Europaudvalget 2016-17, Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn 2016-17, Forsvarsudvalget 2016-17, Udenrigsudvalget 2016-17
EUU Alm.del Bilag 372, UPN Alm.del Bilag 143, FOU Alm.del Bilag 49, URU Alm.del Bilag 98
Current duties
On 1 November 2014, Christos Stylianides started as the European Commissioner for
Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management.
On October 24 2014, he was appointed by the European Council EU Ebola Coordinator.
Political Career
May 2014-October 2014:
Member of the European Parliament (EPP Group).
Member of the Committee on Budgets and substitute Member of the Committee on
Industry, Research and Energy.
Member of the Delegation for relations with the USA. Substitute Member of the
Delegation for relations with Israel.
Government Spokesperson of the Republic of Cyprus.
Senior political official in the Executive branch, managing the Government’s
communication strategy and heading the Government’s centralized Press and Information
Participated in the proceedings of the Council of Ministers and the meetings of the
National Council of Cyprus.
Accompanied President Nicos Anastasiades, as a member of his delegation, to all EU
and UN high-level meetings.
Stepped down in April 2014 to run as candidate in the May 2014 European Parliament
Member of the Cyprus House of Representatives (Elected in 2006 and 2011 with
Democratic Rally/DISY).
Vice-Chair of the Committee on Foreign and European Affairs (2011-2013).
Member of the Committee on European Affairs, the Committee of Internal Affairs and the
Committee of Employment and Social Affairs (2006-2011).
Member of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly (2006-2011).
Elected Member of the Bureau of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly in 2012.
Member in several missions of the OSCE PA.
Represented Cyprus at plenary sessions and committee meetings of the Union for the
Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly.
Government Spokesperson of the Republic of Cyprus (under former President
Glafcos Clerides).
Senior member of Government with a similar institutional role as in 2013.
Member of the President´s delegation to EU accession talks and intercommunal
negotiations for Cyprus´s reunification.
Resigned in 1999, in protest over a political corruption case which involved the public