Europaudvalget 2016
KOM (2016) 0596 Bilag 4
Breve fra European Blind Union og World Blind Union vedr. forslag til DIREKTIV om
ophavsret og beslægtede rettigheder til gavn for blinde og svagsynede
Dear Representatives responsible for social protection and disability issues:
On behalf of the European Blind Union and the World Blind Union we are writing you
to ask for your positive support on EU legislation for millions citizens blind and partially sighted
persons in the EU and around the world. Next Wednesday the 22nd of March the COREPER will
consider an issue that is of great importance to insure wide access to culture and education as well
as helping social integration of persons with visual disabilities in Europe:
the Directive and
Regulation for the implementation of the Marrakesh Treaty.
the latest draft
proposal of the Council proposes important changes in the European Commission proposal
(primarily weaken and change recital 11) that could have a devastating dimpact on the access
objectives of the Treaty which aims
at ending the “book famine”
that deprives blind
and partially sighted persons of the vast majority of published works. The European Parliament has
generally supported the European Commission proposal that aims at an effective and harmonized
implementation of the Marrakesh Treaty.
We have attached the letter we have sent to all EU member state permanent representations. We
hope you can take measures to assure your country expresses a positive position on this issue at
next Wednesday´s meeting.
Thank you very much,
Barbara Martín, European Blind Union
David Hammerstein, World Blind Union