Miljø- og Fødevareudvalget 2015-16
L 68
Invitation to International seminar on
Proposed measures to combat
eutrophication from farming in the
second WFD-cycle
How to launch both surgical and wide spread water quality measures to decrease N and
P-leaching from farming is one of the major challenges in achieving good ecological
status in the EU Water Framework directive. Most countries are struggling with finding
efficient measures, finding ways of involving farmer and means to finance measures
without increasing administration and influencing competitiveness of food production.
These challenges involves both principal questions such as PPP and practical ones such
as methods for inspection and dissemination.
Speakers from ministries and authorities and scientist from UK, Germany, Ireland,
Finland and Denmark will present their proposed programme and discuss the ongoing
process and considerations related to agriculture.
“How is this done in other countries?”
is a common question among both farmers and experts in water quality management.
The seminar offers a unique opportunity to meet and exchange experiences.
Stockholm, Sweden
30th September 2015, time 10.00 -15.30
Detailed programme and information about location and how to register will be sent later.
For questions please contact: [email protected]