Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn 2016-17
UPN Alm.del Bilag 282
European Council
The President
Brussels, 21 June 2017
Dear colleagues,
It is fair to say that we will meet in a different political context from that of a few months ago, when
the anti-EU forces were on the rise. The current developments on the continent seem to indicate
that we are slowly turning the corner. In many of our countries, the political parties that have built
their strength on anti-EU sentiments are beginning to diminish. We are witnessing the return of the
EU rather as a solution, not a problem. Paradoxically, the tough challenges of the recent months
have made us more united than before. But it is also thanks to your determination, that we have
preserved this unity. I thank you for this, and I ask for more. Our unity is precisely the reason why
we are in a much better place today, with the new-found optimism for the future.
However, we cannot be complacent or naïve. We have to prove to the people that we are capable
of restoring control over events which overwhelm and sometimes even terrify. Last year we agreed
that the EU will protect our people against security threats, illegal migration and uncontrolled
globalisation, and we must continue to deliver. Therefore, during the upcoming European Council,
I want us to move further on our policy response in these three areas.
Firstly, security. Terrorism remains a major threat. The recent attacks highlight the new wave of
home-grown radicalisation. Let me be honest: the EU will not replace national states in this fight,
because the policy response depends mainly on governments. But the EU can help to win this
fight. So far we have made progress on foreign fighters and returnees. Now it is time to step up
cooperation with the online industry. Terrorist propaganda makes its biggest impact within the first
few hours of being posted. We should therefore encourage the industry to develop tools that will
automatically detect and remove content that spreads terrorist material or incites to violence.
Given that Europe's security is our common responsibility, I would also like us to agree on the
need to launch Permanent Structured Cooperation in defence. For it to succeed, we will need your
ambitious commitments: from projects that develop our defence capabilities, to more demanding
tasks such as military operations. Decisions in this respect will demonstrate not only our
determination to invest more in Europe's security and defence, but also our responsibility for
transatlantic relations, at a time when it is needed on our side of the Atlantic as never before.
Every Member State should be invited to participate in the newly emerging defence cooperation
and no-one should be excluded. This cooperation can be the best example that we are not
promoting "different" speeds, but setting up a work method that should allow the whole EU to gain
the "right" speed.
Rue de la Loi/Wetstraat 175 - 1048 Bruxelles/Brussel - Belgique/België
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UPN, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 282: Hyrdebrev fra formanden for Det Europæiske Råd forud for møde i Det Europæiske Råd den 22.-23. juni 2017
Secondly, on illegal migration, we need to review the situation on the Central Mediterranean route.
The number of illegal arrivals of primarily economic migrants to Italy has increased by 26%
compared to last year; around 1 900 people have lost their lives at sea, and the smuggling
business is taking on a new dimension. Some operational results of our decisions have been
achieved, namely the training of Libyan Navy Coastguards, the arrests of more than 100
smugglers and the neutralisation of more than 400 of their vessels. But this is clearly too little, and
I don't see why we cannot bear greater financial responsibility for the functioning of the Libyan
Navy Coastguards. They are our allies in the fight against smugglers. I am drawing your attention
to this, because at the working level some of your representatives are not taking the necessary
decisions in this regard.
Finally, on uncontrolled globalisation. In order to protect our free trade agenda at home, we must
prove that we can defend Europe against those who want to abuse our openness. To that end, we
must ensure that our Trade Defence Instruments are efficient. We need to have a serious debate
on how to enhance reciprocity and screen investments from countries that impose unfair
restrictions. People need to know that we can protect them from unfair trading practices.
As for the meeting agenda, we will start our proceedings with the traditional exchange of views
with the European Parliament President Tajani, at 15.00 on Thursday. Following this exchange,
Prime Minister Muscat will update us on where we stand in implementing our previous conclusions.
Our first working session will be dedicated to internal security, counterterrorism and defence. After
the adoption of our conclusions on these points, we will suspend our work to meet the press. We
will reconvene for a working dinner dedicated to external relations. Chancellor Merkel and
President Macron will first present the state of play as regards the implementation of the Minsk
Agreements. Then I will share with you my reflections after the recent international summits and
meetings, including with Presidents Trump and Erdoğan. In that context I would like
us to recall
that we stand united behind the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. At the end of the dinner,
Prime Minister May will inform us on her intentions as regards the negotiations on the withdrawal
of the United Kingdom from the European Union. After dinner, I will invite the 27 leaders to stay for
a brief update on the negotiations, and to endorse the procedure for the relocation of the UK-based
On Friday, we will start at 10.00 with ECB President Draghi, who will present the current economic
situation. Following that, we will move on to trade and adopt the relevant conclusions. We will then
tackle conclusions on migration, where Prime Minister Muscat will inform us on the follow-up to the
Malta Declaration. Before concluding, we will briefly turn to the concept of Digital Europe with
Prime Minister Ratas, in view of the incoming Presidency's work programme. Our meeting should
end around lunchtime.
I look forward to seeing you all in Brussels.
Yours sincerely,