Uddannelses- og Forskningsudvalget 2015-16
UFU Alm.del
The impacts of cluster policy in Denmark
- An impact study on behaviour and economical effects of Innovation Network Denmark
UFU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 168: Spm. om ministeren vil fremsende relevante evalueringer af Globaliseringspuljen 2007-12, til Uddannelses- og forskningsministeren
Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation
This publication is available to download from the website of the
Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation at
ISBN (web): 978-87-92776-10-5
UFU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 168: Spm. om ministeren vil fremsende relevante evalueringer af Globaliseringspuljen 2007-12, til Uddannelses- og forskningsministeren
18/2011 in the series of Innovation: Analysis and Evaluation
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Summary & conclusions.............................................................................. 4
Introduction ....................................................................................... 6
Innovation Networks.......................................................................... 7
Descriptive statistics..........................................................................13
Results ..............................................................................................18
Behavioral effects..............................................................................21
Possible economic impacts ................................................................27
References ................................................................................................29
Appendix 1: Impact study methodology.....................................................30
Appendix 2: Data.......................................................................................33
Appendix 3: The Danish Innovation Network .............................................35
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Summary & conclusions
This is the results of the first quantitative impact assessment of
innovation networks. The analysis has been conducted by DAMVAD for
The Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation.
The impact assessment is based on longitudinal data from 2002 to
2008 and is based the newest econometric methodologies in terms of
setting up controls groups and calculating effects. Hence the control
groups are established using econometric methodologies, where each
of the participating companies are matched with 10 twinning
companies. A twin company is a company with similar characteristics
to participants, but with the difference, that it did not participate in
the innovation networks.
By doing so we use the same approach that is well known from
medical research, in which a group of test people are treated with
some medication and another group is treated with placebo. Here the
treats are the companies who participate in the innovation networks.
Establishing a treatment and control group allows for testing the
effects of given one of the groups the medicine, i.e. participating in the
innovation network, and compare them to the control group, that
does not receive the medicine. This creates a counterfactual situation
allowing analysis of what would have been the situation without the
innovation networks.
Participation increases the probability to innovate by more that 4,5
times year 1 after participation.
Companies participating in different
innovation networks have an increased probability of being innovative
with the effects on innovation showing from the first year of
participation. The probability of being innovative is 4.5 times higher for
innovation network participating companies in innovation networks
compared to a control group composite of other similar companies not
participating in networks. This means that for every time 10 companies
in the control group turns innovative 45 participating companies in
innovation network will turn innovative. Among the participating
companies in innovation networks we can identify 102 companies that
become innovative of a treated population of 1,225 participating
companies in innovation networks an increase of 8.3 percent. On the
contrary for every 1,225 participating company in the control group 22
companies turn innovative an increase of 1.7 percent. It is a
difference of 6.5 percentage points. It is worth mentioning that a lot
of these companies in both groups already are innovative. The figures
above thus relates to numbers of new innovative companies adding to
the number of companies already innovative.
Increasing the number of innovative companies potentially has an
economical impact. The most comprehensive Danish study of private
return on investment in R&D and innovation has proven a significant
return on investments in innovation of 30 percent
. Thus an increased
ability to be innovative and increased probability to be innovative is
expected to have a significant economical impact on the participating
companies in innovation networks.
Participation increases the probability of R&D collaboration by 4
times year 1 after participation.
Innovation networks assists
companies in entering joint R&D and innovation projects by providing
Innovation networks increases the companies ability to
innovate and collaborate on R&D
The impact assessment covers 1,225 participating companies in
innovation networks. The results show that:
The Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation, 2010
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the companies with the competencies required for this complex task
(and which SMEs, in particular, do not possess prior to participating).
Additionally, innovation networks provide a platform within which
participating companies in innovation networks identify potential
collaboration partners. Already within the first year of participation,
the probability of entering R&D collaboration increases by 95 percent,
and thus almost doubles their probability of entering R&D
collaboration. Thus every time a company in the control group
composited by other similar companies not participating in innovation
networks enters R&D collaboration, two new participating companies
in innovation networks enters R&D collaboration.
The year after participating in an innovation network, the probability
of entering R&D collaboration is almost 300 percent higher than other
similar companies not participating in networks. In other words
Participating companies in innovation networks increase their
probability of entering R&D collaboration by four times.
Another study has analyzed the impact of entering R&D collaboration
The study shows that companies, who are entering R&D collaboration,
have significant higher growth rates in productivity compared to other
similar and high productive companies. Entering R&D collaboration
increases productivity with an average of 9 percent a year over a 9
years time period. Thus, increased R&D collaboration is expected to
have a significant economical impact on the participating companies in
innovation networks.
The results indicate a possible economical impact of company
participation in innovation networks. One cannot expect the
economical impact to show within the first few years after
participation. The economical impact will not show before the
increased ability to innovate and the effects from R&D collaboration
materialise in terms of new products or efficiency in the production
process. This will in turn either increase revenue or reduce production
cost, which in turn both will result in improved bottom line.
The data available does not have the longitude and time span that will
enable us to carry out extensive and comprehensive studies of the
economical impact. This will be possible within the following years as
the time span will increase and thus enable more in dept studies of the
economical impacts of company participation in innovation networks.
Setting innovation networks apart
Innovation networks are a result of a wish to boost the innovation
efforts of Danish companies. Innovation networks have a particular
role to play when it comes to helping small and medium-sized
enterprises (SMEs) access the innovation system. They do that by
providing a platform within a specific technical or professional area
where companies, universities, research institutions and other
relevant players can meet to exchange ideas, knowledge and launching
new projects.
Thus, contrary to other R&D and innovation programmes, the
innovation networks specifically focus on inexperienced users of the
knowledge system. As an innovation program, the innovation
networks are based upon an informal approach. Its main function is to
prepare participating companies in innovation networks to take part in
and benefit from the knowledge system by increasing the innovation
level, enable R&D collaboration and participation in other R&D and
innovation programmes.
In order to meet these ambitions, the scope of activities in the
innovation networks is very broad and includes activities ranging from
informal meetings to collaborative innovation projects. The set of
activities that comprise the innovation networks also have a broader
range compared to that of other innovation programs with a more
narrow and focused angle, i.e. innovation consortia and others.
The Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation, 2011
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increased innovation and R&D, which later will lead to an economical
1 Introduction
This report has been prepared by DAMVAD. It presents an analysis of
the behavioural and economical impact of the Danish Innovation policy
programme of Innovation Network ( Innovationsnetværk ). The
behavioural impact focuses on increased ability to innovate, increase
in R&D collaboration and a better use of the innovation system in
Denmark. A change in the behavior is expected to lead to economical
impact for the participating companies in innovation networks.
Innovation networks aims at Danish companies and knowledge
institutions that are active in specific defined areas or clusters. These
clusters are assembled in individual networks. Thus, firms in each
network have in common that they operate with the same discipline.
Although companies have the same technical focal point their
motivation to engage in innovation networks have a divergent nature.
Among other things motivation depend on the company s knowledge
level prior to participating in the networks. This impact assessment
tries to incorporate the diversity in the way controls groups are
The purpose of this study is to show company effects of participation
in innovation network. The participating companies in innovation
networks have very diverse prerequisite related to their experience
with the knowledge system. Some are novices and lack experience in
innovation, R&D collaboration and participation in the Danish system
for public research and innovation promotion system, while others are
experts in the knowledge system.
This also set up demands on how to design the impact assessment.
Most of the participating companies in innovation networks are
novices in the knowledge system. This in turn means that the main
focus will be on behavior impacts as these are a prerequisite for
In order to conduct a solid impact assessment the analysis identifies a
control group of companies that does not participate in innovation
networks. The identification builds upon propensity score matching
procedures in order to identify control companies that are as identical
as possible to the participating companies in innovation networks. The
control group is identified based upon firm specific information
regarding sector, firm size, and educational level among employees,
previous performance and R&D activities.
This report is divided into 5 central chapters:
Chapter 2
describes the goals of the innovation networks, as a policy
instrument and the expected effects that companies will experience
from participating in the innovation networks. This is done with the
purpose to set the stage for the impact assessment that follows later
on in the report.
Chapter 3
gives a brief view of the participating companies in the
Innovation Network program.
Chapter 4
describes how the different impacts are measured.
Chapter 5
analyses the impact of innovation network on participating
companies in innovation networks in terms of behavioural impact in
terms of increased ability to innovate, increased probability to enter
R&D collaboration and change in use of other R&D and innovation
programmes, and
chapter 6
put the results of the impact assessment into
UFU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 168: Spm. om ministeren vil fremsende relevante evalueringer af Globaliseringspuljen 2007-12, til Uddannelses- og forskningsministeren
Figure 2.1: Expected relation between R&D intensity and productivity
2 Innovation Networks
This chapter describes the goals of the innovation networks as a policy
instrument and the expected effects that companies will experience
from participating in the innovation networks. This is done in order to
set the stage for the impact assessment later in the report.
Innovation networks are the result of a wish to boost the innovation
effort of Danish companies. The main focus of the innovation networks
is to help small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) gain access to
the innovation system. The innovation network provides a platform
within a specific technical or professional area where companies,
universities, research institutions and other relevant players can meet
and exchange ideas and knowledge and launch shared projects. The
innovation networks thus build a bridge between Danish companies
and universities and other research institutions and the large
accumulation of knowledge that happens there.
As the innovation networks dissemination their knowledge to
participating companies in the network, the companies gradually
experience a stepping upwards on the knowledge ladder
. The
companies knowledge progress is presented in Figure 2.1 which
illustrates the relation between intensity of research and development
activities and economic growth.
Productivity per
R&D active and
R&D collaboration
R&D active
Not R&D active
Time from
Source: DAMVAD 2011
The figure thus demonstrates how companies that were at the bottom
of the ladder prior to joining the innovation network may climb up the
ladder once they absorb knowledge from the network and increase
their innovation and R&D competencies. Hence, the figure is dynamic
in the sense that companies at various stages may progress even
further following their participation in the network activities.
Accordingly, the innovation networks will include different sets of
activities that contribute to companies progress on the knowledge
ladder which are also adjusted to the companies existing level of R&D
intensity. The advanced players will be drawn to particular activities,
such as how to establish R&D collaboration, whereas the more
inexperienced players will be attracted to other activities that may
help them advance their innovation competencies.
Hence, the aim of the innovation network is to provide a platform that
will add value to the participating companies in innovation networks.
The emphasis is on:
The concept of the knowledge ladder is developed based on two reports from the
Danish Agency for Science and Innovation. The reports document empirical effects
that companies experience from investing in R&D and innovation, and from
participating in R&D collaborations with public knowledge institutions.
Providing access to professional competencies from scientists,
users, and specialised companies
Providing room for a common generation of ideas and
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Providing the opportunity to identify collaboration partners
and to launch projects
Providing the opportunity to strengthen and develop relations
with research environments, companies, lead users, GTS etc.
Being a stepping stone for internationalisation of companies
professional area can meet. Thus the very nature of the network gives
it a more informal character.
The overall difference between the innovation networks and other
innovation programs such as the Strategic Research or Innovation
Consortiums is highlighted in the figure below. The figure categorises
the programs as to whether they are informal or formal, and whether
they focus on execution of research or preparation of research.
Figure 2.2 Innovation networks placement as a policy tool
As the above list indicates, the scope of the innovation networks is
very broad. The set of activities that make up the innovation networks
also have a broader range compared to that of other innovation
programs that have a more narrow and focused angle.
The scope of activities and the variety of the participating companies
innovative competencies prior to participation present specific
premises for measuring the effects of participating in the innovation
networks. The diversity of activities as well as company characteristics
necessitates the establishing of parameters that will assist the impact
assessment with large degrees of variation and with the hoped-for
results taken into consideration. This will be dealt with in more depth
in section 2.3.
In the following, the innovation networks as part of the knowledge
system will be introduced with emphasis on what distinguishes the
innovation networks from other innovation instruments. Next, the
kinds of companies that participate in the innovation networks will be
presented. These two dimensions will be central to the impact
measurement and the expected results of participating.
Preparational for
Innovation networks
Innovation Consortiums
EU s framework programmes
Execution of
Soruce: DAMVAD 2011
2.1 A policy instrument
The aim of the innovation networks sets the network apart as a policy
instrument compared to other innovation programs. Unlike other
programs that focus on funding projects, the innovation networks
provide a platform where players within a specific technical or
As the figure indicates, the innovation networks as an innovation
program are characterised as an informal policy instrument, its main
function being to prepare network participating companies to
participate in and benefit from the knowledge system and thus
potentially participate in more formal policy instruments later. This
type of program is contrasted with programs that provide specific
project support and thus focus on the execution of research, giving the
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activities a more formal character, e.g. Innovation Consortiums or EU s
Framework Programs.
The figure also illustrates how the innovation network supply a
platform that should focus on assisting companies in prioritising
research through shared development of strategies and execution of
plans and by bringing participating companies in innovation networks
together in order to ensure a critical mass in relation to projects.
Accordingly, research relevance is a focal point in order to make the
needs of companies a more direct part of the research conducted at
universities. Secondly it is also a point that a broader scopes how the
needs of companies become a part of research and innovation
programs. As knowledge-sharing and the dissemination of knowledge
are central activities in the innovation network, the participating
companies in innovation networks will contribute to the prioritization
of both public and private research.
As the innovation network is to work as a bridging element for
companies on the verge of unfolding their innovation potential by
providing connections to other companies, universities, and research
institutions in the networks, the innovation network thus potentially
fills a gap in the innovation system. An additional feature of this
characteristic is its ability to reach a broad range of companies that
covers both very experienced players in the knowledge system as well
as more inexperienced companies.
The innovation networks attract both experienced as well as
inexperienced players in the knowledge system. This provides
opportunities for the inexperienced players who are not familiar with
the system and as such will gain practical knowledge about the
knowledge system from the experienced players. Contrary it also set
requirements for the activities in the networks that need to be
targeted at different levels of innovation capacity and overall
experience. As the preparation part of the innovation networks is
distinct, the focus of the majority of activities in the network supports
this dimension. However, this part is also strengthened by the
existence of the more advanced companies.
The different types of companies will be elaborated below.
2.2 Company participation on different levels
The innovation networks reach out to different kinds of companies
because of the diversity of activities in the networks. The various
activities in the innovation networks also illustrate that companies
participate with differing intensity and differing purposes.
It is therefore useful to provide a generic characterization of the
different types of companies participating in the networks. In
particular, the categorisation of companies depends on the existing
level of innovation capacity, i.e. their existing R&D expertise and their
experience with the innovation system prior to participating in the
Inexperienced players in the knowledge system:
belonging to this category demonstrate a low degree of innovation
capacity prior to joining the network. Their motivation for participating
is focused on getting to know the central players and building relations
with these players in order to get access to knowledge and
competences that the company itself does not possess. The main
activities that these companies participate in when they initially join
the network are thus informational activities such as meetings and
New players in the knowledge system:
Companies belonging to this
group have some experience with the knowledge system. Their main
motivation is to use the network to make more progress with their
innovation attempts. A need of these companies is to get access to
knowledge resources that the company does not already possess and
thus the targeted activities are match-making, idea generation,
counseling, and knowledge exchanges.
Advanced players in the knowledge system:
This group of companies
have a significant experience in operating in the knowledge system.
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Their main motivation for participating in the innovation networks is
thus to use their existing knowledge combined with new knowledge
for targeting new projects. Their main activities are the pre-projects
that are offered as a testing platform for potentially larger projects.
Experts in the knowledge system:
These companies are the
experienced players in the knowledge system. They participate in
innovation networks as part of their overall palette of innovation
programs. These companies are also motivated by an interest in
gaining access to knowledge and competencies. Their main activity is
participation in innovation and R&D projects with other key
stakeholders from the network including international R&D players.
Figure 2.3: Change in level within the knowledge system from participation
in innovation network
Level in the
knowledge system
New player
Time from initial
2.3 Effects of participation
The innovation networks contribute to companies development and
innovation efforts in different ways. Consequently, there will be
different effects of the companies participation in the innovation
networks. The different effects are related to the companies existing
competencies, previous experiences of the knowledge system and
involvement in innovation and research programs as well as formal
joint knowledge collaboration attempts.
The different effects are presented in Figure 2.4. This figure illustrates
how the effects of the innovation network depend on the type of
network participant using it. The primary effect for inexperienced
participating companies in innovation networks is different from the
experienced network participant. Companies that participate in the
network over a long period will gradually experience the strengthening
of their competencies and benefit accordingly from the network and
learning externalities provided through the network participation. The
figure below shows how companies in theory move upwards in the
knowledge system after participating in innovation networks.
Source: DAMVAD 2011
In the short run, participation in the innovation networks will be
related to behavioral effects such as changes in the characteristics of
the company s R&D activities. An example could be a company that
due to participation in the innovation network increases their
investments in R&D, or pursues further innovation activities.
In the long run, the innovation networks will enable the companies to
participate in knowledge collaboration and interaction. Thus, it is in
the long term perspective that economic effects associated with
participating in the innovation networks will be visible. An example of
this kind of economic effect are increases in the company s
productivity or increase in exports.
Companies that participate in innovation projects through
collaboration with other companies and knowledge institutions
facilitated by their participation in the innovation network are
expected to experience economic effects sooner than companies that
have only participated in meetings and workshops, regardless of the
duration of their network membership.
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Figure 2.4: Effects of participation in innovation network
Box 2.1 What are the objectives of the innovation networks
to know-
in programs
in know-
The main objectives of the innovation networks are:
To strengthen public-private collaboration and
knowledge transfer between public universities and
private companies on research and innovation.
To strengthen innovation and research in Danish
Companies and thus promote knowledge based
growth in business and industry.
Below is a brief overview of the 22 existing innovation networks and
the identified participating companies in innovation networks. A more
comprehensive, but still brief description of each innovation network
can be found in appendix 3.
Short term: Network- and learning externalities
Long term: Economic value
Source: DAMVAD 2011
2.4 The Danish Innovation Network
This gives a brief presentation of the Danish innovation networks. In
appendix 3 there is a more thorough presentation of each network.
The text box below presents the more formal objectives of the
innovation networks:
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Table 2.1. Overview of innovation network
AluCluster - Knowledge and technology centre for aluminium
Animation HUB
Biopeople Innovation Network for Biotech
Innovation Network for Biomass
Danish Sound Technology Network
FoodNetwork - Fødevaresektorens Innovationsnetværk
Infinit The Danish ICT Innovation network
InnoBYG - Innovation Network for Energy efficient and Sustainable construction
Innonet Lifestyle Interior & Clothing
The Innovation network for Market, Communication and Consumption
The Innovation network for Environmental Technology
Offshore Center Denmark
Innovation Network for Danish Lighting
Plastic and Polymer Network
InViO - Innovation network for knowledge-based experience economy
No Age innovative solutions for elderly people
Service Platform Service Cluster Denmark
The Transport Innovation Network - TINV
UNIC Use of New technologies in Innovative solutions for Chronic patients
Water in Urban Areas
Source: DAMVAD 2011 based on participation list for innovation networks.
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3 Descriptive statistics
The following is aiming at giving a descriptive status on the
participating companies of the Innovation Network program. Two of
the key performance indicators for this program are the focus on
regional distribution and inclusion of small companies.
In order to provide further information on the participating companies
in innovation networks, data is merged with other statistics. Merging
Statistic on Research, Development and Innovation
enterprise statistics
leads to a further reduction of companies. The
final number of participating companies in innovation networks is
The total number of companies participating in current innovation
networks will not correspond with the numbers of participating
companies in innovation networks in the impact analysis. The impact
analysis cover participating companies in innovation networks in the
time span 2003 to 2008. The innovation networks are rather dynamic
and their scope changes from year to year, some stays the same, some
are closed down, new ones appear and some are merged.
The study covers 3,031 participating companies in the Danish
Innovation policy program of Innovation Networks. The majority of
participating companies in innovation networks come from the
manufacturing, business, commerce and transportation sectors. These
industries account for 67 percent of the participating companies in
innovation networks. Table 3.1 shows the distribution of participating
companies in innovation networks by industry.
Table 3.1. Participating companies in innovation networks by industry
Agriculture, forestry &
Trade and transport ect.
Information and
Financial and insurance
Real estate & renting
Other business services
Knowledge-based services
Travel agent, cleaning, ect.
Arts, entertainment & other
Public administration,
Undisclosed activity
Number of
Fraction of
Fraction of
Source: DAMVAD 2011 based on General enterprise statistics (2008) and participation
list for innovation networks.
The regional distribution of participating companies in innovation
networks matches the general distribution of companies. The
Innovation Networks thus lives up to the aim of having a wide regional
distribution of activities
. Geographically, most participating
companies in innovation networks are based in the capital and central
Jutland. This is most likely because the concentration of companies in
general in these areas is higher than in other parts of the country. It is
noteworthy that there are relatively few participating companies in
innovation networks from Region Zealand. The results of table 3.2
The aim is part of the key performance indicators as is presented in the action plan
for The Danish Council for Technology and Innovation 2010 2013.
UFU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 168: Spm. om ministeren vil fremsende relevante evalueringer af Globaliseringspuljen 2007-12, til Uddannelses- og forskningsministeren
show that besides Region Zealand the different Danish regions are
represented on a level that matches the relative distribution of
companies in general.
Table 3.3. Participating companies in innovation networks by size
Company size in
0 to 19
20 to 49
50 to 99
100 +
Amount of
Fraction of
Fraction of
Table 3.2. Participating companies in innovation networks by region
Name of Region
Capital Region
Central Denmark Region
North Denmark Region
Region Zealand
Region of south Denmark
Number of
Fraction of
Fractions of
Source: DAMVAD 2011 based on General Enterprise Statistics (2008) and participation
list for innovation networks.
Note: 346 companies have more than 250 employees. This mean that 11,3 percent of
the innovation network participant have more than 250 employees.
Source: DAMVAD 2011 based on General enterprise statistics (2008) and participation
list for innovation networks.
3.1 Innovation profile
The following presents the level of innovative participating companies
in innovation networks. Tabel 3.4 shows that 51,2 percent of the
participating companies in innovation networks in 2004 are innovative.
This is compared to that 42 percent of the Danish companies were
innovative in 2004. 73.1 percent of the companies participating in
2007 are innovative. This is compared to that 42.8 percent of the
Danish companies were innovative in 2007.
Another focus in the key performance indicators for the Innovation
Networks program is a focus of including small companies. In numbers,
most companies participating in innovation networks are small. But
compared with the general distribution by size, large companies are
over-represented among the participating companies in innovation
networks. In Denmark in general, 1.5 percent of businesses have more
than 50 employees. By comparison 28.4 percent of firms in the
innovations programs have more than 50 employees.
Compared to other Danish programs for R&D and innovation, the
share of small companies is rather high. E.g. in the program for
Strategic Research 40 percent of the participating companies have
more than 250 full time equivalent employees and in Innovation
Consortia the figure is 27 percent. The Innovation Network programme
11.3 percent of the participating companies in innovation networks
have more than 250 full time equivalent employees.
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Table 3.4. Participating companies in innovation networks Innovative
Innovative in year
of participation
Fraction of
51.2 %
73.1 %
73.6 %
Fraction of total
42.0 %
42.8 %
41.0 %
Source: DAMVAD 2011 based on innovation statistics (2004, 2007 and 2008) and
participation list for innovation networks.
Another interesting point in the analysis will be the focus on R&D
collaboration. The participating companies of Innovation Networks are
more likely to cooperate on R&D than other companies. Around 30 per
cent of participating companies in innovation networks cooperate,
where only 5.4 percent of all Danish companies cooperate on R&D. It
will thus be interesting to see whether the higher share of R&D
collaboration is due to participation in the Innovation Network
Table 3.6. R&D-cooperation among companies in innovation networks
3.2 R&D-profile
68.3 per cent of the participating companies in Innovation Networks
are engaged in R&D activities. Compared with the total amount of
companies in Denmark, participating companies in innovation
networks are more likely to be involved in R&D activities as only 35.6
percent of all Danish companies are engaged in R&D. This is of cause
due to self-selection, as the companies analysed here by definition are
engaged in innovation. The question is whether the companies are
active in R&D because they participate in the Innovation Networks
program, or if they were R&D active before entering the program.
Table 3.5. Participating companies in innovation networks R&D activity
Amount of
Fraction of
Fraction of total
Amount of
Fraction of
69.3 %
30.7 %
Fraction of total
94.6 %
5.4 %
Source: DAMVAD 2011 based on R&D-statistics (2008) and participation list for
innovation networks.
3.3 Network participation
As mentioned above small or middle sized are most likely to
participate in Innovation Networks. The table below shows that 58.1
percent of the participating companies in innovation networks have
less than 20 employees whereas 11.3 percent have more than 250
Source: DAMVAD 2011 based on R&D-statistics (2008) and participation list for
innovation networks.
UFU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 168: Spm. om ministeren vil fremsende relevante evalueringer af Globaliseringspuljen 2007-12, til Uddannelses- og forskningsministeren
Table 3.7. Network participation by firm size
Company size in full-time
0 to 19
20 to 49 50 to 99
Table 3.8. Network participation by activity
Conf. or
minary or
R&D or
100 to
250 +
Source: DAMVAD 2011 based on General Enterprise Statistics (2008) and participation
list for innovation networks.
Source: DAMVAD 2011 based on General Enterprise Statistics (2008) and participation
list for innovation networks.
From the data on participating companies in innovation networks it is
possible to see the different kinds of activities that each company has
participated in. The different activities increase in strength and
formality so that conferences and seminars are the most casual and
informal activity whereas R&D and innovation project are the most
Overall, most companies participate in the informal conferences or
seminars. Almost 3,000 companies have been participating in these
activities, while only 419 companies have been participating in formal
R&D and innovation projects. It is possible for each company to
participate in five activities altogether. Table 3.7 presents the results.
Most companies participate in conferences or seminars. This is 98
percent of the participating companies in innovation networks. 14
percent are involved in innovation and R&D projects.
3.4 Participation in other programs
One of the main aims of the Innovation Networks program is to
increase participation in other R&D and Innovation programs, inviting
novices to enter into the innovation system. By merging the
participation list with the DAMVAD Database on Knowledge
Collaboration, it is possible to see how many of the innovation
network participating companies that are also participating in other
programs. It is an aim of the Innovation Networks program to improve
each company s ability to innovate, increase the overall investments in
R&D and innovation and increase the number of joint R&D and
innovation projects between companies and knowledge institutions.
Around 25 per cent of the participating companies in innovation
networks have participated in a project recorded in the DAMVAD
Database on Knowledge. The participation in other programmes shows
that the participating companies in innovation networks also
participate in other parts of the knowledge system. It is part of this
analysis to see whether participation in innovation network will
enhance company participation in other programmes.
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Table 3.9. Network participation by activity
companies in
Participating in
Share in per cent
ABT fonden
Table 3.10. Network participation by activity
0 to 49 full
50 to 249 full
+ 250 full time
User Driven innovation
EU's 4. Framework
EU's 5. Framework
EU's 6. Framework
EU's 7. Framework
Food Innovation 2007
High Technology
Innovation Consortia
Regional Programmes
Council for Strategic
Knowledge Coupon
Source: DAMVAD 2011 based on DAMVAD co and participation list for innovation
Table 3.10 show companies that participate in innovation network and
how they participate in other R&D and innovation programmes.
Further the figures is divided into firm size. By doing so we see how
many small, medium sized and large companies participating in
innovation networks also participates in other programmes. It is an
aim for the innovation network to help and enhance the use of other
programmes, especially for small and medium sized companies. And it
is in particular programmes focusing on innovation, which attracts
participating companies from the innovation networks. Table 3.10
shows that the programmes User Driven Innovaiton , Innovation
Consortia and Knowledge Coupons all attract a great share of small
or medium sized companies.
Source: DAMVAD 2011 based on General Enterprise Statistics (2008) and participation
list for innovation networks.
Note: mean that the figure left out due to discretion matters.
Note: The figure of larger companies exceed figure in table 3.6. This is due to the fact
that one company can participate in several programmes.
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Figure 4.1: The effect of participating in the Innovation Network program
4 Results
It is expected that companies will experience different effects from
participating in Innovation Network. As described in Chapter 2 there
are different patterns of participation. These different patterns have
different aims and thus their impact should be viewed separately. It is
crucial to focus on different impact measurements that focus
exclusively on economic impacts, such as productivity and exports, but
also changes in behaviour that in the end will imply economic growth.
This analysis focuses on two themes of the overall impact of
participating in Innovation Networks:
Behavioural effects
Economic impacts
The time span of the individual company s participation in an
Innovation Network will be of great importance as to which kinds of
effects can be expected. The figure below illustrates the expected
coherence between effects and the time span of participation. The
figure shows how the initial phase of participation leads to potential
behavioural effects, e.g. increased R&D spending or establishment of
own R&D department.
The ever growing knowledge base gained by participation, combined
with behavioural changes such as increased investments in R&D, will
affect the economic impact of the individual company, e.g. by
increased productivity, revenue or employment.
Effect of participating in
an Innovation Network
economic effect
Source: DAMVAD, 2011.
4.1 What is meant by impact
Behavioral effects
The behavioural impact of participating in an Innovation Network is
measured by an increased probability of being innovative, increased
probability of entering into a R&D collaboration and by a better use of
existing national and international R&D and innovation programs,.
One behavioural effect is measured by increased ability to be
innovative. This is direct key performances aim with the Innovation
Network program. Increased innovation is a possible driver of
improved economic performance. An analysis on the return of
increased investments in innovation conducted by DAMVAD and the
Danish Centre for Studies in Research and Research Policy proved that
investing one additional Euro in innovation yields a return of 30 cents.
More innovation will thus increase the company growth.
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A second behavioural effect studied here is the level of R&D
collaboration. A recent study conducted by DAMVAD proved that a
business that enters into an R&D collaboration with universities and
other knowledge institutions on average experiences a 9 percent
increase in productivity a year in a 9 year period. Therefore it is
important to increase R&D collaboration, and it is also a key
performance indicator for the Innovation Network program in the
action plan Innovation Denmark 2010-2013.
A better use of existing national and international R&D and innovation
programs covers several of key performance indicators for the
Innovation Network program. Participation in other programs will
most likely increase the individual company s ability to innovate,
increase investments in R&D and innovation and increase the general
level of collaboration between companies, universities and other
knowledge institutions. Two Danish studies have proven a relationship
between, respectively, increased innovation, increased R&D and R&D
collaboration on the one hand, and business growth in terms of
increased productivity on the other. This was shown in Figure 2.1 and
is known as the knowledge ladder. It is therefore highly relevant to aim
for a better use of existing national and international R&D and
innovation programs.
Economical effects
The economic impact of participating in Innovation Networks is
measured in terms of productivity, exports, turnover and employment.
The measuring of the economic impact has been carried out from two
different perspectives. First, the general effect is measured regardless
of the character of participation. Secondly, the impact is estimated
while the character of participation is taken into account.
For each of the two perspectives we use a matching approach to
estimate the causal effect of participation in Innovation Networks. This
approach matches each participant with a similar non-participant,
hereby simulating a counterfactual situation.
When estimating the impact of participation, causality is a very
important issue. The question is whether companies perform better as
a result of participating in Innovation Networks, or whether high
performance companies are more likely to join Innovation Networks.
This issue is addressed first by matching the participating companies in
innovation networks with non-participating but similar companies (the
control group).
Secondly, the performance of the participating companies in
innovation networks is compared to the performance of the control
group over time. The performance of the control group is assumed to
illustrate the performance paths that the participating companies in
innovation networks would have followed had they not participated.
For each of the indicators our methodology focuses on causality. We
match control companies so that they are similar to Innovation
Network participating companies in innovation networks in the year
that the latter participate in a network. The similarity is based on a
range of company specific indicators and the economical performance
of each company, in order to ensure the similarity between the
participating companies in innovation networks and the control group.
4.1.1 Establishing control groups
In this impact study we establish one solid control group and use it to
compare the before and after behavioural activities between
participating companies in innovation networks and similar non-
participating companies.
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Companies are selected for a control group according to the matching
method called propensity score matching . This method estimates for
each company the probability of participating in innovation network
conditional on company specific characteristics such as industry,
company size, exports, educational background of employees,
previous performance, R&D activities and research collaborations.
According to the estimated probability, participants are matched to
similar non-participants according to
nearest neighbour
method. This is further elaborated in appendix 1.
As a result, the control groups consist of companies that are similar to
participating companies in innovation networks, where the only
observed difference is the fact that these companies did not
participate in an innovation network.
It is important to consider the quality of the control group. This is done
by testing if observations with the same propensity score have the
same distribution of observable covariates independent of treatment
status. In other words, it has been tested whether there are any
observed systematic differences between participating companies in
innovation networks and the control group consisting of the matched
The economic methodology is further elaborated in appendix 1.
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5 Behavioral effects
The behavioral effect is not immediately transferrable to economic
measures and as such economic impacts. But they can be a
prerequisite to later economical impacts, e.g. increased probability to
innovate or increased probability of engaging in R&D collaboration
with universities and other knowledge institutions.
The analysis of behavioral effects focus on three different types of
effects from participation:
Higher probability of being innovative
Higher probability of R&D collaboration.
A better use of existing national and international R&D and
innovation programs.
In order to analyze whether participation in innovation networks
increases the probability after we utilize a probability model that is
modeling the probability of being innovative for each company. The
model is in principle equal to the one used to investigate a better use
of other R&D and innovation programmes.
The results again represent a logistic model that allows for including
other predictor variables that will affect the probability of being
innovative. The model is build upon merging data from the
participation list, the General Enterprise Statistics and Innovation
Statistics in 2002, 2004, 2007 and 2008. Innovation is defined based on
the Innovation Statistics and for 2002 and 2004 it includes product and
process innovation whereas 2007 and 2008 also includes
organizational and marketing innovation. Further the results are
conditioned that companies not previously have been innovative.
Increasing the level of innovation among participating
companies in innovation networks
Tabel 5.1 shows that compared to similar companies participating in
Innovation Networks increases the probability of being innovative.
Already the same year as participating in an innovation network
companies tend to be more innovative. Year 1 after participation the
probability of being innovative is 366 percent higher for innovation
network participating companies in innovation networks than other
similar companies. The not available in the tabel indicates that there
weren t enough observation on innovative companies. This will be due
to the lack of innovation statistics in the years of 2005 and 2006.
5.1 Increased ability to innovate
Another interesting area to explore is whether participation increases
the innovation ability among companies. The return on investment in
innovation is 30 percent and innovative companies in general are 66
percent more productive than non-innovating companies
. Further it is
one of the key performance indicators to increase innovation as a
mean of the Innovation Networks.
Cf. The Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation, 2010, 2011
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Table 5.1: Level of innovation after participating in Innovation Networks
Year after participating in
Innovation Networks
The same year
Year 1 after participation
Year 2 after participation
Year 3 after participation
Year 4 after participation
Year 5 after participation
Increased probability of being
Interpreting the results
The results of the impact assessment show that participation in an
innovation network significantly increases the probability of being
innovative. There are several possible explanations to why this is the
Participation implies learning externalities
as we shaw in chapter 2 in
figure 2.4 it is expected that participating companies in innovation
networks strengthening of their competences and accordingly benefit
from the learning externalities provided through the network
participation. This will potentially lead to innovation.
Participant gains access to new knowledge
one of the key points in
the activities in the networks is bridge builder function where
participating companies in innovation networks gain access to
professional capabilities from researchers, users or other companies.
This knowledge help develops ideas into new products or services and
provides inputs and advice for solving problems with product
development and innovation.
Participation in common idea generation
as part of the knowledge
transfer participating companies in innovation networks can achieve
counseling and individual feedback from experts. The counseling and
feedback is based on the latest knowledge within certain areas. The
network can act like an expert itself or putting up the frame for a
meeting between participating companies in innovation networks and
other experts.
Source: DAMVAD, 2011.
Note: The significance is marked with asterisk : *** = 1 pct.-level, ** = 5 pct.-level and * = 10 pct.-
N: 5,201
The results imply that every time two company in the control group
turn innovative 9 companies will turn innovative in the treatment
group. In the time span we can locate 102 participating companies in
innovation networks turning innovative out of a population of 1,225.
Contrary 22 companies out of every 1,225 companies in the control
group turns innovative. This means that 8.3 percent of the
participating companies in innovation networks turn innovative. In the
counterfactual situation without participation in innovation networks
only 1.7 percent of the companies will turn innovative. That is a
significant difference of 6.5 percentage points.
UFU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 168: Spm. om ministeren vil fremsende relevante evalueringer af Globaliseringspuljen 2007-12, til Uddannelses- og forskningsministeren
Increase the probability of R&D collaboration
almost 300 percent higher than other similar companies not
partipating in innovation networks .
It not was possible to obtain a satisfactory number of observations in
the third, fourth and fifth year after participation. Therefore there are
no results of these models.
Table 5.2: Level of R&D collaboration after participating in an innovation
Year after participating in
Innovation Networks
The same year
Year 1 after participation
Year 2 after participation
Year 3 after participation
Year 4 after participation
Year 5 after participation
Increased probability of being
One of the objectives of the innovation networks is to strengthen
public-private collaboration and knowledge transfer between public
universities and private companies regarding research and innovation.
And as such it is a key performance indicator. A recent study has
proven the significant effects for companies of entering public-private
In order to investigate whether an innovation network is an effective
instrument to stimulate knowledge sharing and interaction between
companies, universities and other public knowledge institutions
through increased R&D collaboration.
R&D collaboration is defined as in the official R&D statistics and covers
active participation in common projects regarding R&D with other
companies or institutions. With the different R&D statistics it is
possible to see whether companies have R&D collaboration in the
years of 1999, 2001, 2003 2004, 2005, 2007 and 2008. The years 1999
and 2001 will solely be used to check that companies not previously
have had R&D collaboration. The following years will be used to
analyze whether the companies are entering R&D collaboration.
Source: DAMVAD, 2011.
Note: The significance is marked with asterisk : *** = 1 pct.-level, ** = 5 pct.-level and * = 10 pct.-
N: 2,350
Increasing R&D collaboration
Interpreting the results
Table 5.2 shows that compared to other similar companies
participating in an innovation network have a higher probability of
entering R&D collaboration after their participation. Already within the
same year as participation the probability of entering R&D
collaboration increases by 95 percent. The year after participating in
an innovation network the probability of entering R&D collaboration is
The results of the impact assessment show that participation in an
innovation network significantly increases the probability of having
R&D collaboration. There can be several explanations to the results:
Increased network externalities
as explained under the analysis of
better use of other R&D and innovation programmes the ability to
enter joined R&D and innovation projects is not straight forward. It
requires absorption capacity and a certain level of intern knowledge
within the company. A lot of companies, particularly smaller
Cf. The Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation, 2011
UFU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 168: Spm. om ministeren vil fremsende relevante evalueringer af Globaliseringspuljen 2007-12, til Uddannelses- og forskningsministeren
companies, do not possess these capacities and as such then
innovation network assist the companies in overcoming this drawback.
The same explanation can be implied to why innovation network
should increase the probability of entering and having R&D
Providing the opportunity to identify collaboration partners and to
launch projects
is one of the main objectives for the innovation
networks. One of the activities in the networks is bridge builder
function where participating companies in innovation networks
receive assistance in order to identify suitable partner to a R&D or
innovation project. Further the access to a comprehensive network of
researchers, technological service providers and private companies
implies an increase in R&D collaboration. Finally the fact that there is
R&D collaboration projects within the different innovation network
yields itself a higher level of R&D collaboration.
role in catalyzing participation in other more formal R&D and
innovation programs both nationally and internationally.
Tabel 5.3 presents the results of the analysis on whether participation
in Innovation Networks increases the use of other R&D and innovation
programs compared to similar companies that have not participated in
Innovation Networks. The results represent the outcome of a logistic
regression modelling the probability of entering other programs when
participating in Innovation Network. The logistic model also allows for
including other predictor variables that will affect the probability of
entering R&D or innovation programs
. In all 6 models are estimated
ranging from effect the same year to participation 5 years after
entering Innovation Networks.
There is a better use of other programmes
Tabel 5.3 shows that compared to other similar companies Innovation
Networks participating companies in innovation networks experience a
significantly higher probability of participating in other programmes
two and five years after participation in an innovation network.
Two years after participating in an innovation network participant
have an increased probability by 141 percent of participating in other
programmes compared to other similar companies. Five years after
participating in an innovation network this have increased to 215
percent. Eventhough the results are general positive and shows an
increased probability of participating in other programmes the
significance differs throughout the period.
5.3 Better use of other R&D and innovation
It is possible to analyze whether participation in innovation networks
leads to an increased the use of national and international programs.
By establishing a control group of companies that have not yet
participated in innovation networks and over time investigate their use
of other national and international programs.
Participation in other programs is identified through the DAMVAD
Database on R&D and innovation programs. The database is build on
information regarding company participation in national programs,
e.g. Innovation Consortia or the program for strategic research and
international programs such as the EU framework programs.
The use of the database provides us with the possibility to answer
whether participation in Innovation Networks leads to increased use of
the innovation system. If so Innovation Networks plays a significant
In the report The Impact on Company Growth of Collaboration with Research
Institutions , The Danish Agency for S
cience, Technology and Innovation, 2011 it is
shown that factors such as sector, firm size and employees with tertiary education
have a high impact on the probability of R&D collaboration.
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Table 5.3: Better use of other programmes
Year after participating in
Innovation Networks
The same year
Year 1 after participation
Year 2 after participation
Year 3 after participation
Year 4 after participation
Year 5 after participation
Increased probability of
participation in other programmes
Turning inexperienced users into experts
While other R&D and
innovation programmes often attracts the elite of research and
knowledge intensive companies, the innovation networks also is
relevant for more inexperienced companies. The Innovation Network
helps inexperienced users of the research and innovation promotion
system to become more familiar with the system.
It is argued that participation in knowledge intensive and advanced
R&D and innovation projects requires an initial knowledge base among
participating companies in innovation networks. Companies
participating in joined R&D collaboration have to provide knowledge
and other inputs to the project. Otherwise they will be excluded from
the project and receive a bad reputation and seen as free-riders, cf.
Robertson and Gatingnon (1998). Innovation networks assist and help
companies to establish the right initial knowledge base that will help
them be successful in other programmes.
Further the absorption capacity of a company has a huge impact on
their ability to gain from the knowledge provided by others in R&D and
innovation projects. Cohen and Levinthal (1990) argues that the
absorption capacity is of greatest importance to discover, understand
and embed new knowledge. Further the absorption capacity will be of
great importance to forward exploit the knowledge gained from joined
R&D and innovation projects, cf. Kastelli (2004) and Vinding (2002).
Other studies have shown that it largely is larger companies that
possess the basis capabilities and absorption capacity that enables
them to gain from joined R&D and innovation. That is often referred to
as one of the main reasons to why larger companies tend to be over-
represented in joined R&D and innovation programmes as well as
when focusing on R&D collaboration, e.g. 40 percent of the
participating companies in innovation networks in the Programme for
Strategic Research have more than 250 employees and 27 pct. in
Innovation Consortia. While in the Innovation Networks it is just 11
pct. that have more than 250 employees.
Source: DAMVAD, 2011.
Note: The significance is marked with asterisk : *** = 1 pct.-level, ** = 5 pct.-level and * = 10 pct.-
N: 6,066
Interpreting results
The results of the impact assessment show that participation in the
Innovation Network programme increase the probability of
participating in other R&D and innovation programmes. There can
several explanations to this result:
Providing participating companies in innovation networks with
overview and contacts
One of the cornerstones of the Innovation
Networks is their ability to provide participating companies in
innovation networks with an overview of and contact to other R&D
and innovation programmes. Further they provide the participating
companies in innovation networks with access to a comprehensive
network of researchers from universities, technological service
providers as well as other private companies, which all potentially
have experience with other parts of the public research and innovation
promotion system. As such they will be able to direct the participant to
other relevant programmes.
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As such the innovation network programme is playing a central role in
enabling inexperienced and smaller companies without the basic
knowledge skills into the public research and innovation promotion
system and thus is assisting companies in moving up the knowledge
ladder .
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6 Possible economic impacts
In general, the analyses of the behavioural changes of the companies
indicate that they change their behaviour as a result of their
participation in the innovation networks. On the other hand, it takes a
number of years before these behavioural changes affect their
economic performance. For instance, Rouvinen (2002) points out that
investments in R&D do not improve the general performance until 3 to
5 years after the initial investment. When the investment is eventually
developed into new products, more efficient processes or new services
that increase earnings, this will, however, affect the general
performance. The available data does not include time series extensive
enough for calculating the exact economic effects at this time. In a few
years, we expect to able to do just that.
This chapter looks at the possible economic effects of participating in
innovation networks. The previous chapter focussed on the change in
behaviour of the participating companies in innovation networks. The
results showed that,
the public intervention that boost knowledge creation and relations
among agents in the innovation system.
6.1 Possible impact of increased innovation
The results from the previous chapter show that participating
companies in the innovation networks increase their probability of
being innovative by a factor of 4.5 compared to a control group of
companies with similar characteristics. This means that for each 10
companies in the control group that turn innovative, 45 companies in
the innovation networks will turn innovative.
Innovation leads to the creation of new products, processes and
services in businesses, increasing earnings and at the same time raising
the level of knowledge. They will thus make the innovative companies
more competitive in the long run, benefiting productivity and growth.
Innovation networks are a result of a wish to give the innovation effort
of Danish companies a boost. The result of the analysis of the changed
behavior of the participating companies in innovation networks
indicated a far greater likelihood of becoming innovative after having
participated in an innovation network.
A recent Danish study
shows substantial effects of investment in
innovation. Additional investments in innovation activities yield a
return on investment of an average of 30 percent based on calculation
of the impact that innovation has on labour productivity. Labour
productivity is a measure of the average value created by a business
per labour year performed. Growing labour productivity means that
businesses are improving the size of their income relative to their
expenses and thus becoming more competitive.
Participating companies are far more likely to become
innovative after having participated in an innovation network
than other, similar companies are.
Participating companies are far more likely to enter into R&D
collaborations after having participated in an innovation
network than other, similar companies are.
These behavioural changes indicate that the companies will experience
learning externalities. Autio m.fl. (2008) point to this as a so-called
second order effects of participating in public innovation programs.
These effects primarily allude to the learning capabilities enhanced by
The Impact of Business R&D and Innovation on Productivity in Denmark,
UFU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 168: Spm. om ministeren vil fremsende relevante evalueringer af Globaliseringspuljen 2007-12, til Uddannelses- og forskningsministeren
The study is the most comprehensive conducted in Denmark covering
2,694 companies in the years from 1997 to 2005. Furthermore, the
analysis focuses on the solidity of the results and shows that the effect
does not differ over time. The result is therefore considered solid.
Furthermore, the econometric model used controls for intermediate
variables that otherwise could explain growth in labour productivity.
This means that an increasing the number of innovative companies is
expected to have a significant economical impact.
Strengthening the skills and knowledge through collaboration
with researchers
Strategic outsourcing of research to public research
institutions to focus more on its core research activities
6.2 Possible impact of increased R&D collaboration
The results from the previous chapter showed that participating
companies in the innovation networks increase their probability of
entering R&D collaborations by a factor of 4 compared to a control
group of companies with similar characteristics. This means that for
each 10 companies in the control group that enter R&D collaborations,
40 companies in the innovation networks will enter R&D collaboration.
R&D collaboration has many potential advantages. On a theoretical
level, companies can gain from R&D collaborations in many different
An overall better ability to absorb and translate new
knowledge and technology.
Faster and easier access to knowledge and technology.
Economies of scale, which is especially likely to be the case
among research-intensive companies.
Cost minimization in research and innovation projects.
Reducing the financial risks associated with long-term research
Access to a wider knowledge and understanding of the latest
international research trends and research results
A recent Danish study has tested if R&D collaborations with research
institutions result in subsequently higher labour productivity growth.
The analysis shows that the companies with R&D collaborations have a
significantly higher growth in labour productivity in each of the years
after the collaboration compared to other, very similar companies. The
analysis finds an increased annual value added per employee of 9
The effect is biggest in the first two years after collaboration, as
indicated by a significantly higher value added growth per employee
compared to companies who have not engaged in collaboration but
have the same probability of engaging in this kind of collaboration.
This means that an increasing the number of companies with R&D
collaboration is expected to have a significant economic impact.
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Autio m.fl. (2008),
First and Second-order Additionality and Learning
Outcomes in Collaborative R&D Programmes,
Research Policy, Vol 37,
Issue 1, pages 59-76.
DAMVAD (2011),
Økonomiske effekter af erhvervssamarbejde om
forskning, udvikling og innovation
for the Danish Agency For Science,
Technology and Innovation (DASTI), to be published 2011.
DAMVAD (2010),
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Number 8, pages 712-30.
Robertson and Gatingnon (1998),
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Rouvinen (2002),
The Existence of R&D Spillovers: A Cost Function
Estimation With Random Coefficients,
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New Technology, Taylor and Francis Journals, Vol. 11(6), pages 525-
(2002), Absorptive capacity and innovative performance: A
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Institut for Erhvervsstudier, Ålborg Universitet
UFU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 168: Spm. om ministeren vil fremsende relevante evalueringer af Globaliseringspuljen 2007-12, til Uddannelses- og forskningsministeren
Appendix 1: Impact study methodology
This analysis focuses on two different types of impacts of participating
in innovation networks:
Behavioural effects
Economic impacts
Firstly, this section will present the methodology behind the
behavioural impact study. Secondly, it will describe the method used
when conducting the economic impacts study.
participated in innovation networks. Clearly it is not possible to
observe the participating companies outcome with and without
treatment. We must therefore find a proper substitute for the
outcome of participating companies had they not participated.
Assuming that the average outcome of the population of
participating companies is a valid approximation for the counterfactual
situation is, however, not a viable solution as participating companies
in innovation networks and
companies may differ in
the absence of treatment. This selection problem arises because
participating companies in innovation networks may be more likely to
participate and possibly more likely to benefit from participation.
To circumvent the challenges from selection bias we employ a certain
matching technique which identifies
companies that
are similar to participating companies in innovation networks given
several company specific characteristics.
Estimating the behavioural impact
The economic impact of participation in innovation networks has been
carried out from two different perspectives,
1. A general perspective that attempts to identify the overall
participation effect by using the full sample of participating
companies in innovation networks disregarding the variation in
participation type.
2. A perspective that subdivides participation according to
participation type and conducts the impact analysis for each
type separately.
For each of the two perspectives, we use a matching approach to
estimate the causal effect of participation in innovation networks. This
approach matches each participant with a similar
hereby simulating the counterfactual situation.
The counterfactual situation describes the performance paths
participating companies would have followed had they not
Matching approach
This paper uses a particular matching approach called propensity score
matching which for all companies involves the estimation of the
probability of participating in innovation networks based on observed
relevant company specific characteristics. For the specific perspective
we model the probability of participation in each of the specific
participation types based on a set of observed characteristics.
The probability of participation is estimated using a logit model, which
relates the probability of being treated with several company specific
characteristics. Thus, the logit model estimates the following
conditional probability:
UFU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 168: Spm. om ministeren vil fremsende relevante evalueringer af Globaliseringspuljen 2007-12, til Uddannelses- og forskningsministeren
is a variable that takes the value one in the event of
participation and zero otherwise and where
covariates consisting of:
1. Industry
2. Company size
3. Exports
4. Educational background of employees
5. Previous performance
6. R&D activities
7. Research collaboration
represents a vector of
Short education
Further education
Higher education and research education
The predicted probability from the logit model is interpreted as the
propensity score and therefore constitutes the specified probability of
participating based on company specific characteristics.
Participating companies in innovation networks are matched with
participating companies according to a matching algorithm which for
each treated unit identifies companies in the population of
participating companies with identical or similar propensity score. This
matching algorithm is called Nearest Neighbour matching
In order to increase the estimation precision, the Nearest Neighbour
matching algorithm is augmented so that ten control units are
identified and selected for each participant according to the
propensity scores. In other words, this matching algorithm picks for
each participant those ten non-participating companies that come
closest in terms of propensity score.
It is important to consider the quality of the matching, which can be
done by testing whether there is additional explanatory power stored
in the covariates considering businesses treatment status after the
matching procedure has been carried out. In other words, it has been
tested whether there are any observed systematic differences
between participating companies in innovation networks and the
control group consisting of the matched
The probabilities are estimated based on five different industries,
three different size levels, and five different educational levels.
Industries are subdivided as:
Low tech manufacturing
High tech manufacturing
Wholesale and retail trade
Knowledge-intensive business services
Company size is subdivided as:
1 to 50 full time equivalent
50 to 250 full time equivalent
Larger than 250 full time equivalent
Educational background of employees is subdivided as:
Other matching algorithmS such as the calliper algorithm has been implemented
although not resulting in any significant differences regarding the outcome of the
matching model compared to the implementation of the nearest neighbour
UFU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 168: Spm. om ministeren vil fremsende relevante evalueringer af Globaliseringspuljen 2007-12, til Uddannelses- og forskningsministeren
For each matching procedure performed in this analysis we have
carried out a test of the existence of systematic differences between
the treatment group and the control group. We are able to reject the
presence of such differences, which indicates that the matching
procedure throughout the analysis results in a proper balance between
participating companies in innovation networks and the selected non-
participating companies.
The methodology encounters the possibility of selection bias. By
establishing the control group from a certain number of explainable
factors the control group will have the same probability to participate
in the innovation network programme. As such the control group are
not randomized but defined especially to match the participating
companies. As such they should have the same requisite to enter the
programme, to become innovative and to engage in R&D
With this result in hand we are able to interpret any differences in
outcomes between the well selected and adequate control group and
of participating companies in innovation networks as the causal effect
of participating in innovation network.
The table below presents the number of participant by participation
Table A.1: Amount of observations according to participation type
Number of participating companies in
innovation networks
Source: DAMVAD 2011
Performance criteria
The presence of extreme observations may distort the participation
effect and reduce the estimation precession. Data can contain extreme
values due to the occurrence of measurement errors or due to
mergers and split offs of businesses. Such extreme observations can
have a disproportionately large impact on the analysis. Another
example is young companies that carry out grand investment projects
that affect the company s productivity per full time equivalent for a
while. Such companies can experience extreme fluctuations in
To avoid the distorting impact of outliers this paper implements
certain performance criteria, which serve as thresholds for which
outliers are corrected. In the research literature it is common to
remove companies that experience a tripling or a halving in
performance between two successive years
. This methodology has
been implemented throughout the analysis
In order to minimise the impact of outliers and to reduce the variance
of the estimator, the 5 percent best and worst performances for each
year for participating companies in innovation networks and
participating companies are removed from the sample. This correction
is implemented to secure a high degree of solidity and reliability of the
estimated participation effect.
General model
Participation type
Only participations before 2008 are included in the analysis since Statistics Denmark
holds no information on companies performance hereafter.
See e.g. Mairesse, Jacques and Hall, Bronwyn Hughes, 1995,
Exploring the Relationship Between R&D and Productivity in French
Manufacturing Firms .
UFU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 168: Spm. om ministeren vil fremsende relevante evalueringer af Globaliseringspuljen 2007-12, til Uddannelses- og forskningsministeren
Appendix 2: Data
The report is based on microeconomic data, primarily from corporate
financial accounts and information on research and development
activities at corporate level. This section contains a detailed
description of the data used in the analysis. The period covered is
2003-2008 unless otherwise stated.
The data was obtained from the following sources:
Information on the participating companies in the Danish
Innovation policy program of Innovation Network (In Danish:
Innovationsnetværk ).
Statistics on Research, Development and Innovation in the
Danish Business Sector.
General enterprise statistics.
DAMVAD Database on Knowledge Collaboration a database
covering participating companies in major R&D and innovation
programs both nationally and internationally.
Information on the participating companies
in the Danish Innovation
policy program of Innovation Network was provided by The Danish
Agency of Science, Technology and Innovation. These data enable us to
identify and characterize the companies participating in Innovation
Network. Furthermore, they contain information concerning the time
and character of participation.
Statistics on Research, Development and Innovation (RDI)
in the
Danish Business Sector contains detailed information on the expenses
and resources allocated to research, development and innovation in
Danish businesses. Furthermore, it describes the framework for
innovation in Denmark. Data are survey-based, which facilitates
comparisons over time. The survey is conducted by Statistics Denmark
in accordance with OECD s guidelines for R&D and innovation
The purpose of
General enterprise statistics
is to give a coherent and
consistent description of Danish business conditions through
economic, employment, and accounting figures at enterprise level. All
companies subject to registration according to Danish law are
included. The information on economic, employment, and accounting
figures is collected every year, which makes it possible to present a
detailed set of panel data where key economic variables and company
characteristics are monitored over time. This analysis uses data from
the General enterprise statistics covering the period from 2001 to
Finally, DAMVAD Database on Knowledge Collaboration covers
projects in all major research and innovation programs, including
Innovation Consortia, The Program for Strategic Research, 4
Framework Program. Overall, the database contains more than 3,800
projects and includes almost 7,800 Danish companies (approx. 2,200
unique companies). The database constitutes an unparalleled source
for analysing the extent and nature of the interactions between
companies and knowledge institutions in Denmark and their
In the years 2004 and 2006 the data were collected as part of the Community
Innovation Survey.
For R&D statistics the data collection follows the Frascati Manual while the
innovation statistics were collected in accordance with the Oslo Manual.
UFU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 168: Spm. om ministeren vil fremsende relevante evalueringer af Globaliseringspuljen 2007-12, til Uddannelses- og forskningsministeren
participation in the national as well as the international innovation
The information on participation in innovation networks contains
6,006 observations. After initial quality assurance and data cleaning,
the number of observations falls to 4,664. This is primarily due to
foreign and public companies not being included in the analysis and
therefore deleted.
A number of companies appear several times in the same network.
This is dealt with by keeping the observation with the highest ranked
activity and deleting the others. The final list of participating
companies in innovation networks thus ends with 4,021 observations.
It is noted that the same company may participate in more than one
network. There are 3,388 unique companies in the data set. The
distribution of participating companies in innovation networks by
network is shown in the table below.
Table A.2. Participating companies in innovation networks by network
Animation HUB
Center for Sundhedsteknologi
Livsstil B&B
Participating companies in innovation networks
VIFU/Regionalt Teknologicenter
Source: DAMVAD 2011 based on participation list for innovation networks.
UFU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 168: Spm. om ministeren vil fremsende relevante evalueringer af Globaliseringspuljen 2007-12, til Uddannelses- og forskningsministeren
Appendix 3: The Danish Innovation
Danish Innovation Networks and clusters
AluCluster - Knowledge and technology centre for aluminium
Contact: Michael Nedergaard tel:+ 45 7473 3040, e-mail:
[email protected]
AluCluster, a centre within practical utilisation of aluminium, offers a
wide range of competences within the aluminium area. AluCluster's
objective is to create value for the customer through overall solutions.
AluCluster's mission is to meet the need for highly qualified
consultancy now and in the future within practical utilisation of
aluminium and thereby become the preferred partner in the field of
consultancy and development of aluminium solutions.
involved in innovation processes, developing new concepts, marketing
as well as learning, guiding and interaction design.
Danish Sound Technology Network
Contact: Jan Larsen tel: +: 45 2243 0025, e-mail: [email protected]
Danish Sound Technology Network embraces individuals, organizations
and businesses involved with sound technology. They will create a new
space for innovation, collaboration and dissemination of knowledge.
The vision of the network is that Denmark is a leading country with
regard to sound technology in terms of knowledge, research and
education. Danish Sound Technology will be the epitome of high
quality in products and services, as well as in physical rooms and social
Contact: Britt Sandvad
tel: + 45 9612 7624, e-mail: [email protected]
Animation Hub
Contact: Viggo Johannes Jensen - tel:+ 45 2850 9864, e-mail:
[email protected]
Animation Hub is a cluster experimenting with animation in the
context of development and communication. Based on the
competences within animation, such as generating new ideas,
dramaturgy, cinematography and simulation, the cluster wishes to
help companies find new ways of understanding, accepting and getting
FoodNetwork is an extensive network which includes a large number
of Danish universities, research institutions, Approved Technological
Service Institutions (GTS), innovation and development parks as well as
technical and vocational schools. The aim of the network is to create
growth within the food industry through networks, projects and
activities. It is also to be the link that ensures visibility of the relevant
partners within the food industry and to support and facilitate existing
and new clusters.
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The Innovation network for Environmental Technology
Biopeople Innovation Network for Biotech
Contact: Per Spindler tel: +45 2875 6572, e-mail: [email protected]
Biopeople embraces universities, research organizations, and
hospitals, the Danish Medicines Agency, industry associations as well
as pharma, medtech, medical device, food and biotech companies.
Infinit The Danish ICT Innovation network
Manager of network Aalborg: Rikke Uhrenholt tel: + 45 9940 7220, e-
mail: [email protected]
Manager of network Copenhagen: Rikke Koch ph: + 45 2126 8724, e-
mail: [email protected]
Infinit is a Danish network for innovative utilization of IT. Its goal is to
convert the infinite possibilities that technology offers into concrete
collaborations between research and industry.
InnoBYG - Innovation Network for Energy efficient and Sustainable
Contact: Henriette Hall-Andersen
[email protected]
tel: +45 7220 2241, e-mail:
Contact: Jørn Rasmussen - tel:+ 45 4516 9200, e-mail:
[email protected]
The Innovation Network for Environmental Technology, Inno-mt, was
established in December 2010. The focus is to bring the sectors soil,
water, air and waste together in order to turn them into innovative
new products and services across the four sectors.
InViO - Innovation network for knowledge-based experience
Contact: Jens F. Jensen tel:+ 45 9940 9028, e-mail:
[email protected]
The objective of Innovation network for knowledge-based experience
economy is to strengthen knowledge sharing, knowledge
development, and cooperation between businesses and institutions of
knowledge relating to innovation and research within the field of
experience economy. In this way, the innovation capacity of the
businesses is reinforced so that knowledge- and experience-based
growth within the industry will be generated.
The construction industry's new network InnoBYG will facilitate
sustainable and energy efficient development in the construction
industry from 2010-2014. The focus of the network will be on
development projects, knowledge sharing and dissemination and
matchmaking across the industry and between companies and
knowledge institutions/universities.
UFU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 168: Spm. om ministeren vil fremsende relevante evalueringer af Globaliseringspuljen 2007-12, til Uddannelses- og forskningsministeren
Innovation Network for Biomass
Contact: Michael Støckler tel: +: 45 8999 2504, [email protected]
The purpose of the Innovation Network for Biomass is to facilitate
development within production, handling, and processing of biomass
with the goal of better utilization for energy purposes. Its members are
individuals and companies involved in the field of biomass, agricultural
waste, and manure. The network has an international scope and
welcomes both Danish and international members from private
companies, research institutions, authorities, etc.
The Innovation network for Market, Communication and
Contact: Per Østergaard ph. + 45 6550 3235, e-mail: [email protected]
The network embraces a broad range of core competences that are
essential to understand future markets and consumers. Researchers
from a classic marketing tradition collaborate with researchers from
the humanities, arts, and design. This combination is not common in a
Danish context, but crucial in a market where symbolic and emotional
dimensions of products are becoming more and more important. The
participating researchers come from The University of Southern
Denmark, Aalborg University, Aarhus School of Business Aarhus
University, Copenhagen Business School, and Kolding School of Design.
Innovation Network for Danish Lighting
Contact: Lene Hartmeyer
[email protected]
ph. +: 45 4717 1800, e-mail:
Service Platform Service Cluster Denmark
Contact: Mette Abrahamsen
tel: + 45 2311 3719, e-mail: [email protected]
The object of the Innovation Network for Danish Lighting is to promote
the use of good and appropriate lighting and to advance knowledge
and information on the improvement of the lighted environment to
the benefit of society.
The vision for Service Cluster Denmark is to contribute to growth,
innovation and competitiveness among service businesses in Denmark.
Service Cluster Denmark aims to create new possibilities for
cooperation between businesses and knowledge institutions, to
strengthen research and innovation in businesses and to incorporate
international knowledge and ideas by involving businesses, research
institutions and networks outside Denmark.
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Innonet Lifestyle Interior & Clothing
Contact: Betina Simonsen tel: + 45 96 16 62 00, e-mail:
[email protected]
Innonet Lifestyle Interior & Clothing is an innovation Network under
the ministry for science, technology and development (STD). The
Network's purpose is to promote growth and innovation in the
industry of home and fashion by identifying, communicating and
embedding new knowledge. The purpose is also to build bridges
between companies and institutions of research and knowledge.
Plastic and Polymer Network
Contact: Dorte Bælum tel: + 45 36973600, e-mail:
[email protected]
The cluster consists of a number of companies with an interest in
plastic and polymer materials. The aim of the cluster is to increase the
awareness of the materials, promote and innovate the use of the
materials within and across sectors.
No Age innovative solutions for elderly people
Contact: Gunhild Garsdal, tel:+ 45 3010 8080, e-mail: [email protected]
No Age aims to make the older people of Denmark more resourceful
by supporting their resources and making them capable of taking care
of themselves. Companies, leading research institutions,
municipalities, hospitals and organizations are part of No Age s work to
develop innovative solutions within health, prevention, nursing,
treatment, etc,
Offshore Center Denmark
Contact: Peter Blach tel: + 45 3697 3670, e-mail:
[email protected]
Offshore Center Danmark is the official national competence and
innovation center for the Danish offshore industry. On behalf of its
+210 member companies and institutions Offshore Center Danmark
push development with the aim of growth within the Danish offshore
Contact: Bjarke Nielsen tel: + 45 2119 4797, e-mail:
[email protected]
RoboCluster is a Danish innovation network for robotics and
automation. The object is to maintain and further expand the robotics
sector in Denmark by generating and ensuring optimal conditions for
innovation in new as well as existing enterprises and set robotics into
action in fields as hospitals, farming, industry, play and education. This
is done by initiating technological projects between suppliers,
producers, users, universities and knowledge institutions in the field of
robotics and automation.
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VE-Net - Renewable Energy Innovation Network
The Transport Innovation Network - TINV
Contact: Steen Sabinsky tel: + 45 2966 2408, e-mail:
[email protected]
The Transport Innovation Network (TINV) is a national, cross
disciplinary network aimed at the Danish Transport sector. The
primary objectives of TINV are to create synergy, encourage match-
making and generate research and development projects between
stakeholders in the transport sector and research and educational
institutions, as well as related sectors such as energy and
Contact: Grete Bech Nielsen tel: + 45 7220 1113, e-mail:
[email protected]
VE-Net (Renewable Energy Network) is an innovative network related
to energy and funded by the Danish Ministry of Science, Technology
and Innovation. The aim of the network is to create collaboration
initiatives between companies and research institutes with the
purpose of increasing the application of research-based expertise
in the business community and to solve high technology matters.
Water in Urban Areas
Contact: Ulrik Hindsberger, tel:+ 45 7220 2285, e-mail:
[email protected]
The partnership is directed towards the challenge of adapting cities to
a changed climate, and thus it operates within the topic of energy,
climate and environmental technologies. The partnership will
contribute to realising the vision of Denmark as a climatically strong
and green winner nation and establish Denmark as the global
demonstratorium for viable water technologies, system solutions and
integrated water resource administration. The goal is to develop,
document and present technologies and planning tools for climatic
adaptation of existing urban areas in Europe, USA and Australia, and
for development of new, climatically strong cities in countries in
financial and institutional transition, such as China.
UNIC Use of New technologies in Innovative solutions for Chronic
Contact: Dorthe Kjær Pedersen tel: + 45 2498 4155, e-mail:
[email protected]
The number of chronically sick people is increasing, and consequently
the necessity of treatment and nursing for the chronically sick.
Through development of technological and innovative solutions UNIC
aims at reducing the number of hospitalizations, increasing the
number of chronically sick people in jobs, more people being able to
care for themselves, etc.