Sundheds- og Ældreudvalget 2016-17
SUU Alm.del Bilag 336
December 2015
ISIL/Da'esh and 'non-conventional'
weapons of terror
The European Union and its Member States must prepare for the possibility of a
chemical or biological attack on their territory by the self-styled 'Islamic State' in Iraq
and the Levant (known variously as IS, ISIS or ISIL, and by the Arabic acronym 'Da'esh').
Since the beginning of October 2015, terrorist attacks in Ankara, the Sinai Peninsula,
Beirut, Paris and Tunis, for which ISIL/Da'esh has claimed responsibility, have cost the
lives of 500 people. Immediately following the latest attack in Paris, the jihadist
terrorist group threatened further attacks in European cities.
ISIL/Da'esh has vowed that future strikes will be more lethal and even more shocking.
This has prompted experts to warn that the group may be planning to try to use
internationally banned weapons of mass destruction in future attacks. On
19 November 2015, the French Prime Minister, Manuel Valls, raised the spectre of
ISIL/Da'esh planning a chemical or biological attack. At present, European citizens are
not seriously contemplating the possibility that extremist groups might use chemical,
biological, radiological or nuclear (CBRN) materials during attacks in Europe. Under
these circumstances, the impact of such an attack, should it occur, would be even
more destabilising.
European governments and EU institutions need to be on alert, and should consider
publicly addressing the possibility of a terrorist attack using chemical, biological,
radiological or even nuclear materials. The EU institutions have devoted considerable
efforts to preventing a CBRN attack on European soil and preparing worst-case
scenarios. However, some gaps remain, in particular with regard to information-
sharing among Member States.
In this briefing:
The ISIL/Da'esh threat
The likelihood of future attacks
Non-conventional weapons
ISIL/Da'esh motivation
Threat scenarios and
ISIL/Da'esh s capacity
The situation at the EU level
The role of EU Member States
Main references
EPRS | European Parliamentary Research Service
Author: Beatrix Immenkamp
Members' Research Service
PE 572.806
SUU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 336: Henvendelse af 18/5-17 fra Bavarian Nordic vedr. det danske biologiske beredskab
ISIL/Da'esh and 'non-conventional' weapons of terror
The likelihood of future attacks
Since the beginning of October, terrorist attacks in Ankara, the Sinai Peninsula, Beirut
Paris and Tunis, for which ISIL/Da'esh has claimed responsibility, have cost the lives of
500 people. The attackers weapons of choice so far have been explosive devices,
including car bombs and suicide belts, and automatic weapons.
Immediately following the attacks in Paris on 13 November, the group announced that
further attacks would take place in the immediate future, in Paris and other capital
cities. Washington DC, London, and Rome were specifically mentioned, as well as
targets in Belgium.
Rob Wainwright, the head of Europol, the coordinating organisation of EU countries'
police forces,
during a hearing in the European Parliament on 19 November
that Europe was likely to face new ISIL/Da'esh attacks after those in Paris the previous
According to Wainwright, 'We are dealing with a very serious, well-resourced,
determined international terrorist organisation that is now active on the streets of
Europe. This represents the most serious terrorist threat faced in Europe for 10 years.'
He noted ISIL/Da'esh s determination to export 'its brutal brand of terrorism to Europe',
which was backed by serious capabilities in terms of resources and manpower.
Chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear (CBRN) materials as weapons of terror
Several experts
have warned that there is a genuine risk of
ISIL/Da'esh using chemical, biological, radiological or even
Chemical weapons
are defined
nuclear materials in the context of future attacks on
as non-living, manufactured
European targets. It has been suggested that the group s
chemical agents combined with
next weapon of choice could, for example, be an
a dispersal mechanism that,
improvised explosive device containing chemical or
incapacitating, damaging or
radioactive materials.
Nomi Bar-Yaacov, Associate Fellow in Chatham House's
International Security Department, noted in 'What
launches a chemical attack in Europe'
that 'there is a very
real risk of Isis using unconventional weapons in Europe
and beyond'.
Wolfgang Rudischhauser, Director of the Weapons of Mass
Destruction (WMD) Non-Proliferation Centre at NATO
Headquarters in Brussels, states in his article 'Could
that 'ISIL actually has already acquired the
knowledge, and in some cases the human expertise, that
would allow it to use CBRN materials as weapons of terror.'
Non-conventional weapons
Known use of chemical weapons
ISIL/Da'esh is documented to have used chemical weapons in Syria and Iraq.
lethal effects on human beings,
animals or plants. Chemical
agents are dispersed in three
different forms: gas, solid
(aerosol), or as a liquid, and are
delivered through inhalation,
ingestion or absorption by the
skin. A distinction is made
between choking agents (e.g.
chlorine), blistering and tissue-
injuring agents (e.g. mustard),
blood agents (e.g. cyanide), and
phosphorus compounds).
The group appears to have manufactured rudimentary chemical-warfare shells, and
used them to attack Kurdish positions in Iraq and Syria at least three times in June
and July 2015.
According to investigators, this involved toxic industrial or
agricultural chemicals repurposed as weapons.
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ISIL/Da'esh and 'non-conventional' weapons of terror
ISIL/Da'esh motivation
In late August 2015, Médecins Sans Frontières
and the Syrian-American Medical
Society (SAMS)
reported suspected ISIL/Da'esh use of mustard gas in Marea,
northern Syria.
In June 2015, Australian Foreign Minister, Julie Bishop, claimed that ISIL/Da'esh had
used chlorine in combat.
Ideological shift
ISIL/Da'esh is considered to be particularly dangerous
because of its radical ideology and its declared intention to
shock: the group has used 'shock tactics' effectively to
attract new recruits. The US intelligence community is
to have warned in August that ISIL/Da'esh may be
working to build the capability to carry out mass casualty
attacks, a significant departure from the terror group's
earlier focus on encouraging 'lone wolf' attacks.
Threats can emanate from highly qualified individuals who
have access to sensitive information and materials, and
who possess the necessary expertise. ISIL/Da'esh has
recruited and continues to recruit hundreds of foreign
fighters, including some with degrees in physics, chemistry,
and computer science, who experts believe have the ability
to manufacture lethal weapons from raw substances. The
Commission has drawn particular attention in this respect
to returnees from Syria and other radicalised individuals,
who have access to, or work in, sensitive areas.
Biological weapons
are complex
systems that disseminate disease-
causing organisms or toxins to harm
or kill humans, animals or plants.
They generally consist of two parts
a weaponised agent and a delivery
mechanism . Almost any disease-
causing organism (such as bacteria,
viruses, fungi, prions or rickettsia) or
toxin (poisons derived from animals,
plants or microorganisms, or similar
substances produced synthetically)
can be used in biological weapons.
programmes have included efforts to
botulinum toxin, foot-and-mouth
disease, glanders, plague, Q fever,
rice blast, ricin, Rocky Mountain
spotted fever, smallpox, and
tularaemia, among others.
Through activities centred in the parts of Syria and Iraq that are under its control,
ISIL/Da'esh has access to 'extraordinary' levels of funding. A Reuters
published in
October 2014 estimated that ISIL/Da'esh possessed assets of more than US$2 trillion,
with an annual income amounting to US$2.9 billion.
The group earns about US$40
million a month from illicit oil sales.
In addition, ISIL/Da'esh reportedly taxes minorities,
farmers and lorry drivers; confiscates property and livestock; sells foreign fighters
passports; kidnaps civilians for ransom payments, and loots antiquities. The group also
organises fund-raising events for its supporters, in the territory it controls and abroad.
Control of territory and access to funding
The group controls large swathes of territory, approximately the size of
stretching, in Syria, from near the Turkish border to close to the Lebanese border, and
to the east, in Iraq, to close to Baghdad. This gives the group a significant strategic
advantage. It offers it a haven in which it can function freely, and shelter from third
parties seeking to disrupt its activities.
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ISIL/Da'esh and 'non-conventional' weapons of terror
Radiological weapons
radioactive material with a means
of dispersing it among a target
population, resulting in the
inhalation or ingestion of, or
immersion with, radioactive
material. The resulting exposure
to alpha and beta particles,
gamma rays and neutrons
produces incapacitating or lethal
effects through external and
internal radiation. Dispersal could
take place through combining
conventional explosives in a dirty
bomb , by dispersing it in the
form of aerosols or liquids, or
even by contaminating water or
food supplies.
Media strategy
In its effort to attract new recruits and consolidate its
position, the group is using a very effective media
strategy. Shocking images of beheadings, the burning
alive of an enemy pilot, the mass executions of
opposition fighters and other gruesome pictures are
part of this strategy. Even though this did not happen
during past attacks, it is conceivable that ISIL/Da'esh
would deliberately use social networks to distribute
disturbing images of victims of any future attacks in
Threat scenarios and ISIL/Da'esh s capacity
However, over the past few years, ISIL/Da'esh is
reported to have had several opportunities to gain access to CBRN material in Iraq and
Syria, and most recently Libya.
In Syria, some chemical weapons material, including
traces of sarin-type chemical weapons and ricin-type biological weapons,
is believed
still to be in the country and potentially accessible to ISIL/Da'esh. In Iraq, the group had
access in 2014 to bunkers from the past Iraqi chemical weapons programmes, including
mustard agents. Nerve agent rockets may also still be available in Iraq. In July 2014, the
International Atomic Energy Agency disclosed that militants linked to ISIL/Da'esh seized
low-grade nuclear material from Mosul University in northern Iraq. Following its
expansion into Libya, ISIL/Da'esh may have access to chemical materials from previous
In August 2014, a laptop owned by a Tunisian physics and chemistry graduate fighting
with ISIL/Da'esh in Syria was found to contain a 19-page document on how to develop
bubonic plague from infected animals and turn it into a weapon.
Availability of CBRN material in Europe
According to the 2014
Communication of the European Commission on a new
EU approach to the detection and mitigation of CBRN-E risks,
there are ample
opportunities for a determined terrorist outfit to access CBRN material:
Thefts and misplacements of CBRN material occur on
of occasions
each year;
There is a particular risk that terrorists might use sarin, ricin or anthrax;
More than
150 cases
of trafficking of radiological and nuclear materials are
reported annually to the Incident and Trafficking Database of the International
Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA);
CBRN substances have been carried undetected into the European Union;
Interpol s monthly CBRN intelligence reports show numerous examples of
attempts to acquire, smuggle or use CBRN materials.
Access to raw material in Syria, Iraq and Libya
In the past, the difficulty of accessing and handling
the 'raw material' for CBRN attacks has stopped
terrorist groups, including Al Qaida, from using them
in actual attacks.
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ISIL/Da'esh and 'non-conventional' weapons of terror
Toxic industrial chemicals (TICs)
Many chemicals used in industry for a very wide variety of purposes are toxic. These are
generally referred to as toxic industrial chemicals (TICs). The lethal toxicity of TICs is
lower than that of chemical weapon agents between 10 to 100 times. At the same
time, there are approximately 70 000 TICs compared to 'only' approximately
70 chemical weapons agents.
Extremely dangerous chemical agents are produced and stored
in relatively poorly secured civilian industrial facilities and
transported around the globe. TIC transport or production
sites could become targets of an attack aimed at releasing
chemicals into the environment. Non-state actors might also
divert large amounts of dangerous chemical agents and use
this material as the basis for chemical weapon attacks.
Attacks on infrastructure
Communication on the detection and mitigation of CBRN-E
(covering CBRN plus explosives) highlights the danger that
radicalised individuals who have access to and work in
sensitive areas might use their insider knowledge to strike
against critical infrastructure, such as, for instance, a water
purification plant. Other potential targets include nuclear
power stations or large chemical factories.
Preliminary conclusions
Orchestrating a CBRN attack that would kill hundreds or thousands of citizens still poses
a significant technical and logistical challenge. However, ISIL/Da'esh has very important
financial resources, proven success in recruiting skilled university graduates, and access
to CBRN material, at least in Iraq and Syria, and possibly in Libya. It also has an unknown
number of sympathisers in Europe. This increases the probability that the group could
carry out a CBRN attack on European soil.
Nuclear weapons
consist of
nuclear explosives and the
means for their delivery.
Nuclear explosives are
based on self-sustained
nuclear reactions which
structure of atoms and in
the process release great
combination of effects
comprising a powerful blast
wave, thermal radiation,
and initial and residual
The situation at the EU level
It is primarily the responsibility of Member States to protect the population against
CBRN incidents. There is no EU legislation specifically targeting or seeking to control
chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear substances that could be used as
ingredients of weapons of mass destruction.
EU legislation has so far been restricted to controlling the use of chemicals as explosives
Regulation (EU) No 98/2013 on the marketing and use of explosives
which is based on Article 114 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the
European Union (TFEU), provides for the approximation of laws in Member States which
have as their object the establishment and functioning of the internal market. The
Regulation establishes harmonised rules concerning the manufacture, possession and
use of substances or mixtures that could be misused for the illicit manufacture of
explosives, with a view to limiting their availability to the general public, and ensuring
the appropriate reporting of suspicious transactions throughout the supply chain.
At the same time, the EU export rules that form part of the EU common commercial
policy under Article 207 TFEU regulate the export of 'dual-use items' items that have
both commercial and military or proliferation applications.
Regulation (EC) No 428/2009
sets up a Community regime for the control of exports, transfer, brokering and transit of
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ISIL/Da'esh and 'non-conventional' weapons of terror
dual-use items. The Regulation derives from international commitments to counter the
proliferation of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons as well as of items with
potential military end-use.
Several Directorates-General of the Commission
including DG Trade, DG Home,
DG Sanco, DG ECHO and DG Devco are engaged in efforts to prevent CBRN from
becoming a threat, to detect misuse of CBRN substances, and to develop disaster-
response capabilities to respond to any CBRN-related crisis.
EU long-term strategies
In the decade after the break-up of the Soviet Union in 1991, the international
community paid particular attention to the threat of non-state actors gaining access to
CBRN material. The spectre of 'loose nukes' and 'orphan' radioactive sources, as well as
the dangers posed by disbanded research institutes, led to the ratification of a series of
legal instruments aiming to contain this threat. The 9/11 attacks on the Twin Towers in
New York in 2001 intensified fears of the use of CBRN in the context of spectacular
suicide terrorist attacks aiming to generate mass casualties. At EU level, the first
coordinated response to this new threat was the
European Security Strategy,
by the European Council on 12-13 December 2003. It specifically highlighted the
dangers of terrorists acquiring and using weapons of mass destruction. It noted that the
most frightening scenario would be one in which terrorist groups acquired weapons of
mass destruction. It added that such an event would allow a small group to inflict
damage on a scale previously possible only for states and armies.
With the aim of tackling terrorists access to weapons and explosives, ranging from
components for homemade explosives to CBRN material, the EU formulated the
EU Strategy against Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction
(2003) and the
European Union Counter-Terrorism Strategy
The EU s long-term response to the threat has three elements: legal, political and
operational. EU Member States are signatories to the international treaty regime of
non-proliferation conventions concerning nuclear, chemical and biological weapons. In
addition, the EU actively promotes the universalisation of these conventions. At the
political level, the EU has been part of several global initiatives, including the adoption
UN Security Council Resolution 1540,
which establishes legally binding obligations on
all UN Member States to have and enforce appropriate and effective measures against
the proliferation of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons, and the setting up of The
Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism (GICNT), the G7 Non-Proliferation
Directors Group and Global Partnership, and the Nuclear Security Summit.
At the operational level, in 2010, the EU launched the Chemical Biological Radiological
and Nuclear Risk Mitigation Centres of Excellence Initiative (EU
and adopted
the CBRN Action Plan and the EU Policy on Enhancing the Security of Explosives. There
are eight CBRN centres of excellence around the world, seeking to strengthen the
institutional capacity of countries outside the European Union to mitigate CBRN risks.
Three of these are located in the southern neighbourhood (Morocco, Algeria and
Jordan), one in Africa (Kenya), and one in the Gulf (United Arab Emirates).
EU CBRN Action Plan and the EU Policy on Enhancing the Security of Explosives
In November 2010, the Council adopted a plan to strengthen chemical, biological,
radiological and nuclear security in the European Union over a five-year period
CBRN Action Plan).
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ISIL/Da'esh and 'non-conventional' weapons of terror
The action plan proposed three types of action, including prevention, detection, and
preparedness and response. It seeks to ensure that unauthorised access to CBRN
materials is as difficult as possible, that Member States have the capacity to detect
CBRN materials in order to prevent CBRN incidents, and that they have the capacity to
respond to incidents involving CBRN materials and to recover from them as quickly as
Under the action plan, Member States have:
established three lists of high-risk CBRN materials;
identified good practices in security training and education;
developed EU guidelines for minimum security training requirements;
developed scenarios in the CBRN detection field; and
improved emergency response plans.
The Commission is looking at the CBRN risk in conjunction with the risk of misuse of
explosives. In 2008, the Justice and Home Affairs Council adopted an EU Action Plan on
Enhancing the Security of Explosives, which aims to reduce the possibility of the misuse
of explosives for terrorist purposes. This was followed, in 2013, by the adoption of the
Regulation (EU) No 98/2013 on the marketing and use of explosives
Following the 2012 progress reports under the EU CBRN Action Plan and the Action Plan
on Enhancing the Security of Explosives, extensive consultation took place with Member
States. The progress report on the CBRN action plan found that implementation was
uneven, but that Europol played a strong role as facilitator for the exchange of
information and good practice, the organisation of joint training exercises, data
collection, and distribution and actions related to early warning.
A new CBRN-E Agenda was defined, to focus on key priorities to be addressed at
EU level.
In Conclusions adopted on
11 December 2012,
the Council stressed the need to identify
areas with insufficient security arrangements and step up common efforts to enhance
the security of production, storage, handling and transport of high-risk CBRN and
explosive materials. However, no new legislation has been proposed to date.
The Commission is currently reviewing the CBRN Action Plan, with input from the
Member States, with a view to proposing a new action plan early next year.
Programmes and funds to address the CBRN threat
In 2004, the Commission published a
Communication on Security Research.
In the initial
period, 2004-2006, 65 million was allocated to such research.
Subsequently, the EU s research and innovation funding programme for the
2007-2013 period, the Seventh EU Framework Programme (FP7), allocated
1 350 million to research on security. The key FP7 activities in this area relate to
restoring safety and security in case of crisis.
Important EU counter-terrorism projects under the
FP7 focusing on CBRN
include (data
from 2014):
a project seeking to identify the gaps between the existing
situation and an optimal counterterrorism system against CBRNE;
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ISIL/Da'esh and 'non-conventional' weapons of terror
The current EU Framework Programme for the period 2014-2020, Horizon 2020, has
increased the amount allocated to security to 1 695 million.
Under the 2007-2013 prevention and fight against crime programme (ISEC), the
Commission s Home Affairs Directorate-General funded 27 projects in the area of CBRN,
to a total amount of 14 million, and a further 22 projects in the area of explosives
security, to a total of 8.7 million.
a project developing an integrated intelligent sensor system for improved
security of water;
a project focusing on the decontamination of drinking water
distribution systems following a deliberate contamination;
a project focusing on the development of a fast alert, easy-to-use
device for detection and identification of airborne bacteria, spores, viruses and
a project developing a real time wide area radiation surveillance
system and
a project developing detection capabilities of difficult to
detect radioactive sources and nuclear materials;
a project developing capabilities for securing the food chain from
primary production and animal feeds to consumer-ready food against major
deliberate, accidental or natural CBRN contamination;
a project developing a comprehensive open
for dealing with
CBRN crises caused by a terrorist attack using non-conventional weapons or on
facilities with CBRN materials. This project, in particular, addresses the key
management challenges arising in the context of a CBRN incident;
a demonstration project involving a consortium of 36 members in 15 EU
countries, aiming to develop and ensure the resilience capacity of European
societies, by looking at the whole CBRNE cycle, including prevention,
preparedness and response. This project, in particular, integrates and
coordinates existing EU capacities and competences to deal with the challenges
of the CBRNE threat;
a project conducting a comparative assessment of security-centred
training curricula for first responders on disaster management;
a project developing a system to support interoperability
technical and social in large-scale emergency management.
As part of the active implementation of the above-mentioned 'EU Strategy against
Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction', the Council adopted a
30 November 2015 to contribute 4.6 million to support special missions in the context
of the joint investigative mechanism of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical
Weapons (OPCW) and the United Nations (UN). The joint investigative mechanism was
established by UN Security Council Resolution 2235(2015), to identify the perpetrators
of chemical attacks in the Syrian Arab Republic.
Emergency Response Coordination Centre
The Commission has set up an Emergency Response Coordination Centre within the
Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection department (ECHO), to support a coordinated and
speedy response to disasters inside the European Union. The ERCC allows for a coherent
European response during emergencies, with the aim of cutting unnecessary and
expensive duplication of efforts.
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ISIL/Da'esh and 'non-conventional' weapons of terror
The centre draws on the resources of the EU Civil Protection Mechanism, which was
established in 2001 to foster cooperation among national civil protection authorities
across Europe. The mechanism currently includes all 28 Member States (plus six
neighbouring countries).
Action at EU level dealing directly or indirectly with the threat of CBRN use by terrorists
is divided among a number of institutions, including the External Action Service and
several of the Commission s Directorates-General.
Genuine cooperation among EU Member States to address the CBRN threat is
hampered by Member States reluctance to share information, often from intelligence
sources, for example by using the communication tools that the Commission puts at
Member States disposal.
The role of EU Member States
On 14 November, the day after the latest terrorist attacks in Paris, the
government authorised
the use of atropine sulfate, which can be used as an antidote in
the event of chemical attacks.
Antidotes have been distributed to emergency medical
services and firefighting teams that might be called upon to respond to a chemical
On 19 November 2015, in a
to the French Parliament, the French Prime
Minister, Manuel Valls, warned that ISIL/Da'esh may use chemical and biological
weapons in the future. The French Prime Minister s office stressed that his mentioning
the possibility of a chemical weapons attack was 'not new information on the status of
the threat, just a realistic observation'. 'Middle East experts know that [ISIL/Da'esh]
seeks and uses chemical weapons,'
a spokesman told Le Monde.
'To not consider this
possibility would be a mistake.' Security around Paris s water supply has also been
increased in response to concerns that it might be vulnerable to a non-conventional
attack. Eau de Paris, the capital's state-run water company, has banned access to six key
sites to all but essential staff, after the authorities declared a state of emergency for
three months.
As part of ongoing efforts to monitor returning foreign fighters and radicalised
individuals in EU Member States (see EPRS briefing on 'Foreign
there may be
scope for intelligence services to screen and monitor these individuals for specialist
CBRN knowledge.
Platforms made available by the Commission could present an
opportunity to share this information among Member States.
The EU CBRN Action Plan explicitly recognises that it is primarily Member States'
responsibility to protect the population against CBRN incidents. According to the
Commission s own assessment, the EU and the Member States have already done a lot
to address the CBRN threat.
The example of the French Government may prompt other EU Member States,
particularly those most
with jihadist threats following the Paris attacks, to
openly address the possibility of a terrorist attack involving non-conventional weapons.
Is it time for EU governments to routinely equip emergency crews with antidotes to an
attack involving non-conventional weapons and to increase security around key
installations, for example? Do Member States need to consider the possibility of raising
the public s awareness of the possibility of terrorist attacks involving CBRN material and
inform the public of specific measures that have been taken to protect it?
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ISIL/Da'esh and 'non-conventional' weapons of terror
Main references
Nomi Bar-Yaacov, 'What
if ISIS launches a chemical attack in Europe?',
The Guardian,
27 November 2015.
Wolfgang Rudischhauser, 'Could
ISIL go nuclear',
NATO Review Magazine, May 2015.
Nomi Bar-Yaacov, 'Achieving
Universality of the Chemical Weapons Convention in the Middle
Survival, Vol. 57 No 6, December 2015 January 2016, pp. 161 182.
See Nomi Bar-Yaacov, 'What
if ISIS launches a chemical attack in Europe?',
The Guardian, 27 November 2015;
Wolfgang Rudischhauser, 'Could
ISIL go nuclear',
NATO Review Magazine, May 2015; Weimeng Yeo, 'Salafi
Jihadists and Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear Terrorism: Evaluating the threat',
Risk Management
Solutions, 24 August 2015.
C.J. Chivers, 'ISIS Has Fired Chemical Mortar Shells, Evidence Indicates', New York Times, 17 July 2015; Associated
Press in Iraq, 'Islamic
State used chemical weapons against peshmerga, Kurds say',
The Guardian, 14 March 2015.
See Julie Bishop, 'Address
to Australia Group Plenary',
5 June 2015.
See Médecins Sans Frontières, 'Syria:
MSF Treats Patients With Symptoms of Exposure to Chemical Agents',
25 August 2015.
Hospital Sees Mustard Gas Victims in Mare e, Aleppo',
press release, 23 August 2015.
Communication of the European Commission on a
new EU approach to the detection and mitigation of CBRN-E
COM(2014)247 final, page 3
Jean-Charles Brisard and Damien Martinez, 'Islamic
State: The Economy-based terrorist funding',
Reuters, October 2014.
Matthew Levitt, How do Isis terrorists finance their attacks? The Washington Institute, 18 November 2015
Wolfgang Rudischhauser, 'Could
ISIL go nuclear',
NATO Review Magazine, May 2015.
Anthony Deutsch, 'Weapons Achieving Universality of the Chemical Weapons Convention in the Middle East | 179.
Inspectors Find Undeclared Sarin and VX Traces in Syria Diplomats', Reuters, 8 May 2015
Harald Doornbos, Jenan Moussa, 'Found:
The Islamic States terror laptop of doom',
Foreign Policy, 28 August 2014
Communication of the European Commission on a
new EU approach to the detection and mitigation of
CBRN-E risks,
COM(2014)247 final, 5.5.2014.
Tim Sweijs and Jaakko Kooroshy, The Future of CBRN, The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies, Future Issues No
Weimeng Yeo, 'Salafi
Jihadists and Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear Terrorism: Evaluating the threat',
Risk Management Solutions, 24 August 2015.
Caroline Piquet, 'Les
cinq choses à savoir sur les attaques chimiques',
Le Figaro, 19 November 2015.
Sam Webb, 'Paris
on alert for attack on city s water supply',
The Mirror, 22 November 2015.
Arrêté du 14 novembre 2015 autorisant l'utilisation de sulfate d'atropine, solution injectable 40 mg/20 mL PCA
antidote des neurotoxiques organophosphorés.
Nomi Bar-Yaacov, 'What
if ISIS launches a chemical attack in Europe?',
The Guardian, 27 November 2015.
The content of this document is the sole responsibility of the author and any opinions expressed therein
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