14. July 2017
J.nr. 17/07893
Position paper on the next European Framework Programme
The European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation plays a significant
part in developing the research and innovation capacity of the European community
as well as the individual member states. Public investments in research and innovation
are necessary to boost excellent research and support radical, market-creating inno-
The investments of today will have an important impact on economic growth, social
development and job creation in Europe in the short as well as the long run. The future
Framework Programme should strengthen the research quality in Europe, maintain
Europe as a hub for groundbreaking research and innovation, and thereby strengthen
European resilience and competitiveness.
Horizon 2020 has played a significant role in developing the research and innovation
capacity of the European community as well as individual member states. Our hope is
that the European community will maintain and strengthen the commitment to re-
search and innovation for the benefit of Europe and the rest of the world.
Going forward, Universities Denmark urges the European politicians to strive for a
framework programme that rightly emphasises excellent research as the main driver
for societal development. We have 9 key messages and 42 recommendations to ensure
the success of next framework programme.
Key messages
Maintain excellence throughout
FP9 to ensure innovation, growth
and job creation
Emphasise excellent research as the
foundation for groundbreaking in-
Improve the standards of evalua-
tion to ensure trust in the European
Framework Programme
Widen participation and optimise
the use of structural funds in order
to include excellence from all over
Maximise long-term societal impact
to benefit the European public
Ensure better involvement of Social
Sciences and Humanities to maxim-
ise socio-economic impact
Address the great societal chal-
lenges through frontier, interdisci-
plinary and collaborative research
Engage in joint activities and public-
public partnerships that bring
added value
Establish a European Innovation
Council with a strong base in sci-
ence and an emphasis on simplifica-
tion and consolidation