Skatteudvalget 2016-17
SAU Alm.del Bilag 203
Creative Compliance
wealth management, taxes and the law
Brooke Harrington, PhD
Professor mso
Copenhagen Business School
SAU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 203: Præsentationer fra høringen om skattely i Skatteudvalget den 29. maj 2017
A brief introduction
I’m a sociologist who spent 8 years studying
wealth managers—the professionals who
make offshore tax avoidance possible
trained for two years to learn techniques,
access practitioners and professional meetings
credentialed as wealth manager; didn’t practice
conducted lengthy, in-depth interviews with 65
wealth managers in 18 countries
SAU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 203: Præsentationer fra høringen om skattely i Skatteudvalget den 29. maj 2017
Research sites
London: 3
San Francisco: 1
Los Angeles: 3
Cayman Islands: 4
Panama City: 4
Chicago: 2
Islands: 4
New York: 4
Geneva: 7
British Virgin
Islands: 3
Dubai: 3
Singapore: 2
Seychelles: 2
Montevideo: 1
Johannesburg: 5
Buenos Aires: 2
Mauritius: 4
Cook Islands: 4
Shanghai: 1
Hong Kong: 4
Vaduz: 1
Zurich: 1
SAU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 203: Præsentationer fra høringen om skattely i Skatteudvalget den 29. maj 2017
a global look at a global phenomenon
critical to understand how offshore and tax
avoidance/evasion work trans-nationally
insight into mentality/motives of enablers
book came out last year (soon in Danish)
articles in popular press and academic journals
all at
SAU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 203: Præsentationer fra høringen om skattely i Skatteudvalget den 29. maj 2017
What we should be asking
what can be done about tax
this is the $200B question
a huge amount of tax lost to world governments
each year is not due to evasion
much is due to professionals working in the
“grey areas” of the law
SAU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 203: Præsentationer fra høringen om skattely i Skatteudvalget den 29. maj 2017
The lesson of the past year
lack of legal action after the Panama Papers
11.5 million documents, 40 years’ worth of
records, the whole world digging into the data
…but not a single prosecution
recall what Mossack Fonseca said afterwards:
“we didn’t break any laws”
even if untrue, it has proven practically
impossible to
a case in court
SAU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 203: Præsentationer fra høringen om skattely i Skatteudvalget den 29. maj 2017
Why direct attacks often fail
focusing on illegal activity like tax evasion
this is trivial for wealth managers to avoid: they
specialize in “creative compliance”
in other words, they adhere to the letter of the
law while violating it in practice
and even with questionably legal schemes,
professionals know most tax authorities do not
have the resources to investigate/prosecute
SAU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 203: Præsentationer fra høringen om skattely i Skatteudvalget den 29. maj 2017
the European Savings Tax Directive
a policy that showed poor understanding of the
tax evasion problem; repealed after 10 years
CRS and beneficial ownership registries will
likely meet a similar fate
does not even consider broad classes of trusts
of those that are considered, many are—or can
be made—exempt
prediction: trusts will be used
to avoid tax
SAU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 203: Præsentationer fra høringen om skattely i Skatteudvalget den 29. maj 2017
In other words…
the law may not be your most effective tool
to combat the problem
that does
mean “give up the fight!”
it just means: fight smarter
know your adversaries and their vulnerabilities:
don’t play to
this is where I can help
SAU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 203: Præsentationer fra høringen om skattely i Skatteudvalget den 29. maj 2017
Can also answer questions on
how the 3 basic tools of wealth management
are deployed to hide assets from taxation
understanding uses of trusts, firms and foundations
the uses of offshore
where wealth moves around the world, and why
the specializations of diverse offshore centers
problems of policy and legislation
how enablers are likely to respond when efforts are
made to stop them
SAU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 203: Præsentationer fra høringen om skattely i Skatteudvalget den 29. maj 2017
Looking forward to your