Transport-, Bygnings- og Boligudvalget 2016-17
TRU Alm.del Bilag 201
Bundesminister Alexander Dobrindt
Bundesministerium für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur
Invalidenstraße 44
D-10115 Berlin
[email protected]
Our ref.
16. februar 2017
Ministry of Transport,
Building, and Housing
Frederiksholms Kanal 27 F
DK-1220 Copenhagen K
+45 41 71 27 00
Dear Minister Dobrindt, dear colleague,
Thank you very much for your warm greetings on the occasion of my appoint-
ment as Minister for Transport, Building and Housing.
I appreciate that you have been in contact with the Federal Ministry for the
Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety on the impact
for the fixed link across the Fehmarnbelt of the EU decision of 10 November
2016 on setting up criteria and methodological standards on good environmen-
tal status of marine waters and specifications and standardised methods for
monitoring and assessment.
On the basis of the decision a number of working groups will be set up to pre-
pare specific proposals on threshold values and methods, including threshold
values on underwater noise if possible. Our state-owned company Femern A/S
is in close contact with the Danish environmental authorities on this.
As I mentioned to you during our brief conversation in Paris on 31 January
2017 I am worried about the Schleswig-Holstein authorities’ plan approval pro-
cess concerning the immersed tunnel under the Fehmarnbelt.
As announced in November 2016 on 15 February 2017 Femern A/S submitted
to the approval authority in Schleswig-Holstein the answers to the 12,600 re-
sponses received during the second public hearing in 2016. The company took
all necessary steps and used all available resources to produce answers of a
high quality. The company engaged 150 international and German experts on
safety, environment, technical issues, legal issues and EU regulation in prepar-
ing the answers. Some of the most skilled German advisors and experts within
these subject areas contributed to the answers.
However, it is also important to the process that the company receives the nec-
essary advice from the authorities in Schleswig-Holstein.
On 12 December 2016 Minister Meyer informed me that the plan approval pro-
cess is currently six months delayed. The Schleswig-Holstein authorities have
not yet prepared a new timetable. Minister Meyer expects that the need for a
new timetable will be clarified during March 2017 and he has informed me that
he expects to visit me in Copenhagen on 27 March 2017.
TRU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 201: Status om Femern Bælt-forbindelsen, fra transport-, bygnings- og boligministeren
Germany and Denmark have agreed on the need for having the fixed link across
the Fehmarnbelt and we signed a state treaty in 2008, according to which “the
Contracting States will cooperate in all areas in order to quickly obtain authori-
ty approvals at the national and at the international level”.
Further delays in the plan approval process will in my opinion raise serious
doubts as to the ability of the authorities in Schleswig-Holstein to deliver on the
objectives of the state treaty. This has the potential to put the entire Fehmarn-
belt project at risk due to persistent uncertainty with respect to the German
plan approval process.
Based on previous experience, there is a risk that the authorities in Schleswig-
Holstein will announce further delays. Should this occur, I would like to meet
with you urgently and discuss if there are alternative ways in which the fulfil-
ment of our joint treaty can be brought about.
I attach great importance to a good and close cooperation between Germany
and Denmark. Therefore, I look forward to cooperating with you on transport
and infrastructure matters.
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Yours sincerely,
Ole Birk Olesen