Udenrigsudvalget 2016-17
URU Alm.del Bilag 19
Democratic Union Party in Denmark
Pressemeddelelser og information
vedrørende situationen i
Rojava/nordlige Syrien
URU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 19: Henvendelse af 24. oktober 2016 fra Democratic Union Party in Denmark om situationen i Rojava/nordlige Syrien
Pressemeddelelse fra PYD-Danmark
Pressemeddelelse fra KNK, Kurdistan National Congress
Pressemeddelelse fra The General Co-ordinating Authority of the Cantons of the
Democratic Self-Administration (Al JAzira, Kobani and Efrin)
Pressemeddelelse fra politiske partier i Rojava/nordlige Syrien
URU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 19: Henvendelse af 24. oktober 2016 fra Democratic Union Party in Denmark om situationen i Rojava/nordlige Syrien
Mandag den 24. oktober 2016
Den tyrkiske stats angreb på kurdiske styrker må stoppes!
PYD-Danmark fordømmer den tyrkiske stats angreb i Rojava og kalder den danske regering samt
de danske partier til handling!
Som de danske medier ligeledes har berettet, så angriber tyrkisk militær de kurdiske styrker i
Rojava/nordlige Syrien.
Den tyrkiske stat er en del af den koalition, der bekæmper Islamisk Stat. Det er ligeledes denne
koalition de kurdiske styrker er em del af og får støtte fra.
De kurdiske styrker har vist sig, at være det mest effektive våben på landjorden i kampen mod de
sortklædte tyrammer fra IS.
De kurdiske kvinder har i kampen mod IS bevist deres mod og deres ønske om frigørelse – en
frigørelse som modsætter sig alt hvad IS står for – en frigørelse som vores regering har kæmpet for i
blandt andet Afghanistan.
Det er derfor absurd, at vores regering og politiske partier er tavse, når den tyrkiske stat i den grad
styrker IS ved at angribe de kurdiske styrker. Det er forkasteligt, at man tillader dette.
Den tyrkiske stats angreb er ikke kun målrettet kurderne, men mod alle, der kæmper for demokrati,
frihed og fred.
PYD-Danmark kalder derfor de danske politikere til at handle omgående.
Venlig Hilsen
URU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 19: Henvendelse af 24. oktober 2016 fra Democratic Union Party in Denmark om situationen i Rojava/nordlige Syrien
Stop Turkish invasion in Northern-Syria
Turkish fighter-jets are bombing villages in Shehba and Efrin-Rojava-
In an active pursuit to prevent the development of the resistance situation against terrorism and extremist
groups, the Turkish air forces
bombed the villages of
Um Al
Housh and Um Al Qura
after their liberation from
In addition,
Turkish artillery
have shelled villages in the
Efrin areas.
As a
result of this bombardment,
four civilians have been killed
and tens of people heavily
injured, a further ten freedom fighters were killed.
The bombardment is still ongoing.
This bombardment comes in an extermination campaign exercised by the Turkish state against the Syrian
people. It is also a direct support for Daesh mercenaries after receiving a fatal blow from the revolutionary
forces there.
These immoral practices by the Turkish state are incompatible with all international covenants
and conventions and are directed against our people and the people of Syria.
The international community and the authorities concerned with fighting terrorism must intervene to prevent
the Turkish intervention. Ignoring or turning a blind eye, by those who are concerned with the Syrian case,
led to the expansion of Turkey's role in Jarablus and ultimately using their air force to bomb the surrounding
These practices are conclusive evidence that the Turkish state does not differ from the Syrian regime in
bombing and exterminating the Syrian people. This is the best proof that those parties endeavour to prevent
any solution to the Syrian reality, by allowing extremist forces to regroup their forces in areas where they
were previously defeated.
We strongly condemn the Turkish state’s invasion in the Shehba and Efrin regions and their vile attacks.
Erdoğan and his policies have been defeated in Mosul and Iraq. This is why he wants to invade Syrian
territory to win back what he lost in Iraq. Turkey wants to take back the ``Misak-ı Milli`` territories it lost
after World War II. Turkey’s goal with these attacks isn’t just to invade Northern Syria, but to invade Syria
as a whole.
Thus, all international powers should take a stance against the Turkish state’s invasion
towards Northern-Syria.
We call upon our people everywhere to express their views and condemn these violations, crimes and the
blatant infringement on the sovereignty of Rojava and Syria.
Kurdistan National Congress, 20 October 2016
URU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 19: Henvendelse af 24. oktober 2016 fra Democratic Union Party in Denmark om situationen i Rojava/nordlige Syrien
Public Statement
Turkish Warplanes Bombed Villages in Al Shahba Area (Rojava-Kurdistan,
Since yesterday, Turkish warplanes have violently bombed the villages of
Um Al Housh, Um Al
Hasiya in Al Shahba
area in northern
These villages were recently liberated by
the revolutionary forces. The bombing comes just hours after the liberation of 5 villages,
Al Shahba
Syriatel centre
from Daesh terrorists.
We, the General Co-ordinating Authority of the Cantons of the Democratic Self-Administration (Al
Jazira, Kobani and Efrin) condemn this blatant attack, perpetrated by the Turkish state against our
people and threatens the lives of hundreds of innocent civilians.
We affirm that we will do whatever necessary to protect civilians and all other components in
northern Syria.
We emphasise that the recent Turkish attack appears to be a reaction to the liberation of villages
from Daesh terrorists. It is a conclusive evidence that the Turkish state is the defender of the
terrorist organisation, Daesh, and other affiliated terrorist groups and individuals.
Accordingly, we call upon the international community, the United Nations, the United States, the
Russian Federation, international human rights and civil society organisations, to act immediately
and stop the Turkish aggression and prevent the Turkish state from threatening the peace and
security of our region with their continued violations of Syria's sovereignty and international laws
and conventions.
This attack must not be met with international silence, as it happened when Turkey occupied the
city of Jerablus.
We also call upon all Syrians to act responsibly and stop the shelling, which proves that the losers
are Syria itself and the political process to resolve the Syrian crisis.
The General Co-ordinating Authority of the Cantons of the Democratic Self-Administration (Al
JAzira, Kobani and Efrin)
URU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 19: Henvendelse af 24. oktober 2016 fra Democratic Union Party in Denmark om situationen i Rojava/nordlige Syrien
A Call to the United Nations
UN High Commissioner for Refugges
Relief and humanitarian organizations and relevant countries fighting terrorism
With the beginning of the liberation of the Nineveh Plain and the city of Mosul – areas inhabited by
more than one million Iraqi citizens – thousands of Iraqis began to arrive to Al-Jazeera Canton in
Rojava to escape the horrors of war in a time this region is crowded with refugees from Iraq and
Syrian cities as well who found a sanctuary in Rojava. In this time these Cantons lack necessary
capabilities to provide needed services to those refugees. There is a number of camps for refugees
in Al-Jazeera and Kobane and Afrin Cantons, occupied by massive numbers of Syrian and Iraqi
families, such as; Newroz, Roj, Alhol and Mabrouka camps in Al-Jazeera canton and Shaheed
Rubar camp in Afrin Canton.
These camps cannot bear the burdens of these huge flow of refugees continuing to come towards
Rojava, which itself suffers from the suffocating siege and the closing of the crossings in the face of
transporting or admission of any kind of aid and relief materials and goods.
We, as representatives of Kurdish, Arabic, Syriac and Assyrian political parties and forces, appeal
to you to provide urgent financial and logistical support for the Democratic Self-administration in
Al-Jazeera Canton in order to help with the refugee flows and to prevent an imminent humanitarian
catastrophe, especially as winter approaches.
Kind Regards
Political parties in the Democratic Society Movement, TEV DEM
The parties of National Kurdish Alliance in Syria
Left-wing and Kurdish Democrats Assemblage parties in Syria
Syriac Union Party
Assyrian Democratic Party
Arab National Commission
Kurdistan Democratic Party of Syria