Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn 2016-17
UPN Alm.del Bilag 82
Council of the
European Union
(OR. en)
PR CO 62
3504th Council meeting
Foreign Affairs
Brussels, 28 November 2016
Federica Mogherini
High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security
Rue de la Loi 175 B – 1048 BRUSSELS Tel.: +32 (0)2 281 6319 / 6319 Fax: +32 (0)2 281 8026
[email protected]
UPN, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 82: Rådssekretariatets referat fra rådsmøde (udenrigsanliggender - udvikling) 28. november 2016
28 November 2016
Revision of the European consensus on development ......................................................................... 3
EU-ACP relations post 2020 ................................................................................................................ 3
Migration and development ................................................................................................................. 4
Energy and development ...................................................................................................................... 4
Results report on EU international cooperation and development .......................................................................... 9
Mainstreaming digital solutions and technologies in EU development policy ........................................................ 9
EU common position ............................................................................................................................................... 9
European Court of Auditors Special Report No 15/2016 ...................................................................................... 10
Relations with Georgia .......................................................................................................................................... 10
EUNAVFOR Operation Atalanta .......................................................................................................................... 10
Union for the Mediterranean ministerial meeting on Energy ................................................................................ 10
Where declarations, conclusions or resolutions have been formally adopted by the Council, this is indicated
in the heading for the item concerned and the text is placed between quotation marks.
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Documents for which references are given in the text are available on the Council's internet site
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Acts adopted with statements for the Council minutes which may be released to the public are indicated by
an asterisk; these statements are available on the Council's internet site or may be obtained from the Press
UPN, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 82: Rådssekretariatets referat fra rådsmøde (udenrigsanliggender - udvikling) 28. november 2016
Revision of the European consensus on development
28 November 2016
The Council discussed the revision of the European consensus on development, on the basis of a
proposal from the European Commission. The communication, presented on 22 November 2016,
provides a new framework for development cooperation for the EU and its member states and
aligns it with the UN 2030 agenda for sustainable development.
During the debate, ministers insisted on the integration of aspects such as the root causes of
migration or gender equality in the new consensus. They also underlined the importance of
strengthening the links between development and humanitarian aid. Ministers also stressed the need
of a strong cooperation with civil society and private actors.
The new consensus will follow the spirit of the current European consensus on development (2005)
but will be adapted to the changed global environment. As before, it is expected to be adopted as a
joint statement by the Council and the representatives of the member states meeting within the
Council, the European Parliament, and the European Commission.
European Commission communication on a new European Consensus on development
EU-ACP relations post 2020
Ministers had an exchange of views on future relations between the EU and the African, Caribbean
and Pacific (ACP) countries, in view of the expiry of the Cotonou Agreement in 2020.
The discussion took place on the basis of a joint communication from the European Commission
and High Representative Federica Mogherini, adopted on 22 November 2016. It was an orientation
discussion, based on the options proposed in the joint communication, which focused on three main
aspects: the structure of the future relationship, the nature of the possible agreement, and the
geographical coverage.
Communication on a renewed partnership with African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries
UPN, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 82: Rådssekretariatets referat fra rådsmøde (udenrigsanliggender - udvikling) 28. november 2016
Migration and development
28 November 2016
Ministers discussed the follow up to the Valletta summit one year after it was held and in view of
the upcoming senior officials meeting in Valletta, foreseen for 8-9 February 2017.
The High Representative updated ministers on the progress made in the establishment of the
framework of partnership approach and the country specific compacts, with a focus on its
development aspects. Ministers welcomed the progress achieved so far. They also discussed
progressive broadening of the geographical scope of the ongoing work to other partner countries.
This discussion will feed into the preparation of the European Council of 15-16 December.
Finding solutions to migratory pressures
Energy and development
The Council adopted conclusions on energy and development.
The Council recalls its conclusions of 20 July 2015 on EU Energy Diplomacy which
underlined the need to ensure coherence between EU foreign and energy policies. The
Council further recalls the Energy Union strategy and calls for Europe to become the world
leader in renewable energy, including research, innovation and technologies. The Council
underlines that the EU's development policy and actions in the energy sector are a
fundamental part of a revitalised European energy and climate diplomacy. The Council
underlines the importance of policy coherence for sustainable development and the need to
strengthen linkages between development, energy, climate, environment, water, and food
and nutrition security, as well as research and innovation policies.
The Council recognises that access to energy is crucial for eradicating poverty and for
delivering on the 2030 Agenda and achieving the sustainable development goals (SDGs),
notably SDG7 on access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all, and
SDG13 on climate action. The Council stresses that energy is also comprehensively linked
to the achievement of all other SDGs. The Council reaffirms the EU and its Member
States’ commitment to assist partner countries in providing energy access to 500 million
people by 2030 and stresses the importance of decentralised renewable energy in reaching
universal access to energy.
UPN, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 82: Rådssekretariatets referat fra rådsmøde (udenrigsanliggender - udvikling) 28. november 2016
28 November 2016
In line with the EU Global Strategy on Foreign and Security Policy and the related Council
conclusions of 17 October 2016 , the EU stands ready to support neighbouring countries
and all relevant development partners around the world in their energy transition efforts,
which are essential for building resilience. The Council acknowledges that lack of or
uneven access to energy is part of the root causes of irregular migration.
The Council stresses the need for an EU strategic approach for cooperation and
development in energy, with three interlinked objectives: i) of addressing the lack of
energy access; ii) of increasing energy efficiency and renewable energy generation to
achieve a sustainable balance between energy production and consumption; and iii) of
contributing to the global fight against climate change in line with the Paris Agreement and
the related Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) presented by the Parties.
The Council welcomes the recent EU ratification of the COP21 Paris Agreement, which
enabled its entry into force, confirming the EU’s readiness to be at the core of the
transition of the global economy towards a climate-neutral future, resource efficient and
low-carbon societies. It further supports the promotion of affordable, sustainable and safe
access to energy and energy services as essential elements for sustainable economic growth
as well as for stability and security across the world. The Council recalls that cleaner and
more sustainable energy production and consumption will be central for delivering on the
EU commitment to achieve a balance between anthropogenic emissions by sources and
removals by sinks of greenhouse gases in the second half of this century.
The Council further encourages the EU and its Member States to promote partnerships and
structured political dialogue on sustainable energy with their neighbours and all relevant
development partners, including the private sector, drawing on the EU Energy Diplomacy
and EU Climate Diplomacy Action Plans, and in order to promote win-win solutions and
mutually beneficial cooperation, including on innovation. The EU underlines the
importance of multi-stakeholder partnerships such as the Sustainable Energy for All
(SE4All) initiative for delivering on SDG 7. Policy dialogue and joint activities should
notably be reinforced in the framework of the Joint Africa-EU Strategy, in view of the
2017 Africa-EU Summit and within the Africa EU Energy Partnership in particular.
Similarly, the EU should continue its efforts in the context of the CELAC-EU Action Plan,
the Joint Caribbean-EU Partnership Strategy, the Joint Declarations concluded with several
African partner countries and Pacific states, and the partnerships for renewable energy
supported in all these countries through the Global Climate Change Alliance (GCCA), as
well as its work with key partners such as the US, in support of sustainable energy.
UPN, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 82: Rådssekretariatets referat fra rådsmøde (udenrigsanliggender - udvikling) 28. november 2016
28 November 2016
The Council supports the Africa Renewable Energy Initiative (AREI) launched by African
Heads of State at COP21 and led by the African Union. It welcomes progress made on the
AREI’s governance at the 28th Summit of the African Union in Kigali and on
implementing commitments made by partners of the AREI at COP21 to mobilise 10 billion
US dollars cumulatively from 2015 to 2020.
The Council recognises that unlocking Africa's energy potential in a sustainable manner
and interconnecting Europe and Africa across the Mediterranean implies further increasing
the generation capacity, developing cross-border interconnections and energy transit across
Africa and between Africa and the EU, greater energy efficiency, mutually beneficial
technology transfer, as well as off-grid sustainable energy systems and adequate
technology to reduce rural-urban divide in electricity access, including supply through
solar systems for rural households. It also recognises the need to develop existing and new
energy connectivity across Europe and Asia. In that context, the Council acknowledges the
transitional role that gas can play in meeting energy demands for particular countries and
their sustainable energy transformation towards renewable energies and increased energy
The Council recognises that the use of traditional biomass for cooking dominates the
energy balance, in particular in sub Saharan Africa, and has major impact on health and
wellbeing, especially for women and girls. Therefore the Council stresses the importance
of promoting clean cooking solutions.
The Council supports efforts to make international energy institutions more representative
and inclusive of emerging and developing economies, to support regional and multilateral
initiatives, and to promote stable, sustainable and market based energy systems. The
European Union moreover supports strengthening appropriate frameworks for the energy
sector that are conducive to trade and investment all around the world and in particular in
African countries and regional organisations. Platforms and policy processes, supported,
inter alia, by technical assistance facilities, aiming at enabling conducive environments to
investments in the sustainable energy sector, should be reinforced and mainstreamed with
an emphasis on existing platforms and instruments for coordination. To this end, the EU
knowhow and expertise, at Union, country and local levels, will be shared to the benefit of
the consumers and people both in Europe and in the partner countries. The Council
recognises the importance of the EU Energy Initiative as a forum for exchange amongst the
EU and its Member States in order to promote the coherence of the European energy
development cooperation.
UPN, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 82: Rådssekretariatets referat fra rådsmøde (udenrigsanliggender - udvikling) 28. november 2016
28 November 2016
The Council stresses the importance of ownership in partner countries of reinforced
governance for meeting the needs in sustainable energy and for promoting an appropriate
and transparent regulatory framework for the energy sector. The Council further stresses
the importance of an enabling environment to overcome market distortions, financing
obstacles and regulatory barriers that impede private sector engagement, including micro,
small and medium enterprises (MSMEs). The Council also underlines the need to address
and develop opportunities that the sustainable energy sector brings to the MSMEs. The
Council recalls the need to gradually eliminate environmentally harmful subsidies that are
incompatible with sustainable development, including for fossil fuels, and to promote
solutions that are resource efficient, climate-smart and contribute more effectively to
poverty eradication. The Council recognises the importance of technical assistance for
reforming energy policy and institutional and legal frameworks.
As investments needed to achieve universal access to sustainable energy are estimated to
be almost EUR 1 trillion up to 2030 , the Council underlines the need to crowd in
additional funds, including with the involvement of the private sector and the use of
innovative financing and project development initiatives and instruments such as ElectriFI,
the Africa-EU Renewable Energy Cooperation Programme (RECP), and the Regional
Investment Facilities, as well as through the guarantee fund proposed as part of the
External Investment Plan. Private sector engagement should be further enhanced with
regard to the financing of sustainable energy infrastructures and the related creation of
green jobs. The EU will work together with its partners in the framework of existing
initiatives as listed in May 2016 by the Africa EU Energy Partnership, such as the African
Renewable Energy Initiative, notably to build on existing programmes, identify priority
projects and programmes, and in fulfilment of the Joint Declaration between the European
Union, the European Investment Bank and the Caribbean Forum (CARIFORUM) on
reinforced cooperation in the field of sustainable energy, as well as in the framework of the
continued and broadened EU-New Zealand energy partnership for the Pacific.
The Council emphasises the key contribution of women in the energy value chains, in
particular in promoting renewable energies and increasing access to energy and energy
services. The Council stresses the need to further support the empowerment of women,
girls and youth, and their involvement in the energy sector, including through women
entrepreneurship, education and vocational training. In this context, the Council underlines
the importance of increasing women’s access to sustainable energy services in line with the
EU Gender Action Plan.
UPN, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 82: Rådssekretariatets referat fra rådsmøde (udenrigsanliggender - udvikling) 28. november 2016
28 November 2016
Civil society organisations and local authorities also have an important role to play as
critical partners in a bottom-up transition to a global low-carbon economy and society
through adequate planning and investment, where energy efficiency should be enshrined in
education syllabuses and vocational training curricula.
The Council recognises the enabling role of digital technologies in facilitating the
management of electricity and electricity consumption, and supports the use of digital
solutions in promoting education for energy efficiency.
The Council further stresses the importance of raising awareness and of communicating
results of EU cooperation and development in energy both to European and to partner
countries’ to mobilise and involve citizens towards this goal. It therefore calls on the
Commission to ensure proper linkages with the EU Results Framework and to report in the
framework of the Annual Report on the EU’s development and external assistance policies
and their implementation. To this end, the Council stresses the need for the Commission
and Member States to work towards the harmonisation of definitions, indicators and
methodologies for the monitoring of global progress towards the achievement of SDG 7.
UPN, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 82: Rådssekretariatets referat fra rådsmøde (udenrigsanliggender - udvikling) 28. november 2016
Results report on EU international cooperation and development
28 November 2016
The Council adopted conclusions on the first results report on EU international cooperation and
development. The report is a significant step forward in strengthening the focus on performance and
results in EU international cooperation and development.
Read the
full text of the conclusions
Mainstreaming digital solutions and technologies in EU development policy
The Council adopted conclusions on mainstreaming digital solutions and technologies in EU
development policy.
Digitalisation needs to be properly mainstreamed across all policy areas, including in the EU’s
development and foreign policies, while addressing cyber challenges and assuring the promotion
and protection of human rights, with particular attention to freedom of expression online.
Read the
full text of the conclusions
EU common position
The Council adopted conclusions on the EU common position for the second high level meeting of
the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation (GPEDC), which will take place in
Nairobi, from 29 November until 1 December 2016 (14684/16).
The development effectiveness agenda and the global partnership for effective development
cooperation (GPEDC) mark a shift from aid to development effectiveness, moving from a focus on
official development assistance (ODA) flows to broader development partnerships and actors. It
will provide a major contribution to implementation of the 2030 agenda in developing countries.
UPN, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 82: Rådssekretariatets referat fra rådsmøde (udenrigsanliggender - udvikling) 28. november 2016
European Court of Auditors Special Report No 15/2016
28 November 2016
The Council adopted conclusions on the European Court of Auditors special report No 15/2016
"Did the Commission effectively manage the Humanitarian aid provided to populations affected by
conflicts in the African Great Lakes Region?"
The Court deems the Commission's management of humanitarian aid in the African Great Lakes
Region during the period 2011-2015 to have been generally effective. According to the report,
most of the projects delivered satisfactory results in a difficult working environment characterised
by security constraints and challenging logistics.
Relations with Georgia
The Council approved the EU position for the third meeting of the Association Council with
Georgia, which will take place on 2 December 2016.
EUNAVFOR Operation Atalanta
The Council extended the mandate of the operation until 31 December 2018. The Council allocated
to the operation a budget of EUR 11.064 million from the so-called common costs from the next
two years.
Union for the Mediterranean ministerial meeting on Energy
The Council approved the position of the EU and its member states on the draft declaration of the
Union for the Mediterranean ministerial meeting on Energy that will take place in Rome, on the 1st
December 2016.
UPN, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 82: Rådssekretariatets referat fra rådsmøde (udenrigsanliggender - udvikling) 28. november 2016
28 November 2016
The declaration emphasizes the massive potential of the region in terms of energy efficiency to save
energy, create jobs, save money for citizens and industry, and reduce carbon emissions in a cost
effective way.
It also reiterates the importance of building strong energy cooperation in the Euro-Mediterranean
Region through a shared vision and common priorities.