Udenrigsudvalget 2016-17
URU Alm.del Bilag 14
7 October 2016
The Gathering Sahraoui Democratic
07 /10/2016
Ladies and gentlemen the Danish Parliament Deputy and The Foreign Affairs
Committee members
Ladies and gentlemen the Danish Parliament Deputy:
Freedom of opinion and expression is a fundamental human right guaranteed by
international conventions, and the duty of all human rights organizations and all democratic
regimes defend the people’s right to participate effectively in the political, social and
administrative management of their affairs.
We as Sahrawi’s living in refugee camps of Tindouf, a lot of us worked for the leaders
of the Polisario Front, and since 40 years, we live under the favor of humanitarian aid and
are waiting for a solution that will brings us back to our land.
We are human beings like the rest of God’s creation, we want to live in freedom and
dignity, and cannot keep living in isolated camps, and waiting for the distribution of
humanitarian aid every month.
Ladies and gentlemen and The Foreign Affairs Committee members:
A free civilian society does not exist in the camps and the population of the camps lives
under the pressure of a political and administrative system that does not allow political
freedom or the rights of association and free press. As result, we are forced to live with the
unilateral political and social vision dictated by the polisario front.
The Polisario conditions of the constitutional and civil laws for the independence. The
human rights must not be violated under the pretext of diverse topics, the context, or what
is the situation of the individual or society because the human rights, and his beginning is
the fundamental base of the life and The progress that look for every person, every
community and of every people.
Ladies and gentlemen the Danish Parliament Deputy:
Despite the ban that we suffer in the camps, we have decided to form a political party
to defend our rights for a democracy. It is our duty to defend our rights, and strive to be
applied and respected in a climate of democracy, justice and freedom.
The Gathering Sahraoui Democratic is a political party that has been founded by a group of
young Sahrawi’s living in the camps, Spain, Sahara, Mauritania and France to reflect the
ardent desire of the Saharawi youth for political freedom and democratic openness. It is also
a party, which struggle to ensure democracy, as a way, as a path, and a guide to meet the
Sahrawi refugee’s requirements; which were stuck in a peace process for more than twenty
years. We are determined to promote and encourage the expression and exchange of ideas,
URU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 14: Henvendelse af 7. oktober 2016 fra the Gathering Sahraoui Democratic om situationen i saharawiske flygtningelejre
without force or coercion, with a vision for progress, and a will to establish a democratic
future and a better world for our children.
Ladies and gentlemen the Danish Parliament Deputy:
If the international community, for one reason or another; is helpless or unable to find
a political solution to this long-standing conflict, we must think about a human solution for
the refugees who have been lost in the desert.
We are talking to you today to inform you of the humanitarian situation and we hope to
get an appointment with you to exchange views on the various consequences of the conflict
and the implications, and how we can work to change this terrible situation.
Ladies and gentlemen and The Foreign Affairs Committee members, please accept the
expression of my best regards. I remain at your disposal for any further information.
Salah Khatri
General coordinator and spokesman
[email protected]