13. januar 2016 19:26
UUI | Udlændinge-, Integrations- og Boligudvalget
I am sorry that I feel the need to email your office but I just feel that I need to as I am so upset about
a policy that you are considering bringing into force. Whilst I realise that I as a Scottish citizen,
have no right to comment,i feel I must.I feel a heavy burden in what I read about your parliament
considering taking belongings worth more than £1000 or whatever monies you decide from
migrants that come to your country. The very first thought I had was that it was akin to the Nazi
taking gold fillings from prisoners. Morally it's wrong. I have for many years admired the thinking
and ethos of your country but am horrified that you could possibly think this is the way to treat
other human beings, human beings that are seeking asylum in your country to live a better life.
Yours sincerely
Circe Upton