Europaudvalget 2016-17
EUU Alm.del Bilag 703
Conclusions of the LVII COSAC
Malta, 28
30 May 2017
COSAC takes note of the fact that the Maltese Parliament was dissolved on 1 May 2017 with
general elections being called for 3 June 2017.
COSAC appreciates the efforts made by the House of Representatives of Malta to proceed
with the hosting and organisation of the LVII COSAC between 28 and 30 May 2017 despite
the fact that following the dissolution of Parliament there could be no Maltese delegation at
this interparliamentary conference. COSAC thanks the Speaker of the House of
Representatives for honouring this commitment in the context of the parliamentary
dimension of the Maltese Presidency of the Council and also thanks the Troika parliaments
(Slovakia, Estonia and the European Parliament) for assisting the Maltese Presidency in
these exceptional circumstances.
COSAC understands the constitutional arrangements of the House of Representatives of
Malta, and therefore respects the decision of the Maltese House of Representatives not to
provide a Contribution for the LVII COSAC.
COSAC welcomes the fruitful discussions held during the LVII COSAC and thanks the Maltese
Presidency for putting on the agenda issues that are most relevant to the European Union at
this critical juncture.
1. 27
Bi-annual Report of COSAC
1.1. COSAC welcomes the 27
Bi-annual Report of COSAC prepared by the COSAC
Secretariat and warmly thanks the Secretariat for its excellent work.
2. Permanent Member of COSAC and the COSAC Secretariat
2.1. COSAC recalls that the term of office of the current Permanent Member of the COSAC
Secretariat expires on 31 December 2017. COSAC underlines that the appointment of
the new Permanent Member should take place during the LVIII COSAC, therefore,
asks the Estonian Presidency to prepare for the appointment.
2.2. COSAC recalls that the co-financing of the current Permanent Member and the office
of the COSAC Secretariat and website maintenance costs ends on 31 December 2017.
The Maltese Presidency invited Parliaments to renew their commitment to the
co-financing agreement for the period from 1 January 2018 to 31 December 2019.
COSAC notes that so far 23 Chambers of 20 national Parliaments have signed and sent
their letters of intent indicating that they are willing to participate in the co-financing
for the period stated above. COSAC encourages the few remaining
Parliaments/Chambers to submit letters of intent as soon as possible.
EUU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 703: Konklusioner fra COSAC plenarmødet 28-30/5-17 på Malta
2.3. COSAC welcomes the fact that this number is above the minimum threshold required
for the co-financing arrangements to enter into force, therefore the co-financing of the
Permanent Member and the office of the COSAC Secretariat and the costs of website
maintenance will continue during the indicated period.