Miljø- og Fødevareudvalget 2015-16
L 68 Bilag 8
Der echte Norden
Ministerium für Energie­
wende, Landwirtschaft,
Umwelt und ländliche Räume
Ministerium für Energiewende, Landwirtschaft, Umwelt
und ländliche Räume | Postfach 71 51 | 24171 Kiel
Harley Bundgaard Madsen &
Peter Byrial Dalsgaard
[email protected]
[email protected]
Ihr Zeichen:
Ihre Nachricht vom: 23.12.2015
Mein Zeichen: V 443 - 12017/2016
Meine Nachricht vom: /
Michael Trepel
[email protected]
Telefon: +49 431 988-7041
Telefax: +49-431-988-6-157041
Strategie Environmental Assessment (SEA) for a bill amending the agricultural use
of fertilizers
Dear Peter Byrial Dalsgaard and Harley Bundgaard Madsen,
Thank you for informing us on the public hearing process on changes in the Danish
fertilizer legislation. We are aware, that yield rates from Danish farms decreased by 20 %
in the last years as a consequence of the previous fertilizer legislation. In Germany, the
fertilizer ordinance is still under review. With the expected new German legislation, stricter
Standards for fertilizer planning and application will come into force.
Regarding the material made available for the public hearing on the Danish fertilizer
legislation, we have to admit that it does not allow for finding out which concrete
(quantitative) changes are planned. To be able to estimate what will be the follow up of
the planned changes for our transboundary as well as the German waters, we would be
very grateful if you could provide additional information in the documents.
We are slightly concerned, that the new Danish regulations will affect the assessment
results of ecölogical water quality of transboundary Coastal water bodies and the Chemical
water quality of transboundary groundwater bodies negatively. For the transboundary
Coastal water bodies, it is assumed, that the planned changes in fertilizer application in
Denmark will be compensated by the described nutrient reduction measures in the
catchment areas. Therefore, we welcome these measures to minimize the effect of higher
fertilizer application rates and consequently higher losses to the aquatic environment.
Nonetheless, quantitative information needed to be provided - on both - , the new inputs
and the effects of the planned compensation measures. For the transboundary Coastal
waters and rivers in the catchment of Flensburg Fjord we think, setting up a common
monitoring strategy for evaluating changes in fertilizer input and the effect of measures on
both sides of the Fjord would be a good idea. A first report could be delivered to the public
together with the interim report for the Water Framework Directive at the end of 2018.
Referring to the Chemical Status of groundwater bodies in the transboundary regions, we
were not able to calculate possible effect as well. In Schleswig-Holstein, groundwater
Dienstgebäude: Mercatorstraße 3, 5, 7, 24106 Kiel | Adolf-Westphal-Str. 4, 24143 Kiel | Telefon 0431 988-0 | Telefax 0431 988-7239 |
[email protected] I | E-Mail-Adressen: Kein Zugang für elektronisch verschlüsselte
L 68 - 2015-16 - Bilag 8: Høringssvar fra SMV-høringen, fra miljø- og fødevareministeren
bodies in the sandy areas formed after the Weichselian glaciation as sandy outwash
plains are often in a bad Chemical quality due to nitrate concentrations above 50 mg 1-1.
We were not able to find any Information in the documents provided on the assumed
effects of the planned changes in Danish fertilizer legislation regarding the water quality in
the upper groundwater bodies especially in the transboundary region. Does the new
Danish fertilizer legislation distinguish between different natural (soil) regions?
We suggest, including these Information into the Strategie environmental assessment on
the future Danish fertilizer legislation.
Michael Trepel
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