Erhvervs-, Vækst- og Eksportudvalget 2016-17
ERU Alm.del Bilag 238
Danish response to the public consultation on EU Company law up-
graded: Rules on digital solutions and efficient cross-border opera-
Denmark appreciates the opportunity to provide input to the work on dig-
itizing company law.
The Danish Government recognises the digitalisation of company law as
important for companies in the EU both regarding the use of digital tech-
nologies through a companies’ lifecycle and especially regarding
cross-border mobility of companies. Digitalisation of company law would
lower administrative burdens and make it easier for companies to operate
across borders in the internal market. At the same time it would promote
shareholder engagement by facilitating shareholders interaction with their
As regards the specific parts of the consultation the Danish Government
offers following point of views:
Part 1: The reasons to act
Priority should be given to regulating cross-border divisions and cross-
border conversions at EU level, as these cross-border business changes all
exist under Danish law, but needs to be regulated on EU-level in order to
function effectively. It should also be ensured that the regulation of cross-
border mergers is updated. In relation to the cross-border transactions the
Danish Government believes, that it is of high importance, that creditors
and employees are adequately protected, while the regulation should be
flexible and useful.
Part 2: The use of online tools throughout the companies' lifecycle
The Commission should focus on ensuring the mutual recognition of
electronic documents and information, and ensure that companies do not
have to report the same information to the authorities in several Member
ERU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 238: Notat samt høringssvar vedr. digitalisering af selskabsretten
Part 3: The cross-border mobility of companies (mergers, divisions, con-
As a general rule the Danish Government actively supports EU regulation
that facilitates cross-border business transactions provided at the same
time that the regulation protects the interests of creditors and employees.
EU regulation shall protect creditors and employee representation in
cross-border transactions. The procedures for cross-border mergers
should be simplified.
In addition, the Danish Government welcomes EU regulation of cross-
border divisions and cross-border conversion. The rules on cross-border
mergers, divisions and conversions should be regulated identically as
several issues are similar for all operations. Integration of the rules in the
same directive should also be considered, as this would help to ensure
that unintended divergence does not occur during the negotiation process.
Part 4: The conflict-of-law rules for companies
It is the Danish
Government’s view, that a company should be governed
by the laws of the country in which the company was incorporated or has
its registered office. It is also the Danish Government's view regarding
the conflict-of-law rules for companies, that it is not possible to enforce
other Member States rules on companies, which have their registered
office in Denmark and vice versa.
Denmark looks forward to the upcoming initiatives set forth by the
Commission and to participating in further discussions on these important