Davor Ivo Stier
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and
European Affairs
Born 6 January 1972 in Buenos Aires, Argentina
Married with three children
World Politics Institute Washinghton, postgraduate course on crisis management
B.Sc. in political studies, international relations and journalism, Catholic University of Buenos Aires
Diplomatic Academy
Professional career
2014 – 2016 – member of the European Parliament, member and chief negotiator of the European
People’s Party to the Development Cooperation Committee, substitute member of the
International Trade Committee, member of the Group of the European Parliament and chief
negotiator of the European People’s Party to the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly, member
of the Delegation for Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo
2013 – 2014 – member of the European Parliament, member of the Foreign Affairs Committee,
substitute member of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs
2011 – 2013 – member of the Croatian Parliament, vice-chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee,
member of the European Integration Committee, member of the Croatian Parliament’s Delegation
to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly