Ligestillingsudvalget 2016-17
LIU Alm.del Bilag 3
Brussels, 14th September 2016
Dear member of Rainbow Rose,
On behalf of all the board, I am very happy to invite you to our General Assembly,
to take place in Paris, in cooperation with our member HES and our sister party PS,
from 4th to 6th of November.
The program will start on Friday mid-afternoon for an informal event and will
continue on Saturday and Sunday for the formal General Assembly.
It is very important to have you by our side during this important time, as it is one
of the rare occasion where all of our network can get together and exchange on
our future collaboration.
Feel free to contact me for any further details,
Amitiés socialistes,
Aurélien MAZUY
President of Rainbow Rose
+32 495 16 1005
[email protected]
Rainbow Rose is the network for the LGBT groups of the Socialist, Social Democratic and Labour parties across Europe.
Affiliated to the Party of European Socialists.