Thursday, 18 May 2017
Morning (8.30-13.00)
WelcoMe adresses by Mayor of aarhus Jacob bundsgaard and
Police coMMissioner helle Kyndesen, easT JuTland Police and
ceo of insTiTuTe for sTraTegic dialogue sasha havliceK
Building rEsiliEncE
violEnt ExtrEmism ii
strong citiEs nEtwork gloBal summit 2017
Mayoral Key noTe session: vision 2017: The role of ciTies in
It is more important than ever for the mayors of major global cities to play a leading role
on the international stage when it comes to tackling issues like polarisation and the rise
of violent extremism of all ideologies. this ‘in conversation’ session will see mayors and
governors from around the world offer their perspectives on the role of cities in prevention
and building community resilience, underlining a vision for city-to-city diplomacy and
cooperation on critical global issues in 2017.
research direcTor Magnus ransTorP,
Center for asymmetric threat Studies
at the Swedish national defence College
the current situation and a status on professional development
WiTnesses of violenT exTreMisM
Personal story
Professor Tore bJørgo,
director at the Center for Research on Extremism,
University of oslo
nine steps towards prevention of radicalisation and violent extremism
rabbi Michael Melchior,
Creator of Mosaica, Interreligious dialogue
PoliTical PhilosoPher barT brandsMa
the game changer of polarisation
WorKshoP 5:
MulTiagency aPProach
this workshop focuses on multiagency approaches in preventing radicalisation and
violent extremism. Highlighting key examples of best practices, presentations will
draw attention to specific structures and cover different cultural and organisational
settings. Contributors include the Radicalisation awareness network (Ran), Center for
the Prevention of Radicalization Leading to Violence from Montreal, Canada and the
aarhus Model.
WorKshoP 6:
TacKling righT Wing exTreMisM
this session will explore the growth of Right Wing Extremism across European and
north american geographies and discuss ways in which cities can be proactive, both
in responses and prevention initiatives. this will include a detailed guide to individual
disengagements from leading one-to-one intervention providers as well as municipal
strategies which cities have developed.
WorKshoP 7:
refugees, inTegraTion and PrevenTing PolarisaTion
this session focuses on key challenges surrounding refugee crises, internal and urban
displacement, and countering polarisation and building cohesion in host communities. It
will focus on refugees and displacement in cities across the Middle East, South america
and South asia, showcasing innovative municipal responses and establishing good
practice for cities across diverse contexts. It will also demonstrate the importance of
local integration initiatives, looking at how these can be most effective and what kind
of local partners cities should work with.
WorKshoP 8:
building coMMuniTy resilience To violenT exTre-
MisM - Pre-incidenT coMMunicaTion and PosT-incidenT resPonses
this session focus on authority and community led iniatives designed to mitigate the
negative effects of high-impact-low-probability-events, such as terrorist attacks. Focus
will be upon both pre- and post-incident mitigation, and will address the question of
how best to build resilience and preparedness in communities without breeding fear,
and how to aid community recovery in the case that prevention and interdiction fails.
Contributors will be dr. david Eisenman from University of California, Los angeles and
associate Professor Lasse Lindekilde from University of aarhus
WorKshoP 9:
WorKing WiTh MenToring PrograMMes in PrevenTi-
on of radicalisaTion and violenT exTreMisM
this workshop focuses on mentoring programmes in the prevention of violent
extremism and radicalisation, including the theoretical background of the mentorship
alongside the practical experiences from a mentor from the aarhus Model. Professor
Preben Berthelsen and the danish agency for International Recruitment and Integration
will also present the objectives and practical set up of the national mentor corps.
lunch (13.00-14.00)
afTernoon (14.00-18.00)
breaKouT sessions
(Each participant chooses two workshops)
WorKshoP 1:
early PrevenTion in schools – PrevenTion of radica-
lisaTion in educaTion Through dialogue and criTical ThinKing
School is an important forum for early and primary prevention. Creating a space for
open and safe dialogue where ideas, opinions and ideals can be shared among others
without prejudice or conflict is central to continued development in the education sector.
this workshop discusses how we can create such a safe and open environment in the
educational system and empower children and young people through dialogue and critical
thinking and strengthen their resilience to radicalisation.
WorKshoP 2:
sTrong ciTies neTWorK - WhaT can local acTors in
euroPe and Mena learn froM each oTher?
this session will feature emerging experiences and insights from a Strong Cities network
exchange project between municipal and local practitioners in denmark, Jordan and
Lebanon. this includes experiences of setting up multi-stakeholder ‘Prevention networks’
inspired by the danish SSP model, as well as lessons Europe can learn from engaging with
faith leaders and civil society activists in the MEna region. Breakout session facilitators
will include representatives from danish, Jordanian and Lebanese municipalities.
WorKshoP 3:
inTerrelegious dialogue
this session will focus on the opportunities and experiences with interreligious dialogue
as a way to prevent radicalisation and violent extremism within local communities. the
workshop will feature short presentations followed by open debate and input from
WorKshoP 4:
early PrevenTion – WorKing WiTh faMilies
this session will focus on early prevention in the shape of community outreach and
working with families from an nGo perspective. Examples of non-profit organisations
working within this field will share their story, approach and experience in dialogue with
the workshop participants. Sons and daughters of the World is confirmed as a contributor.
evening (froM 18.00)
aWard-Winning direcTor, Producer, social acTivisT, and singer/
coMPoser aaron haroon rashid
the adventure of Burka avenger
neTWorKing and sharing besT PracTices
conference dinner