Sundheds- og Ældreudvalget 2016-17
SUU Alm.del Bilag 443
Towards Viral Hepatitis Elimination in Denmark*
14. September 2017; 16-18.30
IDA Mødecenter, Kalvebod Brygge 31, 1560 København V
Nina Weis
Associate Professor, MD, PhD,
Copenhagen University Hospital, Hvidovre
Brian J McMahon
MD, MACP, Medical and Research Director, Liver Disease
and Hepatitis Program
Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium & Centers for Dis-
ease Control and Prevention
Jeffrey V. Lazarus
Professor, PhD, MIH, MA;
CHIP, WHO Collaborating Centre,
Copenhagen University Hospital, Rigshospitalet
Anne Øvrehus
MD, PhD student; Odense University Hospital
Helle Petersen
MD, Head of Medical section
Center for Addiction Treatment, Copenhagen
Nina Weis
Associate Professor, MD, PhD, Copenhagen
University Hospital, Hvidovre
IDA Mødecenter
*Sessions will be performed in English
Global Perspective of
viral hepatitis elimination
How can Denmark reach the WHO 2030 viral
hepatitis elimination goals?
Where to look for hepatitis C in
Denmark: what do we find - when we do?
Shared Addiction Care Copenhagen (SACC)
Panel discussion & Closing remarks
Optional Dinner & Discussion
Please register for the meeting here:
Towards Viral Hepatitis Elimination in Denmark
Including your name and if you will attend dinner (Y/N) - alternative use e-mail:
[email protected]
Med venlig hilsen
Nina Weis
Meeting has been made possible by grants and sponsorships from Abbvie, Gilead and MSD
Meting agenda, content and speaker presentations has been developed without any influence by Abbvie, Gilead or MSD
Arrangementet er anmeldt til ENLI (Etisk Nævn for Lægemiddelindustrien) inden arrangementets afholdese, og arrangementet er efter virksomhedernes opfattelse i
overensstemmelse med reglerne på området, selv om arrangementet ikke på forhånd er godkendt af ENLI.