Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn 2016-17
UPN Alm.del Bilag 95
Medlemmerne af Folketingets Europaudvalg
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14. december 2016
Mødet i Det Europæiske Råd og uformelt EU27-topmøde den 15.
december 2016
Til underretning for Folketingets Europaudvalg vedlægges hyrdebrev fra
formanden for Det Europæiske Råd forud for mødet i Det Europæiske
Råd og uformelt EU27-topmøde den 15. december 2016.
Anders Samuelsen
UPN, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 95: Hyrdebrev fra formanden for DER forud for DER 15. december 2016
European Council
The President
Brussels, 13 December 2016
Dear colleagues,
We will meet on Thursday to discuss defence policy, migration as well as economic issues. This
time, as agreed, we will start with the traditional exchange of views with the President of the
European Parliament at 12.30.
We will then continue over lunch. Prime Minister Fico will update us on the progress in
implementing the previous European Council conclusions. We will then turn to migration, where we
have made important steps forward, not least on our external borders, but there is still work to be
done. We will review the progress on the internal and external strands, including the
implementation of the EU-Turkey statement and the Partnership Framework, as well as on
financial mechanisms to support origin, transit and host countries. Thereafter, we will discuss
external affairs: a draft decision on the Association Agreement with Ukraine, so as to open the way
for the ratification of the agreement; President Hollande and Chancellor Merkel will present the
state of play as regards the implementation of the Minsk Agreements and the situation in Syria.
Finally, President Anastasiades will inform us about the Cyprus settlement negotiations.
The afternoon working session will start with defence policy, for which Europeans must take
greater responsibility. Our aim is clear: to strengthen Europe's security in a challenging geopolitical
environment, and to better protect our citizens. We need to give a strong, political impetus on key
issues, in order to invest more and cooperate better amongst ourselves and with our partners. The
onus lies with Member States, but the EU can and will support their efforts. NATO Secretary
General Stoltenberg will join us at the beginning of this session to exchange views on EU-NATO
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UPN, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 95: Hyrdebrev fra formanden for DER forud for DER 15. december 2016
After the adoption of the conclusions on security and defence, we will turn to economic and social
issues. We will review the proposed extension of the Investment Plan for Europe and the recent
initiatives dedicated to youth, including on mobility, education and skills development. I have also
asked the President of the European Central Bank to deliver a brief intervention and give us his
views on the economic recovery and outlook. We should conclude our proceedings before dinner.
After the conclusion of the European Council, there will be an informal meeting over dinner of the
EU27 leaders to discuss Brexit. The purpose is to agree on our internal organisation and
procedures, and thus ensure that we are ready for the Brexit talks.
I look forward to seeing you in Brussels.
Yours sincerely,