31 July 2017
Advancing women’s health and gender equality in Eastern
Partnership’s countries
Towards more parliamentary engagement
Concept Note
Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs) were agreed in 2015 by all Member States of
the United Nations as a successor of the Millennium Development Goals. The SDGs entered
into force on 1 January 2016 and contain 17 Goals and 169 targets to lead world's
development until 2030 and improve the well-being and equality for all people.
Additionally and more specifically for this Concept note, all five countries of the Euronest are
signatories to the
Beijing Declaration
and Platform for Action of September 1995, and the
International Conference on Population and Development Programme of Action (Cairo
of September 1994, two main international agreements that created a platform
for action for gender equality and population issues. All countries have shown considerable
achievements in review reports of ICPD, Beijing and MDG processes. However major
challenges still persist specifically in overcoming regional, urban/rural and educative gaps in
achieving well-being and equality for all.
The European Parliament Resolution (13 December 2016) on Rights of Women in the Eastern
Partnership States (2016/2060(INI)) stressed the need for the EaP countries
to take
immediate action to increase equality between women and men in society,
including the
adoption of national action plans and cooperation with international organisations and civil
society stakeholders. It also underlined the positive role that the Euronest Parliamentary
Assembly can play in promoting women’s political participation and their
visibility in the
Eastern Partnership.
Following this Resolution, the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly wished to explore the
possibility of conducting a Consultation specifically dedicated to the achievement of the
Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
SDG Goal 5: Achieve
gender equality and empower all women and girls
and more concretely to the role that the
members of the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly can play in ensuring
their achievement.