Transport-, Bygnings- og Boligudvalget 2016-17
TRU Alm.del Bilag 365
TRU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 365: Offentliggørelse af rapport om førerløse S-tog, fra transport-, bygnings- og boligministeren
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Main report
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TRU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 365: Offentliggørelse af rapport om førerløse S-tog, fra transport-, bygnings- og boligministeren
Objective for the study
Driverless potential
Preconditions for the investigation
Description of scenarios
Future development
passengers and other projects
Platform Safety
Safety between stations
Stepless Boarding
Flexibility and Capacity Enhancing Infrastructure
Power Supply
Driverless Rolling Stock
Combining and Splitting of Trainsets
Depot and Workshop
Rollout Plan
Natural staff reduction
Overall Assessment
Event based Risk overview
Project timeline and discount rate
Detailed results
Break Even Analysis and Payback periods
Sensitivity analysis
Conclusion and results
TRU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 365: Offentliggørelse af rapport om førerløse S-tog, fra transport-, bygnings- og boligministeren
Main report
In accordance with the agreement on
metro, light rail, suburban rail lines and bicycles
of 12
June 2014, Ramboll Denmark, as main advisor together with associated international sub-
consultants, conducted an investigation on the reorganisation of the S-bane to metro operation.
The purpose of the investigation has been to explore the possibilities and perspectives of
reorganising the S-bane to automatic and driverless operation (metro operation) in connection
with the purchase of the next generation of S-trains. The current S-trains lifespan expires in the
years 2026-2036.
Automatic and driverless train operation can form the basis for a vision of better train service for
less money. Automation creates the possibility to achieve higher frequency, increased punctuality,
fewer cancelled trains and lower costs. A reorganisation of the S-bane to metro operation is a self-
financing project, where the necessary investments associated with the reorganisation can be paid
with gains in the operational costs. The project will also allow for improvement of the level of
service on the S-bane, combined with a reduction of government costs for the S-bane.
of the S-bane to metro operation is technically feasible and can be carried out
without significant risks, as automatic operation is part of the basic functionality of the Signalling
Programme which is rolled out on the S-bane in these years. The
to driverless
operation will only require minor adjustments to the Signalling Programme.
Forecasts for the development of the Capital Region in the next decades show that there will be
significant population growth and thus also a significant increase in traffic. Traffic patterns will also
change and further after the commissioning of the Cityringen and the light rail on Ring 3, which
both runs across the S-bane’s
fingers. To reduce congestion and support green
transport, the
public transport system must be able to be expanded smoothly. Therefore there is a need for the
S-bane to be operated in a way that will enable this development to be adapted continuously.
of the S-bane for automatic and driverless operation will make future S-bane
investments significantly more profitable so that the expected increases in demand can be met
without necessarily having to increase the state's subsidy for rail traffic. In addition, the service
level may increase during the evenings, weekends and night hours, where there are no material
and capacity restrictions as in daytime. Thus, the S-bane can offer round the clock service, as we
know it from the metro.
In this investigation, the possibilities and perspectives of driverless operation of the S-trains has
been investigated. The investigation has included operational, capacity related, technical, financial
and personnel matters. The possibilities are compared with the current operation of the S-bane,
where there is a driver in all trains.
The investigation shows that the overall operational cost savings associated with the transition to
driverless operation are expected to exceed the cost of the necessary investments associated with
the project. Furthermore, it will be possible to extend the scope of operations on the S-bane,
combined with a reduction of the cost of S-train traffic as compared to today.
The investigation has identified two overall scenarios for a
of the S-bane to metro
Scenario 1:
The S-bane is automated without changing the scope of operation on the S-
bane compared with today. Scenario 1 has a net revenue of DKK 1,311 million and is
TRU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 365: Offentliggørelse af rapport om førerløse S-tog, fra transport-, bygnings- og boligministeren
Main report
economically viable based upon an
internal interest rate of return of 6 percent.
Scenario 2:
The S-bane is automated and the scope of operation on the S- bane is
increased by 24 percent compared to today. In scenario 2, the annual number of travellers
will increase by 11 percent. Scenario 2 has a net revenue of DKK 309 million and is
economically viable based upon an
internal interest rate of return of 9 percent.
The savings for each of the scenarios are based on an average life of 30 years for the investments
and are calculated by discounting all investments, costs and gains to 2016 with a
discount rate of
of the S-bane to metro operation is thus a self-financing project, which in
addition could also improve the S-bane service level to the benefit of passengers.
1.1.1 Investment needs
In addition to the minor adjustments of the Signalling Programme, the reorganisation of the S-
bane to metro operation will require investments in infrastructure and new driverless trains. In
addition, there will be additional costs for the operation and maintenance of a driverless S-bane.
The driver currently handles the arrival and departure of the S-train and ensures that the S-train
can drive arrive at the station and open and close doors at arrival and departure. In case of
driverless operation, a monitoring system is established that detects contaminants on the tracks
and, if necessary, causes an emergency stop of a train. Experience from other railways with
driverless operation shows that by establishing such a system the safety level at the platforms can
be at least at the same level as for the current operations. Along the tracks between the stations
fences shall be established - also on bridges.
At all stations a possibility for level free access (stepless entry) to the train will be established and
the train will be equipped with a gap-filler. In this way, disabled people will be self-reliant on
boarding and leaving the train, where it today requires intervention by the driver with increased
dwell time as a consequence.
The analysis has shown that a combination of 3-car train sets that can be combined to up to three
train sets with a maximum train length of 165 m will be most appropriate to accommodate the
passenger needs. There will be no need for additional workshops or depots for any of the two
Driverless trains are more expensive to acquire than traditionally manned trains. However, this is
offset by the fact that the turnaround time at end stations for driverless S-trains is shorter than for
manned trains. Thus a higher utilization rate can be achieved and the total number of trains can
be reduced when the system is rendered driverless.
1.1.2 Roll-out plan
The investigations have shown that a decision to introduce driverless operation on the S-bane
must be taken before the purchase of new S-trains commences to ensure that the new S-trains
can be used for driverless operation without having to be changed after delivery. As it is a
comprehensive project that requires changes in infrastructure, purchase of new driverless trains
and the completion of a series of tests, it a decision on the project should be made no later than in
The roll-out of driverless operation on the S-bane must be carried out in a manner that affects the
current operation as little as possible. To ensure this, it is proposed to complete the rollout in
phases where the first phase is a pilot phase, which comprises the Ringbane (Hellerup-Ny
Ellebjerg). The pilot phase shall be used to test the solution and collect experience without
affecting the other lines on the S-bane. Subsequent roll-out of the project on the other lines of the
TRU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 365: Offentliggørelse af rapport om førerløse S-tog, fra transport-, bygnings- og boligministeren
Main report
S-bane will then take place in phases where experience from the Ringbane is utilised.
If a decision is made to carry out the project has been taken not later than in 2019, the pilot
phase on the Ringbane can take place in the years 2022-2026, while the roll-out of the other
sections can take place in the years 2025-2030. This is a conceptual schedule, as the rollout of the
project can be postponed by lifetime extension of existing S-trains, although this can be costly and
impact the operating stability of the S-bane.
The technology-based technological solutions on which the project is based are all in operation on
one or more existing driverless railways in urban areas. The envisaged rollout plan, in which the
project will roll out over the next decade, will probably imply that new technologies in the
meantime will emerge and can possibly be used for the final rollout of the project. These yet
unknown technologies may potentially contribute to further improvement of the safety level and
thus provide even more attractive solutions than those described - also in regards to investments
and operational purposes.
1.1.3 Human resources
Remuneration of personnel directly involved in the operation of the S-bane is today a significant
cost driver. With the reorganisation of the S-bane to driverless operation, the will be no need for
drivers and other operational personnel, while a small number of train stewards will be required to
carry out service tasks currently carried out by drivers.
It is considered possible to carry out the project without having to dismiss staff, when taking into
account retirements and potential transfer of staff to the long distance and regional lines. Specific
models for dealing with excess staff should be investigated in a possible later phase. The
immediate human resource issue is primarily a question of maintaining the required number of
employees at the S-bane during the transition period, as some employees might be expected to
consider changing jobs as a result of a political decision to make the S-bane driverless. As part of
the project it must be ensured that a sufficient number of drivers are available during the
transition phase.
As a result of a reduction of the need for operational-oriented personnel by 90%, it will be possible
for each of the proposed scenarios to increase the capacity in periods when it is not fully utilized
without significant changes in operating costs. This implies that the business model for operating
the S-bane with driverless operation will be significantly different from the business model for the
current mode of operation, where the operating costs are highly dependent on the amount of
trains operated. Thus, the driverless operation will contribute to a significant expansion of the
capacity and new more flexible operational opportunities.
1.1.4 Metro-like operation and classical operation
As part of the investigation, a comparison was made of the advantages and disadvantages of
classical and metro-like operations on the S-bane in connection with a conversion to driverless
operation. Classical operation involves driving a mix of fast trains that stop at selected stations
and trains that stop at all stations. Metro-like operation implies that all trains stop at all stations.
The studies show that the choice between the two types of operation does not significantly affect
the outcome of the project. Thus, a reorganisation of the S-bane to automatic and driverless
operation can be carried out independently of the choice between the two operating models. The
choice between metro-like and classic operation - or possibly a combination of both - can be taken
in conjunction with the timetable planning in the wake of an S-bane reorganisation to automatic
and driverless operation. In today's situation, DSB switches between the two operating models
during the operating day.
TRU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 365: Offentliggørelse af rapport om førerløse S-tog, fra transport-, bygnings- og boligministeren
Main report
Summary - key figures
The passenger related and financial key figures for the project are shown in the tables below.
The effects of the project are calculated as additional costs to a base scenario where the S-trains
are replaced with new manned S-trains, and the level of service of the S-bane remains unchanged
as compared with today.
Economic effects in relation to basis
Present values*, DKK Mio. 2016 prices
- CBTC upgrade
- Stepless entry
- Platform-edge safety
- Fencing along rails
- Upgrade of traction power
- Train needs
- Driverless technology
Operations and maintenance
- Train maintenance and power supply etc.
- Maintenance of infrastructure
Contractor administration cost
Total costs
Ticket sales
Reduction of staff
Total revenue
Net revenue
Payback time (Break-even)
Note: "Summary error" is due to rounding up.
* This is the present value related to the financial cash flow, which should not be mixed up with the socio-
economic present value from the socio-economic cost-benefit analysis.
** S-train demand is reduced in scenario 1, although the production volumes remain unchanged as compared
with today, as driverless S-trains have shorter turnaround times and thus have a higher utilization rate.
*** Ticket sales are reduced in scenario 1, due to the marginally extended dwell times at stations (and thus
travel times) as a result of on-board gap fillers (stepless boarding). This marginal change will affect the traffic
model calculations, but is unlikely to make any significance in practice.
Scenario 1
Scenario 2
18 years
19,5 years
Passager-based effects in relations to
basis (DKK)
Scope of production
Growth as compared with basis
Number of annual travellers on the S-bane
Growth as compared with basis
Number of annual collective travellers in
the capital area
Growth as compared with basis
Economy (Internal
rate of return)
Scenario 1
15,9 mio trainkm
111,9 mio.
373,8 mio.
6,1 %
Scenario 2
19,7 mio. trainkm
24 %
124,7 mio.
11 %
378,1 mio.
9,6 %
TRU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 365: Offentliggørelse af rapport om førerløse S-tog, fra transport-, bygnings- og boligministeren
Main report
The study of reorganisation of the S-bane for driverless operation is documented in a main report
(this paper) and a number of sub-reports.
The main report provides an overview of the study highlighting and describing conclusions and key
findings within the different focus areas of the study. Each of focus areas has an attached sub-
report, where a more detailed analysis and documentation of the conclusions and findings can be
found. The main report is divided into 9 main sections:
1. Executive summary
This section summarises the objective and conclusion of the study.
2. Reading guide and report structure
This section explains the structure of the main report and links to sub-reports where a
more comprehensive analysis can be found.
3. Introduction
The introduction outlines the objective and background of the study and highlights its key
4. Methodology
The methodology section describes the overall approach and method applied in the study.
5. Operational scenarios
This section describes the analysis, assessment and conclusions made in relation to the
operational concepts and scenarios. The detailed analysis can be found in Appendix 1:
Operational Plans.
6. Infrastructure and rolling stock
This section concerns the different infrastructure and rolling stock focus areas of the study.
Each item has its own sub-report:
Appendix 2: Safety (Platforms, etc.)
Appendix 3: Stepless Boarding
Appendix 4: Track Capacity in the Central Section
Appendix 5: Flexibility and Capacity Enhancing Infrastructure
Appendix 6: Driverless Rolling Stock
Appendix 7: Combining and Splitting or fixed Trainsets
Appendix 8: Depot and Workshop Facilities
Appendix 9: Power
Appendix 10: Rollout Plan
7. Organisation
This section describes the organisational analysis and assessment. The detailed
investigation can be found in Appendix 12: Organisation.
8. Risk and cost estimate
This section describes the risk analysis. The detailed analysis can be found in appendix 11:
Risk and cost estimate.
9. Financial analysis
This section describes the financial analysis. The detailed investigation can be found in
Appendix 13: Financial and socio economic assessment.
10. Socio economic assessment
This section describes the socio economic analysis. The detailed investigation can be found
in Appendix 13: Financial and socio economic assessment.
11. Conclusion
TRU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 365: Offentliggørelse af rapport om førerløse S-tog, fra transport-, bygnings- og boligministeren
Main report
Objective for the study
According to plan, the next generation of Rolling Stock on the S-bane in Copenhagen shall be
procured within the next decade. As part of the long term preparation for that the general
requirements, feasibilities and context related factors must be investigated and assessed.
Technological innovation must e.g. expect to lead to potentials quite different from the mid-
nineties where the existing generation of Rolling Stock were implemented. Equally, Greater
Copenhagen has changed substantially during the last decade, driven by growth and prosperity,
which has influenced the general traffic patterns.
In this overall context, the objective of the study is to deliver fact based pointers and feasibility
assessments that can initiate the next step in a decision making process that will eventually bring
the next generation of the S-bane successfully into operation.
A particular focus in the study is related to unattended train operation, i.e. mode without any
driver. An increasing number of urban traffic systems worldwide have already transferred, or will
in the upcoming years introduce UTO. The key questions related to that are to which extent will
such solutions could fit to the Copenhagen S-bane from a technical, a financial and a service
provision perspective.
Accordingly, the methodologic frame for assessment of the overall objective is to:
Investigate a financial potential associated with UTO, documented in a formalised Business
Clarify the span of feasible technical solutions that can support the business case
Ensure that certain service requirements, defined as more or less formal precondition, can
be met
Driverless potential
Driverless systems have several superior characteristics compared to a regular attended system.
It’s more flexible
in situations where it is necessary to recover from irregular operation, as the
operation is independent of the drivers and their rosters. Also, extra trains are easier to put into
operation, e.g. if additional capacity is needed due to special events. Furthermore, the absence of
drivers ensures that dwells are kept within the defined dwell time. Situations with a shortage of
drivers (e.g. due to illness) are also avoided in a driverless system.
However, from an optimization perspective of the overall operation, the single most powerful
potential of the UTO mode emerged from the fact, that costs related to operation of one long train
equals two trains of half the size and with double the frequency. Accordingly,
it’s possible to satisfy
a given capacity demand by smaller units operated with higher frequency for the benefit of
customers. Often, the higher frequency makes official time plans redundant due to the very high
availability. Equally, transfers from one line to another, or between different transportation
systems are perceived as very smooth and easy. These factors therefore attract more customers
and make the public transportion more competitive.
This optimized operation is usually enabled by simple network layouts, where train units and
frequency can be combined very flexibly. As the S-bane merges out of several distinct lines into
one central section, makes it a little more challenging. Also, the layout makes the impact of
disruptions or significant delays more complex. The driverless potential needs therefore to be
derived without creating bottlenecks in the inner section, or a too low frequency provision on the
outer lines.
That’s the fundamental
objective in context.
TRU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 365: Offentliggørelse af rapport om førerløse S-tog, fra transport-, bygnings- og boligministeren
TRU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 365: Offentliggørelse af rapport om førerløse S-tog, fra transport-, bygnings- og boligministeren
Main report
Remain current safety level
A major challenge for converting a system like the S-bane into a driverless
system is the safety requirements and approval process. The investigation
is therefore based on an approach where the safety level needs to be at
least the same level going from STO to UTO operation.
Same service provision for special segments
The service provision is likewise assumed to be at least the same across
needs of different user groups; in particular access for disabled people
needs to be at least the same.
TRU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 365: Offentliggørelse af rapport om førerløse S-tog, fra transport-, bygnings- og boligministeren
Main report
An assessment of the possibilities for introduction of UTO on the S-bane requires investigations
into a wide range of operational, technical and organisational focus areas. The areas are to a wide
extent mutually interdependent and the result from one focus area serve, might have an impact in
the investigations in other areas. For that reason, the study has been divided into distinct focus
areas making cross analysis more transparent. The areas are:
Best performing operational scenarios
Feasible and high potential technical solutions related to infrastructure and rolling stock
Analysis of associated organisational impact
Total financial and social economic assessment
The investigation of operational scenarios has been designed in order to develop a number of
potential alternatives making determination of the best performing as clear and significant as
possible. Through an iterative process, preferred scenarios have been defined and selected for
further investigations based upon relevant key parameters covering operational and financial
indicators. The basic idea has been to explore how different potential
baseline cases
defined from
the particular design characteristics of the total railway network
bottlenecks in the central
section, distant outer lines, existence of a ring line, etc.
can be used to optimize performance.
Subsequently, derived from that approach a considerable number of different operational
scenarios, equally distributed between Classic and Metro, have been assessed. Each one of them
has been investigated in order to find promising patterns, potentially ready for further in-depth
financial analyses. Variations associated with any non performing baseline cases at the other hand,
has been excluded. The outcome of these analyses has led to adjustment and a narrowing of
competing scenarios.
For the above mentioned processes PRIME
has been used for technical and operational analysis,
and the OTM
has been used for calculation of the passenger impact
The technical investigations
covering safety, infrastructure and rolling stock
have included
identification of alternative solutions and assessment of their suitability for the S-Bane with a clear
separation between
need to have
nice to have
investments. For each area of investment
budgets and operational budgets have been established to serve as input for the financial analysis.
Some elements of the technical investigation and investigation of operational scenarios are directly
linked to driverless operation (e.g. platform safety), while others are more indirectly linked (e.g.
coupling of train units). The study will highlight the distinction between elements and solutions
that are directly and indirectly linked to driverless operation.
Both the investigation of operational scenarios and technical solutions end up with a number of
recommendations. It is however important to emphasize that the recommendations shall be
perceived as
conceptual design choices,
aiming at proof of concept for driverless operation. This
implies that the recommended solutions
and their attributes and characteristics
will change
along with the specification of the project and the technical development within the industry.
PRIME is a simulation model developed and provided by Parsons enabling a structured investigation of travel time, dwell time, required
The OTM model is based on data (matrixes of passenger patterns) from which impact on different operational models can be estimated.
number of rolling stock, etc. related to a given operational pattern
Existing version of OTM are based on the latest calibration from 2009. Accordingly, trends observed during the last 7 to 8 years are not
explicitly captured or explained in OTM
Results from PRIME and OTM have been quality assured separately and validated cross functionally in order to ensure quality assurance
of the outcome
TRU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 365: Offentliggørelse af rapport om førerløse S-tog, fra transport-, bygnings- og boligministeren
Main report
An example could be the recommended safety solution at the platform
the recommended
solution is relatively specific in order to define its characteristics (cost, safely level, dwell time,
etc.). It is however relatively certain that the final design of this solution will differ from the
described solution, due to the technical development, etc.
When it comes to the organisation analysis, it has been based upon the current situation which
serves as base for assessment and for the changes to be imposed. Based upon the operational and
technical assessments, the required changes can be identified. In particular, the organisational
analysis derived from the suggested roll out scenarios in setting the pace of transformation of
staff, equally figures and assumptions about current relevant staff are included. The financial
impact of these changes serves equally as input for the financial analysis.
The financial and economical assessment is based on the results from the three other
investigations. The business case is made from a delta perspective from STO to UTO mode. The
starting point for the investments in the business case is a fully implemented signalling
programme and procurement of new rolling stock in any case. That has the consequence that
comprehended financial impacts are isolated to any income, capex or opex that differs from STO
compared to UTO. The business case is furthermore prepared in line with
Ny Anlægsbudgettering.
Finally, approach and methodology have been customized and impacted according to international
operational real life studies. Visits to Nuremberg, Munich, the Copenhagen Metro as well as visit
from Stockholm, have brought in valuable consistency checks and inspiration to the definition of
solutions: Recommended platform safety solution, operational handling of false alarms, coupling
feasibility and operational scenarios, are examples of subjects that have been heavily influenced
by these real life studies. In general, none of the suggested solutions are truly green fields. Any
mentioned technology has proven its feasibility in commercial operation, only the application in the
specific context, environment and layout of the S-bane is unique.
Throughout the process, results and findings have been discussed and assessed with the Ministry
of Transport, Building and Housing, Banedanmark, DSB, Copenhagen Metro, Banedanmark (Rail
Net Denmark) and the Danish Transport and Construction Agency, who jointly have in-depth
knowledge and experience in operation of metropolitan railways.
TRU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 365: Offentliggørelse af rapport om førerløse S-tog, fra transport-, bygnings- og boligministeren
Main report
The current operation of the S-Bane is based upon trains attended by a driver. By introduction of
driverless trains it will be possible to change the operation and thus improve the utilisation of the
S-Bane network. Previous investigations
have shown that a better utilisation of the S-Bane would
lead to an increased number of passengers.
In order to identify the operation solution that can provide the best possible business case, a range
of scenarios has been analysed. The overall approach has been to investigate the impact of
different benchmark scenarios, each with the objective to derive the maximum potential from a
driverless operation in a rail network with a structure that does not have the typical driverless
simplicity. Goals of the analysis have thus been to reduce the pressure on the central section, to
increase frequency at some of the outermost sections, or to reduce cost by removal of lines with
the fewest number of passengers. The benchmark scenarios have included:
Use of
instead of the central section by one of the northern lines
Use of turn tracks enabling a train going back to an outer line before reaching the central
Alternative uses of capacity derived from use of Ringbanen or use of turn tracks
Each of the benchmark scenarios has then been combined with different operational styles, i.e.
Classic and Metro, and has been assessed with alternative ranges of frequency from 30 over 36 to
39 hourly departures in the central section.
16 scenarios in total have been derived from a combination of these parameters. The tools OTM
and PRIME have then been used for assessments in several steps, and increasingly more detailed,
to identify the best performing scenario.
The whole analysis regarding operational scenarios can be found in appendix 1.
Based on the analysis it is found that the single best performing scenario consists of a flexible
combination of Classic- and Metro style with 36 hourly departures in the central section, named
Flex 36. This conclusion is based on the entire assessment comprehending both the financial and
the socio economic analysis, while a partial assessment relying only on the financial business case
makes the UTO30 as the best performing. For further details about these analyses, please refer to
chapter 9 and chapter 10.
Classic style is used in peak periods, while Metro style is used outside peak periods. This is a
principle that DSB, to a lesser extent, will already initiates by the end of January 2017 with metro
style operation in the evenings and classic the remaining part of the day. However, in the Flex 36
the extent to which the styles are mixed is higher. The following conclusions can be derived from
this, as well as from the total analysis:
1. Combined benefits from a reduction in the total required number of rolling stock units, as
fewer trains are needed in a Classic style during peak hours and - at the same time - the
advantages of Metro that can be exploited the remaining part of time
2. The outer lines do not have enough passengers to let a Metro style serve to the very end.
Instead, it is beneficial to let half of the
turnaround between the beginning and the
See e.g. Parsons 2010 or Screening from 2013
TRU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 365: Offentliggørelse af rapport om førerløse S-tog, fra transport-, bygnings- og boligministeren
Main report
end of each
e.g. Solrød, Ballerup, Buddinge and Holte. Only at Klampenborg and
Høje Taastrup every train goes to the end
3. A frequency of 39 hourly departures in the central section does not yield significantly more
passengers and the marginal extra revenue does not match the cost of additional train
units. At the same time 39 trains per hour is a heavy utilisation of the central section that
will cause a significant degradation of the service quality. A maximum of 36 trains per hour
is therefore also recommended in the central section
4. Offloading of the central section by introducing different utilisations using the Ring line, or
establishing turnarounds in order to increase train capacity does not lead to better
performing scenarios
5. In general the distinction between Metro and Classic shall rather be considered as a
continuous space, each concept with multiple variants, enabling the two styles to become
almost identical. E.g. a train only skipping a few stations on the outer part of the network
is per
definition considered as ‘Classic’ even though it
operates according to the metro
definition on the remaining part of the network. This acknowledgement lead to interesting
results: An optimized traffic pattern is much more about identifying and combining the
potentials across the two concepts, rather than taking a binary choice. Even more
interesting: That allows for a potential decision for UTO operation without requirement of a
detailed defined operational pattern in parallel. The latter can easily be a part of the initial
analysis after a formalized project has been initiated
The key operational characteristics for the UTO Flex 36 are shown in the table below.
Flexible scenario -
36 trains per hour
(Best Performing Scenario)
Train km
Train sets
Passenger trips
Trips per train km
Table 1: Key operational data for base scenario and flexible, best performing scenario
The analysis aiming at identifying the most suitable operational scenario has included a definition
of number of scenarios covering metro style and classic operation. Through that process the
scenarios have been compared and the most favourable have been brought forward for further
It has been a main objective for the analysis to keep a comparison between metro- and classic
style. The initial pool of scenarios is therefore characterised by scenarios in pairs, i.e. metro and
classic scenarios based on the same overall concept. The following concepts have been analysed in
different combinations:
36 to 39 trains per hour in the central section
All trains running to the terminal stations (end of the fingers) or only some of the trains
Alternative utilisation of the S-Bane network aiming at offloading the central section incl.:
Additional trains from Hillerød via the Ring line to Ny Ellebjerg
Establishing turnaround at Enghave for some trains from Ballerup/Frederikssund and
thus allowing for extra trains to/from the other fingers through the central section
TRU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 365: Offentliggørelse af rapport om førerløse S-tog, fra transport-, bygnings- og boligministeren
Main report
Assumptions and preconditions for the analysis
Utilisation in the central section
The number of trains that can be operated in the central section (Dybbølsbro-Svanemøllen) has
been analysed using the PRIME model. Based on recommendations by the International Union of
Railways (UIC), the maximum utilisation has been derived as 40 trains in the peak period and 33
trains in the off-peak period. Consequently, operational scenarios with a high capacity utilisation of
39 trains per hour and medium capacity utilisation scenarios with 36 trains per hour in the central
section have been composed. Simulations of delay propagation has subsequently led to the
conclusion that 36 trains per hour is the maximum obtainable capacity, as 39 trains per hour will
lead to a significant decrease in punctuality compared to the base STO scenario.
Public timetable
In the Copenhagen Metro timetables are not published. This provides additional flexibility as the
train services can be easily adjusted. In turn, this added flexibility can be an incentive to reduce
the running time supplements and thus provide faster travel times. Furthermore, the arrival
pattern of passengers is affected by the timetable being published or not. An assessment has
therefore been carried out in order to investigate whether the same flexibility can be obtained on
the S-Bane if the timetable is not published.
The assessment shows that a published timetable is the preferable solution for the scenarios as
the flexibility obtained by not publishing a timetable cannot offset the increased waiting time. A
main factor in this is that the Copenhagen S-bane network consists of six branches of varying
length which all pass the heavily utilised central section. A timetable is needed to be able to
effectively utilise the central section capacity and at the same time serve different destinations.
This “timetable” does not necessarily have to be published, but
emphasizes the fact that the
structure of the system reduces the dispatching flexibility that could otherwise be obtained (e.g. if
the capacity in central section was significantly higher).
Because of low frequency at the outer stations, especially at mornings and evenings, and also
because of the importance of connections to low frequency bus-services, a published timetable is
clearly recommended.
Train Frequencies during the Day
To obtain a suitable balance between production and demand, i.e. the service provided and the
number of passengers, the frequency is adjusted outside the peak periods. Table 2 shows the
frequencies during the day based on the frequency in the central section in the morning peak. It
has been the objective to achieve a good service in the off-peak periods, but also to cut cost to
optimise the business case.
Time period
Trains in central
30 (base)
Table 2: Frequencies during the day
TRU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 365: Offentliggørelse af rapport om førerløse S-tog, fra transport-, bygnings- og boligministeren
Main report
The scenario analyses have comprised technical analyses and passenger impact analysis.
For the technical analyses Parson’s PRIME tool has been used to calculate minimum running time,
assess travel times, crowding and delays taking into consideration the constraints defined, gaps
and necessary running time supplement, required in order to have a stable and regular operation.
Furthermore, the PRIME analyses show the required number of train sets in order to perform the
operation according to the timetable.
The demand in the form of the number of passengers has been calculated using the OTM. The OTM
is used for traffic model calculations in the greater Copenhagen area. 2030 is used as the
calculation year. All decided road- and rail projects are included in the model. The OTM
calculations are based upon the results of the PRIME calculations and simulations.
Description of scenarios
For the analysis each assessed scenario has been described in details, including its characteristics,
preconditions and constraints. A
complete description is included in the Appendix “Operational
In the following the base scenario, base scenario with UTO operation (UTO 30) and the preferred
classic (C.A.36) and metro (M.A.36) scenarios for a future UTO operated S-Bane are described.
Subsequently, the flexible scenario based upon partly metro style operation and partly classic
operation is described.
Base STO and UTO scenario
The base STO scenario and base UTO are based on the 2014 operational pattern with 30 trains per
hour through the central section. 12 trains per hour are operated on the Ring line. On the fingers
the following frequencies are used during the peak periods: 6 trains per hour for: A (inner
section), B, C (inner section), and E as well as 3 trains per hour for lines A (outer section), Bx
(morning only), H, and C (outer section). Running times, dwell times, and the rolling stock is
adjusted to 2030 situation. As depicted in Figure 1, the base timetable is a classic, heterogeneous
timetable with a mix trains stopping at all stations combined, with fast trains that skip some
stations. Compared to the 2014 situation, the signalling system is updated.
The base STO scenario and the base UTO follow the same operational concept. The difference
between the two is that the base UTO scenario is an unattended (driverless) version of the base
scenario (where a driver is needed). The shift to UTO has a positive effect on circulation times of
trains resulting in a more effective operation than without a driver. Thus, the base UTO requires
fewer train sets than the base STO scenario.
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Main report
Figure 1: Stop pattern for the base STO scenario and the base UTO scenario
Alternative scenarios
In relation to the business case, it was found optimal to operate the S-Bane with half the
frequency on the outer sections of the fingers, as the number of passengers is substantially lower
on these parts of the network than on the inner sections. This is similar to
today’s operation. Of
the analysed scenarios, the short classic and short metro scenarios (C.A.36 and M.A.36) have
been selected as the best. These two scenarios performed best based on a cross sectional analysis,
i.e. operating economy, robustness against delays and passenger pr. train km.
Short Metro scenario M.A.36 and short Classic scenario C.A.36
The short metro and classis scenarios feature a combination of short and long lines. The short lines
serve the inner parts of the network with the highest demand. Thus, the frequency on the inner
and outer sections of the network is adapted to match the number of passengers. Both scenarios
operate with 36 trains per hour in the central section and 30 trains per hour on the Ring line. The
frequency on the outer sections is 6 trains per hour and 12 trains per hour on the the inner
sections (12 trains per hour to Høje Taastrup and 6 trains per hour to Klampenborg). The main
difference between the two scenarios is the origin and destination of lines and the operational
style, i.e. whether the long lines skip stations on the inner part of the network, or stops at all
stations. The two scenarios are depicted in Figure 2.
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Main report
Figure 2: Stop patterns for the Short Metro scenario, M.A.36 (left), and the Short Classic scenario, C.A.36
Flexible scenario, Flex 36
Following the detailed analysis of the short classic and metro scenarios, C.A.36 and M.A.36, the
following is concluded:
The short metro scenario (M.A.36) generates the most passengers of the two, resulting in
higher passenger revenue
The short classic scenario (C.A.36) has a reduced need of rolling stock compared to the
metro scenario (due to a higher average speed) and thus lower investments costs in rolling
The lower investment costs for the classic scenario compared with the higher passenger revenues
in the metro scenario results in an almost equal operating economy for the two scenarios. To
exploit the different strengths of the two scenarios, they have been combined to a single optimised
scenario named the flexible scenario.
The flexible scenario is based on the classic scenario, C.A.36 (depicted in Figure 2 (right)) with the
following modifications:
Line Bx is run in metro style, i.e. Bx trains stops at all stations
The fast train service, line E and H, stops at all stations outside the peak periods as shown
in Figure 2
The operation will be Classic style during peak periods, i.e. from 5
9 and 15
19, and Metro
style outside these periods. The additional 6 hourly trains compared to the base scenarios are
added as an extra B line between Høje Taastrup and Østerport. The Flex 36 scenario is depicted in
Figure 3.
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Figure 3: Flex 36 scenario. Stop pattern in peak periods (left). Stop pattern in non-peak periods
As the need for rolling stock depends on the peak period requirements, the need for rolling stock is
kept low by operating a classic operation in the peak periods. Metro style operation is used outside
the peak periods to attract more passengers. Studies have shown that most commuters plan their
arrival at stations when the frequency is 10 minutes. Thus, commuters may benefit from a fast
train services. Outside the peak periods there are fewer commuters, and the passengers arrive
more randomly. As the frequency is evenly distributed with a metro style operation, it is more
suitable for passengers arriving randomly and thus attractive in the off peak periods.
Future development
passengers and other projects
The exact future passenger development is surrounded with some degree of uncertainty. It is
however very likely that an increase in passengers will lead to a demand of more capacity and
thereby an increased number of rolling stock. The increased capacity demand can at first be
handled by increasing the frequency from 36 trains pr. hour to 39 trains pr. hour and by coupling
of train units (section 6.7), but at some point it will be necessary to purchase extra train units to
maintain the same service level.
This issue (even therefore it is positive) is not linked in particular to the implementation of UTO on
the S-bane, and a similar issue will occur in a STO scenario. A potential risk in this scenario is
overpricing of the extra train units, caused by the fact that rolling stock supplier of the main
delivery will have a major advantage. A way to mitigate this scenario is include a later smaller
delivery in the contract with the rolling stock supplier.
A sensitivity analysis regarding the passenger numbers is included in the financial analysis (section
Another key factor that will affect the final UTO operational concept is the development of the
e.g. implementation of a turn track at Enghave or similar. These improvements of
the infrastructure will be beneficial for the implementation of UTO and in turn it will improve the
flexibility of the S-bane.
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Platform Safety
Safety and punctuality are key issues for a successful operation of a railway. By a reorganisation of
the S-Bane to driverless operation, it must be ensured that the current level of safety is at least
maintained and the punctuality/reliability is not reduced. A cornerstone of a driverless system is
thereby the technical solution that can provide the required passenger safety without decreasing
the punctuality.
The investigation contains analysis of different technical safety systems in order to determine the
most preferable solution for the S-bane. Platform safety can in general either be handled by an
intrusion prevention system, or an intrusion detection system. Whereas an intrusion prevention
system (e.g. platform screen doors) segregates the track and platform areas, an intrusion
detection system detects objects in the track. The objects may be persons falling onto the tracks
or other large objects (items and animals) which prevent the train operation.
The analyses leading to the proposed solution is based upon an assessment of different solutions
and their safety level, reliability, maturity and cost.
The whole analysis regarding platform safety can be found in appendix 2.
For the S-Bane stations it will be sufficient
from a safety perspective
to install an intrusion
detection system in the form of an object detection system (ODS). The introduction of ODS will
actually improve the safety at the stations as the system will immediately detect and stop the train
operation if a person falls onto the track. The ODS has furthermore a significantly lower cost than
intrusion prevention systems and at the same provides the required reliability.
An ODS consists of electronic barriers and a camera system as shown in Figure 4 below. The
recommended solution for the S-bane
as a design choice
contains two infrared barriers, one
under the platform high above ground and one at a just above track level. In case one of the
barriers identifies an object, a message is sent to the control centre for further action. In order to
minimise traffic interruptions due to false alarms, cameras covering the platform train interface
with video analytics shall be positioned above the platforms with a view along the tracks.
Figure 4: Obstacle Detection System (ODS)
As per Figure 4 an ODS has been tested at the Stockholm metro where two station have been
equipped with different solutions for a period. This trial has demonstrated that the ODS can sense
and identify events of persons and items on the track correctly and at a level required for the S-
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Main report
Bane. By means of cameras with video analytics, the assessment can be improved significantly.
Furthermore, tests have indicated that video analytics can detect persons being trapped in train
The field trial also showed that the ODS shown an acceptable performance for outdoor stations in
different weather conditions. The assessment of the Stockholm metro field trial results are
furthermore supported from commercial operation in Nurnberg (where electronic barriers similar to
those installed in Stockholm) confirms the system robustness.
The experiences from the Copenhagen Metro
which converted from an ODS system to automatic
platform gates on the outdoor stations due to performance/reliability issues
have been part of
the assessment. The technology development within sensors combined with camera technology
makes it difficult to compare the two generations of ODS systems directly
. Which the field trail
from Stockholm also supports.
The recommended ODS is based upon standard commercially available components which
supports that the technology is mature. For final design of the ODS on the S-Bane, there will be a
need for further studies and adaptations in order to cover curved platforms, multi-track stations
and stations with platforms on the outer tracksides. These conditions are however not seen as
potential showstoppers for the ODS, but known and manageable technical issues.
The technical development within the field of ODS and similar safety solutions (e.g. advanced
driver assistance systems (ADAS) known from the car industry) is rapid changing technologies
improving system performance and reducing cost. The overall technical development is pointed
towards higher reliability of the systems due to more accurate measurements/higher component
sensitivity. The cost of the future ODS systems is of course dependent on the technical
e.g. the development pace of video analytics combined with behavioural algorithms
which can reduce the number of false alarms and improve the reaction time significantly. This
development could influence the technologies on which the ODS will be based and thereby reduce
its cost. It is therefore also important to let the market development be a key driver for the
decision of the final ODS solution.
The introduction of the ODS system will imply a new staff organisation in order to manage
disruptions. An event requiring staff intervention will cause delays and thus decrease the
punctuality. The staff shall be organised in a way which allows presence at any location of the
network within 10 minutes. This will limit the duration of a disruption and the socio economic costs
caused by increased waiting time for the passengers.
Even though an ODS based solution can provide the needed level of safety at the lowest cost, it
might be recommendable to install an intrusion prevention system at a few stations at the central
section in order to achieve a higher reliability of the S-bane. It is however recommended that the
ODS is first installed at all stations, and based on the in-service performance of the ODS, the need
for an intrusion prevention system at specific stations can be reviewed.
The assessment of different intrusion prevention system (e.g. platform screen doors and platform
gates) shows that the most promising solution for the S-bane is a Rope Vertical Platform Screen
Doors (VPSD) solution.
The ODS at the Copenhagen Metro was implemented in 2002-2003 and 2007 and developed around 1990 and 2000. The first roll-out
at the S-bane will take place in 2022.
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Main report
Figure 5: Rope Vertical PSD at a platform
Rope VPSD is a relatively new technology which has been put into operation in Korea and Japan
and been tested at the Stockholm metro (outside environment). A Rope VPSD, see Figure 5, is a
wall made of rope (metal wires) with distance of app. 50 mm. The space between the ropes/wires
is closed with a flexible plastic material creating a closed surface, and thereby preventing people
from getting into contact with the train. The VPSD is established along the whole platform, fixed at
post every 8-12 meters and with at height of app. 1,75 meter. Once a train has stopped at the
platform the rope VPSD is rolled up along the train, similar to a blind in a window, thereby allowing
passengers to leave and enter the train. The rope VPSD is lowered again before train departure.
The rope VPSD is not yet a fully mature technology. It is a promising technology, which has
significantly lower costs than PSDs as known from the Copenhagen Metro. Furthermore, as the
technology is simpler than PSD it must be envisaged that maintenance costs will be lower.
The rope VPSD and associated costs are not part of the business case due to the fact that it is a
potential add-on if the ODS system performance needs to be improved at a few stations.
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TRU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 365: Offentliggørelse af rapport om førerløse S-tog, fra transport-, bygnings- og boligministeren
Main report
The protection of the tracks can be established before the driverless operation is introduced, as it
does not rely on the driverless functionality. The field trial should be carried out timely to allow for
Stepless Boarding
Following the transition to driverless operation, it will not be possible for a driver to assist disabled
people (e.g. people in wheelchairs, etc.) entering or leaving the train as is the situation today. In
order to comply with existing legislation
, disabled persons shall be able to enter and leave the
driverless trains, accordingly a driverless/staff-free solution will be required.
The key issue at the S-bane is the gaps (vertical and horizontal) between the train and the
platform edge. An investigation has been carried out on an analysis of the magnitude of the issue
(the size of the gaps at all stations) and potential solutions.
The solution recommended is based on the requirements in the field (including BOStrab regulation
which is used for the Copenhagen Metro and in the EU regulation for person with reduces mobility,
TSI PRM) and that the service level requirement for disabled people should be at least the same as
The whole analysis regarding stepless boarding can be found in appendix 3.
The analysis shows that the gaps are manageable with known solutions. The recommended
solution is:
Horizontal gaps are managed by an onboard gap filler
Vertical gaps are managed by construction of ramps on the platforms
The horizontal gap can be bridged by a gap filler on the train which can cover the maximum gap
between a train and a platform. Gap fillers are part of standard UTO trains and can bridge the gaps
on the S-bane which are between 88mm and 403mm without additional costs.
The vertical gap can be bridged through construction of two fixed ramps in each train direction on
the platforms. Ramps will be required on up to 85 of the 194 platforms where the gap is more than
50mm. A fixed ramp localised at one of the door positions will allow access to a train. It will not
require maintenance and not cause any increase in dwell time. Establishment of ramps on parts of
the platforms complies with TSI PRM.
For a few platforms the vertical gap is negative. According to TSI PRM this is allowed, but not
according to BOStrab. A solution to this issue shall be found in a dialogue with the National Safety
The analysis of stepless boarding also reveals that the current manual solution is an outdated
solution seen from both a service and operational perspective. In fact, it could easily be in
contradiction with the relevant UN convention not to provide an automated solution once new
trains will be purchased. An improvement of the current situation
e.g. removing the vertical gab
by infrastructural adjustments as mentioned above
could then be required in any case and then
not a particular UTO related issue. Stepless boarding is however a
solution for a
driverless system and it is therefore included as part of the UTO project.
UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
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Main report
Flexibility and Capacity Enhancing Infrastructure
This section describes the infrastructure investigation. The focus for the infrastructure investigation
has been the infrastructure readiness going from STO to UTO, including an increase of operation
from 30 to 36 trains pr. hour. This focus investigation is made from a
Beside the
investigations have also been made in this
part of the report. The operational concept for UTO will change the timetable from 30 trains/hour
to 36 trains/hour in the central section in the peak hours compared to today’s timetable.
when a train frequency is increased, the risk of failure and operation errors will also increase. The
investigation analyses is if these failures can be minimised by implementing flexibility-increasing
initiatives in the S-bane infrastructure. These investigations are from a
The whole analysis regarding Flexibility and Capacity Enhancing Infrastructure can be found in
appendix 5.
The most important conclusion is that the current S-bane infrastructure can handle the
implementation of UTO without need for any changes. The 36 trains/hour are possible through the
central section and the different fingers can also handle their frequency, inclusive turnaround
movements at the end stations.
The extra frequencies will create extra passengers, but the platforms will not need to be expanded
in order to handle the extra passengers. This is due to the extra frequencies will distribute the
passengers more evenly on the platforms over time. The only places on the S-train network were
the trains will have more passengers boarding and un-boarding pr. train are at some of the
stations on the fingers. These platforms have not met their capacity limit, whereby the platforms
can handle the extra passengers without a problem.
In UTO the Ring Line is scheduled to 30 trains/hour in each direction in the peak hours. With UTO
the trains will have a
1 minute scheduled turnaround time compared to 6 minutes for today’s
timetable. In theory, 30 trains/hour on the Ring Line should therefore be possible (giving 2
minutes turnaround time), and with the new Signalling Programme implemented, the signalling
system will also be able to handle 30 trains/hour. Ny Ellebjerg station will though be the restriction
for the Ring Line’s timetable
due to the placement of the crossovers at the station. To improve the
robustness at Ny Ellebjerg station for the Ring Line, the crossovers can be optimised by changing
them into a diamond crossing. This is a robustness improvement, but not necessary in order to
obtain 30 trains/hour for the Ring Line.
A reversing track at Carlsberg, Copenhagen Central or Flintholm station has also been investigated.
A scenario with one of these turnaround possibilities were deselected in the earlier phases of the
project due to the financial calculations.
With UTO implemented for the S-bane network, the timetable will be more robust due to the extra
flexibility of turning the trains around faster than the STO timetable. This can also be used in case
of a fall-back situation, where the trains can run easier with one track operation and thereby have
a positive effect during disruptions. The UTO timetable therefore has not a need for extra
crossovers. The recommendations are still to implement new crossovers at Hvidovre and Avedøre
stations, as this will make the timetable even more robust since it will result in the possibility of
crossing over to the opposite track on the S-bane network every 10 minute (20 minute pr.
These crossovers will benefit both the UTO operation and today’s operation.
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Main report
Power Supply
This section describes the investigation related to power supply focusing on the additional need for
power supply in the different scenarios, and the development of power efficiency of future trains.
The whole analysis regarding Power supply can be found in appendix 9.
Banedanmark has earlier made calculations of operational scenarios comparable to the Classic and
the Metro UTO solutions resulting in the report “Effektanalyse af S-banen” (Analysis of power on
the S-bane). The following costs for upgrading the traction power system to the UTO project are
based on this data foundation.
Classic Style
Metro Style
Number of trains
11.000.000 €
11.000.000 €
17.000.000 €
19.400.000 €
17.000.000€ – 19.400.000€
Table 3
Cost for implementing UTO
The costs for already planned/conducted upgrades have been taken out of the cost estimate.
There are significant costs for upgrading the traction power system when implementing UTO, both
for the Classic Style and for the Metro Style. Approximately 2/3 of the costs relates to upgrades
that should already have been done regardless of the UTO project. These upgrades are however
not planned/approved and are therefore included in the cost estimate due to the preconditions for
the investigation (only approved projects shall be taken into account).
The future power consumption of the rolling stock is difficult to predict as there are two opposite
trends in the market, pulling consumptions in opposite directions. The first trend is the
development for rolling stock to be more efficient and with lower weight, thereby causing lower
consumption for the propulsion system. The second trend is that there are more and heavier
auxiliary systems, such as air-condition and passenger services in the rolling stock, thereby
causing higher consumption for the auxiliary systems.
The trends will cause the peak consumptions to be reduced but the minimum consumption to be
increased. This will have a positive effect on the traction power system, as the peak consumptions
normally are the ones that define the capacity of the system.
Implementing new rolling stock to the system does not cause additional costs due to power
consumption. Even though the new rolling stock is assessed to be an advantage to the system, the
positive effect on the cost is assessed to be negligible.
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Main report
Driverless Rolling Stock
Introducing driverless operation on the S-bane will require the purchase of new rolling stock, or
retrofitting of existing rolling stock. This study is based on the assumption that the S-trains will
need to be replaced as they reach the end of their lifetime (2026-2036)
This section summarizes the investigation of driverless rolling stock
the key elements of the
investigation are:
A proposal concerning the future train unit layout, including relevant design parameters
Equipment for driverless rolling stock and cost estimate
The whole analysis regarding driverless rolling stock can be found in appendix 6.
Train design
Both future STO and UTO rolling stock should be based on a standard vehicle platform. The
marked survey has confirmed that the future rolling stock for the S-bane
can be based on “metro
rolling stock”.
Based on passenger data from
OTM, it’s concluded that
3-car trains (55m long) which can be
coupled up to three times (max. train length: 165m) are the most viable solution for both UTO and
STO rolling stock.
Figure 7: Proposal for interior layout of 3-sectional train set
A three car unit of 55m length provides for optimal use of the available infrastructure as three
coupled units (9 cars) will utilise the full available platform length. Three carriage train sets are
within the scope of the main manufacturer’s standard products. Reference
cases are Metro Line 1
Panama (Alstom), Downtown Line Singapore (Bombardier), Metro Oslo (Siemens) and Metro
Madrid (AnsaldoBreda/ Hitachi Rail, CAF).
The concept provides:
Adequately high seat numbers for passengers travelling longer distances on the S-Bane
A slightly increased proportion of door width per train set, leading to an improved
boarding/alighting performance
A similar amount of multi-purpose space for mobility impaired, baby strollers, bikes, etc.
An equal spacing of doors along the train even when operating as multiple units
The above concept recommendations complies with the train sets which the rolling stock suppliers
can deliver. Further refinements will be required, but will be part of the rolling stock procurement
According to the assessment in section of appendix 3 taking into account the existing
infrastructure, an entrance height of 950 mm is recommended.
The lifetime is estimated to 30 years. The current 4
generation s-trains were delivered from 1996 to 2006
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Main report
Rolling stock with a maximum speed of 120 km/h in UTO mode can be offered by all major
manufacturers. Though 120 km/h is not common for metro platforms, major rolling stock
manufacturers have indicated that upgrading of the body structure and bogies will not lead to
major cost increases. For the structural design of a train, the classification of the operational
environment is decisive. For the S-bane system a categorisation as C-II (rail vehicles exclusively
designed for closed networks without interfaces to other traffic) according to EN 15227 is assumed
(and should also be strived for in any discussions with the approval authorities).
Equipment for driverless rolling stock and cost estimate
The study includes a market survey in order to determine any additional on-board equipment
requirements and cost of driverless rolling stock. The baseline for the market survey is in
compliance with current legal framework for driverless operation (BOStrab
and FoF
The market survey shows that the following additional equipment will be needed for a UTO train:
For the vehicle body: collision detection, derailment detection and gap fillers/detection
For the doors: “remote control” (disabling doors) from operations control centre (OCC),
“emergency release” and door control for automatic door control before
For the infrastructure: Uninterrupted/continuous communication between OCC and trains
at all times, including voice, video and (optional) the ability to check that the infrastructure
is obstacle free. Alternatively, this can be achieved by operating the first train with a
sweeper train (a train in automatic mode, but with a steward in front with the emergency
control panel open and ready to push the emergency stop bottom) after a stand-still
period, e.g. during the night or due to a possession
Investment estimates for the required fleet is based on recent procurements for similar rolling
stock. Investment for UTO equipment is added. The investment cost is show in the following table.
Cost for one 55 m STO train set
Based upon procurement of new train sets for the Berlin S-Bahn which have a
similar operating environment as the Copenhagen S-Bane
Additional cost for inclusion of the UTO functionality
Based upon data from the Nuremberg Metro and assessments due to increased train
length and higher requirements in relation to reliability and worse accessibility for
Total costs per UTO trainset
Table 4: investment estimates
Cost in DKK
DKK 44 mio
DKK 1,5 mio
DKK 45,5 mio
Fleet size
The following table shows the fleet sizes for the various scenarios. Size of reserve fleet,
maintenance and operational spare units, is equal to a proportion of 10% of the operationally
required fleet size.
required units
146 units
141 units
159 units
173 units
184 units
185 units
13 units
12 units
14 units
15 units
16 units
16 units
2 units
2 units
2 units
3 units
3 units
3 units
Total fleet
161 units
155 units
175 units
191 units
203 units
204 units
Base STO
Base UTO
Flexible +
Flexible +
Flexible +
Flexible +
Table 5: Fleet size
German regulations for the construction and operation of light railways (also applying to metros)
Fahren ohne Fahrzeugführer
operation without train drivers
TRU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 365: Offentliggørelse af rapport om førerløse S-tog, fra transport-, bygnings- og boligministeren
TRU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 365: Offentliggørelse af rapport om førerløse S-tog, fra transport-, bygnings- og boligministeren
Main report
The remaining 20% of service will require trains with a larger capacity due to 5% of the section
demand. If a concept without coupling is chosen, this will result in a scenario with a huge
overproduction of capacity, because all trains would be dimensioned to handle the maximum
As shown in the figure, a train set of 2 coupled units is sufficient for a majority exceeding 99% of
services to cover the demand in the flexible scenario +0%. In case of increasing passenger
numbers, it is possible at any time to operate with a full train set length of 3 units.
The cost of train sets without coupling facility in regular operations is assumed to be 5% lower
than for train sets with coupling facility. Higher efforts are required for design of platform safety
system if a system relying on intrusion detection is utilised.
The signalling system should be capable of coupling, as coupling takes place already today.
Automated coupling can be executed at all stations and in stabling areas.
The annual operational costs for train sets with coupling facility is assessed to be at least 30%
lower than for train sets without coupling facility on the S-Bane, as demand fluctuations between
lines and throughout the day can be better taken into account.
A 3-sectional train design will lead to a yearly saving
on 31% or 62 mio. € compared to a concept
without coupling for the flexible scenario (without any increase of the OTM-figures). When allowing
free bikes and subsequently increased train capacity for peak hour traffic, there will be a further
increase in savings due to coupling.
If coupling should prove to be especially challenging in terms of operational reliability in bad
weather periods (heavy winter conditions), it could be chosen not to uncouple the train sets (i.e.
run with long trains) causing a higher operating cost in minor periods. This approach is already
used by DSB today.
All manufacturers have indicated that the unattended coupling is something they either have
already delivered, or will deliver in the future. Siemens has delivered unattended coupling as a
feature for the Nuremberg unattended metro system.
The table below summarises pro for the two concepts (operation with or without coupling) on key
Arguments pro short units with capability
to couple
Arguments pro longer units
without capability to couple
Enables procurement of only one type of train
unit for the whole system, also reducing the
need of different maintenance spares (both
parts and rolling stock) compared to the
procurement of different vehicle types
As demand fluctuates not only during the day
but also throughout the network, the
purchase of long unit trains would require
invest without the corresponding need
Optimization of train length in
regard to existing
infrastructure also for
Ringbane possible
Lower invest per capacity for
vehicle due to longer units and
no need of coupling equipment
Time for de-/coupling
extending circulation reduces
turnaround buffer which could
be used for delay
Service and
Significant reduction in operating cost
Increasing service quality by running short
units several times instead of one long unit
running once - at comparable marginal costs
Increase of operation flexibility with only one
type of train unit
Increased capacity according to temporary
events causing higher service demand
Combining and splitting adds
uncertainties to the system,
which have to be compensated
by reliable technical solutions
TRU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 365: Offentliggørelse af rapport om førerløse S-tog, fra transport-, bygnings- og boligministeren
Main report
concerts, sports events, etc.
Rescue of broken/degraded trains
makes recue of degraded trains in the
network much easier thus it will be possible
to transport a degraded train to the workshop
by a functioning train
Higher ability to meet future demand
e.g. if
the rush hour expands (which is a general
tendency in metropolitan areas) it will be
possible to meet this demand by increasing
capacity enabled by coupling
A higher share of maintenance work, which
can be done during low peak periods at
Lower running performance per individual
unit extending fleet’s life span
Vehicle length will fit into the current
workshop capacity
and operational workarounds
Current stabling capacity sufficient for new
fleet of coupleable units but not for a fleet
without coupling feature, additional invest
would be required
Table 6: Comparison of concepts with or without coupling
Taking the above into consideration the most advantageous solution for the S-Bane will be
coupling of the train sets.
TRU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 365: Offentliggørelse af rapport om førerløse S-tog, fra transport-, bygnings- og boligministeren
Main report
Depot and Workshop
A procurement of new rolling stock for driverless operation on the S-bane could require an
adaptation to maintenance facilities and stabling areas. The current facilities are designed and
optimized for the layout of the current SA and SE units.
This section summarizes the investigations of identified adaptations.
The key elements of the investigation are:
A proposal concerning the stabling concept and assessment of required empty running
Assessment of current maintenance facilities
Estimation of future needs and development of a refurbishment concept for the workshops
The whole analysis regarding depots and workshops can be found in appendix 8.
Today the stabling facilities already have sufficient capacity for the future fleet size. However,
some dead running will be required. To reduce this, it may be prudent to construct some additional
stabling facilities. The economic benefits of doing so should be evaluated once the future operating
concept has been chosen.
While some adaptations to the workshops are required, these can be accommodated largely within
the footprints of the existing workshops.
Stabling areas
Referring to Appendix 6, the train unit length is assumed to be 56 m. In particular, smaller
stabling areas at the terminal stations seem to be designed for a train set consisting of two SA-
units. As the unit length for the proposed concept is one third this length, existing capacity can be
used very efficiently. Comparatively, low capacities can be found north of the central section, in
particular along the Farum- and Hillerød-fingers. At the terminal stations Holte, Buddinge,
Østerport and Solrød Strand, no stabling areas are available.
The total stabling capacity on the S-bane network would be sufficient for 240 train units of 56m
length. The working assumption for the elaboration of the stabling concept is that all stabling will
be equipped for UTO. Exceptions are the stabling tracks and workshop in Høje Taastrup and the
workshop in Hundige, where manual shunting would be required.
As the maximum fleet size including spares is 204 units in Scenario Flex 36 +15%, the need for
additional stabling capacity can be avoided if some deadheading and/or capacity enhancements at
the other end of the line are accepted.
Already in the Base STO scenario a significant amount of empty running is required. UTO-cases,
Base UTO and Flex 36 require fewer services without corresponding demand.
The table give an overview of extra running performance:
Base STO
Base UTO
Flex 36
Flex 36 +5%
Add. daily
in train unit-km
per day
Annual operating
costs due to lack
of stabling
in mio. DKK
Difference in
annual costs to
Base STO-case
in mio. DKK
- 0,1
- 1,0
+ 4,7
TRU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 365: Offentliggørelse af rapport om førerløse S-tog, fra transport-, bygnings- og boligministeren
Main report
Flex 36 +10%
Flex 36 +15%
+ 9,1
+ 9,5
A reduction of the mentioned costs can be achieved when measures to extend the current stabling
capacity and the construction of new stabling areas are realized. Once the future operating
concept has been chosen, a detailed analysis should assess the most economically effective
Two workshop sites near Høje Taastrup and Hundige stations provide maintenances services to the
S-tog fleet. Whereas Høje provides the majority of services including heavy maintenance, Hundige
is only equipped with facilities for light maintenance and exterior cleaning. As the new proposed
train layout differs in various points from the existing S-tog units (two axles per bogie instead of
one, two bogies per body section, increased section length, diverging train unit length), significant
changes to the configuration of work stands and equipment are expected.
Depending on the scenario, fleet sizes increases by 6 to 56 train units. Maximum fleet size of 191
units represents an expansion by 40 % referring to the number of train units.
It is assumed that today three work stands are kept for exterior cleaning, 9 for light maintenance
and 7 for heavy maintenance.
The new concept requires that on workshop tracks for heavy maintenance in Høje Taastrup and
tracks in Hundige, where today one unit is maintained, in future two units in-line will be treated.
For light maintenance facilities in Høje Taastrup, where today two units per track are processed,
the elaborated concept proposes to maintain three units at once.
UTO related equipment does not require additional track capacity.
The increased number of work stands without a direct access will mean that the average
occupancy per work stand could decrease. As far as possible, service and maintenance plans
should therefore be adapted to counteract bottlenecks.
After refurbishment, 13 working stands would be available for heavy maintenance. Two lots in
Hundige and 12 in Høje Taastrup are reserved for light maintenance. Graffiti removal and exterior
washing can be done for 5 units at once. In total, 27 units could be handled for maintenance
activities at once.
In total, investments of 17,3 mio. € resp.
128,7 mio. DKK are required for fitting of existing
structures to the new fleet. Extensive extensions of yard and buildings will not be required.
More detailed design will have to be carried out in future project phases to confirm, or adjust any
assumptions made for this assessment.
It is proposed to apply all modifications already for the Base STO-case, to exploit the potential of
existing structures.
TRU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 365: Offentliggørelse af rapport om førerløse S-tog, fra transport-, bygnings- og boligministeren
TRU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 365: Offentliggørelse af rapport om førerløse S-tog, fra transport-, bygnings- og boligministeren
Main report
The overall roll-out plan shall be considered as a conceptual, but a robust plan. However, external
projects and political processes may affect the plan
e.g. postpone the starting point of the
Overall approach
The proposed strategy includes the implementation of a pilot scheme using the Ring line first to
acquire experience on newly installed UTO systems and to minimize risks before rolling out the
new UTO systems on the rest of the S-bane. In order to use the Ring line as a valuable pilot
and a key risk mitigation
it has to timely placed so knowledge can be transferred to the
main project. It is therefore recommended, to place the pilot at the Ring line so knowledge from
testing and commissioning can be taken into account in the design phase of the main project.
Furthermore, the advantage to use the Ring line is that it is not interfering with the central section
and that any new timetable can be easily implemented. The roll-out on the Ring line will take place
from 2022-2026.
Once the Ring line has been converted to UTO, the following step-wise rollout is recommended:
1. Migrate Høje Taastrup
Klampenborg (2025-2028)
2. Repeat the migration steps on Farum
Frederiksund (2026-2030)
3. Repeat the migration steps on Hillerød
Køge (2026-2030)
The decision on which line to be migrated first should is based on the complexity of the line (start
with the most simple) and the consideration for permanent depot and workshop accessibility.
Roll-out strategy
The specific roll-out strategy for each line will take place in two main steps:
1. Preparing and testing of UTO infrastructure
This step includes upgrading of the signalling system from STO to UTO, installation of ODS
including new control-center, and fencing of the tracks. This step also includes testing of the
systems and their interfaces
2. Rolling out new UTO trains including testing
This step includes the roll-out of UTO trains on a given line. The first sub-step will include
testing of train-infrastructure interface during night/non-commercial operation. Hereafter,
when the test is completed, the new trains will be put into commercial operation as they are
This implementation approach implies that the new UTO trains (operated in UTO) and existing S-
trains will be operated in mixed operation during the roll-out. This reduces the need for drivers,
allowing smooth driver attrition and will reduce cost for Rolling stock (no temporary driver cab).
This type of migration
mixed operation
has been implemented on a range of projects e.g. the
RATP Paris Line 1 and Nuremberg.
The roll-out period will furthermore be used to gather data from the ODS system in order to
determine if Rope VPSD are needed at some stations in order to obtain the required service level.
Procurement strategies
Time Plan
There are three types of procurements to be planned:
1. Contract change to S-Bane Siemens CBTC contract (with Banedanmark) for the upgrade of
their CBTC system to UTO. This contract change can be prepared in advance and negotiated
well ahead of the 2022 deadline for starting the roll-out of UTO on the F-line. We estimate that
this contract change could be negotiated over a period of 6 to 12 month maximum
TRU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 365: Offentliggørelse af rapport om førerløse S-tog, fra transport-, bygnings- og boligministeren
Main report
2. Procurements of all supporting infrastructure UTO systems: ODS, fencing, power, adjustments
of platforms (stepless boarding), etc. This procurement can also start well ahead of the 2022
deadline for starting the roll-out UTO on the F-line. It is estimate that this procurement would
last 1 year
3. Procurement of new UTO rolling stock. The tender phase for procuring new trains typically
requires 2 years from the start of writing the specifications and contract award. The
procurement should include a base order for buying new trains for the F-line with an option to
be called for buying the rest of the rolling stock to be rolled out on the entire system. Equal
prices for new Onboard CBTC system will be ensured by Banedanmark who will execute a
contract change to the S-bane CBTC contract with Siemens
Safety approval
One of the benefits of implementing the new UTO system on the F-line is to try out the safety
approval process for:
Upgrading the CBTC system from STO to UTO
Introducing new rolling stock in UTO mixed with STO trains
Introducing ODS and ADAS system
The main risk that is foreseen is to obtain an approval for the operating rules for mixed traffic
Approval of UTO rolling stock is not particularly risky as it has been done before for the Metro.
Impact on the business case
The proposed rollout strategy offers several economic advantages for the business case:
Direct introduction of the new train in UTO. This allows to avoid having a temporary cab for
drivers (additional asset cost) and to start early realizing the savings by removing the
drivers from operation
By rolling out and proving the new UTO system on the F-line, this will de-risk the whole
project and reduce the risk of additional development, delayed safety approvals, etc.
TRU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 365: Offentliggørelse af rapport om førerløse S-tog, fra transport-, bygnings- og boligministeren
TRU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 365: Offentliggørelse af rapport om førerløse S-tog, fra transport-, bygnings- og boligministeren
TRU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 365: Offentliggørelse af rapport om førerløse S-tog, fra transport-, bygnings- og boligministeren
Main report
exception being when trains are moved to maintenance areas, where the movement of trains will
be manual. Thus, the current 63 FTE’s are reduced to 16.
Smaller changes will happen to the remaining part of the observed population.
7.3.2 Transition period
The roll-out phase is set to be 2024-2030 as defined in chapter [6.9], and with the driverless
operations being fully functional from 2030. Thus, staff reductions are assumed to take place
gradually in the years 2024-29, following the pace for introduction of new material as shown in the
table below.
Table 8 - Expected roll-out pattern from 2026-2030
Distributed into actual numbers and staff categories, the adjustments are expected to follow the
pattern illustrated in the table below.
% roll-out
Shunting personnel
Supervisors - train drivers
Supervisors - train stewards
Maintenance personnel
Train drivers
Train stewards
Total personnel change due to UTO
Table 9 - expected personnel change due to UTO, 2024-2030
Based on the employee adjustments described above, all savings are expected to be achieved in
2030. The expected realization of savings for each year is shown in
Table 10
% roll-out
Savings from staff reductions
Indirect savings
Total savings
13.480.407 13.480.407 40.441.220 40.441.220 80.882.439 80.882.439
2.874.401 2.874.401 8.623.204 8.623.204 17.246.407 17.246.407
16.354.808 16.354.808 49.064.423 49.064.423 98.128.846 98.128.846
Table 10 - Expected realization of savings
Natural staff reduction
A key question of interest for the business case will be estimates around the transformational staff
profile from current to future state. For that reason, the natural staff reduction defined as the total
sum of retirement and resignation (e.g. new job) has been estimated. Equally, as the cost and
conditions for employees differs according to different employment terms the figures are divided
into regular employees and public servants as illustrated in the table below.
TRU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 365: Offentliggørelse af rapport om førerløse S-tog, fra transport-, bygnings- og boligministeren
TRU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 365: Offentliggørelse af rapport om førerløse S-tog, fra transport-, bygnings- og boligministeren
Main report
From 2016-2024, it is estimated that 51 civil servants will retire and be replaced with train drivers
on regular employment conditions. From 2024-2029 another 42 will retire, but these will not be
replaced. This leaves a remainder of 57 out of 150 civil servants.
7.4.2 Handling of excess employees
Although the substantial natural staff reduction, it will not be sufficient to absorb the entire work
force. As shown in Table 12, a total of 339 train drivers will be in excess and will have to be
terminated or employed elsewhere in the organization. Out of these, 57 are estimated to be civil
servants, of which many are expected to retire in the following years. This number may in reality
be lower, assuming that some train drivers may retire before the age of 65.
Needed employee reduction
Natural attrition
Excess employees
Note: in 2024 and 2025, the natural attrition is
higher than the needed employee reduction. Since this “deficit” of employees
cannot be transferred to the following years, the number of excess employees is set to be 0 rather than -10 and -9
Table 12 - Excess train drivers, 2024-2029
An opportunity to reduce the number of excess train drivers would be a transfer to regional or long
distance trains (fjernbanen), although this would require an additional 6.5 month training period
It’s estimated that
around 1000 train drivers are employed within this area at DSB. Assuming
similar characteristics with the S-trains, the annual attrition is expected to be around 78 train
drivers, equalling a total number of 310 for the entire period, since no train drivers are transferred
in 2024 and 2025.
Based on the estimated numbers and experience from the signalling program, the most significant
challenge for DSB may then in reality be retention rather than handling of excess employees. With
339 train drivers in excess and an estimated absorption capacity from intercity and regional trains
of 310 as well as other opportunities for reemployment, there may be very few problems with
excess employees. Rather it would be important to ensure that enough train drivers stay on board
to secure operations until a full transition to UTO, since many may be expected to start seeking
opportunities elsewhere as soon as the plans are revealed.
It’s recommended that dedicated strategies and formulated initiatives supporting a smooth
organisational change management process are incorporated in a potential future transformation.
A 14 month training period is required for being a regional train driver. S-train drivers need a 6.5 month training upgrade (including
litra training) when making the transition from S-train drivers to regional train drivers
TRU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 365: Offentliggørelse af rapport om førerløse S-tog, fra transport-, bygnings- og boligministeren
Main report
Any new infrastructure project must be based on a formalised risk assessment covering
identification of potential risks, assessment of their probability and impact which defines the
projet’s risk profile. It is part of the initial decision process and leads to an evaluation of the
project’s reliability. During the later preparation and implementations steps it is an associated
management process defining risk ownership, mitigation and follow-up activities continuously.
From an initial perspective the UTO does have a particular risk profile.
Many elements pull the entire project in a very promising direction: UTO is a well proven
operational mode, infrastructural detecting systems on platforms and in between station have
been successfully in operation for years, and several types of driverless rolling stock has been in
operation worldwide during the last decades. Only to add on top, that technical stability and
refinements are continuously improving each of these elements. Easier, cheaper, more well-
functioning and more reliable solutions have emerged during the last decade and improved
solutions compared to what mentioned in this report will definitely be available when UTO
potentially shall be implemented at the S-bane.
The other way around: UTO with the particular characteristics of the S-bane is not in function
anywhere. The size and complexity of the total S-bane, almost entirely above ground and high
speed compared too many rail metro systems are all well-known elements, however not in
combination. The general risk assessment must be related to this fact. In the following sections a
further analysis is conducted.
The whole analysis regarding risk assessment can be found in appendix 11.
Overall Assessment
As an introduction to a traditional event based risk assessment it is relevant to reflect on the
overall risk level associated with the project as a whole. Looking into this focusing on the
development and transformation, leaving the future operation excluded, two main sources of risk
shall be mentioned.
The first source is related to the fact that the feasibility of the project relies heavily on external
infrastructural factors outside the UTOs span of control: CBTC signalling technology upgrade
enabled by the Signalling Programme is required and a firm precondition for further development
into fully driverless operation. Equally, the ability not only to operate driverless, but also to
increase the frequency in the central section of the network will rely on the same external factor.
The UTO project relies on a future infrastructural state which neither a reality nor in control of the
UTO project to obtain.
The second main source is related to the
of various well proven technologies and
standardised solutions, that, when brought together in context, might cause a risk per se due to
the increased complexity of the total system. All suggested solutions related to rolling stock,
platform edge safety, coupling, etc. are in commercial operation today. Also, driverless concept is
very well functioning in several above ground cases, required max. speed is standard delivered by
manufactures, etc. However, some of these elements will be combined in new patterns and
concepts that have not been tested elsewhere in a similar configuration. In that aspect driverless
operation at the S-bane does bring a new situation, which as circumstance will introduce a risk.
Based on these two risk sources,
it’s the assessment that the specific UTO project can be
associated to an overall risk level characterized as medium at the current state of preparations.
The likelihood of actual occurrence of events, that might have a substantial impact on ability to
TRU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 365: Offentliggørelse af rapport om førerløse S-tog, fra transport-, bygnings- og boligministeren
Main report
deliver as planned shall not be underestimated or neglected. Thus, continued careful risk
assessment shall be carried out and cover all parts of the project throughout the continued project
formulation process. Mitigation of all identified events identified through this process shall be
incorporated in the project. This process shall continue during the subsequent tendering and
implementation phases.
On the basis of the project analysis carried out the risk assessment, it indicates an overall score of
35-50 in a range from zero to 100, thus the overall risk assessment for that reason can be
classified as medium. This assessment shall be seen in the light of the fact that much more
evidence about the mentioned external infrastructural development and its performance, i.e. the
proof of the CBTC concept, will be available before crucial UTO decision is required. This proof and
reliable information about the performance of the CBTC system will be based upon operational
experience and be in place way before decisive choices must be made in a potential UTO project.
Event based Risk overview
The distinct most substantial risks for implementation of UTO are described in further details
Organisational resistance
Resistance from train drivers and
Unions becomes too strong and
that results in skilled personnel
may leave DSB due to uncertain
future and make train operation
unstable in transition period and
increased price due to mitigating
actions or unexpected negotiated
Procurement strategy
A procurement strategy which
does not reflect the project
context and objectives can lead
higher prices than expected
Well-balanced roll-out plan
based upon staff parameters
e.g. age, potential transfers
from S-bane to Fjernbane, etc.
The procurement strategy shall
ensure a “correct” division of
e.g. separation of
the CBTC system (client
delivery) and the rolling stock
(supplier delivery)
Use the Ringbanen as a pilot
project including a lesson-learn
period in order to implement
the key findings for the rest of
the rolling stock procurement
Ensure separation of the two
the potential
organisational change is
completed before or after the
technical change
Procurement of rolling stock
The requirement specification
leads to over- or under-specified
which results in higher prices than
expected or a low quality product
Organisational and technical
Parallel implementation of
organisational and technical
change projects can result in
project chaos
Complexity and interfaces
The combination of the following
three factors makes the S-bane
Use the Ringbanen as a pilot
project including a lesson-learn
period in order to implement
TRU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 365: Offentliggørelse af rapport om førerløse S-tog, fra transport-, bygnings- og boligministeren
Main report
1. The size of the S-bane
2. It is above the ground
3. The solution is driverless (UTO)
This complexity can cause events
to which there are no prior
experiences about, e.g. too costly
changes to existing infrastructure
“Brown field” project
The S-bane is not designed for a
driverless system
changing an
existing railway will cause
unforeseen challenges
the key findings for the rest of
the project
Involve stakeholders in project
formulation and preparation in
order to ensure compliance
with actual conditions and
minimising disruption of
ongoing operation
Continue collection of
technology experience
worldwide and assess them
Regular update of traffic
forecasts using
Follow the Signalling
Programme development and
raise concerns towards the
Signalling Programme in case
of timing, quality, performance
or functionality changes for the
CBTC system in order to ensure
that UTO project preconditions
will be fulfilled with respect to
the CBTC system
Future transportation needs
Uncertainty about future
technology and transportation
patterns make decided concepts
Delay or quality degradations
of the Signalling Programme
The UTO project relies on the
signalling programme. Additional
delays or quality degradation of
the signalling programme will
have directly impact on scope of
the UTO project
e.g. delays of
the signalling programme will in
case of further delays also create
delays of the UTO project.
Potential quality reductions of the
final STO signalling system will
cause a need for extension of the
scope of the UTO project in order
to obtain the necessary
Automatically coupling
The automatically coupling does
not work as assumed
Use the Ringbanen as a pilot
project including a lesson-learn
period in order to implement
the key findings for the rest of
the project
If the difficulties are limited to
periods with bad weather
conditions it can be managed
with running full configuration
(coupled units)
Use the Ringbanen as a pilot
project including a lesson-learn
period in order to implement
Platform safety
The chosen platform safety
does not work as
TRU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 365: Offentliggørelse af rapport om førerløse S-tog, fra transport-, bygnings- og boligministeren
Main report
e.g. detects too many
false events (birds, papers, etc.)
which results in reduced reliability
or does not work in the outdoor
the key findings for the rest of
the project
Base the chosen solution on
proven concepts/international
experience from
implementation in comparable
Use the Ringbanen as a pilot
project including a lesson-learn
period in order to implement
the key findings for the rest of
the project
Early involvement of the
approval authority throughout
the project
Use the Ringbanen as a pilot
project including a lesson-learn
period in order to implement
the key findings for the rest of
the project
Safety approval (CSM)
The safety approval process is
underestimated which results in
delays and cost overruns
Infrastructure works
The infrastructure works need to
be executed at night or during line
closures resulting in delays or cost
Power supply
Power supply upgrades are
postponed after political approval
of the UTO project which leads to
additional costs
Poor data basis
Poor infrastructure data leads to
underestimated sub-projects (e.g.
stepless boarding, fencing need,
Stepless boarding
The onboard gap-fillers cannot
stand the weather conditions and
daily use. This has been a risk in
other projects
Project implementation
The complexity of the project with
more parties involved, many
stakeholders and project
interfaces may cause unexpected
amendments or changes to the
project and call for more
resources on the Client’s
This will endanger the project
costs and the time schedule
Sample check of available data
in order to assess quality of
data during project formulation
and preparation before project
Clear specifications related to
the gap-fillers in the rolling
stock tender material
Testing in the right weather
also by supplier
Careful project formulation and
preparation involving all key
project parties and
Continued involvement of all
project parties and key
stakeholders during project
implementation after
The total risk add-on is calculated to approximately 780 million DKK which constitutes about 39%
of the budget for Flex36 (2 billion DKK).
TRU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 365: Offentliggørelse af rapport om førerløse S-tog, fra transport-, bygnings- og boligministeren
Main report
The overall risk evaluation is shown on the figure below.
Figure 13: Risk evaluation
The most severely (red) risks are:
Complexity and interfaces (contributing with a risk add-on cost of 190 mio. DKK)
“Brown field” project (contributing with a risk add-on
cost of 95 mio. DKK)
Organisational and technical changes (contributing with a risk add-on cost of 90 mio. DKK)
Safety approval (contributing with a risk add-on cost of 90 mio. DKK)
Procurement strategy (contributing with a risk add-on cost of 82 mio. DKK)
These risks and the evaluations reflect that the project is first of its kind in Denmark (first mover
project). The Metro in Copenhagen was designed as a driverless system from the beginning.
the “Complexity and interfaces” and “Brown field project” risks describe and capture the
challenge of transforming an existing railway system into a driverless system.
The most important mitigation
across a broad number of risks
is the use of Ringbanen as pilot
project. The main purpose of the pilot project is first of all to test the technical solution and make
sure it is feasible (adjust the scope
e.g. technical modifications) before it is implemented at the
rest of the S-bane.
The different scenarios have been taken into consideration by the risk evaluation. There are
however not identified major differences between the scenarios from a risk perspective:
The difference between “Classic style” and “Metro style” is basically
a time table question
and it does not affect the investments in infrastructure or rolling stock differently. Thus, it
does not influence the above risk assessment
The difference between “36” and “39” is likewise mostly a time table question –
however it
is highlighted that the 39 scenarios are close to technical limitations of the signalling
system and thus an operational risk related to the 39 scenarios. This operational risk has
been taken into consideration in the scenario selection and was one of the reasons to
deselect the 39 scenarios
The difference between UTO30 and Flex36 is primary the required number of rolling stock
units and time table. The risk assessment will however contain the same overall risks and
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Main report
The purpose of the financial analysis is to provide a comparison of the feasibility of each
alternative based on a consolidated examination of all costs and revenues related to the
investments in and operations of the new driverless trains. The analysis includes two different
alternatives to the baseline scenario, namely the Base UTO 30 and Flexible UTO 36.
The Base UTO 30 has a 2016 NPV of 1.311 mill. DKK, whilst the Flexible UTO 36 scenario results in
an NPV of 309 mill. DKK. Based on the NPV calculations, therefore, both scenarios are financially
beneficial compared to the baseline, although the former proves significantly stronger. This is
further backed up by the breakeven analysis, which shows that the Base UTO breaks even primo
2038, meaning that the project pays back within 18 years after the first project costs are held. The
Flex 36 scenario breaks even 18 months later in mid-2039, slightly later than the Base STO, which
breaks even ultimo 2038.
The main driver of the business case in favour of UTO is the savings of staff operating costs. The
transition to driverless operation saves 3.363 mill. DKK in NPV, equivalent to an annual saving of
327 mill. DKK after 2030. The difference in NPVs between the two UTO is roughly 1.000 mill. DKK,
and it is primarily driven by higher rolling stock investments, as well as higher train set operating
costs, the latter of which mainly covers train maintenance and energy consumption. Thus, the
larger passenger base and resulting 1.095 mill. DKK larger revenue base in the Flex 36 is
outweighed by the higher costs base.
The sensitivity analysis assesses the sensitivity of the UTO business case to changes in key
parameters; namely, passenger revenues, rolling stock investments, infrastructure investments
and savings on staff operating costs. The business case for the UTO scenario proved highly robust
to changes in the key parameters, whilst the Flex 36 show less leeway in terms of changes in the
size of key parameters. This scenario is especially sensitive to changes in the savings on staff
operating costs, as well as the price of new rolling stock.
Conclusively, there is a strong business case for introducing driverless operation in the S-train
network. However, a simultaneous increase in train frequency to 36 trains does not improve on
the business case, and the current frequency of 30 trains is therefore suggested as the best option
from a purely financial perspective. Confer Appendix 13 for more detailed information about the
calculations behind the financial analysis.
The overall objective of this project is to investigate the financial costs and benefits of
implementing unattended train operation (UTO) on the S-bane compared to the current semi
unattended train operation (STO). The STO will be fully implemented after the implementation of
the signalling programme.
The financial analysis measures all costs and benefits in financial terms by addressing whether or
not UTO provides increased revenue (more passengers), reduced costs (CAPEX or OPEX
), or any
combination of these that brings a better financial result compared to the existing operational
setup. Specifically, the performance of the UTO alternatives compared to the baseline is
constrained based on preconditions that should satisfy the following: 1) At least same overall
safety level should be kept, 2) Equally special segments of passengers should be provided with
same service level, e.g. disabled people shall have at least the same level of access, despite the
lack of driver support. 3) Other service intensions, on the other hand, are less strict: No explicit
CAPEX = Capital expenses, OPEX = Operating expenses.
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Main report
requirements are associated to for example availability, reliability or comfort. Such parameters are
assumed to fulfil a sufficient level, as long as it does not damage the financial result.
In practice, the financial analysis provides a financial examination of the costs and revenues
related to the project of transforming the S-train network to unattended train operation. The
analysis is conducted in accordance with the principles in the Ministry of Transport, Building and
“Manual for samfundsøkonomisk analyse på transportområdet”
The results of the
financial analysis are based on figures and values provided by other working groups, as well as
underlying assumptions related hereto. The project calculation period spans from 2020, where the
first project costs are held, to 2053, where the lifetime of all capital investments end. The
following section provides a short discussion on the timeline of the project and the calculation and
timing of costs and benefits. For a more detailed description of the assumptions and methods
underlying the analysis, please refer to Appendix 13.
Project timeline and discount rate
According to TRM, the project timeline shall follow the lifetime of the acquired rolling stock
. This
is based on the fact that it does not seem feasible to extend the timeline beyond the lifetime of the
rolling stock, as the main interest lies with the analysis of the operations of the new rolling stock.
In the screening report from 2013, the lifetime of the new driverless rolling stock was estimated to
25-30 years
. This is consistent with the lifetime of the current rolling stock, which is 30 years (cf.
section 6.6 on rolling stock). As a result, a lifetime of
of 30 years is applied in the
financial analysis.
In practice, the project timeline consists of two phases; 1) a construction phase and 2) an
operational phase. The construction phase spans from 2020 to 2029, both years included.
Effectively, this phase begins when the first project costs are held in 2020 (cf. section 9.4.2 on
details about the project costs), and ends when the last UTO trains have been rolled out on the
lines Farum
Frederikssund and Hillerød
Køge. For details on the rollout of the new trains, see
section 6.9.
The operational phase spans from 2030 to 2053. Technically, however, the operational phase
overlaps the construction phase, as the first trains are rolled out on the Ring line already from
2024-2026, after which the operations hereof starts in 2027. The operations of the new UTO trains
on the rest of the lines begin in 2030, as the operations of hereof are rolled out later than on the
Ring line.
In accordance with the rollout plan in section 6.9, the first trains to operate on the Ring line are
acquired in 2024, and it is the lifetime of these trains, which determines the length of the project
timeline. As this is assumed to be maximum 30 years, the timeline of the project ends in 2053. In
practice, however, this means that trains acquired at a later date are yet to exhaust their lifetime
at the end of the calculation period. However, no terminal value is included at the end of the
period due to the fact that the average lifetime of new driverless rolling stock is defined to be
between 25 and 30 years. As a result, some trains may in fact have shorter effective lifetimes than
the 30 years assumed. This applies both to the project alternatives and the baseline scenario,
however. Thus, as the business case calculations are based on the difference (delta) between the
alternatives and the base scenario, on average there is no effect of this assumption on the overall
results of the analysis.
Transportministeriet (2015). Manual for samfundsøkonomisk metode på transportområdet.
Transportministeriet (2015). Manual for samfundsøkonomisk metode på transportområdet, p. 17.
Transportministeriet: Rapport om mulighederne for automatisk S-bane drift (2013).
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Main report
The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Transport, Building and Housing sets the official
discount rate (the rate at which all future costs and benefits are discounted back to 2016 present
values (PV)) for projects not exceeding 35 years at
4 percent.
Hence a discount rate of 4
percent is applied in both the financial and socio-economic analyses.
Detailed results
Table 13 below displays the results in delta figures (Alternative
Base), i.e. as the differences
between Base UTO/Flex 36 and Base STO, respectively. The following paragraphs provide short
descriptions of each of the accounts displayed below, along with explanations as to why they differ
between the two alternatives.
NPV mill. DKK 2016
Base UTO
Flex 36
Procurement of new rolling stock
Additional costs for UTO functionality
Upgrade of the on-board unit (CBTC)
Platform Edge Safety
Safety between stations
Traction Power
Stepless boarding
Upgrade of maintenance facilities (workshops)
Upgrade of the signalling system (CBTC)
Rail access fees
Insurance costs
Train set operating costs (maintenance and energy)
Safety between Stations
Platform Safety
Costs for stabling areas
Table 13: Results of the financial analysis, 2016 NPV mill. DKK
Transportministeriet (2015). Manual for samfundsøkonomisk metode på transportområdet
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Main report
30 percent is there for used in a balance between practice and expert assessment. The early phase
of assessment and few historical very challenging projects argues for a high factor. At the other
hand, Rolling Stock does typically implies less risk imposing external stakeholder engagement
(noise, resistance, complains, legislations etc.) than huge construction- or installation projects.
Equally the rolling stock will based on standardized platforms wherever possible. From these
weighted considerations a 30 percent risk factor seems reasonable for Rolling Stock purchase
Operational related capital expenditures (rolling stock)
The operational related capital expenditures include all investments related to the acquisition of
new rolling stock, and they are held in accordance with the rollout period. They are divided in 1)
procurement of new rolling stock, 2) additional costs for UTO functionality and 3) upgrades of the
on-board signalling systems (CTBC).
The main cost driver of all three sub-accounts above is the number of new trains purchased; cf.
chapter 6.6 and appendix 6 for more information on rolling stock. More trains are purchased in the
flexible scenario, as the train frequency is increased to operations with 36 trains, which results in
higher costs. Furthermore, the additional costs for UTO functionality are driven by the price
difference between STO and UTO trains, as there are extra costs related to the UTO specific
functionality of new S-trains. The upgrades to the signalling systems (CTBC) cost 2 million DKK pr.
train in the UTO scenarios, and 1.6 million DKK pr. train in the STO scenario.
Infrastructure capital expenditures
The infrastructure capital expenditures include the following two groups of investments (notice
that the figures provided are excl. NAB
1) UTO specific investments:
Platform Edge Safety covers costs for safety systems such as IR-barriers at the stations. Total
investment is 652 mill. DKK throughout the rollout period in both UTO scenarios.
Safety between Stations includes a total investment of 320 mill. DKK in both UTO scenarios.
Stepless boarding accounts for investments of 38.25 mill. DKK for technology improvements to
enable stepless boarding solutions.
Upgrades of the signalling systems (CBTC) covers investments of 45.5 mill. DKK across the
rollout period to adapt the current signalling systems to UTO trains.
2) Necessary investments for both STO and UTO:
Traction Power upgrades includes investments to increase the capacity of the power supply in
the S-train network, as a result of the increase power demand from a higher number of
operating trains. Investments are identical in the Base STO and Base UTO scenarios at 82 mill.
DKK, but 65 percent higher in the Flex 36 scenario at 136 mill. DKK, as the power system
needs to generate power for a larger number of operating trains.
Track investments are identical across all scenarios and include total investments of 22 mill.
Upgrades of maintenance facilities (workshops) are identical across scenarios and include total
investments of 129 mill. DKK across the rollout period. This account covers the costs for
upgrading the current workshops to be adaptable to servicing the new rolling stock.
Project costs
Project costs cover expenses for project management and administration, safety approvals, testing
and commissioning, mobilization prior to trial operation, as well as revenue operation. They are
calculated as 18 percent of the total CAPEX of rolling stock and infrastructure excl. of NAB. Figure
The net present values provided earlier in table 14 are inclusive of the NAB uncertainty correction.
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Main report
Mio. DKK
Base STO
Base UTO
Flex 36
Figure 16: Operational and maintenance costs, mill. DKK
As Figure 16 above shows, the operating and maintenance costs are significantly higher in the Flex
36 scenario at an annual cost of 724 mill. DKK from 2030 to 2053.
Operational costs
The operational costs are divided into 1) rail access fees, 2) insurance costs, and 3) train set
operating costs.
1) Rail access fees account for the cost, which the train operator pays to Bane Danmark for
access to the infrastructure and rails. Based on “Netredegørelsen 2018”, the current access fee
(infrastructure charge) is calculated to 4.8 DKK pr. train km in 2016 prices.
Thus, the higher
the number of train kms driven, the higher will be the costs for access fees (cf. the larger costs
in the Flex 36 scenario of 198 mill. DKK).
2) Insurance costs (ansvar, kasko, forsikringsdækning af passagerer) are calculated based on
unit costs provided by Niras in
“Enhedsomkostninger ved persontogsdrift”.
Here, the unit cost
of insurance is estimated at 0.38 mill. DKK pr. S-train unit
. The unit costs in 2016 prices were
obtained by extrapolation using the Consumer Price Index (Forbrugerprisindekset). This
resulted in unit costs of 0.44 mill. DKK and 0.46 mill. DKK pr. STO and UTO train unit,
respectively. The difference in unit prices is based on the fact that the price of a new UTO train
is 3.4 percent higher than a new STO train (cf. appendix 13 for more details).
3) Train set operating costs account for the largest part of the operational costs, and they cover
costs for rolling stock maintenance and energy. They are calculated as 21.1 DKK pr. STO train
unit km, and 21.8 DKK pr. UTO train unit km. Operating costs are thus higher in the Flex 36
scenario, as they are driven by a larger number of train unit kms.
BaneDanmark “Netredegørelse 2018” can be found at
and current infrastructure charges can be
found at
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Main report
Infrastructure maintenance costs
Maintenance costs for infrastructure are held in accordance with the rollout plan for the related
infrastructure investments, and they cover maintenance costs for platform edge safety, which
amounts to 1.047 mill. DKK and 2) safety between stations, which totals 360 mill. DKK. These are
UTO specific maintenance costs (as they relate to UTO specific investments), and they are identical
for both UTO scenarios. Finally, infrastructure maintenance costs include annual costs for stabling
areas, which amount to 14.2 mill. DKK for Base STO, 14.1 mill. DKK for Base UTO and 13.2 mill.
DKK for the Flex 36 scenario. See chapter 6 for more details.
Savings on staff operating costs
The savings on staff operating costs from introduced driverless operation accounts for by far the
largest benefit in the business case at an NPV of 3.363 mill. DKK in both UTO scenarios. Confer
chapter 7 “Organisation”
for a more detailed description of the consequences of UTO operation on
Figure 17 below illustrates the annual savings on staff operating costs. Note that the annual
savings on staff costs is lower in 2030, as a so-called
“stay bonus” of
27 mill. DKK is included as a
lump sum in both UTO scenarios. The bonus covers the extra costs estimated for retaining relevant
train drivers until the end of the transition phase, as there is a risk that some personnel is not
willing to stay until the end of the rollout period, knowing that they will either need to find another
job or face reallocation.
Mio. DKK
UTO Staff operating savings
Figure 17: Savings on staff operating costs, mill. DKK
Passenger revenue
Passenger revenue is calculated by multiplying the number of passenger trips, according to OTM
data, by the estimated average tariff per trip. In the financial analysis, the average trip tariff is
calculated based on the average number of zone crossings pr. trip, in order to obtain the most
reliable estimate possible. The average number of zone crossings differs between the different
scenarios (Base UTO and Flex 36), as do therefore the calculated average tariffs. Cf. appendix 13
for detailed descriptions on the calculation methods.
The average tariffs pr. passenger trip are hence calculated as:
TRU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 365: Offentliggørelse af rapport om førerløse S-tog, fra transport-, bygnings- og boligministeren
Main report
Base STO (current situation): 12.88 DKK
Base UTO : 12.87 DKK
Flex 36: 12.52 DKK
The number of zone crossings is shorter in the flexible scenario, as the metro operation results in
shorter average trips, which lead to a lower average tariff.
The number of passenger trips is assumed to grow 0.5 percent annually from 2030-2053. This is
based on the forecasted population growth for the period 2030-2040 in the Greater Copenhagen
municipalities, in which S-trains currently operate. This growth rate follows the recommendations
provided by key stakeholders in the project, and is therefore deemed a reasonable estimate of
future passenger growth.
It was considered to apply a higher growth rate in the project, based on the average passenger
growth rate the last 10 years of 2.4 percent
. However, this past growth arguably mainly stems
from the decision to allow free bikes on S-trains in 2010
. Evidently, in the 10-year period prior to
the decision of free bikes allowance, average annual growth rate was 0.1 percent. This suggests
that applying the average growth since 2005 is overly optimistic, thus validating the assumption of
a 0.5 percent passenger growth rate from 2030 and onwards
As evident from figure 15 below, annual passenger revenues are roughly at the same level across
all three scenarios until 2030, after which the larger passenger base in the Flex 36 scenario leads
to higher passenger revenues compared to the Base STO and Base UTO scenarios.
Mio. DKK
Revenue - Base STO
Revenue - Base UTO
Revenue - Flex 36
Figure 18: Annual passenger revenues, mill. DKK
For a detailed description of the underlying calculations, please see appendix 13.
The 2.4 percent average growth is calculated as the Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) for the number of S-train passengers in
Additionally, one may consider the fact that increased passenger demand in the S-train network (from the 0.5 percent annual
the period 2005-2015. Source: Statistics Denmark
increase) may at some point in the future result in overcrowding and thus may create the need for additional rolling stock acquisitions.
However, as this would be true for the Base STO scenario as well, the delta effect of this consideration is deemed insignificant and
therefore excluded from the analysis. Additionally, the amount of overcrowding greatly depends on the distribution of these passenger
increases across the day; an increase in non-peak hours is thus less likely to result in overcrowding, compared to an increase in peak-
hours. Based on these considerations, therefore, the 0.5 percent estimate involves some underlying uncertainty. This is acknowledged
and addressed in the sensitivity analysis in section 9.6.1.
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Main report
As a result of the combination of classic operation during peak hours and metro operation during
non-peak hours, the flexible scenario offers more passenger trips compared to both the Base STO
and Base UTO. This translates into higher passenger revenues even though the average tariff pr.
trip is smaller in Flex 36.
Break Even Analysis and Payback periods
Figure 19 below illustrates the accumulated net cash flows, or the liquidity development, across
scenarios throughout the analysis period. Base UTO breaks even in primo 2038 and hence has the
shortest payback time at 18 years after the first project costs is held in 2020. The flexible scenario
pays back 18 months later in mid-2039, whilst Base STO breaks even in ultimo-2038. The
estimated payback periods are consistent with the screening report from 2013, in which the
payback period was estimated at 19 years.
Accumulated net result (cash
flows), mio. DKK
Base STO
Base UTO
Flex 36
Figure 19: Accumulated net cash flows (net result), mill. DKK
The break-even times of the three scenarios thus fall within a short interval. Additionally, it is
interesting to notice that the flexible scenario only outperforms the base STO after 2042.
Conversely, the base UTO already outperforms the baseline after 2036, based on accumulated
cash flows. This is directly related to the large extra investments made at the beginning of the
period in the flexible scenario. As is evident from the fact that the Base UTO has the highest NPV
(cf. 7) and the shortest payback period, the flexible scenario never makes up for the extra
investments related to increasing the frequency to 36 trains.
Sensitivity analysis
The purpose of the sensitivity analysis is to examine how the results are affected when key
parameters are changed. In the financial analysis, the following four parameters are key
determinants for the overall results, and they will be the subject of the following sensitivities.
Passenger revenue
Operational related CAPEX (rolling stock investments)
Infrastructure CAPEX
Savings on staff operations
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Passenger revenue
The calculation of passenger revenue is based on traffic simulations on the number of passengers
from the OTM-model, and they are as such not the subject in a financial sensitivity analysis.
Instead, the assumed passenger growth rate is the subject of interest.
It is assumed that the passenger base will increase by 0.5 percent per year from 2030-2053. The
growth rate is an important parameter in the financial analysis, and it may be argued that letting
the number of passengers increase linearly over the period and simultaneously keeping the
number of operating trains constant is in contrast with reality. Hence, it may be contested that the
capacity of the trains acquired during the rollout period is sufficient in relation to the assumed
future passenger growth. Testing this assumption is therefore of high importance. The table below
shows the how the result of the business case changes when the passenger growth rate is altered.
Delta NPVs, million DKK 2016 prices
Base UTO
Flex 36
Sensitivity scenarios,
annual growth rates
Worst case: 0 percent
Current case: 0.5 percent
Best case: 1 percent
Converging rate: 6.3 percent
Table 14: Passenger growth rate sensitivities
The analysis suggests that the results of the business case are robust to changes in the passenger
growth rate. Both UTO scenarios are financially viable compared to the base case at zero growth in
passengers. Furthermore, the analysis illustrates that the two scenarios converge when the growth
in passengers is very high at 6.3 percent, which in reality seems quite unrealistic. This supports
the conclusion that the Base UTO scenario is the strongest, and equally importantly that the
transition to driverless operation in the S-train network is in fact financially viable.
Operational related capital expenditure (rolling stock investments)
The size of the rolling stock investments is a key factor in the business case, especially evident
from the large cost in the Flex 36 alternative, where a higher number of trains are purchased.
Although the uncertainty related to the operational related capital expenditures is already partially
accounted for in the analysis through the 30 percent risk add-on, a sensitivity analysis is still
deemed highly informative.
The table below shows the sensitivity of the business case to changes in the operational related
capital expenditure in both the baseline and the project alternatives. It distinguishes between
changes to the estimated unit price of a new rolling stock (cf. section 6.9), as well as changes to
the quantity of new trains purchased.
Sensitivity scenarios,
rolling stock capital
Current price and quantity
- Price sensitivity:
- 10 percent higher price
Delta NPVs, million DKK 2016 prices
Base UTO
Flex 36
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- 20 percent higher price
Quantity sensitivity:
- 10 percent more trains
- 20 percent more trains
Table 15: Operational related CAPEX sensitivities
The table shows that both alternatives still have a positive NPV when the price and number of
rolling stock is changed. Furthermore the table shows that the Base UTO has a higher NPV than
that Flex 36 in all cases.
Infrastructure capital expenditures
Changes to investments that are identical across all three scenarios are not relevant to test, as
they will affect the three scenarios in the same way and hence be irrelevant.
Therefore, in this sensitivity analysis, only infrastructure investments that differ in size between
the Base STO and the UTO scenarios have been altered. The table below shows the results of the
sensitivity analysis.
Delta NPVs, million DKK 2016 prices
Base UTO
Table 16: Infrastructure CAPEX sensitivities
Sensitivity scenarios,
infrastructure CAPEX
Current level
- 10 percent increase
- 20 percent increase
Flex 36
As the table show, changing the level of infrastructure investments does not alter the overall
conclusion; there is a positive business case for the introduction of UTO in the S-train network,
and the Base UTO still outperforms the Flex 36.
Looking at the specific numbers, a 10 percent increase in investment costs results in a decrease in
NPV of 123 mill. DKK for Base UTO, whilst the NPV of the Flex 36 decreases by 128 mill. DKK. The
small difference stems from the fact that the only investment costs, which differ between the two
UTO scenarios are the costs for upgrading the Traction Power System. This cost is initially 82 mill.
DKK and 136 mill. DKK in the Base UTO and Flex 36, respectively. All other infrastructure
investments are the same between the two project alternatives, cf. section
At a 20 percent increase, the Flex 36 alternative results in an NPV of 52 mill. DKK, while the Base
UTO still significantly outperforms the Base STO at an NPV of 1.066 mill. DKK.
Savings on staff operating costs
The savings on staff operating costs is the main driver of the positive business case for driverless
operation. For this reason, this probably prevails as the most significant parameter to test in a
sensitivity analysis. The table below shows the effect of altering the annual savings on staff
operating costs, which was initially estimated at 327 mill. DKK, contributing with an NPV of 3.3 bill.
DKK in both UTO scenarios.
Sensitivity scenarios,
Delta NPVs, million DKK 2016 prices
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savings on staff costs
Current level
- 7.05 percent decrease
- 10 percent decrease
- 20 percent decrease
- 30 percent decrease
- 38.78 percent decrease
Base UTO
Flex 36
Table 17: Savings on operating staff costs sensitivities
Each 10 percent decrease in the annual savings on staff operating costs amount to a decrease in
the NPV of both scenarios of 338 mill. DKK. This effectively means that the Flex 36 already
becomes unprofitable compared to the Base STO at a decrease in annual staff savings of about 7
percent, whilst it takes a significant decrease of 38.78 percent before the Base UTO converges to
the level of the Base STO result.
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10.1 Introduction
The socio-economic analysis describes the costs and benefits for the Danish society when replacing
the existing S-trains with driverless trains. The analysis is conducted using the principles from the
manual for socio-economic analysis within transportation
published by the Danish Ministry of
Transport, Building and Housing. The calculations are performed using the TERESA model
administered by same authority.
The socio-economic analysis is based on the assumptions provided by the other working groups as
well as the financial analysis conducted by working group 3. This includes fundamental parameters
such as project investments, operational and maintenance costs. User benefits including time and
distance savings are based on the results from the OTM- and PRIME-models. Furthermore, the
derived effects (for example externalities and tax distortions) as consequences of the changed
consumption patterns are included in the analysis as well.
10.2 Conclusion and results
Table 18 shows the socio-economic results divided in categories project investments, operational
and maintenance costs, user effects, external effects and other effects.
Project investments
Operational and maintenance costs
User benefits
Other effects
Total net present value
Internal rate of return
Benefit-cost ratio
NPV per DKK project investment
Alternative 1
Base UTO
Alternative 2
Table 18: Net present value, 2016 price level in market prices (mDKK)
Both alternatives have a positive net present value indicating that both alternatives are profitable
in a socio-economic perspective, cf. Table 18. However, alternative Flex36 has the most favorable
socio-economic result when comparing the two alternatives. The difference between the two
alternatives is primarily due to the large user benefits generated by the Flex36 alternative, even
though both operational costs and investments are significantly higher.
The internal rate of return and the Cost-benefit ratio resolve in the same conclusion for both
alternatives. Hence for both alternatives, the internal rate of return is higher than 4 pct. which is
expected for this type of project. Furthermore, for both alternatives the benefit-cost ratio is higher
1. The ‘NPV per DKK project investment’ is calculated as ‘total net present value’ divided by
the absolute value of ‘project investments’ and indicates that
for each DKK spend on project
investment the state can expect a positive net present return in either alternative.
In the following sections the different cost categories are described in more detail. For a
comprehensive explanation of each cost category the reader is referred to the appendix 13
describing the socio-economic analysis in more detail.
for samfundsøkonomisk analyse på transportområdet”
fra Transportministeriet
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Project investments (CAPEX)
The investment costs included in the socio-economic analysis is based on the investments
described in the financial analysis. Since the investments are established in factor prices a tax
(henceforth NAF) is added to the price to convert the prices into market prices. The NAF
factor is assumed to be 1,325 which correspond to the assumptions in the manual for socio-
economic analysis within transportation. NAF can be seen as an estimate of the average tax
burden for private expenditures and is used to make private, public and citizen expenditures
As the lifespan of the conducted investments, including rolling stock, are equal to the length of the
analysis no terminal values are included in the socio-economic analysis. This corresponds to the
assumptions in the financial analysis.
Table 19 gives an overview of the included investments in capital separated into subgroups. The
results are after including the NAF tax factor.
Operational related investments (rolling stock)
Investment in infrastructure costs
Project administration costs
Total net project investments
Alternative 1
Base UTO
Alternative 2
Table 19: Project investments (NPV in mDKK)
During the constructing period certain inconveniences due to noise, dust, emissions and other
disturbances are expected to occur. These inconveniences can be expected to affect individuals in
close proximity to the construction area. None of these inconveniences caused in the construction
period are included in the analysis as these are hard to quantify and are considered to have minor
impact. This results in a very minor overestimation of the benefits of the project.
10.2.2 Operational and maintenance costs (OPEX)
The operational and maintenance costs of the project are based on the financial analysis. Some of
the operational costs results from acquisition of product and services which are estimated in factor
prices. These costs are converted into market prices by the use of the NAF tax factor as specified
by the manual for socio-economic analysis within transportation.
Passenger revenue has been calculated using the OTM-model based on the train timetable and
expected number of passengers within the TERESA-model to take into consideration the loss in
revenues from other public transportation modes. Some train passengers are expected to change
from bus to train and from a socio-economic view this is simply a reallocation between public
transportation modes. This is different from the financial analysis since the socio-economic
analysis takes the society as a whole into consideration. The financial analysis directs its attention
to the business case of the train operation whereas the socio-economic analysis looks at a broader
Table 20 shows the included operational and maintenance costs after adding the NAF tax where
Nettoafgiftsfaktor (NAF) jf. ”Manual
for samfundsøkonomisk analyse på transportområdet”
fra Transportministeriet
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Operational costs
Infrastructure maintenance costs
Passenger revenue
Staff operating costs
Total net operational and maintenance costs
Alternative 1
Base UTO
Alternative 2
Table 20: Operational and maintenance costs (NPV in mDKK)
10.2.3 User benefits
When implementing either of the two alternatives the transportation consumption pattern changes
which result in either a benefit or a cost for the individual consumer. The user benefits or costs are
based on the time and distance change determined by the OTM- and PRIME-model results
. The
OTM and PRIME results describe how much more/less time passengers spend in either public or
private traffic and how many more/less kilometers they drive in private transportation. These
changes are valued through the use of transportation unit prices as defined by the Ministry of
Transport, Building and Housing and their unit price catalog
. A unit price thereby indicates a
value for society in relation to individuals saving or spending more time in traffic. E.g. when an
individual saves one leisure hour in public transportation this generates a value of approximately
85 DKK. Had this hour been saved in a working relation the monetary value would have been
approximately 406 DKK.
The analysis includes changes in how individuals use public transportation and road transportation
and estimate the monetary value incurred compared to the base scenario. If individuals spend less
time in traffic or drive fewer kilometers when an alternative is implemented then this count as a
positive value from a socio-economic perspective. The opposite apply when more kilometers are
driven and more time is spent in traffic.
Public transportation includes bus and train transportation. The value of time savings are
separated into four categories for public transportation: Traveling time saved, waiting time saved,
time saved traveling to and from mode of transportation and time saved changing mode of
transportation. Table 21
indicates that most of the ‘benefits’ occur from time savings in public
transportation. The TERESA-model does not differ between modes of transportation within public
transportation. This means that the result is only highlighted as one source of benefit and not
separated into bus and train transportation
. From Table 21 it can be seen that the Base UTO
alternative result in more time spend in public transportation which result in a negative socio-
economic value. On the other hand, Flex36 creates large time savings within public transportation
which results in a large positive value for society as a whole.
Time and distance changes for road transportation are separated into three types: Cars,
commercial vehicles and trucks. From Table 21 it can be seen that Base UTO result in more time
being spend in road transportation and more kilometres are driven resulting in a negative socio-
economic value. The opposite apply for the Flex36 alternative where hours are spend in road
traffic and less kilometres are driven.
Table 21 shows that the individual passenger saves money in ticket expenditures when comparing
the base case with the two project alternatives. This is due to the fact that each individual
generally travels a shorter distance and thereby travels through fewer zones on an average. As
See the appendix section 11 for a review of the OTM- and PRIME-model results
Transportministeriets nøgletalskatalog
From Appendix 1 section 6.1 we know that Flex 36 provides 11% more passenger trips per weekday compared to the base scenarios.
Approximate 10.000 of these trips originate from trips that were previously done by car, foot or bike. 3 500 trips are new and the
remaining 26 000 are trips that were previously taken by bus, metro or other public transport modes.
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ticket prices are determined through the number of zones the passenger travels through this
means that the lower distance results in lower ticket expenditures in general. This means that
even though ticket revenues are rising in business case as more individuals are travelling by public
transportation each individual are saving money on public transportation.
As the project is implemented in steps the user benefits are as well. In the phase-in period only
part of the benefit effect is initiated. A phase-in period is assumed for each line opening. The first
the Ring Line
initiates at 2026 with 40 pct. of the potential passenger benefit for this line
and is increased each year in the sequence 70, 90 and 100 pct. in 2027, 2028 and 2029
respectively. The initiation
of the “fingers” uses the same percentages with start in 2030. Hence,
the phase-in period resembles the assumed phase-in period for the passengers in the financial
The user benefits from time and distance changes for each category can be seen from Table 21.
Time savings, road
Time savings, public transportation
Time savings, freight transportation
Distance savings, road
Ticket expenditures, public transportation
Total net present value (NPV)
Alternative 1
Base UTO
Alternative 2
Table 21: User benefits (NPV in mDKK)
The negative result of Alternative 1 indicates that consumers of transportation spend more time in
traffic and drives a longer distance compared to the base scenario. For Alternative 2 the
consumers experience a time saving but at the same time experience a small increase in the
distance travelled. In total, alternative 2 implies large positive benefits for the consumers.
10.2.4 External effects
Externalities include the effects to the society that the individual traveller does not take into
consideration when choosing which mode of transportation to use. Individuals are not expected to
consider the noise or air pollution generated when considering their favourite travel plans. The
external effects can either appear as benefits or costs depending on how the consumption pattern
changes. All externalities are determined by the amount of kilometres driven in each alternative.
This means that if more kilometres are driven more externalities occur. When more kilometres are
travelled externalities are occurring causing negative influence to society and when less is
travelled externalities influence society positively.
The socio-economic analysis includes changes in externalities such as climate, air pollution, noise
and accidents that arise due to the changes in travel consumption patterns. When more kilometers
are driven more accidents, pollution and noise is expected to occur.
‘Air pollution’ includes
emission of NOx, HC, SO
, CO and PM2.5 whereas ‘climate’ only includes emissions of CO
. The
inconvenience due to noise is also estimated using unit costs. Lastly, the number of accidents
depends upon the kilometres driven and the costs to society increase as number of accidents
increase. An extended description of externalities and how they are determined can be found in
appendix section 13.
The benefits or costs of externalities are valued using unit prices as a function of train and car
kilometers driven in each alternative compared to the basis scenario. E.g. for each additional
kilometer driven by individuals due to implementation of the project society is expected to lose
value as more accidents, noise and pollution is expected to occur. Table 22 shows the net present
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Main report
value of the externalities in the two alternatives. As both alternatives result in net more kilometers
driven both alternatives have negative externalities.
Alternative 1
Alternative 2
Base UTO
Air pollution
Climate (CO2)
Total net present value (NPV)
Table 22: Externalities (NPV in mDKK)
10.2.5 Other effects
The category ‘other effects’ include tax consequences for the public, work supply distortion and
work supply gains. Each has been calculated using the TERESA-model and adhere to the
assumptions in the manual for socio-economic analysis within transportation. Table 23 specifies
each of the three categories. An elaboration of each of the separate subcategories can be found in
the appendix section 13 or in the manual for socio-economic analysis with transportation projects.
Tax consequences
Work supply distortion
Work supply gains
Total net present value (NPV)
Table 23: Externalities (NPV in mDKK)
Alternative 1
Base UTO
Alternative 2
10.3 Sensitivity
Socio-economic analysis always involves some uncertainties due to uncertainty surrounding the
used input and assumptions. To determine the robustness of the analysis, these uncertain
parameters have been varied to investigate how important these are to the socio-economic result.
We have identified the following parameters which we consider crucial for the analysis and which
might involve uncertainty.
Investment in capital
Socio-economic interest rate (the rate of return which can be expected from similar
Value generated through time savings (time saving unit prices)
Expected passenger growth rate
Main result
Investment in capital: +25 pct.
Investment in capital: -25 pct.
Socio-economic interest rate: 3 pct.
Socio-economic interest rate: 5 pct.
Unit prices for time savings: -25 pct.
Unit prices for time savings: +25 pct.
Passenger growth: 0 pct.
Passenger growth: 2 pct.
Alternative 1
Base UTO
Alternative 2
Table 24: Sensitivity (NPV in mDKK)
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Table 24 indicates that the socio-economic results are rather robust as neither of the sensitivity
scenarios resolve in negative net present values. This is the case when changing the amount of
investment in capital, the interest rate, unit price for time savings and passenger growth.
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The conclusion is derived from the overall analysis where there is focus on the strongest key
findings and can be summarized as follows:
UTO attraction
When purchasing the next generation of rolling stock for the S-Bane in Copenhagen, it is
possible to define UTO scenarios as much more attractive and viable option, than a
comparable STO mode. From a financial perspective the attraction can be clearly
demonstrated in the possibility to provide the same service at reduced cost (frequency of 30
trains per hour in central section with an operational pattern as it is today), or to increase the
service level at the same cost (frequency of 36 trains per hour in central section with a
combination of classic and metro style operation). If also taking the Social Economic analysis
into account, the scenario with best service provision also exhibits the best economic
Operational flexibility
The UTO attraction and the investigated scenarios should be understood as a confirmed proof-
rather than suggestions for specific future operational plans. For that reason, it’s
not required that a decision about introducing UTO is necessarily followed by decisions about
exact operational plan, or a specific traffic pattern. This could be addressed as a part of the
potential future tender process.
Technical feasibility
From a technical point of view, feasibility can be provided by different solutions that are all
functioning in commercial operation today. The major technical elements comprehend CBTC
based rolling stock with a max. speed of 120 km/h, coupling into units from 1 to 3 sets,
stepless boarding, objective detection systems (ODS) on platforms and fences in between
stations. No of the suggested technical solutions are characterized as green field. However,
due to innovation, even more efficient and robust solutions are expected to be developed and
introduced within the next 10 years.
Rollout based on early deployment and stepwise implementation
The recommended rollout scenario is based on the test and early deployment on Ringbanen,
leaving the vast majority of the network undisturbed until a more robust solution is
implemented and sufficient lessons learned are collected, reviewed and assessed. Once the
Ringbane is converted into a UTO mode, a three step successive rollout plan encompassing
the outer lines, shall be planed taking the complexity of each line into account, including the
accessibility to depots and workshops.
Organisational impact
The most obvious organizational impact will be that +500 of the existing train drivers that will
be made redundant on the S-bane. The existing on-train and platforms service personnel may
probably be enlarged to a team of an estimated 200 service stewards, as known from the
Metro today. The changes give a major positive contribution to the final financial results.
However, a combination of natural reduction in staff (retention, job changes) and potential
transfer of train drivers into regional- and long distance trains (fjernbanen), makes the
redundancy among train drivers and the need for layoffs manageable. It’s recommended
keep a strong focus on the general transition process, which should be supported by change
management strategies and strong leadership.
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Risk Assessment
The overall risk assessment points in the direction that the most considerable incidents may
well be related to dependencies on other external development projects, which are outside
the control of potential UTO project. And, the combination of newer proven solutions mixed
with an exsisting system, i.e. UTO mode in a large railway network not originally designed for
driverless solution almost entirely above ground, may also be a challenge. Due to these
uncertainties and the early stage in the investigation, a risk premium of 50 pct. is added to all
infrastructural investments, while 30 pct. is added to the rolling stock. In addition, when it
comes to external dependencies, a strong mitigating response will be, that much more
evidence about the actual performance will be available long before the necessary decisions
will need to be made in regards to UTO.
Financial and socioeconomic results
From a financial perspective, the UTO attraction is derived from four main sources: Extra cost
related to new infrastructure, extra cost to UTO compliant Rolling Stock, increased income
due to more passengers, and reduced staff costs due to UTO mode. All this is estimated as a
delta result, compared to a STO mode. From a Socio economic perspective, the major
contributor comes from user benefits, in particular, time savings in public transportation, in
the scenario with 36 hourly trains.
To summarize, the analysis emphasises that UTO is the best option with the best obvious potential
for future benefits. It’s therefore, the recommendation to take the next step in the decision
process in the direction of UTO. And as it stands, further investigation will be required. However,
this can be incorporated in a long term procurement strategy based on a controlled decision gates,
and thereby allowing the process to continue as soon as the required decisions are made.