. juni 2017
About the author
Dr. Valentina Azarova
is an international law researcher
and practitioner with a focus on the Israel/Palestine
context. She is currently based at the Center for Global
Public Law, Koç University, Istanbul. She also advises
the Global Legal Action Network (GLAN). She has
undertaken research on the law of occupation and ongoing
situations of occupation since 2007 and has published on
these issues. She also has extensive experience advising
inter- and non-governmental organisations. Her current
research looks at statesʼ obligations of abstention and
non-recognition in international law, and the role of
domestic regulatory processes in the enforcement of
international law.
I would like to thank the team at ECFR without whom this
publication would not have been possible. I am particularly
indebted to Hugh Lovatt and Gareth Davies. Most of all,
I would like to thank the many experts, academics and
practitioners, who offered insight on the issues covered
in this paper. While some remain anonymous, I owe a
special debt of gratitude to Omar Dajani, Lina Fattom,
Ata Hindi, and Iain Scobbie. Needless to say, I remain
entirely responsible for any mistakes or omissions, and
bear sole responsibility for the content.
ECFR is grateful to the Open Society Foundations for
making this project possible. We would also like to extend
our ongoing thanks to the governments of Norway and
Sweden for their support of ECFR’s Middle East and North
Africa Programme.
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June 2017
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© ECFR June 2017
ISBN: 978-1-911544-16-6
Published by the European Council
on Foreign Relations (ECFR),
7th Floor, Kings Buildings,
16 Smith Square, London,
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June 2017