European Council
The President
Brussels, 21 September 2017
Dear colleagues,
Prime Minister Ratas has asked me to chair our dinner ahead of the Tallinn Digital Summit, which
is why I am writing to you.
On 29 June 2016, a few days after the Brexit vote in the United Kingdom, we decided to begin a
reflection on the future of a European Union of 27 Member States. The first meeting devoted to
this, in September 2016, resulted in the Bratislava roadmap. We agreed to focus our attention on
the issues of most immediate concern to our citizens: migration, security as well as economic and
social matters. We further developed this agenda in Malta and in Brussels this year, leading to the
Rome declaration, which outlined a more comprehensive vision for the years to come.
In parallel, we set out to deliver on this agenda also during our regular European Councils. We
managed to sort out several issues, which is why the situation in Europe is better today and we
can look to the future with more optimism. On migration, we focused first on the Eastern
Mediterranean Route, then the Central Mediterranean Route, regaining control of our external
borders and bringing down the number of irregular migrants and deaths at sea. On security, we
continued to strengthen our instruments against terrorism and made important progress on
European defence, including in cooperation with NATO. On the economic front we embarked on a
reorientation of our trade policy so that negative effects of globalisation are mitigated. We are
maintaining high ambitions in terms of market opening (trade agreements with Canada and Japan)
while strengthening the robustness of our response to unfair trading practices.
On each of these issues, we still have important and hard work ahead of us. We need to
consolidate our external migration policy, improve our capacity for returns and reach durable
solutions on a reformed asylum system. We must continue to strengthen European defence, in the
first instance by launching the Permanent Structured Cooperation in December. Equally, we need
to continue to improve our economic base, including through the digital single market (Tallinn
summit), while ensuring that it is socially balanced (Gothenburg summit in November).
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