Europol Public Information
The Hague, 30 June 2017
MBS 117.2017
Management Board
Opinion of the Management Board on the final annual accounts of
Europol for the financial year 2016
The Europol Management Board:
Having regard to Article 60 (5) of the Regulation (EU) 2016/794 of the European Par-
liament and of the Council of 11 May 2016 (OJEU L 135/53 of 24 May 2016) estab-
lishing the European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation (Europol) and
Article 99 (2) of the Financial Regulation (FR) applicable to Europol as adopted by the
Management Board on 1 May 2017;
Having considered the preliminary observations of the European Court of Auditors
(ECA) with a view to a report on the annual accounts;
final annual accounts
2016; and
Consolidated Annual Activity Report (CAAR) 2016, about which it
drew up an assessment on 1 May 2017;
Taking into account the statements of assurance provided by
Officer, as contained in the final annual accounts 2016, and by
Officer, as contained in the Consolidated Annual Activity Report (CAAR) 2016;
Taking into account the information concerning audit activities by the Internal Audit
Service (IAS) of the Commission, the Internal Audit Function (IAF) and the Executive
Director regarding the audit activities performed in 2016 and the response actions
taken by Europol:
a) Declares that it has reasonable assurance, on the basis of the information in its pos-
session, that the final annual accounts for the financial year 2016 are, subject to the
observations on the final annual accounts, reliable and that the underlying
transactions, taken as a whole, are legal and regular;
b) Considers
that Europol’s
Consolidated Annual Activity Report (CAAR) 2016 provides a
fair and accurate account of the implementation of the budget granted to the organi-
sation by the budgetary authority;
c) Recalls its observations in relation to the operational delivery, financial management
by Europol, response to audit findings and the completion of the implementation of
the Europol Regulation, as set out in its
assessment of Europol’s
Consolidated Annual
Activity Report (CAAR);
d) Invites Europol to act upon the remaining areas referred to by the ECA in its prelimi-
nary observations, especially also in relation to budget management and the reduc-
tion of authorised payment transactions.
For the Management Board,
Arie IJzerman
Europol Management Board Secretariat
Eisenhowerlaan 73, 2517 KK The Hague
The Netherlands
Postbox 90850
2509 LW The Hague