Gmail Fwd: Ny forskning forbinder T2DM med Toxoplasma. Forskere foreslår introduktion af "Toxoplastisk type 2 diabetes"
Fwd: Ny forskning forbinder T2DM med Toxoplasma. Forskere foreslår
introduktion af "Toxoplastisk type 2 diabetes"
Fri, Feb 24, 2017 at 11:13 AM
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Date: Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 8:02 PM
Subject: Ny forskning forbinder T2DM med Toxoplasma. Forskere foreslår introduktion af "Toxoplastisk type 2
Til ledelsen i Novo, Diabetesforeningen m.fl.
Ny forskning forbinder igen Toxoplasma med diabetes i en grad så forskerne foreslår en helt ny forsknings linie i;
“toxoplasmic type 2 diabetes.”
"We believe that T. gondii may be an important target for T2DM intervention, and propose a new field of study,
“toxoplasmic type 2 diabetes.”
The role of Toxoplasma gondii as a possible inflammatory agent in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes mellitus in
Denne forskning kommer ovenpå en lang række andre peerreviewed artikler der forbinder både diabetes I og II med
"These data strongly suggest that the parasite play an important role in development of both types of diabetes
"Toxplasma gondii is not only implicated in schizophrenia and related disorders, but also in Alzheimer's or Parkinson's
disease, cancer, cardiac myopathies, and autoimmune disorders."
"Diabetes may be caused by Toxoplasma gondii. Presence of T. gondii in the pancreas at the same time could directly
undermines the pancreas cells"
"The prevalence of toxoplasmosis showed positive in patients with diabetes in the B1 gene 139 (67.8%) and RE gene
117 (57.1%)."
"Seropositivity may be associated with neoplasms, diabetes, and other chronic infections."
"A Positive Association between T. gondii Seropositivity and Obesity"
En meget interessant vinkel er ALOX12: "Others had found evidence of ALOX12 influencing outcomes in diabetes,
neurodegenerative disease and schizophrenia" og "Some may contribute to atherosclerosis or diabetes. When this
powerful immune response remains on the job it can have effects that might be harmful."
...der er desuden identificeret adskellige "pathways" mellem Tg infektion og pancreas, f.eks ifm P2X7R, NLNP, CCK
mv. f.eks;
"TG (strain I) strongly alters CCK mediated signaling. This can lead to activation of ZymogenTrypsinogen (and thereby
Trypsin) and activation of Calcineurin (and thereby activation of Tcells).