Europaudvalget 2016-17
EUU Alm.del Bilag 509
Udvalgets medlemmer
23. marts 2017
Invitation til møde med EU’s handelskommissær Cecilia Malmström
Cecilia Malmström, som er EU-kommissær for handel, vil gerne mødes med
medlemmerne af Europaudvalget.
Mødet afholdes
Torsdag den 27. april 2017 kl. 10.00-10.45 i vær. 2-133.
Temaet for mødet vil være EU’s handelspolitik, herunder bl.a. EU’s bilaterale
handelsaftaler, som CETA, TTIP og EU-Japan
aftalen, EU’s arbejde med
WTO og EU’s defensive handelsinstrumenter mv.
Interesserede medlemmer bedes tilmelde sig ved at skrive til
[email protected],
nest torsdag den 20. april 2017 kl. 12.00.
Cecilia Malmströms CV kan læses nedenfor.
Med venlig hilsen
Henriette Benzon Bang,
EUU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 509: Invitation til møde med EU’s handelskommissær Cecilia Malmström d. 27/4-17
Born in Stockholm on 15 May 1968. Married, two children.
Current responsibilities
Commissioner of the European Commission in charge of Home Affairs
Pursuing an ambitious trade agenda to the benefit of European citizens,
SMEs and the broader economy.
Representing the EU in the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and other
international trade fora.
Negotiating bilateral trade agreement with key countries, including reach-
ing a balanced and reasonable Transatlantic Trade and Investment Part-
nership (TTIP) with
the U.S. that respects Europe’s safety, health, social
and data protection standards, and our cultural diversity.
Developing a strong foreign direct investment policy.
Evaluating the use of Europe's trade defence instruments and deciding on
the best way forward.
Strengthening the EU's strategic partnership with Africa.
Working with developing countries to include them in the world trading
economy, and uphold European values such as human rights, social and
environmental protection.
Cecilia Malmström is part of the
following Project Teams:
Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness
Europe in the World
Digital Single Market
Energy Union
Better Regulation and Interinstitutional Affairs
Budget and Human Resources
Ph.D. in Political Science, Department of Political Science, Göteborg Uni-
Bachelor of Arts, Göteborg University
Studies in literature at the Sorbonne, Paris
Social Science Programme, Schillerska Upper Secondary School, Göte-
EUU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 509: Invitation til møde med EU’s handelskommissær Cecilia Malmström d. 27/4-17
Positions and assignments
2007-2010 Vice-President of the Liberal Party of Sweden
2006-2010 Minister for EU Affairs, Swedish government
2004-2006 Substitute Member of the European Parliament Committee on
the Internal Market and Consumer Protection
2004-2006 Substitute Member of the European Parliament Subcommittee
on Security and Defence
2004-2006 Member of the European Parliament Subcommittee on Human
2004-2006 Vice Chair of the Delegation to the EU-Croatia Joint Parliamen-
tary Committee
2001-2010 Member of the Swedish Liberal Party Executive
1999-2006 Member of the European Parliament
1999-2006 Member of the European Parliament Committee on Foreign
1999-2004 Member of the European Parliament Committee on Constitu-
tional Affairs
1999-2004 Vice Chair of the Delegation to the EU-Hungary Joint Parlia-
mentary Committee
1998-2001 Member of Västra Götaland Regional Council
1998-1999 Senior Lecturer, Department of Political Science, Göteborg
1997-2010 Member of the Swedish Liberal Party Board
1994-1998 Vice Chair of Göteborg Municipal Immigration Committee
1994-1998 Research Assistant and doctoral student at the Department of
Political Science, Göteborg University
1991-1994 Lay assessor at Göteborg City Court
1991-1992 Part time social studies teacher, Lindholmen adult secondary
education service
1989-1992 Part time hospital careworker in a psychiatric unit, Lillhagen
Hospital, Göteborg
1989 Technical assistant and translator with SKF in Barcelona
1986-1988 Technical assistant and translator with SKF in Paris and
Author of a number of books and articles on European regionalism, Euro-
pean politics, Spanish politics, terrorism and immigration
French, English and Spanish (spoken and written) German and Italian