Uddannelses- og Forskningsudvalget 2015-16
UFU Alm.del
Evaluation of the
strategic research
programme NABIIT
Final evaluation report
21 December 2012
Commissioned by the Danish Council
for Strategic Research
UFU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 168: Spm. om ministeren vil fremsende relevante evalueringer af Globaliseringspuljen 2007-12, til Uddannelses- og forskningsministeren
Published by:
The Danish Council for Strategic Research
Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation
February 2013
The publication is available on the website of the
Danish Council for Strategic Research: www.fivu.dk/en/dsf
Evaluation of The Strategic Research Programme NABIIT
UFU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 168: Spm. om ministeren vil fremsende relevante evalueringer af Globaliseringspuljen 2007-12, til Uddannelses- og forskningsministeren
Forord (in Danish)
Executive summary
Aims and methods of the evaluation
Purpose of the evaluation
Evaluation questions and themes
Data and methods
Main conclusions and recommendations of
the panel
About the NABIIT programme
Grants and instruments
Size of grants
General reflections and recommendations
from the panel
Both small and large grants are needed
Greater differentiation between centre grants
and project grants
Research quality
A high level of scientific productivity
Scientific impact is internationally competitive
Thought leadership
Broad dissemination of research results
Interdisciplinarity and technological
Projects are multidisciplinary, but the degree of
interdisciplinarity can be improved
Technology convergence
Breakthroughs, innovations and commercial
Many good scientific results and some scientific
breakthroughs achieved, but low level of
commercial impact
Almost no contribution to public sector innovation
– but potential contributions to solutions to
societal problems
Limited contribution to private sector innovation
Projects involve company participants – but there is
great variety in the types and degree of involvement
of these firms
Training of young researchers
A significant contribution to educationand training
of researchers
Young researchers gain from multidisciplinary
Young researchers were content – and expressed
limited ambition
A potential to increase identification with the
NABIIT programme
Young researchers must be trained for positions
both in academia and industry
Development of Danish research environments
10.1 Impact on participants’ research activities and
10.2 Supplementary/subsequent funding of research
10.3 Characteristics and outcomes of collaboration
10.4 Researcher mobility
10.5 Acquisition and efficient use of research infrastructure
11.1 The evaluation panel
11.2 List of interview respondents
11.3 Overview of the evaluation process
11.4 Overview of the 36 projects
11.5 The Terms of Reference
Evaluation of The Strategic Research Programme NABIIT
UFU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 168: Spm. om ministeren vil fremsende relevante evalueringer af Globaliseringspuljen 2007-12, til Uddannelses- og forskningsministeren
Evalueringen af Det Strategiske Forskningsråds
(DSF) bevillinger til forskning i nano-, bio- og IT-tek-
nologi (NABIIT-programmet) er gennemført i 2012
af et uafhængigt ekspertpanel bistået af konsulent-
virksomheden Damvad. Panelet bestod af koncern-
direktør, ph.d. Søren Isaksen, NKT Holding A/S (for-
mand), professor og direktør Gabriel Aeppli, London
Centre for Nanotechnology, England samt professor
Fredrik Höök, Institut for Anvendt Fysik, Chalmers
Tekniske Universitet, Sverige.
Evalueringen omfatter 36 projekter, som har modta-
get i alt 320 mio. kr. fra Det Strategiske Forsknings-
Bevillingerne er givet i perioden 2005 – 2008,
og på evalueringstidspunktet var 19 af de 36 pro-
jekter afsluttede.
Samlet anbefaler panelet meget kraftigt, at
Bevillingerne har allerede resulteret i adskillige
videnskabelige gennembrud.
Produktiviteten målt
som videnskabelige publikationer pr. støttekrone er
høj både sammenlignet med dansk og international
målestok. Rådet vil fortsat stille høje krav til den vi-
denskabelige kvalitet.
Panelet fandt en betydelig grad af
i forskningsaktiviteterne.
Endvidere anerkender panelet, at DSF allerede har
bidraget til styrket
i forskningsak-
tiviteterne, dvs. samarbejde hvor forskerne samar-
bejder om et projekt, hvor de i fællesskab har udvik-
let metoder og processer. DSF er enig med panelet
i, at multidisciplinaritet og interdisciplinaritet ikke er
et mål i sig selv, men et middel der kan bidrage til at
styrke forskningens anvendelsesmuligheder.
met fortsætter
. Rådet håber, at det vil afspejle sig i,
at Folketinget afsætter bevillinger til en fortsættelse
ved de kommende finanslovsforhandlinger.
Panelet konkluderer, at programmet er et
DSF vil særligt i opfølgningen på bevillingerne være
opmærksom på, om projekterne i tilstrækkelig grad
udnytter potentialerne ved multi- og interdisciplinær
forskning. Problemstillingen vil også fortsat indgå i
vurderingen af ansøgningerne.
Det er vigtigt at være opmærksom på, at DSF’s
opgave er at støtte forskning, som kan bidrage til
løsning af væsentlige samfundsudfordringer, her-
under bidrage til forskeruddannelse og uddannelse
af kommende kandidater. Derfor er et væsentligt
formål med forskningen også at generere ny viden,
gerende og vigtigt program
, som har leveret forsk-
ningsresultater af meget høj kvalitet. Panelet mener,
det er for tidligt at udtale sig om de kommercielle
resultater, fordi de typisk først vil komme senere,
ofte efter 10 år.
Termen ”projekt” anvendes som samlet betegnelse for
forskningsaktiviteterne. Der er givet bevilling til to centre (store
bevillinger på ca. 30 mio. kr. ), to alliancer (mellemstore bevillin-
ger op til 15 mio. kr.) og 32 projekter (bevillinger på mellem ca.
3 mio. kr. og 12 mio. kr.). Her bemærkes, at beløbet inkluderer
overhead, som udgjorde 20 procent frem til 2007, hvor det ud-
gjorde 35 procent og derefter udgjorde 44 procent fra 2008.
som kan anvendes i det offentlige og det private.
Panelet konkluderer, at
i NA-
BIIT-programmet er
, og her fremhæves
især styrken ved, at forskeruddannelsen foregår i et
multi- og interdisciplinært forskningsmiljø. Dette er
Evaluation of The Strategic Research Programme NABIIT
UFU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 168: Spm. om ministeren vil fremsende relevante evalueringer af Globaliseringspuljen 2007-12, til Uddannelses- og forskningsministeren
meget væsentligt, da godt halvdelen af rådets be-
villinger anvendes til forskeruddannelse.
Det er panelets opfattelse, at det er for tidligt at vur-
dere de
teknologiske og kommercielle
allerede fem år efter de første bevillinger er givet,
da de kommercielle resultater først kan forventes
noget senere, ofte efter 10 år. Panelet vurderer, at
sandsynligheden for teknologiske og kommercielle
gennembrud generelt kan øges ved i højere grad at
involvere private virksomheder og ved at involvere
dem fra projektets start. Både i denne evaluering og
i tidligere analyser har de deltagende virksomheder
angivet, at formålet med de projekter, de deltog i,
var at generere viden.
DSF har allerede taget skridt til, at der i forbindelse
med midtvejsstatus for de enkelte projekter skal
være større fokus på den mulige anvendelse af
forskningsresultaterne, herunder særligt de tekno-
logiske og kommercielle anvendelsesmuligheder,
men også den mulige anvendelse i den offentlige
Panelet konstaterer, at 43 procent af de publicere-
de artikler var publiceret sammen med
en eller flere
Panelet vurderer, at
samarbejdet internt i projekterne
og det
internationale samarbejde
er på niveau med,
hvad der findes i tilsvarende internationale pro-
Jeg vil gerne benytte lejligheden til at takke panelet
for en interessant evalueringsrapport, som har givet
rådet nogle gode input til at fortsætte arbejdet med
fokus på, at den strategiske forskning skal skabe
størst mulig værdi for det danske samfund gennem
offentligt-privat samarbejde, tværdisciplinær forsk-
ning, brugerinddragelse, samarbejde på tværs af
universiteter og internationalt samarbejde.
Peter Olesen
Det Strategiske Forskningsråd
Formand for bestyrelsen
21. februar 2013
internationale samarbejdspartnere
. Det er udtryk for
rådets bevidste prioritering af det internationale
Det er panelets vurdering, at bevillingerne fra DSF
har været af væsentlig betydning for
opbygning og
udvikling af nye danske forskergrupper
og panelet
er kritisk over for det politiske krav om, at DSF ikke
må kræve mere end
10 procent i medfinansiering
Evaluation of The Strategic Research Programme NABIIT
UFU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 168: Spm. om ministeren vil fremsende relevante evalueringer af Globaliseringspuljen 2007-12, til Uddannelses- og forskningsministeren
The grants given by the Danish Council for Strategic
Research (DSF) for research in nano-, bio- and IT
technology (the NABIIT Programme Commission)
were evaluated in 2012 by an independent panel
of experts from the consultancy firm Damvad. The
panel comprised Søren Isaksen, Ph.D., Group Ex-
ecutive Director and CTO, NKT Holding A/S (chair),
Professor Gabriel Aeppli, Director of the London
Centre for Nanotechnology, UK, and Professor Fre-
drik Höök, the Department of Applied Physics, Chal-
mers University of Technology, Sweden.
The evaluation covers 36 projects which have re-
ceived a total of DKK 320 million from the Danish
Council for Strategic Research. The grants were
that has generated research findings of very high
quality. The panel feels that it is too early to draw
conclusions on the commercial outcome of the pro-
gramme, as these results typically do not appear
until later on, often after a period of 10 years.
The grants have already resulted in a number of
scientific breakthroughs.
The productivity measured
in scientific publications per DKK of funding is high
compared to both Danish and international stand-
ards. The Council will maintain its exacting require-
ments regarding scientific quality.
The panel found a significant degree of
in the research activities, recognising that
the Council has already contributed to improving
of the research activities, i.e.
collaborations where researchers join forces on a
project to develop methods and processes. Howev-
er, both the Council and the panel agree that multi-
disciplinarity and interdisciplinarity are not goals in
themselves, but a means to increasing the range of
applications of the research.
The Council intends to pay close attention to wheth-
awarded in the period 2005–2008, and at the time
of the evaluation, 19 of the 36 projects had been
Overall the panel strongly recommends the
tion of the programme
. It is the Council’s hope that the
Parliament will comply with this wish by earmarking
funds for the continuation of the programme in the
Government’s upcoming budget negotiations.
It is the conclusion of the panel that the programme
is an
efficiently run and important programme
er the projects exploit the potentials of multidisci-
plinary and interdisciplinary research sufficiently,
especially when following up on the grants. This
issue will also continue to be considered in the as-
sessment of applications.
It is vital to be aware that the Council’s aim is to
support research that can contribute to solving
significant societal challenges and that this includes
contributing to research training and the education
of upcoming graduates. Another of the research’s
The term “project” is used as an umbrella term, describing
the research activities. Grants were awarded to two centers
(large grants of approx. DKK 30 million), two alliances (medium-
sized grants of up to DKK 15 million) and thirty-two projects
(grants of between DKK 3–12 million). It should be noted that
these figures include overheads, which made up 20 percent
until 2007, when they represented 35 percent, and since 2008
44 percent.
Evaluation of The Strategic Research Programme NABIIT
UFU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 168: Spm. om ministeren vil fremsende relevante evalueringer af Globaliseringspuljen 2007-12, til Uddannelses- og forskningsministeren
key objectives is to generate new knowledge that
can be employed in both the public and private
This reflects of the Council’s conscious decision to
make international collaboration a high priority.
It is the panel’s assessment that the grants from the
It is the panel’s conclusion that the
research train-
Council have been of significant importance to
offered by the NABIIT programme is
deeming it a strength that the training takes place
in a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research
environment. This is very significant as more than
half of the Council’s grants are put towards research
The panel estimates that it is much too early to
assess the
technological and commercial
throughs just five years after the first grants were
made as the commercial results cannot be expected
to be visible until much later, often after 10 years.
They assess that the likelihood of achieving tech-
nological and commercial breakthroughs can gen-
erally be increased by involving of private-sector
companies to a greater extent and involving them
from the start. Both in this evaluation and in previous
analyses, the participating companies have indicat-
ed that the aim of the projects they participated in
was to generate knowledge.
The Council has already taken steps in connection
with the mid-term reports to increase focus on the
possible applications of the research findings, in
particular the technological and commercial ap-
plications, but also the possible applications in the
public sector.
The panel has ascertained that 43 percent of the
published articles were published together with
ing and developing new Danish research teams
the panel is critical of the political requirement for-
bidding the Council to require more than
10 percent
in co-financing
from the universities.
They estimate that the
internal collaboration on the
and the
international cooperation
are on a
par with similar international programmes.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the pan-
el for an interesting evaluation which has given the
Council some excellent input for our continued work
with focus on ensuring that strategic research gen-
erates the greatest possible value for Danish soci-
ety through public-private partnerships, interdisci-
plinary research, user involvement, collaborations
among universities and international cooperation.
Peter Olesen
Danish Council for Strategic Research
Chair of the Board
21 February 2013
or more international collaborative partner
Evaluation of The Strategic Research Programme NABIIT
UFU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 168: Spm. om ministeren vil fremsende relevante evalueringer af Globaliseringspuljen 2007-12, til Uddannelses- og forskningsministeren
plinarity (and the combined use of technologies),
3) Breakthroughs, innovations and commercial
exploitation, 4) Training of young researchers and
5) Development of Danish research environments.
The main conclusions and recommendation of the
evaluation panel are stated in the following.
Overall, the panel considers the NABIIT pro-
gramme to be a well-functioning and important,
high-quality research programme. The combina-
tion of the three technologies – nanotechnology,
biotechnology and ICT – aimed at solving soci-
etal challenges is both relevant to the research
community and to society. It is also in line with
research trends seen in leading research environ-
ments elsewhere in the world. The panel strongly
recommends that the NABIIT programme is con-
This report presents the results of the evaluation of
the strategic research programme “Interdisciplinary
Use of Nanotechnology, Biotechnology and Informa-
tion and Communication Technology” (NABIIT).
The evaluation, which was commissioned by The
Danish Council for Strategic Research (hereafter
also referred to as the “Council”) under the Ministry
of Science, Innovation and Higher Education, has
been carried out by an independent, international
peer review panel, assisted by the Danish consul-
tancy firm, DAMVAD.
The purpose of the evaluation of NABIIT was to as-
sess the extent to which and how (1) the specific
objectives of the programme have been fulfilled and
(2) the programme has contributed to fulfilling the
general objectives for strategic research, as formu-
lated by the Danish Council for Strategic Research.
The NABIIT programme was established based on
a political ambition to benefit industry and society
through combined research on and application of
nanotechnology, biotechnology and information
and communication technology (hereafter ICT). The
programme ran from 2005 to 2008, both years
included. It awarded 36 grants for a total grant
sum of just below 318 million Danish kroner. These
grants were given to 32 strategic research projects,
two strategic research centres, and two strategic
research alliances.
At the time of evaluation, just 19 of the 36 activities
funded by NABIIT had been completed. All remain-
ing activities are expected to reach completion by
the year 2014. As a result, the evaluation can only
assess the preliminary outcomes of research activ-
ities supported by NABIIT, i.e. those outcomes that
had been achieved at the time of evaluation.
The evaluation panel has defined five main eval-
uation themes: 1) Research quality, 2) Interdisci-
In all programmes and research communities,
there is scope for improvement. Therefore, this
evaluation report mainly focuses on areas where
there is a possibility for improvement and thus to
further increase the positive impact of the NABIIT
programme. The conclusions and recommenda-
tions of the panel should been seen in this light.
The panel found the
scientific quality
of the re-
search activities funded by NABIIT to be of high
quality and clearly above average. In addition,
the panel concluded that scientific
measured as the number of publications per krone
invested by the NABIIT programme, to be high by
national as well as international standards.
Available data moreover indicated the scientific
of the research produced by NABIIT-funded
projects, as indicated by citations to publications,
is above average by national standards and
on par with comparable international research
Taking the general quality of Danish research into
account and the type of research area, the evalu-
ation panel however believes that there is room for
strengthening the impact of the research funded
by NABIIT even further. A move towards a higher
level of interdisciplinarity, thought leadership and
greater focus on application perspectives is likely
to support such an improvement.
Most projects have a multidisciplinary approach to
their research involving participants from different
fields working on a joint research topic from with-
in their own field while including knowledge and
insights from other fields. Nonetheless, the panel
saw a few cases of truly novel combined uses of
the technologies emphasised in NABIIT, that is,
nanotechnology, biotechnology and ICT.
Evaluation of The Strategic Research Programme NABIIT
UFU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 168: Spm. om ministeren vil fremsende relevante evalueringer af Globaliseringspuljen 2007-12, til Uddannelses- og forskningsministeren
Several projects have delivered
scientific break-
In contrast, the number of
is low, and the
commercial ben-
of the projects are – at least until now - very
limited. This is likely to be due to the limited time that
has passed since the programme was initiated, but
in the assessment of the panel a somewhat weak
involvement of private companies as well as a lack
of sufficient value-adding support from technology
transfer offices (TTO’s) at the participating univer-
sities also plays a role. Challenges relating to com-
mercialisation are, however, not unique to NABIIT
and are faced by other countries as well.
Moreover, the panel observed that in many cases,
company participation in NABIIT-funded projects
did not seem to be aiming at solving important is-
sues for the company, but rather to build fundamen-
tal insights on more generic issues.
In the experience and opinion of the panel, com-
mercial outcomes of the programme are likely to be
improved by having more equal and committed par-
ticipation by industrial partners and by placing more
emphasis on the pursuit of issues that are core to
companies’ R&D activities. The programme is be-
lieved to benefit from more attention to such factors
at the reviewing process.
Education and training of young researchers
the NABIIT programme appears to be excellent. In
particular, multi- and interdisciplinary interaction
in the projects funded by NABIIT seemed to provide
a valuable platform for education and training of
young scientists.
Furthermore, young researchers in NABIIT-funded
projects seem to be very content with their positions
and their base at Danish universities. The panel saw
little evidence of young researchers from the NABIIT
programme establishing and demonstrating their
intellectual independence. The panel, however,
highlights that this challenge appears to be generic
to Danish universities and hence span the bounda-
ries of the NABIIT programme.
The panel advises the Council to maintain its strong
emphasis on Ph.D. and post.doc training and to
take steps to encourage more independent re-
search efforts to better prepare young scientists
for their subsequent research roles in academia or
Concerning the
development of Danish research
the panel finds that grants from
NABIIT appear to have helped to open new research
fields and establish new research groups, which
underlines the relevance and value of this type of
research programme. Moreover, NABIIT-funded
projects appear to have given rise to a number of
follow-on projects and activities. The panel sug-
gests the Council to give priority to stimulating and
supporting spin-off projects from NABIIT projects,
as this is likely to increase the ultimate value creat-
ed by the initial grant, for example by giving projects
the possibility of applying for a follow-up grant to
pursue novel research projects that emerge from
the original project.
In conclusion, given the success of the existing pro-
gramme, the panel believes that there is a need in
the Danish research portfolio for a continuation of
a NABIIT-like programme, and such a programme
will benefit by having a stronger focus, enforced
through the reviewing process, on the stated aim
to deliver highly esteemed results with application
perspectives and a clearer emphasis on the com-
bined use of new technologies.
Evaluation of The Strategic Research Programme NABIIT
UFU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 168: Spm. om ministeren vil fremsende relevante evalueringer af Globaliseringspuljen 2007-12, til Uddannelses- og forskningsministeren
Professor Kenneth A. Dawson, Director of the Centre
for BioNano Interactions at the University College
Dublin, was initially part of the evaluation panel but
had to step down for health reasons.
Box 1.2. Overview of the NABIIT
The NABIIT programme was established based on a po-
litical ambition to realise and utilise new opportunities for
research and innovation through combined research on
and application of nanotechnology, biotechnology and
information and communication technology (hereafter
ICT). The programme ran from 2005 to 2008, both years
included. It awarded 36 grants for a total grant sum of
just below 318 million Danish kroner. These grants were
This report presents the main results of an evaluation
of the strategic research programme “Interdiscipli-
nary Use of Nanotechnology, Biotechnology and In-
formation and Communication Technology” (NABIIT).
The evaluation, which was commissioned by The
Danish Council for Strategic Research under the
Ministry of Science, Innovation and Higher Educa-
tion, has been carried out by an independent, inter-
national peer review panel, assisted by the Danish
consultancy firm DAMVAD.
The evaluation panel consists of three experts ap-
pointed by the Council for Strategic Research:
— Søren Isaksen (chairman), Group Executive Di-
rector, CTO, NKT
— Gabriel Aeppli, Professor and Director of the
London Centre for Nanotechnology
— Fredrik Höök, Professor in Biological Physics,
Chalmers University of Technology.
See appendix 11.1 for a short bibliography of the
panel members.
given to 32 strategic research projects, two strategic
research centres, and two strategic research alliances
(please see section 4.2 for a description of these three
instruments). These 36 research activities will be col-
lectively referred to as “projects” in the text, even though
they include two centres and two alliances. Please see
appendix 11.4 for an overview of the 36 projects.
At the time of evaluation, just 19 of the 36 projects had
been completed. All remaining 17 projects are expected
to reach completion by the year 2014.
Responsibility for the implementation and administration
of the NABIIT programme was carried by the Programme
commission on Strategic Growth Technologies under the
Council for Strategic Research.
Source: Adapted from Ministry of Science, Education and
Higher Education,
Terms of reference for evaluation of the
strategic research theme Interdisciplinary Use of Nanotech-
nology, Biotechnology and Information and Communication
Technology (NABIIT),
26 January 2012.
Box 1.1. Purpose of the evaluation
(1) To assess the extent to which and how research fund-
ed by NABIIT has yielded breakthroughs through combi-
nations of nanotechnology, biotechnology and ICT that
can create future opportunities for innovation in industry
and solutions to societal challenges within e.g. the areas
of health, environment and energy.
(2) The extent to which and how research activities support-
ed by NABIIT have helped to fulfil overall goals for strategic
research, notably to promote: (a) research of high interna-
tional standing, (b) increased interaction between public
and private research, (c) cross-cutting (interdisciplinary)
research, (d) the internationalisation of Danish research,
(e) postgraduate education and researcher training, and (f)
the strengthening of Danish research environments.
Evaluation of The Strategic Research Programme NABIIT
UFU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 168: Spm. om ministeren vil fremsende relevante evalueringer af Globaliseringspuljen 2007-12, til Uddannelses- og forskningsministeren
and methods of
the evaluation
— The extent to which and how research activities
supported by NABIIT have helped to fulfil overall
goals for strategic research, notably to pro-
— Research of high international standing
— Increased interaction between public and
private research
— Cross-cutting (interdisciplinary) research
— The internationalisation of Danish research
— Postgraduate education and researcher
— The strengthening of Danish research envi-
It is important to note that the NABIIT programme
must be evaluated based on the degree to which
and means by which it has
the objectives
set for the programme. As the objectives are under
ongoing development and have changed since the
establishment of the NABIIT programme, the evalu-
ation will primarily assess the degree to which and
means by which NABIIT has
to meeting
2.1 Purpose of the evaluation
The purpose of the evaluation of NABIIT, as stated
in the terms of reference for the evaluation, was to
the overall goals for strategic research and, when
appropriate, also comment on the changes that
have been made.
2.2 Evaluation questions and themes
Based on the requirements specified in the terms of
reference and the evaluation panel’s interpretation
hereof, a list of evaluation themes were formulated.
These themes have been refined throughout the
evaluation process and have been instrumental in
focusing data collection and analysis.
Table 2.1 on the following page presents the five
evaluation themes, along with key indicators for
each theme. These evaluation themes also form the
backbone for the structure for this evaluation report,
which addresses one evaluation theme in every
assess the extent to which (1) the objectives of NA-
BIIT have been fulfilled and (2) the programme has
contributed to fulfilling the general objectives for
strategic research, as formulated by the Council for
Strategic Research.
The aims of the evaluation were to assess the results
of the NABIIT programme as a whole, not the re-
sults achieved in the individual projects or research
groups supported by the programme.
Specifically, the evaluation panel were given the
task of assessing:
— The extent to which and how the research fund-
ed by NABIIT has yielded breakthroughs through
combinations of nanotechnology, biotechnology
and ICT that can create future opportunities for
innovation in industry and solutions to societal
challenges within e.g. the areas of health, envi-
ronment and energy.
Ministry of Science, Education and Higher Education,
of reference for evaluation of the strategic research theme Interdisci-
plinary Use of Nanotechnology, Biotechnology and Information and
Communication Technology (NABIIT),
26 January 2012.
The general objectives for strategic research have been
formulated over a period of several years and were under
continuous development during the NABIIT programme period.
These general objectives are described in their current form in a
2012 brief from the Danish Council for Strategic Research,
tegic research – Principles and Instruments,
1 January 2012, which is
available from the Council’s webpage.
Evaluation of The Strategic Research Programme NABIIT
UFU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 168: Spm. om ministeren vil fremsende relevante evalueringer af Globaliseringspuljen 2007-12, til Uddannelses- og forskningsministeren
Table 2.1. Evaluation themes, key indicators, and their relationship to evaluation questions
Evaluation theme
Research quality
(Chapter 6)
Key indicators
— Scientific productivity and scientific impact
— Novelty and thought leadership
Main evaluation questions addressed
To which extent has NABIIT contributed to the overall goal for
strategic research to advance
research of high international
Broad dissemination of research results (to the academic
community, to the general public, and to the private and/
or public sector)
Interdisciplinarity (and the
combined use of technologies)
(Chapter 7)
Breakthroughs, innovations and
commercial exploitation
(Chapter 8)
— Degree of interdisciplinarity
— New, combined uses of the technologies
— Scientific and/or technical breakthroughs
— Patents, licenses and spin-off companies
To which extent has NABIIT contributed to
of nanotechnology, biotechnology
and ICT that can create future
opportunities for innovation
industry and
solutions to societal challenges?
To which extent has NABIIT contributed to the overall
goal for strategic research to promote
cross-cutting (i.e.
— Innovations, i.e. new or significantly improved products,
interdisciplinary) research initiatives?
technologies, methods, processes or equipment
To which extent has NABIIT contributed to the overall goal for
— Actual or expected applications and other realised or
strategic research to promote
increased interaction between
expected outcomes for the private and/or public sector
public and private research?
— Collaboration with users
Training of young researchers
(Chapter 9)
— Training of young researchers through Ph.D. and post.
doc. fellowships
— Recruitment and mobility of young researchers
To which extent has NABIIT contributed to the overall goal for
strategic research to contribute to
postgraduate education and
researcher training?
To which extent has NABIIT contributed to the overall goal for
strategic research to contribute to a
strengthening of Danish
research environments?
To which extent has NABIIT contributed to the overall goal
for strategic research to support the
Danish research?
Development of Danish research — Impact on participants’ research activities and
(Chapter 10)
— Supplementary/subsequent funding of research
— Characteristics and outcomes of collaboration within
NABIIT projects
— Internationalisation
— Researcher mobility
— Acquisition and efficient use of research infrastructure
2.3 imitations
By June 21, 2012, when data for the evaluation was
collected, just 19 (53 percent) of the 36 projects
funded by NABIIT had been completed;
the majority
of these projects were only recently completed (i.e.
in 2011 or 2012). Moreover, 17 projects (47 per-
cent) are still ongoing and expected to be complet-
ed between 2012 and 2014.
This has the following important consequences for
the evaluation. First, the evaluation can only provide
partial picture of the results
of research activities
supported by NABIIT, i.e. those results that had
been obtained at the time of evaluation. However,
ongoing projects and, to a lesser extent, also com-
pleted projects are likely to be generating results
(for example scientific publications, Ph.D. gradu-
ates, patents etc.) for some time to come.
Second, the evaluation cannot fully and hence re-
liably measure the broader
of NABIIT that
the results of the programme will give rise to in the
long term. Such broader effects may take years to
materialise, and may for example take the form of
contributions to long-term developments in science
or technology, substantial changes in the organisa-
tion or activities of partners in the funded projects,
growth in industry or major developments in the
public sector’s use of science and technology. Such
long term effects cannot be estimated in this eval-
In consequence of this, the evaluation panel has
chosen to take a predominantly qualitative ap-
A project is deemed completed when the final report has been
submitted to and approved by the programme commission.
proach to the assessment of the preliminary re-
sults and outcomes of the NABIIT programme.
Evaluation of The Strategic Research Programme NABIIT
UFU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 168: Spm. om ministeren vil fremsende relevante evalueringer af Globaliseringspuljen 2007-12, til Uddannelses- og forskningsministeren
A central aim of this evaluation is moreover to
assess the degree of
created by the
NABIIT programme, that is, to assess the changes
brought about by the programme in compari-
son with the same amount of money distributed
through other channels and directly to the indi-
vidual research groups. Such changes could for
example be in the form of added research inputs
(e.g. if the NABIIT grants have attracted additional
funding to the research projects supported and/or
to the research area as a whole). Additionality can
also take the form of desirable changes in behav-
iour (e.g. more collaboration across disciplines
or between academia and users in the public or
private sector, or new ways of managing complex,
interdisciplinary (research activities) or in re-
search outputs (e.g. increased research capacity
through the education of young researchers, the
development of scientific breakthroughs, innova-
tions etc.).
based on documentation gathered during the
course of the evaluation process.
The independent consulting firm DAMVAD carried the
primary responsibility for the development of the eval-
uation design and methodology, and for conducting
data collection and analysis. DAMVAD also served
as secretariat to the panel throughout the evaluation
process, including the drafting of the evaluation re-
port. Nonetheless, the panel takes full responsibility
for the conclusions drawn in this evaluation report.
The assessments and recommendations of the
panel, which are presented in this report, are based
on the sum of data and insights collected through
five distinct studies that have been undertaken in
connection with the evaluation of the NABIIT pro-
The results of these studies are described
and documented in separate reports.
For an overview of the five studies, please see box
On the one hand, the fact that the evaluation of
NABIIT took place when the programme was still
ongoing has the stated drawbacks with regards
to measurements of the effects of the programme.
On the other hand, it has had the beneficial impact
on the quality of insights gained through surveys
and interviews conducted in connection with the
evaluation, as participants had the projects rel-
atively fresh in mind. It was evident during inter-
views with participants of completed projects that
the memory of what happens in research projects
has a fast decay rate.
2.4 Data and methods
The evaluation panel was responsible for conduct-
ing the overall assessment of the NABIIT programme
According to the terms of reference for this evaluation, case
studies of two NABIIT-funded projects were to be undertak-
en with the aim of communicating examples of projects that
promote public sector innovation, an important topic in Danish
innovation policy. Additionally, the terms of reference also re-
quested the development of five “profiles” delving into selected
themes in the NABIIT programme. Because the aim of both the
case studies and the profiles was to highlight and communicate
selected themes in the NABIIT programme, they do not form part
of the documentation for the evaluation. The evaluation panel
has not in any way been involved in these activities, which have
been undertaken by DAMVAD.
Box 2.1. Background studies and data
1. A desk study of aims, instruments and grants
under NABIIT,
undertaken by DAMVAD. The desk study
consists of three parts 1) Review of background docu-
ments, 2) Analysis of calls for applications, and 3) Analy-
sis of the project portfolio.
2. A self-assessment survey among project partic-
Three survey questionnaires were administered:
one to academic participants, one to industry participants,
and one to international participants. 125 out of 154 or-
ganisations participating in the 36 NABIIT-funded projects
contributed resulting in an overall response rate of 81
percent. The survey was undertaken by DAMVAD, but the
evaluation panel played an instrumental role in the devel-
opment of the self-assessment survey questionnaire. An
analysis of additional funding applications from and grants
to participants in NABIIT projects was also performed.
3. A bibliometric analysis of scientific publications,
undertaken by DAMVAD. The bibliometric analysis
was based on exhaustive lists of peer reviewed journal
publications that appeared in peer reviewed scientific
journals as a direct result of activities supported by
NABIIT grants. The scope of the bibliometric analysis did
not enable a comparison of the level of e.g. publication
productivity and impact in comparable research pro-
grammes in other countries.
4. An analysis of researcher mobility,
undertaken by
the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Higher Education.
This report presents and outlines statistical impressions
of the volume, composition and vertical and horizontal
mobility of NABIIT project participants, based on a reg-
istry analysis. The analysis comprises just under 400
individuals, who at one time or another participated in
NABIIT projects.
Evaluation of The Strategic Research Programme NABIIT
UFU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 168: Spm. om ministeren vil fremsende relevante evalueringer af Globaliseringspuljen 2007-12, til Uddannelses- og forskningsministeren
5. Interviews with nine projects and centres funded
undertaken by the evaluation panel, assisted
by DAMVAD. The nine projects included the two strategic
and seven strategic research
The seven projects were selected based on their distri-
bution across grant holders at three Danish universities:
University of Copenhagen, the Technical University of
Denmark, and University of Aarhus.
Additional selection criteria included the size of the grant
from NABIIT, whether the projects were completed (with
priority being given to completed projects), the degree of
public-private collaboration, and collaboration with both
small and medium sized firms as well as large interna-
tional companies.
For each project, separate interviews were conducted
on-site at the universities with multiple participants,
including the grant holder and other senior scientists,
young researchers (i.e. Ph.D.s, post.docs) and, whenev-
er possible, company participants.
The nine interviewed projects are listed below.
Arrays of Nanoscopic Biosensors on Surfaces
Grant size and period:
11.9 million kr.; 2005-2011
Grant holder:
Professor Thomas Bjørnholm, University of
Copenhagen (note: Thomas Bjørnholm was the grant
holder, while Dimitrios Stamou administered the grant on
a daily basis.)
University of Copenhagen, IBM Zürich, Se-
masopht, Sophion BioScience, 7TM Pharma, Radiome-
ter, AQUAPorin, Novozymes
Centre for Antimicrobial Research CAR
Grant size and period:
27.5 miliion kr.; 2008-2014
Grant holder:
Professor Michael Givskov
University of Copenhagen, Technical University
of Denmark, Universität Zürich, Teknologisk Institut, LEO
Centre for Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology and
Grant size and period:
28 million kr.; 2008-2014
Grant holder:
Professor Seyed Moein Moghimi
University of Copenhagen, Technical University
of Denmark, H. Lundbeck, Nordic Vaccine Technology,
LiPlasome Pharma
A Nanotechnological Approach to Studying Interac-
tions of Biological Macromolecules
Grant size and period:
6.7 million kr.; 2005-2011
Grant holder:
Professor Jörg P. Kutter
Technical University of Denmark, Universtity of
Copenhagen, Novo Nordisk
Nano-technology for ultra-high-speed optical com-
munications (Nano-Com)
Grant size and period:
5.9 million kr.; 2006-2011
Grant holder:
Professor Palle Jeppesen
Technical University of Denmark, OFS
Metalloprotease sensitive drug delivery systems for
treating cancer and inflammatory diseases
Grant size and period:
7.8 million kr.; 2007-2012.
Grant holder:
Associate professor Thomas L. Andresen
Technical University of Denmark, Bioneer
Computational models and tools for drug discovery
Grant size and period:
7.8 million kr.; 2006-2011
Grant holder:
Associate professor Christian Nørgaard
Storm Pedersen
Aarhus University, University of Copenhagen,
Molegro, Nuevolution
Development of new metal-oxide and -sulphide
Grant size and period:
8 million kr.; 2006-2012
Grant holder:
Professor Flemming Besenbacher
Aarhus University, Haldor Topsøe, Image Metro-
lology, SCF Technology
Nano- and Bio-functionalised Surfaces for Biofilm
Grant size and period:
8 million kr.; 2007-2012
Grant holder:
Professor Niels Peter Revsbech
Aarhus University, Teknologisk Institut, Alfa Laval
All five studies have made valuable contributions
to the evaluation report. The evaluation very much
benefitted from gaining dual insights into the projects
by combining self-assessment surveys with selective
interviews with a broad range of participants.
In particular, the evaluation panel underlines the
value of on-site visits and stresses that this ap-
proach is in line with international best practice
within evaluations of this type, where such visits
play a crucial role in gaining insight into research
projects and into the impacts of the programmes
that fund them.
The panel moreover emphasises the significance of
talking to both senior and junior scientists, as well
as company participants, to gain greater insight
into the activities and outcomes of the individual
projects. A thorough understanding of the true value
of a project in the form of research quality, potential
impact to industry or society, interdisciplinarity,
participants’ interdependency, and the role and
benefits of such projects for young researchers can
be much more reliably assessed when complement-
ing self-assessment surveys with face-to-face inter-
views of participants.
Evaluation of The Strategic Research Programme NABIIT
UFU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 168: Spm. om ministeren vil fremsende relevante evalueringer af Globaliseringspuljen 2007-12, til Uddannelses- og forskningsministeren
Main conclusions
of the panel
due to benefits from the versatile education pro-
vided by interdisicplinary projects.
— Several projects have delivered scientific
breakthroughs. The number of major technical
breakthroughs, however, is low. Until now, the
commercial benefits of the projects are very
limited. As the evaluation has been undertaken
just five years after the launch of the NABIIT
programme, it is too early to conclude on the
commercial impact of the research undertaken.
In the experience and assessment of the panel,
the full commercial effects cannot be expected
to materialise in a programme of this nature
until approximately ten years after the research
activities took place. Nonetheless, results of the
self-assessment surveys and interviews under-
taken in connection with the evaluation point to
a need for promoting greater focus on possible
applications of ongoing research.
— The panel recommends a balanced use of small
and large grants. While large grants enable
ambitious, interdisciplinary projects with critical
research mass and extensive user involvement,
small grants play an important role in allowing re-
searchers to explore promising research avenues
establishing large scale research projects.
Although almost half of the projects funded by the
NABIIT programme had not been completed at the
time of evaluation, the panel finds that it is possible
to make some relevant and significant observations
on the overall performance and outcomes of the
Overall, the panel considers the NABIIT programme
to a well-functioning and important, high-quality
research programme.
In all programmes and research communities, there
is scope for improvement. Therefore, this evaluation
report focuses on areas where there is a possibility
for improvement and thus to further increase the
positive impact of the NABIIT programme. The con-
clusions and recommendations of the panel should
been seen in this light.
Evaluation of the NABIIT programme
The main conclusions regarding the NABIIT pro-
gramme can be summarised as follows:
— Scientific production and quality of the projects
funded by the NABIIT programme is considered
to be high and clearly above average.
— Scientific impact of publications from projects
funded by the programme is satisfactory. The
panel believes, however, that there is potential
to improve the impact even further by aiming for
a higher degree of interdisciplinarity and by tar-
geting top international scientific journals.
— Education and training of young researchers by
the programme appear to be excellent, primarily
Second, the current technology transfer system
in Danish universities does not appear to be ef-
fective in supporting the application of research.
Participants in NABIIT funded projects consistently
pointed to the technology transfer system as a ma-
jor obstacle to the commercialisation of research
results. This problem is common to most countries,
Additional, overall reflections from the panel
In connection with the evaluation of the NABIIT pro-
gramme, the panel spent a significant amount of
time examining this scientific area in Denmark. The
observations made by the panel have given rise to
some more general reflections, which lie beyond the
scope of the terms of references for this evaluation,
but which nonetheless hold great importance for
the research areas addressed by the NABIIT pro-
First, there appears to be a general need to stimu-
late and create means by which young, talented re-
searchers in Denmark can start their own research
careers. The panel saw little evidence of young
researchers establishing and demonstrating their
intellectual independence, as many young scientists
consistently researched and published in collabo-
ration with senior scientists, notably their academic
advisors. The panel believes that this could have a
negative impact on the future supply of outstanding
scientists in Denmark. While ensuring this supply
is not the responsibility of NABIIT, the programme
could play a role in supporting the early careers of
young researchers.
Evaluation of The Strategic Research Programme NABIIT
UFU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 168: Spm. om ministeren vil fremsende relevante evalueringer af Globaliseringspuljen 2007-12, til Uddannelses- og forskningsministeren
but nonetheless an important issue which must be
remedied in order for the full potential of research
programmes like NABIIT to be realised.
Third, there seems to be a potential in estab-
lishing a world-class focal point for biomedical
engineering in Denmark, which could be realised
through a merger of existing strengths in engi-
neering at the Technical University of Denmark
and biomedical research at the University of Co-
The conclusions and recommendations of the
panel are presented in table 3.1 on the next page
and in more detail in the subsequent chapters of
this report.
Table 3.1. Main conclusions and recommendations of the evaluation
Evaluation theme
General reflections and
recommendations from the
Main conclusions
Smaller project grants can play an important role in allow-
ing scientists to explore new research paths, methods,
means of interdisciplinary collaboration, or cooperative
relationships with industry
committing substantial
amounts of funding and time to large research projects
and centres. It is the panel’s observation from site visits
that small, well-focused projects can have a high impact.
Centres are particularly appropriate for new interdis-
ciplinary areas addressing important and challenging
problems to be solved, where the scientific partners have
demonstrated extraordinarily high potential in delivering
solutions to solving such problems and where there is also
a strong industrial and/or societal interest in exploiting
such solutions. More selective and ambitious use of cen-
tre grants would allow for e.g. higher degree of interdis-
ciplinarity, more focus on commercialisation (the whole
“value chain”), closer collaboration with users and better
training of young researchers
Research quality
To which extent has NABIIT con-
tributed to advancing research
of high international standing?
In the assessment of the panel, the scientific
publications from NABIIT-funded projects is clearly above
average. Moreover, the
measured as the
number of publications per krone invested by the NABIIT
programme, appears to be high by national as well as
international standards.
It is the assessment of the panel that the level of scien-
tific impact of the research produced by NABIIT-funded
projects seems to be above average when comparing to
similar research groups in Denmark and average when
compared to similar, groups funded by research grants in
comparable countries.
In two of the seven research projects interviewed by
the evaluation panel, there was clear evidence of true
thought leadership, which by definition means setting a
novel agenda on the stage of world science and technol-
ogy. Taking the overall quality level of Danish research
within NABIIT relevant fields into account, there should be
potential for increasing the overall degree of though lead-
ership in projects funded by NABIIT.
Based on the panel’s observations from the self-assess-
ments provided by the participants in the NABIIT-funded
projects, the majority of the projects have engaged in
some degree of dissemination targeted toward non-aca-
demic audiences. However, the degree and form of these
activities vary greatly from one project to the next.
A clear focus on promoting thought leadership in the call
for applications as well as in the subsequent peer review
and selection process is likely to improve this ratio and thus
result in a higher degree of thought leadership, by prioritis-
ing activities aspiring to deliver new and ground-breaking
results and with significant application perspectives. Such
factors should play a significant role in the reviewing and
the prioritisation process.
The Council should continue to prioritise and encourage
public dissemination. Dissemination activities, however,
should not be explicitly addressed in the calls or the peer
review process, but instead be included as an obligation as
part of the funding contract.
Reconsider the use of
grants to make them more selec-
tive, ambitious and demanding – both with regard to quality
and relevance in the form of industry importance or solving so-
cietal needs. A way could be to use the project grants as the
basis for centre qualification, thus creating a highly compet-
itive environment among project grants and grant holders to
have the potential to qualify for a broader and more long-term
type of centre grant. A way to differentiate between centres
and projects could also be to give centre activities a chance of
an increase in funding on the level of 20 – 30 percent at a mid-
way evaluation, where certain achievements, like increased
industry participation, have been reached.
The evaluation panel is of the opinion that the overall
level of ambition of the programme as a whole and of the
individual projects supported by NABIIT both could and
should be higher as the panel believe the basis for higher
performance is there. A move towards a higher level of
genuine interdisciplinarity and greater focus on application
perspectives is likely to support such an improvement. This
should be backed by more room for risk taking in the proj-
ects and thus also in the prioritisation and review process.
These recommendations are expanded upon in subsequent
conclusions and recommendations.
Key recommendations from the panel
Small grants should be preserved; the Council should not
only award large grants and be careful to have the right
balance between small and large grants.
Evaluation of The Strategic Research Programme NABIIT
UFU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 168: Spm. om ministeren vil fremsende relevante evalueringer af Globaliseringspuljen 2007-12, til Uddannelses- og forskningsministeren
Interdisciplinarity (and
the combined use of
To which extent has NABIIT stim-
ulated (a) more interdisciplinary
research and (b) novel com-
binations of nanotechnology,
biotechnology and ICT?
The panel found limited evidence of high degrees of in-
terdisciplinarity (defined as research activities where the
ability to find a solution to key tasks is dependent on inter-
linked contributions from different research disciplines) in
the research projects interviewed. This, however, is not a
challenge that is unique to NABIIT but also faced by other
similar research programmes in the rest of the world.
The panel only saw few cases of novel, combined uses of
two or more of the three specific technologies. Again, this
is a general challenge in the research community, and not
specific to the NABIIT programme.
The panel believes that a strong focus in the programme on
the stated aim to deliver highly esteemed results with appli-
cation perspectives should stimulate more interdisciplinary
proposals and activities within the projects.
The Council should place a stronger emphasis on the com-
bined use of technologies, and work at interfaces between
technologies in the review process.
In the experience and opinion of the evaluation panel,
the outcome of the projects is expected to be positively
influenced in nearly all aspects by having more equal, en-
gaged and committed participation by industrial partners.
Industry involvement in the projects is recommended from
the outset of the project (as this, in the panel’s experience,
increases the likelihood of having committed and significant
collaboration with industry partners).This should not be a
definite requirement as certain important research fields
having high application potentials could still be at such a
premature level that significant industrial participation is
difficult to obtain in a small country like Denmark.
Commercial benefits are likely to be improved by involving
companies to a higher degree in the projects and by focus-
ing on issues core to companies’ research and develop-
ment activities.
Breakthroughs, innovations
and commercial exploitation
To which extent has NABIIT (a)
contributed to breakthroughs
through novel technological
combinations that can create
future opportunities for inno-
vation in industry and solutions
to societal challenges, and (b)
to which extent has NABIIT
stimulated increased interaction
between public and private
Both projects and centres are delivering substantial sci-
entific results, but the commercial impacts and number of
breakthroughs are low, until now. In the assessment of the
panel, this is primarily due to weak involvement of private
companies and a lack of value-adding support from tech-
nology transfer offices (TTO’s) at the participating universi-
ties. However, it is important to keep the timing in mind and
in the assessment of the panel; commercial results can only
be expected from NABIIT-type projects after approximately
10 years. Nonetheless, the evaluation indicates a lack of
attention (by both public and private participants) on facili-
tating the commercial application of their research.
In most cases, company participation did not seem to be
aiming at solving important company issues. Rather, the
majority of company partners appeared to participate in
NABIIT projects to build fundamental insights and engage
in generic, precompetitive research.
The type of company participation varies greatly across
the projects.
More attention should be allocated in the evaluation of
applications concerning the type and degree of company
participation. For example, if company participation is pri-
oritised, care should be taken to avoid pseudo-commercial
participation, e.g. where authorised technological service
institutes participate as de facto technical research partners
but are presented as industry partners. Similarly, reviewers
should pay particular attention to the degree of involvement
and commitment of company partners in projects.
There is very limited participation by public sector users in
the projects. Nevertheless, many projects have potential
societal benefits, e.g. through improvements in health
care, food technology, ICT etc.
Training of young research-
To which extent has NABIIT con-
tributed to postgraduate educa-
tion and researcher training?
Multi- and interdisciplinary projects are excellent tools for
educating young scientists. Interviews indicate that multi-
and interdisciplinary interaction in the projects funded by
NABIIT provide an excellent platform for education and
training of young scientists .Young scientists operated
primarily within their own field, but appeared to gain sig-
nificant insight and networks into other, relevant research
disciplines. In the panel’s experience, these are valuable
qualities in preparing young scientists for future careers in
both academia and industry.
Young researchers in NABIIT-funded projects seem to be
very content with their positions and their base at Danish
universities. There was little evidence of young research-
ers establishing and demonstrating their intellectual
independence, as many of the respondents consistently
researched and published in collaboration with senior
scientists, notably their academic advisors.
It is however important to note that this conclusion may be
biased by the fact that the panel only met young scientists
who had remained in the research groups where they under-
took their NABIIT-funded PhDs or post.doc fellowships.
There seems to be no reasons for a change in the pro-
gramme in order to better meet societal needs, except to
improve commercial impact as per the previous recommen-
The Council should continue to have a strong focus on Ph.D.
and post.doc education. In the experience of the panel,
demonstration of intellectual independence - e.g. in the
form of single-authored publications - is a key parameter
when deciding for recruitment in international research
institutions. In view of this, a stronger focus on supporting
young scientists who aim at setting their own research
agenda is recommended.
In addition, a research programme such as NABIIT could en-
force special efforts in the form of smaller projects, aimed
at boosting scientific independence of young scientists
aspiring for assistant professorships. Such programmes
should be designed so they become highly prestigious with
e.g. award-like structures.
Evaluation of The Strategic Research Programme NABIIT
UFU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 168: Spm. om ministeren vil fremsende relevante evalueringer af Globaliseringspuljen 2007-12, til Uddannelses- og forskningsministeren
Several young scientists interviewed did not know that
their research position was funded through the NABIIT
The Council should take steps to increase identification with
the NABIIT programme through joint activities comprising
both team building activities and courses with participation
of young scientists, both within and across the different
projects funded by the programme.
Most young researchers will leave academia to take up
positions in the public or private sector. The projects inter-
viewed by the panel, however, appear to predominantly
train their young researchers for a career in academia.
Again, this conclusion may be biased by the fact that the
panel met exclusively with young scientists who are still at
the institution, where they undertook their NABIIT-funded
Ph.D. or post.doc fellowship.
Development of Danish
research environments
To which extent has NABIIT con-
tributed to a strengthening of
research environments, includ-
ing an increased internationali-
sation of Danish research?
Based on insights gained from the self-assessment survey
and interviews, grants from NABIIT have helped to open
up new research fields or establish new research groups.
NABIIT-funded projects have given rise to a number of
follow-on projects and activities.
The Council could initiate courses or other joint activities for
young scientists that are part of a NABIIT-funded project in
order to train their mind-set to be fit for both academia and
the industry. Moreover, a greater degree of involvement
of company partners in projects, as recommended above,
would also contribute to the training of young scientists
associated with NABIIT-funded projects in priorities and
approaches to work in industry.
Research programmes like NABIIT are highly relevant. The
efficiency could be further improved by bringing the collab-
orating parties closer together.
The Council should give priority to stimulating and support-
ing spin-off projects from NABIIT projects, as this is likely
to increase the ultimate value created by the initial grant.
In the experience of the panel, and based on the insights
gained from the self-assessment survey and the inter-
views, the Council could achieve this by giving projects the
possibility of applying for a follow-up grant to pursue novel
research projects that arise from the original project.
It is the impression of the panel that the overall level of in-
teraction in the projects, national as well as international,
is acceptable and similar to what is found in comparable
programmes in other countries. The panel also observed
a high degree of variation in the level of and approaches
to collaboration among project partners.
In-depth analysis of the projects interviewed indicated
that there is an unrealised potential to strengthen the de-
gree of collaboration among participants in projects. For
example, there were few projects which involved co-au-
thorship among several/all of the participating research
groups. In the experience of the panel, this indicates that
such collaboration was lacking; this conclusion was more-
over substantiated in several interviews.
There are obstacles in Denmark, as in several other coun-
tries, for mobility between academia and the public or
private sector.
There were examples of investments in expensive hard-
ware and research infrastructure that seemed to be
clearly influenced by funding of projects within the NABITT
The panel recommends that projects become more aware
of the need and benefits from close collaboration when
conducting true interdisciplinary research.
The Council should take steps to ensure that future pro-
grammes through highly application specific objectives
stimulate the integration of other disciplines at the centres
where large infrastructure investments in specific areas
have been made.
Evaluation of The Strategic Research Programme NABIIT
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Figure 4.1. Completed and
ongoing projects
In total, NABIIT has supported 36 projects distribut-
ed across three types of instruments:
— 32 strategic research projects (granted in the
period from 2005 to 2008, both years included)
— Two strategic research alliances (2007)
4.1 Background
The NABIIT programme was established based on a
political ambition to realise and utilise new opportu-
nities for research and innovation through combined
research on and application of nanotechnology,
biotechnology and ICT.
A key motivation behind the programme was the ex-
pectation that novel, synergistic combinations of the
three technologies can help address key societal
challenges in e.g. the health sector and in regards
to the environment. In addition, new developments
in research on the three technologies were expected
to yield results and technological advances of rel-
evance to a number of key business sectors where
Denmark holds a strong international position, e.g.
— Two strategic research centres (2008).
Where specific instruments are not specified in this
report, the term “project” is used to refer to all 36 re-
search activities that have received NABIIT funding.
Table 4.1 shows the distribution of the 36 grants by
the research institution that the grant holder was
affiliated with at the time of application.
Table 4.1. Grants, by type of
instrument and by affiliation
of grant holder (at the time of
in biotechnology.
The programme was hence established with the
purpose to identify and develop future opportunities
for commercial innovation and solutions to societal
problems through combinations of nanotechnology,
biotechnology and ICT.
The NABIIT programme was managed and admin-
istered by the Programme Commission on Strategic
Growth Technologies.
4.2 Grants and instruments
As stated in chapter 1, a total of 36 projects have
received support from NABIIT during the programme
period 2005 to 2008. At the time of data collection,
19 of the 36 projects had been completed.
University of Copenhagen
Technical University (DTU)*
University of Aarhus**
Roskilde University
IT University of Copenhagen
Southern Danish University
* Includes the national research laboratory RISØ, which merged with
the Technical University of Denmark in 2007
** Includes the national research laboratory
Dansk Jordbrugsforskning,
which merged with the University of Aarhus in 2007
For more detailed information on these instruments, please
A project is considered completed when the final report has
been approved by the programme commission.
see The Danish Council for Strategic Research,
Strategic research –
Principles and Instruments,
1 January 2012.
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Box 4.1. presents the three different types of instru-
ments that is included in the NABIIT programme. The
description below is based on how the instruments
are described in 2012 and thus not how they were
during the years where the NABIIT programme
grants were granted. The instruments have evolved
over the years.
4.3 Size of grants
The variety in the size of grants awarded under the
NABIIT programme can be seen in table 4.2. The
average size of NABIIT grants was 8.8 million.
Box 4.1. Three instruments
Strategic research projects
are expected to find solu-
tions to a relatively restricted set of research issues and
promote participants’ development of interdisciplinary
expertise while contributing to innovation among stake-
holders in the public and private sectors. They have a
duration of 3-5 years and are eligible for upwards of DKK
10 million in funding from the Council.
Strategic research centres
are employed where there
is a need for research environments of a high scientific
standard focused on developing solutions to complex
problems. Research management should be given high
priority, and interdisciplinary research is expected to
build innovation and entrepreneurial potentials. Centres
are expected to develop into internationally leading re-
search environments and to continue their collaborative
activities with public, private and international partners
when funding ceases.
They have a duration of 5-7 years and are eligible for
upwards of DKK 30 million in funding from the Council.
Strategic research alliances
are used when there is a
need to create alliances between scattered, small-scale
research environments in Denmark and relevant public,
private and international actors to find solutions to soci-
etal challenges. Alliances must ensure that the parties to
the alliance pursue its principal objectives and that the
research activities are undertaken in a genuine collab-
oration. They have a duration of 5 years and are eligible
for 15-20 million in funding for research and networking
Source: Based on The Danish Council for Strategic Re-
Strategic research – Principles and Instruments,
January 2012
Table 4.2. Grant size (minimum,
maximum, average and total), by
instrument (in million DKK)
While the total amount of funds granted on a yearly
basis by NABIIT has remained relatively stable during
the programme period (cf. figure 4.2.), there were
however substantial year-to-year differences in the
minimum, maximum and average size of grants (cf.
figure 4.3). These differences are in large part due
to the establishment of the two strategic research
networks in 2007 (awarded DKK 9.2 and 15 million
in Council funding) and the two strategic research
centres in 2008 (awarded DKK 27.5 and 28 million).
Figure 4.2. Total NABIIT grants, by
year (in million DKK)
DAMVAD 2012. N = 36 grants
Figure 4.3. Size range and
average size of NABIIT grants, by
year (in million DKK)
DAMVAD 2012. N = 36 grants
Evaluation of The Strategic Research Programme NABIIT
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The programme commission behind NABIIT has
emphasised co-financing as part of the assessment
criteria for projects, alliances and centres. The
figure below thus shows the average size of grants
in each year compared to the average size of co-fi-
nancing per grant awarded in that year. The provi-
sion of co-financing has remained relatively stable
over the evaluation period, save for a decrease in
2007 and a substantial increase in 2008. The latter
is explained by the fact that funding was granted
in 2008 for two large strategic research centres,
which also involved considerable co-financing from
Figure 4.4. Average amount of
co-financing (in million DKK)
Average co-financing
Average granted amount
Data provided by Ministry of Science, Innovation and Higher
Education 2012, N = 36 grants
4.4 Participants
In total, 158 organisations have participated in
the 36 projects funded by NABIIT. Projects have
between two and nine participating organisations
On average, four organisations participate in each
Approximately two-thirds of the participants were
university departments or research groups or, in
a few instances, hospitals. Private companies ac-
count for the rest of the participants; this category
also includes interest organisations representing
particular industry sectors and authorised tech-
nological services institutes (that is, not-for-profit
research organisations operating on commercial
These numbers are based on the original grant applications;
as such, there may have been subsequent changes to some of
the projects that are not reflected here.
Evaluation of The Strategic Research Programme NABIIT
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from the panel
laboration, or new cooperative relationships with
committing substantial amounts
of funding and time to large research projects and
The panel recognises that the Council’s effort in pro-
moting interdisciplinary research projects that can
address societal challenges in collaboration with
industry often also calls for large-scale grants with
a longer time horizon. However, the panel believes
that a continuous stream of smaller grants should
be seen and promoted as an excellent opportunity
to create a very competitive environment for qualifi-
cation to larger centre-type grants.
Moreover, it can be easier for researchers to work
closely together on a specific challenge if they are
working in a small constellation of partners, where-
as large grants tend to involve larger groups of
collaborators. Smaller projects thus play an impor-
tant role in promoting diversity and enabling exper-
imentation, and could therefore play an important
role in creating a foundation for larger, subsequent
research ventures.
The panel has also seen examples of smaller projects
that have allowed young scientists to explore new
research paths, thereby laying an important founda-
tion for their own future research career. The panel
observed a general need to stimulate young talented
This chapter presents some general conclusions
and recommendations that the panel wishes to
highlight based on its evaluation of the NABIIT
programme. These conclusions are presented in a
separate chapter, as they cut across the selected
evaluation themes discussed in the subsequent
chapters of the report. The conclusions and recom-
mendations presented here should thus be seen as
overall recommendations to Council for Strategic
Research and the Programme commission on Stra-
tegic Growth Technologies that is responsible for
NABIIT and for other related research programmes.
5.1 Both small and large grants are needed
Smaller, focused projects have clearly
researchers to step up and create their own research
agenda (see section 9.3); the Council could play
a role in providing this stimulation by encouraging
young scientists to apply for smaller grants.
The panel wishes to point out that a move from
smaller to larger grants has been seen elsewhere
in Europe, for instance in the United Kingdom. In the
observations of the panel, large grants concentrate
funds in the hands of a small number of individuals.
This can make it more difficult for young researchers
to establish their own research careers. Moreover,
it can have the adverse effect of reducing diversity
in the overall research portfolio, by decreasing the
availability of smaller grants for the exploration of
new research paths. The panel underlines that their
recommendation should be seen in light of the Coun-
cil’s decision to prioritise larger grants that can lift
more ambitious projects and involve more partners.
This represents a decision to move away from small
grants and towards larger grants. Today, the Council
only supports projects with a minimum size of 10
million DKK in public funding. This approach naturally
leads to conservative choices of projects and princi-
pal investigators, and reduces opportunities for larg-
er risk-taking within smaller budget envelopes.
Notwithstanding the above, there are also good
arguments to simultaneously provide larger grants
that enable the establishment of research centres
shown their merits
Continue to provide smaller
grants, also below 10 million kroner, and use perfor-
mance on these to determine suitability for larger
grants in promising areas.
The panel has seen good examples of smaller pro-
jects being very efficient in delivering outstanding
results through a clear focus on specific challenges.
They have been able to demonstrate proof-of-prin-
ciple that can be attractive to certain industries.
Small project grants can play an important role in
allowing scientists to explore new research paths,
new methods, new means of interdisciplinary col-
Evaluation of The Strategic Research Programme NABIIT
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with greater critical mass, broader research tar-
gets, and a longer lifetime, e.g. up to 10 years.
The panel thus suggests the Council to pursue a
balanced approach to grant size, which can enable
both small and large grants.
In connection with larger grants, the panel moreover
recommends putting provisions in place to prevent
rent seeking by senior scientists, e.g. co-author-
ships related only to financial intermediation.
5.2 Greater differentiation between centre
grants and project grants
Centres are particularly appropriate
have been somewhat documented. Hence, there
must be a solid basis for thorough peer review of
the aspiring projects focusing on i) the importance
of the issues to be addressed by a centre, ii) the
robustness of interdisciplinarity in the activities con-
stituting the core of the centre and iii) the likelihood
that the partners will be able to meet the goals.
The stated objective of the NABIIT programme is to fill
a role in the middle of the innovation value chain, that
is, somewhere between basic science and applica-
. To fulfil this role, research activities supported
by the programme must focus on a specific research
objective in a well-defined area and, at least to a cer-
tain degree, address issues in the entire value chain.
According to the panel, requirements and the level
of ambition as well as the scale and scope of ac-
tivities should be increased for a centre investment
to be justified and to support the attainment of the
objectives set for the programme.
for new interdisciplinary areas addressing important
and challenging problems to be solved, where the
scientific partners have demonstrated extraordinarily
high potential in delivering solutions to solving such
problems and where there is also a strong industrial
and/or societal interest in exploiting such solutions.
Use the project grants as the ba-
sis for centre qualification. Create a highly competitive
environment among project grants and grant holders
to have the potential to qualify for a broader and
more long-term type of centre grant.
The panel has only met with two strategic research
centres, as only two such centres have been fund-
ed by the NABIIT programme. In the following, the
panel draws on their experience to present some
more general reflections on how centre-type grants
can be most effectively deployed as instruments for
strategic research. Overall, the panel recommends
a high degree of differentiation between the re-
quirements and expectations of project grants and
centre grants.
A key aim of the NABIIT programme was to yield
commercial breakthroughs through combinations
of nanotechnology, biotechnology and ICT that can
create future opportunities for innovation in the in-
dustry and solutions to societal needs.
The panel shares this ambition. It is the viewpoint of
the panel, based on their experience, that much of
today’s ground-breaking research takes place at the
interfaces between different disciplines, and that the
objective of such research is to look for answers to
major problems requiring a solution. This is illustrat-
ed by the fact that publishing in high impact journals
requires researchers to focus less on the technicali-
ties of their research and more on the broader con-
text and implications of their research for addressing
problems of importance to industry and society.
The outcome of research is to some degree unpre-
dictable. Nevertheless, it is the panel’s opinion that
centre grants should be used in situations where the
needs and chances for meeting such high ambitions
The panel suggests that requirements to obtain a
centre grant should be:
— The grant holder must have demonstrated
out-standing performance as manager of ap-
plication-relevant and interdisciplinary research
— Industry participants should be intimately in-
volved in the centre’s activities
, when possi-
ble, co-located on campus.
— The entire value chain – including business de-
velopment – should be represented in the centre
and addressed by the management of that cen-
tre. This would allow centres to pursue commer-
cialisation activities that cannot realistically be
pursued under project grants.
— The centre should have its own expertise (or
immediate access to such expertise) required
to help in commercialising research results. In
connection to this, the panel suggests that it
should be possible to set aside a small portion
of the funding to pay a fraction of the salary for
someone acting as a “business developer” for
the centre. The embedded developer (within the
project) should be responsible for commerciali-
sation of the research results, including patents
and licenses, formulating business plans, mar-
keting and private sector fund raising for next
step developments. The panel saw a positive
example at DTU of such a business driven advi-
sory function which seemed to stand in contrast
to other, more remote administrative or legal
approaches to technology transfer.
The objectives for the NABIIT programme are founded
the concept of research quality of the Council for Strategic
Research, which is based on three equivalent criteria: the rele-
vance, potential impact and academic quality of research.
Evaluation of The Strategic Research Programme NABIIT
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The panel strongly emphasises that the centres
should also have a high level of co-financing from
the university. The current maximum commitment
of 10% co-financing is inadequate. Setting such a
important criteria in the evaluation process. Exam-
ples observed by the panel include:
— Several projects involve what the panel consid-
ers to be pseudo-company type of participa-
tion. This indicates that the criterion of industry
participation is often not sufficiently evaluated
and prioritised in the review process. It appears
that the evaluation of the relevance dimension,
quality, commitment and participation of the
industrial participants are not subject to the
same thorough evaluation as are the academic
— In one of the grants, a group (from the same
university) which was not convincingly relevant
to the overall activity was invited to join, where
the objective clearly seemed to be to raise the
scientific reputation of the application.
— The criteria of requiring involvement of at least
two distinct scientific areas (nanotechnology,
biotechnology or ICT) seems only rarely to have
led to true interdisciplinary work and instead
resulted in multidisciplinary projects with mod-
est levels of interactions (see section 7.1). The
panel agrees that the vision of working at the
interfaces between the three disciplines is a
good idea, given that this is where the interna-
tional research community is headed and also
where future technologies are likely to emerge.
If there is a lack of qualified true interdisciplinary
proposals, smaller monodisciplinary projects
should be preferred to “artificially constructed”
multidisciplinary projects.
As a way forward, the panel proposes that the
Council is very clear in its communication, evaluation
and prioritization of applications. One way of han-
dling this could be to clearly state what minimum
requirements for a centre grant are, for example:
— The application concerns a research activity
within one of the three defined areas (nanotech-
nology, ICT or biotech).
— The objective of the research activity is clearly
targeting a solution to answers on major prob-
lems that could lead to a very clear application
perspective, if successful.
— Has true and engaged participation from indus-
try partners or the like having a sincere interest
in exploiting a positive outcome of the research
activity (not only measured by their funding
contribution but also through their expectations
regarding further application possibilities).
limit in large strategic research ventures is against
the very basic idea behind strategic research
funding; namely the idea to set up mechanisms to
motivate and drive the public research community
in a direction considered of strategic value to the
nation. The stronger the motivation of the research
community to direct its activities in such a direction,
the better it is.
As part of a centre grant, the rectors of the univer-
sities involved should provide the physical space to
enable co-location where demanded, and agree
on the financing and other practical arrangements
to enable this. This could also help enforce and in-
crease interdisciplinary research collaboration.
The panel did not meet the two strategic research
alliances funded by NABIIT during the interview
week. However, having a look at the description of
alliances; “
alliances are used when there is a need
to create alliances between scattered, small-scale re-
search environments in Denmark and relevant public,
private and international actors to find solutions to so-
cietal challenges
the aim of the NABITT programme
of delivering breakthroughs based on interdiscipli-
nary activities could be a challenge for such type of
instrument. The panel further wish to convey a word
of caution relating the amount of instruments that
is offered in programmes like NABIIT. It may cause
confusion with too many different alternatives. Ad-
ditionally, energy should be focused on promoting
the real aim of the programme which is to enforce
excellent science with high application perspectives
and not different forms of instruments.
In the experience of the panel, assessment cri-
teria are important in differentiating a research
programme from other funding agencies and pro-
grammes. However, care must be taken not to set
out conflicting criteria or promote “box ticking”. By
“box ticking”, we refer to situations where appli-
cants design their proposals primarily with a view to
meeting as many explicit or implicit criteria as possi-
ble, rather than focusing on what would create opti-
mal conditions for the proposed research project.
In the course of the interviews, the panel observed
several examples of what could be considered
“window dressing” with the purpose of making the
application more likely to fulfil what is believed to be
According to “Aftale om fordeling af globaliseringsmidlerne
tilforskning og udvikling 5. november 2008”, the Council for
Strategic Research can at most require 10% in co-financing of
grants from public research institutions. Such institutions may
provide additional funding, but the Council is not allowed to take
this into account in the assessment of proposals.
Evaluation of The Strategic Research Programme NABIIT
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gramme was collected from the grant holders in
June 2012. A total of 455 journal publications were
reported. 389 (85 percent) of these 455 publica-
tions reported could be retrieved from Thomson
Reuters Web of Science, a bibliometric database,
which indexes publications in leading international
peer reviewed scientific journals.
The 19 projects that had been completed at the
time of evaluation generated 288 (63 percent) ar-
ticles. By comparison, the remaining, ongoing 17
projects have published 167 (37 percent) articles.
Not surprisingly, completed projects have pro-
duced close to twice as many publications as
ongoing projects, as completed projects have, on
average, 15.2 publications, compared to 9.8 for
ongoing projects (cf. table 6.1).
It should however be noted that there is a large
degree of variation in the number of publications
6.1 A high level of scientific productivity
It is the assessment of the panel that the
generated by the 36 projects. For example, as
can be seen from table 6.1, so far the smallest
number of journal articles to have come out of a
completed project is 4, while the highest number
of publications from a NABIIT-funded project is
Moreover, as the final publications from com-
pleted projects are submitted to and accepted
by journals, and as ongoing projects approach
completion, the total number of publications from
NABIIT-funded projects is likely to increase sub-
productivity of projects funded by NABIIT, as indicated
by the number of publications per krone invested by
the NABIIT programme, appears to be high by national
as well as international standards.
Scientific productivity refers to the amount of re-
search produced in NABIIT-funded projects, as
indicated by the volume of articles that have been
published in scientific journals.
It should however be noted that it was not possible
for the panel to determine the extent to which the
level of productivity is affected by cross-subsidies.
The research presented in the publications reported
is likely to have been directly or indirectly support-
ed by other sources of research funding, e.g. from
other programme commissions under the Council
for Strategic Research, from the Council for Inde-
pendent Research or from other public and private
research funding bodies, including the EU.
Data on scientific publications from the 36 projects
that have received funding from the NABIIT pro-
Table 6.1. Number of journal
publications reported
Completed projects
Ongoing projects
Source: DAMVAD 2012 based on the bibliometric analysis
Table 6.2. Average cost per publication from NABIIT funded projects (in DKK)
Number of publications in Web of Science
Total funding in DKK
Cost per publication in DKK
Number of publications per million DKK
DAMVAD 2012 based on the bibliometric analysis and funding data from NABIIT
Evaluation of The Strategic Research Programme NABIIT
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Table 6.2 presents information on the number of
scientific publications (in Web of Science indexed
journals) produced by NABIIT funded projects in re-
lation to the amount of funding granted by the NABI-
IT programme. The table shows that completed pro-
jects have, on average, generated 1.75 publication
per million krone, while ongoing projects have (so
far) produced 0.79 publications per million krone. It
should however be noted that ongoing projects are
expected to generate more publications, ultimate-
ly leading to a higher number of publications per
krone of financing. In the assessment of the panel,
this amount of publications is reasonable, but the
panel emphasises that this kind of calculation must
be seen in relation to other results generated by the
projects, such as innovations and commercial appli-
cations and patents.
6.2 Scientific impact is internationally
Based on the data available, it is the
tween “top level” and “other” journals. The second
approach is based on the Journal Impact Factor
(JIF) scores assigned to scientific journals indexed
in Thomson Reuters Web of Science. The third ap-
proach is based on the number of publications in
journals from the Nature Publishing Group (NPG).
Assessment based on the Danish authority lists.
Authority lists developed for use in the Danish bib-
liometric research performance indicator (which is
used to distribute base funding to university depart-
ments based on their scientific performance) can
be used as an indicator of the quality of the publica-
tions from NABIIT-funded projects.
These lists, which were developed by expert groups
appointed by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and
Higher Education, identify key scientific journals and
categorise them as “level 1” or “level 2” journals.
Level 2 publications are defined as the top 20 per-
cent of journals in their field.
Based on this classification, 184 (47 percent) of
the journal publications from NABIIT-funded pro-
jects appeared in top journals, the so-called “level
2”-journals in the Danish authority lists. This applies
to 52 and 38 percent of publications from complet-
ed and ongoing projects, respectively (cf. table
assessment of the panel that the level of scientific
impact of the research produced by NABIIT-funded
projects is above average when comparing to similar
research groups in Denmark and average when com-
pared to similar, groups funded by research grants in
comparable countries.
Given the level of talent in the
Danish research community and the quality of the
NABIIT programme, the panel believes that it is possi-
ble to raise the impact of NABIIT funded research even
further. The panel therefore urges funded academics
to aim for top international journals, for example by
increasing the level of genuine interdisciplinarity and
focus on application perspectives in projects. This
move could be further stimulated by an increased will-
ingness to take risks in the prioritisation and review
process by the Council
Scientific impact refers to the impact of a given re-
search project on the scientific community, typically
as indicated by the number of citations awarded to
publications presenting the results of this research
or to the journals in which these publications ap-
Three approaches to assess impact have been
chosen. The first uses the so-called Danish authority
lists of scientific journals and their distinction be-
Thus, the proportion of level 2 publications is con-
siderably higher than the top 20 percent that they
are intended to represent in the authority lists.
These results indicate that the quality of research
produced in NABIIT-funded projects is higher than
the average research quality in the Danish scientific
fields concerned, which should also be the case as
the projects have been selected based on a com-
petitive peer review process.
Table 6.3. Scientific articles, by
the “authority list” level of the
journals in which they appeared
from completed
from ongoing
Level 2 (“top level”)
Level 1 journals
Typically, the scientific impact of publications would be
assessed through an analysis of the citations. A robust citation
analysis however requires a three-year window from the time
of publication to allow for a reliable estimation of the impact
of a given publication. It was not possible to obtain such a
window for this evaluation, as the NABIIT programme ran from
2005 to 2008, and most of the scientific articles generated by
NABIIT-funded projects have therefore been published within
the past few years.
DAMVAD 2012 based on the bibliometric analysis performed for the
evaluation. * NA (Not Available/Not Identified) indicates that the
journals were not included on the national authority list.
Evaluation of The Strategic Research Programme NABIIT
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Assessment based on JIF scores.
Scientific im-
pact can also be indicated by the Journal Impact
Factor (JIF) scores assigned to all journals in the
Web of Science database.
109 (28 percent) of the publications from NABI-
IT-funded projects that could be identified in Web of
Science appeared in journals that have a JIF score
of 5 or higher. 13 percent (49 articles) appeared in
journals with a JIF score of 7.5 or higher, as indicat-
ed in table 6.4.
Figure 6.1 Number of scientific
articles in NPG journals (2007-2011)
normalised by population size
Table 6.4. Scientific articles, by
the JIF scores assigned to the
journals in which they appeared
from completed
0 > JIF > 4
4 > JIF > 5
5 > JIF > 7.5
7.5 > JIF > 10
JIF above 10
from ongoing
Based on data collected from Web of Science by the Ministry of Sci-
ence, Innovation and Higher Education 2012. Based on the number of
articles with one or more authors from the indicated country
In total, six articles that have been published as a
result of NABIIT-funded projects are included in a
journal from the NPG journals.
It is the assessment of the panel that a research
programme such as NABIIT ought to have a higher
representation of NPG journals within the country’s
combined volume. Additionally, the panel encourag-
es the research communities to increase their ambi-
tion in the publication of research results and to aim
for journals within the NPG.
International co-publication
According to the bibliometric analysis, 168 articles
(43 percent) were co-authored by one or more in-
ternational collaborators.
DAMVAD 2012 based on the bibliometric analysis performed for the
Measured on impact, Danish research is significant-
ly above world average in fields like physics, chem-
istry, engineering and biochemistry in general.
Assessment of publications in NPG journals.
Figure 6.1 illustrates how Denmark as a whole ranks
relative to Germany, the Netherlands and Swit-
zerland, when comparing the volume of scientific
articles published in Nature Publishing Group (NPG)
journals. NPG journals comprise prestigious journals
within chemistry, clinical practice and research,
earth and environment, life sciences and physical
sciences. NPG comprises some of the top journals
within bio- and nanotechnology; thus, publications
in NPG journals can be seen as an indicator of the
performance of the projects.
The figure shows that when publications are normal-
ised relative to population size, Denmark appears
to be performing below Switzerland, on par with
Holland and above Germany.
For completed projects
For ongoing projects
The top ten countries that NABIIT projects have
co-published papers with are listed in table 6.5.
Table 6.5. Top ten countries* that
NABIIT projects have
co-published scientific articles with
DAMVAD 2012, based on data from Web of Science.
* Ranked by number of articles including one or more authors from
that country
Evaluation of The Strategic Research Programme NABIIT
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Potential for even higher scientific impact
It is the assessment of the panel that publications
from NABIIT-funded projects could and should aim
for an even higher level of scientific impact for two
reasons. First, these scientists have been selected
by the NABIIT programme based on the quality of
their research ideas and their academic track re-
cord. As such, their work is expected to have a high
scientific impact. Second, NABIIT has encouraged
interdisciplinary work, and high impact scientific
journals generally favour interdisciplinary work.
The panel wishes to stress, however, that the first
publications in new and emerging areas do not al-
ways reach high impact journals. Hence, if the pro-
gramme aims at renewing science and promoting
ground-breaking research, caution should be taken
towards placing too much emphasis on short term
The panel observed that many of the research
groups interviewed seemed to be heavily focused
on “technicalities” of their own research field and
paid less explicit attention to the ultimate applica-
tions, commercial value and benefits to society from
their research. However, in the experience of the
panel, publishing in high impact journals requires
researchers to focus less on the technicalities of
their research and more on the broader context and
implications of their research in addressing prob-
lems of importance to industry and society. It is the
assessment of the panel that the granted research
projects should place a stronger focus on address-
ing the (societal) problems to be solved and less on
technicalities within the individual research groups.
In the opinion of the panel, this will also strengthen
the impact of publications from projects funded by
the NABIIT programme.
It is moreover the assessment of the panel that if the
projects also had a higher degree of true interdisci-
plinarity in their research activities, they would have
a higher chance of being able to publish in highly
prestigious journals.
The Council could stimulate and support ambitions
to achieve even higher scientific impact by for exam-
ple calling for greater focus on solving real and im-
portant problems and on greater interdisciplinarity
in the review and selection of research proposals.
This also requires a greater willingness to take risks
– by applicants as well as reviewers.
6.2 Thought leadership
In two of the seven research projects
fields into account, there is a potential for increasing
the overall degree of thought leadership in projects
funded by NABIIT even further.
A clear focus on promoting
thought leadership in the call for applications as well
as in the subsequent peer review and selection pro-
cess is likely to improve this ratio and thus result in
a higher degree of thought leadership by prioritising
activities aspiring to deliver new and ground-breaking
results and with significant application perspectives.
In the assessment of the panel, two of the seven
research projects interviewed appeared to be defin-
ing entirely new research agendas and to be world
leaders within their respective fields. Both of these
projects had a very clear application perspective
and a clear and related research agenda. One of
these projects, which from a funding point of view
was a fairly small project, actually delivered out-
standing results in two quite different directions. To
the surprise of the panel, this activity was later not
prioritised as the foundation for a centre activity,
even though the research group had applied for a
subsequent centre grant.
Based on the interviews and self-assessment re-
ports, it is the assessment of the panel that many
of the projects focus on research areas that are the
subject of current research trends or “fads” in the
scientific community. The areas targeted in NABI-
IT-funded projects are, however, deemed by the
panel to be important research areas in terms of
both their scientific potential and their commercial
The panel also observed that some projects were
more multidisciplinary than interdisciplinary and
“constructed” in a way so as to fulfil formal require-
ments by somewhat superficially involving different
fields and gratuitously including researchers for
their track records. This has lead the panel to make
a recommendation that lowering the formal con-
straints for projects might be a good way to further
improve the quality and outcome of the funded pro-
ject activities.
On an anecdotal note, the panel observed that a
surprisingly high number of both senior and junior
participants in the NABIIT funded projects have
been awarded grants from the European Research
Council (ERC). Though data on the total number of
ERC grants obtained by NABIIT funded scientists
was not available, this is a positive indication of
thought leadership in the projects.
6.3 Broad dissemination of research results
Based on the panel’s observations from
interviewed by the evaluation panel, there was clear
evidence of true thought leadership, which by defi-
nition means setting a novel agenda on the stage
of world science and technology. Taking the overall
quality level of Danish research within NABIIT relevant
the self-assessments provided by the participants in
the NABIIT-funded projects, the majority of the pro-
Evaluation of The Strategic Research Programme NABIIT
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jects have engaged in some degree of dissemination
targeted toward non-academic audiences. However,
the degree and form of these activities vary greatly
from one project to the next.
The Council should continue to
supporting and assisting the projects in their dis-
semination efforts.
The panel suggests that dissemination via the web
could receive greater focus for the projects as it
offers a channel to reach a broad and internation-
al audience. Webpages are the most important
means for communicating with industry and also
with the general public. Moreover, data on traffic to
the website can provide valuable information on the
stakeholders of a research project.
It is the experience of the panel that individual web-
pages for small projects is not, however, always the
right solution. Instead, the panel emphasises the
importance of research groups having webpages
that are well-functioning and frequently visited by a
broad audience. Therefore, the panel suggests that
the projects should be more proactive in dissemi-
nating their research results through this channel.
Costs incurred in connection with maintenance of a
website can even be covered by NABIIT-type grants,
either as part of the overhead costs or as a sepa-
rate expense. For example, in some Swedish strate-
gic research grants, 3 percent of the total grant sum
is earmarked for activities related to project man-
agement, technology transfer and dissemination,
such as upkeep of a web presence.
prioritise and encourage public dissemination. Dis-
semination activities, however, should not be explicitly
addressed in the calls or the peer review process, but
instead be included as an obligation as part of the
funding contract.
Findings from the desk study and the review of the
calls for applications reveal that broad dissemina-
tion of research results is an area that was given
increased attention in later NABIIT calls.
In the self-assessment survey, some scientists indi-
cated that they have developed webpages to pres-
ent information on and disseminate scientific results
from their NABIIT funded projects. The self-assess-
ments also reveal that most dissemination activities
are targeted towards industry or the general public,
and employ communication channels such as talks,
participation in non-academic conferences, teach-
ing, publications in the popular press or trade jour-
nals, and various forms of popular scientific mag-
azines or shows on radio or television. Examples
provided in the self-assessment survey are:
— Blogs and popular science webpages (e.g. vi-
— TV shows with emphasis on science (such as
Danskernes Akademi)
— Press releases and articles in popular press
(e.g. in Ingeniøren)
— Courses and public lectures
— Exhibitions or lectures at “Experimentarium”
(a Copenhagen-based science centre).
Through the self-assessments, the panel has ob-
served how many different dissemination activities
the projects have initiated. In the opinion of the
panel, it can be difficult to assess the quality of
this type of popular scientific dissemination and to
determine whether or not the dissemination is ade-
quate. Instead, the panel wishes to emphasise that
dissemination to the general public is important and
should continue to be prioritised as part of the re-
search programmes. However, dissemination to the
public is not and should not be considered a core
activity of research projects. The panel therefore
suggests that dissemination requirements targeted
at the general public should not be part of the calls
for applications and thus should also be kept out of
the peer review process. Instead, and along with the
grant, projects should be obligated to disseminate
their research results, and this obligation should
be part of the funding contract. The programme
commission and the secretariat supporting the
programme commission should also play a role in
Evaluation of The Strategic Research Programme NABIIT
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and technological
the form of
collaboration, i.e. in-
volving participants from different fields working
on a joint research topic from within their own field
while including knowledge and insights from other
Just over one fifth of academic respondents indi-
cated that the different participants in the project
engaged in
collaboration that is,
worked closely together on a joint research topic
through the use of processes and methods that
they have selected and developed together. Such
interdisciplinary collaboration was also found in a
few of the interviewed projects.
Finally, one fifth of the respondents stated that
participants from different research fields work on
a joint research topic but within their own field of
research, and thus engaged in limited interaction
between research fields.
The Council for Strategic Research and the pro-
gramme commission have strengthened their focus
on interdisciplinarity in the NABIIT programme.
The panel supports this priority. It is the percep-
tion of the panel that the focus in today’s strategic
research on a global scale is very much directed
towards trying to find answers to fundamental prob-
7.1 Projects are multidisciplinary, but the
degree of interdisciplinarity can be improved
The panel found limited evidence of
lems and with a clear ambition to find new solutions.
Additionally, the complexity of the problems to be
solved entails that most answers are to be found at
the interfaces between different technologies or by
intimate use of combinations of different technolo-
7.2 Technology convergence
The panel only saw few cases of novel,
high degrees of interdisciplinarity (defined as research
activities where the ability to find a solution to key
tasks is dependent on interlinked contributions from
different research disciplines) in the research projects
interviewed. This, however, is not a challenge that is
unique to NABIIT but also faced by other similar re-
search programmes in the rest of the world.
The panel believes that a strong-
er focus in the programme on the stated aim to deliver
highly esteemed results with application perspectives
should stimulate more interdisciplinary proposals and
activities within the projects.
During the interviews, the panel observed that
there is a lack of co-publication and co-patenting
among project partners from different research
disciplines. This indicates a lack of true interdis-
ciplinary work. Indeed, the panel observed a sub-
stantial degree of
within the projects interviewed. In other words,
most of the research groups participating in the
projects appeared to be working on common re-
search topics from within their own fields.
These conclusions are supported by findings from
the self-assessment survey among academic
participants. As illustrated in figure 7.1, more
than half of the academic participants in NABIIT
projects who contributed to the survey indicated
that research collaboration in their projects takes
combined uses of two or more of the three specific
technologies. Realising the potential from technology
convergence is not an issue which is specific to NABIIT,
but a more general challenge in this field of research,
which programmes such as NABIIT may help address
by pushing for more ambitious attempts to solve
important problems through novel combinations of
existing technologies.
The Council should place a
stronger emphasis on the combined use of technolo-
gies and work at interfaces between technologies in
the review process.
A key objective of the NABIIT programme was to
identify and develop new combined use of na-
notechnology, biotechnology and/or ICT. In the
panel’s assessment, however, the programme has
had a negligible effect on the combined uses of the
three technologies. There is a global convergence
between these technologies, but few of the projects
were cutting edge in their approach to combining
the technologies.
Evaluation of The Strategic Research Programme NABIIT
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The panel notes that if the interdisciplinary aims of
the programme had been rigorously enforced, many
of the interviewed projects that received funding
from NABIIT would not have been funded under the
The challenge of identifying and undertaking re-
search on novel combinations of nanotechnology,
biotechnology and ICT is not, however, specific to
the NABIIT programme but a general challenge
for the international research community in these
fields. Moreover, the panel recognises the effort that
has been invested by the Council to promote more
interdisciplinary research and increased techno-
logical convergence; realising such changes in the
scientific community is a lengthy process, which the
NABIIT programme appears to have contributed to.
Continued and increased efforts in this regard are
however recommended.
The aim to stimulate new technological combi-
nations is still a “live issue” and thus relevant for
efforts to increase the competitiveness of Danish
research and industry. This is particularly true as
both nanotechnology and ICT are technologies that
must be seen in an application perspective. In other
words, these technologies must be brought into use
in combination with other technologies for their full
potential to be realised.
For instance, combinations of nanotechnology
and ICT are creating new opportunities for health
care and planet care. Such innovations are being
pursued under similar funding calls by commercial
competitors of Denmark, including European na-
tions such as the United Kingdom.
To stimulate increased convergence of technologies
through the NABIIT programme, the proposal and
the reviewing process would have to be restructured
accordingly. According to the panel, ensuring con-
vergence of technologies is the responsibility of the
review process. This can for example be achieved
by ensuring that relevant users from e.g. industry
are involved in the projects, to inspire and guide
new uses of the technologies, and by ensuring that
all necessary areas of expertise are represented
among the academic participants in the project.
Figure 7.1. The nature of interdisciplinary collaboration in NABIIT, according to
academic participants
Project participants from different research fields work closely
together on a joint research topic through the use of processes,
terms and methods that they have selected or developed together.
Project participants from different research fields work on a joint
research topic, from within their own field of research, but including
knowledge and insights from other research fields in their work.
Project participants from different research fields work on a joint
research topic, but within their own field of research.
Source: DAMVAD 2012 based on the self-assessment survey. N (academic participants) = 72
Evaluation of The Strategic Research Programme NABIIT
UFU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 168: Spm. om ministeren vil fremsende relevante evalueringer af Globaliseringspuljen 2007-12, til Uddannelses- og forskningsministeren
innovations and
The projects funded under the NABIIT programme
appeared to deliver a good level of scientific results
and also several scientific breakthroughs.
For example, in the assessment of the panel, four
of the seven projects and two centres that were se-
lected for interviews by the panel were considered
to have generated significant actual or potential
scientific breakthroughs.
Most of these scientific breakthroughs have not
been generated because of new combinations of
nanotechnology, biotechnology and/or ICT.
By comparison, the panel found evidence of very
few technical breakthroughs from the majority of the
projects funded by NABIIT, based on insights from
the interviews and on the assessments of project
participants as described in the self-assessment
survey. This may to some degree also be influenced
by the time frame as the majority of projects funded
by NABIIT are still ongoing or only recently complet-
ed. In the assessment of the panel, research funded
by programmes such as NABIIT can be expected to
result in commercial products approximately ten
years after the research has been undertaken. As
such, it is possible that some of the scientific results
achieved in the projects will contribute to technolog-
8.1 Many good scientific results and some
scientific breakthroughs achieved, but low level
of commercial impact
Both projects and centres are deliver-
ical breakthroughs in the future.
The vast majority of academic participants in the
self-assessment survey, however, indicated that
their project was not expected to yield commercial
results. Many academic participants further under-
lined that commercialisation was never an explicit
objective of the project, which indicates that a basic
objective of the NABIIT programme was not well
communicated and prioritised in the execution of the
projects. In the self-assessment survey, only a few
academic participants stated that results of their
projects have been commercialised, typically by the
industrial partners in the projects, or that they are
currently making efforts to commercialise results.
In view of the lack of technical breakthroughs and
commercial attention, it is not surprising that few
patents, licenses or spin-off compa-
nies have emerged from NABIIT-funded projects.
In the experience of the panel, technical break-
throughs and commercial applications thereof
can take years to emerge from research projects.
However, it is important for research projects to pay
explicit attention to aspects of their research that
warrant patent protection from the outset of the
project. Patents signal and protect the potential
ing substantial scientific results, but the commercial
impacts and number of breakthroughs are low. In
the assessment of the panel, this is primarily due to a
weak involvement of private companies and a lack of
value-adding support from technology transfer offices
(TTOs) at the participating universities.
In the experience and opinion
of the panel, outcome of the projects is expected to
be positively influenced in nearly all aspects by having
more equal, engaged and committed participation by
industrial partners. Industry involvement in the projects
is recommended from the outset of the project (as this,
in the panel’s experience, increases the likelihood of
having committed and significant collaboration with
industry partners).This should not be a definite require-
ment as certain important research fields having high
application potentials could still be at such a prema-
ture level that significant industrial participation is diffi-
cult to obtain in a small country like Denmark.
The panel underlines that breakthroughs should
include both scientific and technological break-
Scientific breakthroughs
hold great
importance for research groups and thereby for
Denmark, as they increase the international visibility
of research groups and improve their funding op-
portunities and recruitment possibilities. In parallel
to this,
technological breakthroughs
hold importance
for industry and/or society.
Innovations are here defined as new or significantly
improved products, technologies, methods, processes or
Evaluation of The Strategic Research Programme NABIIT
UFU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 168: Spm. om ministeren vil fremsende relevante evalueringer af Globaliseringspuljen 2007-12, til Uddannelses- og forskningsministeren
breakthroughs and applications can emerge rela-
tively early on. Indeed, the first patent applications
may even be filed in connection with the develop-
ment of the research proposal, particularly if indus-
try partners are closely involved in the project.
For the research funded by NABIIT to be able to
result in commercial inventions in approximately
ten years, the panel believes that it is necessary
for the projects to have a vision and a plan for how
their research will have an impact a decade into the
future. In the experience of the panel, such plans are
difficult if not impossible to formulate without close
collaboration with industry.
On a related note, it became apparent to the panel
during the course of the interviews that the majority
of projects are very much dominated by the uni-
versity partners. The projects and the objectives of
most projects seem to be defined by the university
researchers, after which relevant companies are
invited and added to the projects primarily to meet
the requirement of having company participation in
the projects.
The panel underlines that a much stronger partici-
pation of commercial partners in the formulation of
the aim, content and execution of the projects is like-
ly to improve the commercial outcome of these pro-
jects. The panel suggests that industry participation
should be encouraged and recommended from the
beginning of the project. However, there should be
a possibility of including industry participation at a
later stage in the projects where research results
are more likely to be closer to application. There-
fore, industry participation should not be a definite
criterion from the start of the project.
In the experience of the panel, establishing long-
term and close collaboration between academia
and industry requires the attention of high-level
people - that is, people who have the authority to
make decisions and commitments. For strategic
research programmes, like NABIIT the aim in the in-
dustry-related projects shall therefore be to ensure
industry participation at as high level as possible
and to address very important issues for the indus-
try partner(s).
The interviews and self-assessment also showed that
academic participants experience a large number of
barriers to commercial exploitation of their research
results, which are not connected specifically to the
NABIIT programme but which nonetheless appear to
affect researchers’ motivation and incentives to pur-
sue the commercial application and exploitation of
their findings from the NABIIT-funded projects.
In particular, the panel noted that the TTO system in
the participating universities was criticised by the
majority of the scientists for not adequately or suf-
ficiently supporting commercialisation of research
results. There seemed to be a need for a more busi-
ness driven approach rather than an administrative
and legally driven approach to TTO.
The criticism was especially related to the speed,
the level of competence and efficiency of the univer-
sities technology transfer offices.
The Department of Nanotechnology at DTU, how-
ever, seemed to have developed a practical solu-
tion to circumvent some of the technical transfer
difficulties by having an employee with a relevant
technical and commercial background who partici-
pated in a quick and qualitative evaluation of ideas
and functioned as a liaison to potential industrial
The panel believes that technology transfer cannot
occur effectively through non-experts. This argues
for “embedded technology transfer” rather than a
centralised TTO, that is, where individuals with both
scientific insight and commercial experience are
embedded in the research departments or groups
from which technology transfer is to take place.
Overall, it is the perception of the panel that the
universities’ technology transfer offices have not
been effective in supporting (potential) innova-
tions in NABIIT-funded projects. Universities are
an important contributor to innovation, but should
not see intellectual property or simple services to
industry as a source of revenue. Moreover, because
of a combination of the breadth of technologies
covered, HR policies incompatible with market value
and subservience to university politics technology
transfer offices at universities are rarely efficient
“middle men” in the transfer and commercial ex-
ploitation of scientific research results.
The self-assessment and interviews also pointed to
other barriers to increased commercial exploitation
of results from NABIIT-funded projects. These bar-
riers comprised a lack of capital and/or incentives
for academics to pursue to commercial exploitation.
Other respondents explained that the market for po-
tential applications of their research were either too
immature or non-existent, or pointed to difficulties
in converting their research results to commercial
products. Finally, numerous respondents argued
that the research in their projects was too funda-
mental to be expected to yield commercial results in
the short run.
The panel stresses that outstanding science and
commercialisation often go hand in hand, but
universities should mainly focus on producing out-
standing science. Outstanding science should in
this connection also be seen as state-of-the art
Evaluation of The Strategic Research Programme NABIIT
UFU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 168: Spm. om ministeren vil fremsende relevante evalueringer af Globaliseringspuljen 2007-12, til Uddannelses- og forskningsministeren
engineering that may bring about both scientific
breakthroughs of the highest possible impact,
including patentable inventions, and projects well
suited for prototype-generating activities that are at
the border to commercialisation and well suited for
industrial collaborations.
8.2 Almost no contribution to public sector
innovation – but potential contributions to
solutions to societal problems
There is very limited participation by
the panel that much of the research undertaken has
some degree of relevance for the public sector in
that it may contribute to new solutions to important
challenges to society. For example, academic re-
spondents in the self-assessment survey referred to
potential positive implications of their research for
public health, the environment or food quality and
In certain specific areas, for example within the field
of interaction of new nanomaterials with living mat-
ters, there is a risk of very undesirable interactions
taking place. In the assessment of the panel, these
types of issues also seemed to be adequately ad-
dressed in the projects under NABIIT.
public sector users in the projects. Nevertheless, many
projects have potential societal benefits, e.g. through
improvements in health care, food technology, ICT etc.
There seems to be no reasons
for a change in the programme in order to better meet
societal needs, except to improve commercial impact
as per the previous recommendation.
Just two of the 36 projects funded by NABIIT had
direct involvement of potential public sector users
in the scientific and technological research per-
formed. Two additional projects counted university
hospitals among their participants. Aside from
these projects, public sector users played no role
in NABIIT projects. Moreover, a cursory review of
the titles of the 36 projects, for example, reveals
that only very few projects are dealing with issues
relating to medical research. The panel thus noted
that medicine as a field of research seems to be un-
derrepresented in NABIIT projects, as compared to
similar programmes in other countries.
A meaningful involvement of and connection with
the medical profession is central to creating com-
mercial results from this type of projects. The panel
has not observed many partnerships with medical
schools or hospitals in the NABIIT programme, and
would therefore like to encourage such collabora-
The underrepresentation of medicine in the NABIIT
programme is likely explained by a general lack
of a strong presence of medical research in disci-
pline-crossing research. Programmes such as NABI-
IT can promote greater interaction among medical
research and other areas of research, but only to
a certain effect. For the full potential of the Danish
research environment to be realised, the panel
believes that it would be a strong move to combine
strengths from existing research environments in
bioengineering at the Technical University of Den-
mark and biomedicine at the University of Copen-
hagen into a joint physical centre that can serve as
a national focal point for world class biomedical
In spite of the lacking involvement of the public sec-
tor in the NABIIT programme, it is the assessment of
8.3 Limited contribution to private sector
: In most cases, company participation did
not seem to be aiming at solving important company
issues. Rather, the majority of company partners ap-
peared to participate in NABIIT projects to build funda-
mental insights and engage in generic, precompetitive
Commercial benefits are likely to
be improved by involving companies to a higher de-
gree in the projects and by focusing on issues core to
companies’ research and development activities.
As stated in section 8.1, NABIIT-funded projects
have, at the time of evaluation, generated very few
technical breakthroughs. It follows from this that the
projects have (at least thus far) made a very limited
contribution to innovation in the private sector. This
was further supported by the statements provided
in the self-assessment survey among company
participants. However, as mentioned in section 8.1,
it is important to keep in mind that the NABIIT pro-
gramme has only been running for five years, and it
is therefore not possible to make a reliable assess-
ment of the impact of the programme on commer-
cial innovation.
Nonetheless, most company respondents stated
that the projects they participated in either have not
yet or are not expected to yield commercial results.
Moreover, most of the company participants stress
that the main purpose of the projects, they have
contributed to, was to yield new knowledge, and
not necessarily to generate innovations or other
commercial outputs. Just one fourth of company
respondents indicated that their project have gen-
erated or are expected to generate results that can
be exploited commercially.
According to company participants that contributed
to the self-assessment survey, the main benefits of
participating in NABIIT projects are as follows:
— Better and deeper understanding of the existing
research areas
Evaluation of The Strategic Research Programme NABIIT
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— Further development of key research areas
— Adoption of new methods, applicable to the
company’s business areas
— Obtained new technical skills or competences
— The project made it possible to test ideas, which
would not otherwise have been possible to test.
It is the experience of the panel that companies
prefer educated talents generated by universities
more than the knowledge or inventions that origi-
nates from projects such as those financed through
NABIIT. A key motivation for companies is thus to
participate in projects where they support educa-
tion. Hence, the results of commercialisation could
be seen in this light.
panies in the projects included both R&D intensive
global industry leaders and two-person start-up
companies whose living and survival were virtually
based on the funding received from the project.
Of the 36 projects funded by NABIIT, 28 projects
have had one or more company participants, while
6 involved collaboration with a technological service
institute (the so-called “GTS institutes”).
The panel found the fact that the role of the techno-
logical service
institutes are not always clear. They
are formally registered as non-public participants,
but occupy different functions.
The panel observed in the interviews that, in some
Nonetheless, based on the interviews with the se-
lected projects, it is the assessment of the panel
that much private sector participation, unfortunate-
ly, was only weakly linked to important business
issues and core R&D themes for the larger compa-
nies. Moreover, responses in some cases indicated
that the company participants were rather aiming
to meet personal research goals than addressing
important and prioritised company challenges.
projects, the technological service institutes ap-
peared to participate as extensions of the academic
research environment rather than as companies
and having a strong focus on the funding aspect,
resulting in rather artificial constructions. This
should be seen in view of the fact that these partici-
pants in the evaluation were presented as industrial
The evaluation panel therefore advises the Council
The panel is of the opinion that projects in their over-
all scope as well as in their contribution to commer-
cial successes would benefit from having a stronger
involvement from industry at management level and
being focused on issues and areas that are key to
8.4 Projects involve company participants – but
there is great variety in the types and degree of
involvement of these firms
The type of company participation var-
for Strategic Research, when evaluating company
involvement in grant applications, to be clearer on
the diversity among types of company participants,
and that different types of participants lead to very
different types of projects and output of projects.
It is also important to evaluate the degree and na-
ture of participation from industry. Unfortunately,
as stated in section 8.3, large companies generally
did not appear to collaborate on core areas of their
activities. This can to some degree be explained by
IPR and competitiveness concerns. It is however the
panel’s opinion that the Council should do its best
to set up a supportive framework and stimulate
companies to collaborate on core activities in pro-
grammes such as NABIIT.
Generally speaking, according to the self-assess-
ment surveys conducted among academic and
company participants, users contribute to NABIIT
projects by providing feedback and participating
in scientific discussions, particularly in the initial
phases of the project. Many users take part in de-
fining goals and testing results or prototypes, in the
development phase of e.g. materials, or in the joint
ies greatly across the projects.
More attention should be allo-
cated in the evaluation of applications concerning the
type and degree of company participation. For exam-
ple, if company participation is prioritised, care should
be taken to avoid pseudo-commercial participation,
e.g. where authorised technological service institutes
participate as de facto technical research partners.
Similarly, reviewers should pay particular attention to
the degree of involvement and commitment of com-
pany partners in projects.
The NABIIT programme, like the Council for Strategic
Research in general, has placed a great deal of em-
phasis on securing co-funding from private sector
participants. This is based on the idea that partners
who provide significant co-funding are more likely
to be committed to the project and to participate
actively in both its design and completion.
The evaluation indicated great variety in the types
of firms that participated in NABIIT projects. Com-
Technological service institutes are not-for-profit organisa-
tions that engage in applied research and offer technology
based services to firms on commercial terms (particularly to
small and medium sized enterprises). Approximately 10 percent
of the technological service institutes’ income is direct public
funding, aimed at stimulating the diffusion of the results of sci-
entific and technological research to a broad population of
firms. In addition, the institutes apply for public funding from
Danish and international sources.
Evaluation of The Strategic Research Programme NABIIT
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scientific publications of results from the project.
Company participants are more likely than their
academic counterparts to be responsible for the
application or commercial exploitation of research
results, when this is relevant.
However, the surveys also indicated that while 90
percent of academic participants contribute to
core research activities in NABIIT-funded projects,
the same only holds true of 43 percent of company
participants. Indeed, some academic respondents
also experienced that users from industry were too
disconnected or too loosely affiliated with the pro-
ject to make a significant contribution to their joint
Based on the inputs from the interviews and the
self-assessment surveys, the panel suggests that
the Council enables company participation to take
place in different steps. It is the assessment of the
panel that it
be difficult to combine state-of-
the-art research with company participation. In
order to promote stronger industry participation
and to ensure the application of research results,
the panel suggests that projects and centres should
be asked to consider and given the opportunity to
more strongly engage companies in the second
phase of the project if results are promising and
company participation has not been included at an
earlier stage in the project. This decision could be
based on the mid-way evaluation of the project. At
the same time it is the panel’s perception that there
may only be a few projects where companies have
an incentive to participate in projects at such a late
stage where they are not able to participate in the
definition of the research direction. Thus, the panel
suggest that most effort is allocated to providing
a supportive framework for company participation
from the outset of the projects, given that commer-
cialisation of research results continues to be a firm
objective of research programmes such as NABIIT.
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of young
The interviews with selected projects indicated that
collaboration across disciplines occurs to a large
extent through interaction between young research-
While senior scientists in the NABIIT-funded re-
search projects shaped the overall design of the
projects, the projects are to a large extent undertak-
en by the Ph.D. students and post.docs recruited for
the projects. This is in line with the overall focus on
researcher education and training in the Council for
Strategic Research.
As stated above, interviews suggested that much
of the communication and collaboration across dis-
ciplinary boundaries in NABIIT projects takes place
through interaction among young researchers. In-
terviews indicated that while these young research-
ers generally worked within their own fields, they
were regularly and to a significant extent engaged
in exchanges of research materials, discussions of
results and joint seminars with both junior and sen-
ior scientists from other fields.
9.1 A significant contribution to education and
training of researchers
Young researchers have gained valuable
The young researchers interviewed by the eval-
uation panel generally indicated their belief that
the quality of their training had been strengthened
by the fact that they had participated in a NABI-
IT-funded project, precisely because this provided
them with access to and regular interaction with
researchers from other fields. Students appeared to
benefit tremendously from the interaction between
9.3 Young researchers were content – and
expressed limited ambition
Young researchers in NABIIT-funded
education and training due to NABIIT.
Like the rest of the Council for Strategic Research,
the NABIIT programme placed particular emphasis
on the education of young researchers. Approxi-
mately 65 percent of the research funding grant-
ed by the programme commission behind NABIIT
is dedicated to Ph.D. and post.doc positions.
According to responses to the self-assessment
survey, in the 36 projects that were awarded a
grant from the NABIIT programme:
— 73 academic participants hired a total of 146
Ph.D. students and 97 post.docs (or, on aver-
age, 2 Ph.D. students and 1.3 post.docs) in
connection with their NABIIT-funded projects
— 35 company participants hired a total of 8
Ph.D. students and 7 post.docs
9.2 Young researchers gain from
multidisciplinary collaboration
Multi- and interdisciplinary projects
projects seem to be very content with their positions
and their base at Danish universities. There was lit-
tle evidence of young researchers establishing and
demonstrating their intellectual independence, as
many of the respondents consistently researched
and published in collaboration with senior scientists,
notably their academic advisors. This should not be
seen, however, as a particular challenge for the NABIIT
programme, but as a general shortcoming of young re-
searchers in Denmark in the research fields addressed
A research programme such as
are excellent tools for educating young scientists.
Young scientists operated primarily within their own
field, but appeared to gain significant insight and
networks into other, relevant research disciplines. In
the panel’s experience, these are valuable qualities
in preparing young scientists for future careers in
both academia and industry.
The Council should continue
to have a strong focus on Ph.D. and post.doc edu-
NABIIT could enforce special efforts in the form of
smaller projects, aimed at boosting scientific inde-
pendence of young scientists aspiring for assistant pro-
fessorships. Independence could further be strength-
ened through more single-authored publications by
young scientists, which the panel highlights as a key
parameter in recruitment decisions in internationally
competitive research institutions. The programme
should be designed so as to become highly prestigious
with e.g. award-like structures.
Evaluation of The Strategic Research Programme NABIIT
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Most of the young researchers that the panel met,
both those of Danish and non-Danish nationality,
were very content with their positions at the Dan-
ish universities. This was especially prominent
concerning research themes and affiliations, but
they expressed little interest in advancing e.g. to
management positions in academia or industry.
Similarly, they did not express interest in moving to
new research themes or taking up positions at re-
search institutions outside of Denmark. Long-term
ambitions were generally speaking very modest
and unclear.
The panel is aware that the observations made
above could to a certain degree be biased by the
fact that the young researchers that participated in
interviews had either stayed on at the institution af-
ter the end of the NABIIT-funded project or were still
involved with the project. The panel did not meet the
young researchers who moved to other places after
the completion of their participation in the NABIIT
projects in the interviews with young scientists.
The panel is concerned that there was so little
evidence of young researchers establishing and
demonstrating their intellectual independence,
particularly due to the lack of mobility among
young researchers in the NABIIT-funded projects.
Additionally, the panel believe this situation may be
influenced by a potential gap in the funding struc-
tures where post.docs tend to get their permanent
positions at universities by working closely together
with a more senior professor that is successful in
bringing in large grants – and not by demonstrating
In several of the research groups that the panel met,
there was a tradition of senior scientists consist-
ently co-authoring publications by junior research-
ers. To promote the development of intellectual
independence and long-term career development
among young researchers, this practice should
be discouraged. The panel believe this is part of a
general shortcoming in the Danish research fields
addressed by NABIIT, where the funding system
in reality prevents younger researchers from es-
tablishing their own independent career. Although
this challenge is therefore not specific to NABIIT,
programmes such as NABIIT can play a role in ad-
dressing the need for greater independence among
young researchers.
For example, the panel suggests that positive re-
inforcement could be provided through fellowship
programmes, e.g. from the Council for Strategic Re-
search that allow young researchers to establish re-
search activities and build new groups of their own
within strategic research areas. This could also help
to encourage attracting researchers from abroad
or from industry. The panel suggests that such a
fellowship programme could also have a special
focus on providing funding for young researchers
returning from academic positions abroad or from
positions in industry
For inspiration on special programmes for young
scientists with the potential to become professor,
the panel suggests to look into the Swedish Foun-
dation for Strategic Research and their programme
“Individual Grants for Future Research Leaders” that
has been successful in promoting young research-
The panel suggests that the Council should track
the career development of the young researchers
that participate in NABIIT-funded projects, e.g. in
comparison with students funded by other means,
with the aim of comparing how effective NABIIT is
for the development of careers relative to other
programmes. The aim of this would be to see if the
NABIIT programme has fostered scientists that
choose careers that differ from the average career
potentially funded by other available sources.
Concerning the origin of the Ph.D.s and post.docs
associated with the NABIIT-funded projects, find-
ings from the self-assessment survey indicate that
more than half of the academic Ph.D. and post.doc
positions were filled with persons recruited from for-
eign institutions. All company-hired Ph.D. students
were recruited from Danish institutions, but half the
post.docs were recruited from abroad.
In order to strengthen international orientation and
mobility among researchers, the panel suggests the
construction of an open post.doc programme linked
to existing projects with a common call and the an-
nouncement made known around the world, thus
stimulating top scientists to choose to join leading
groups in Denmark. It is the assessment of the pan-
el that this could lead to increased international
mobility and a strengthening of Danish research
9.4 A potential to increase identification with
the NABIIT programme
Several young scientists did not know
that their research position was funded through the
NABIIT programme.
The Council should take steps
to increase identification with the NABIIT programme
through joint activities comprising both team building
activities and courses with participation of young sci-
This raises certain challenges, e.g. as someone with a
background in industry may have a difficult time returning to
academia because of the lack of publications and other dimen-
sions of academic track records.
Evaluation of The Strategic Research Programme NABIIT
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entists, both within and across the different projects
funded by the programme.
Several of the young researchers interviewed were
not aware (at least at the outset of their employ-
ment) that they had been funded by a NABIIT pro-
ject. This indicates that the research theme in the
project proposal itself does not represent a high
priority for the research groups concerning dissem-
ination of the function of the project in the overall
work of the research group in general and in relation
of the education of the young scientists in particular.
Based on the panel’s experience, identification
with research programmes by young researchers
increases the likelihood that the aims of the pro-
gramme will be kept in mind and therefore met. The
panel thus suggest to increase identification with
the NABIIT programme by including teambuilding
activities for all project participants (especially
young researchers), particularly at the start of a
project. This could be supplemented by including
common activities such as courses on project man-
agement, workshops, international trips etc. Cours-
es on project management would not only strength-
en the association with the NABIIT programme but
also provide the young researchers with specific
tools that will assist them in future research ven-
tures. During the interviews, the panel was made
aware by young scientists that courses on project
management were requested.
Moreover, the Council for Strategic Research could
host networking events for young researchers
across projects funded by the Council. This could
also promote greater cross-fertilization of ideas
across research activities funded by the Council.
Additionally, networking activities could help stim-
ulate interdisciplinary interaction within the NABIIT
programme, and potentially across research pro-
9.5 Young researchers must be trained for
positions both in academia and industry
Most young researchers will leave ac-
The Council could initiate cours-
es or other joint activities for young scientists that
are part of a NABIIT-funded project in order to train
their mind-set to be fit for both academia and the
industry. Moreover, a greater degree of involvement
of company partners in projects, as recommended
above, would also contribute to the training of young
scientists associated with NABIIT-funded projects in
priorities and approaches to work in industry.
A key priority and goal of the Council for Strategic
Research is to contribute to postgraduate education
and researcher training. During the interviews, the
panel observed that this task was taken very seri-
ously by all projects and, as indicated in the previ-
ous sections, the panel assesses that the training of
young researchers appears to be very well function-
ing. However, during the interviews, the panel also
observed that their training and education primarily
concern academic disciplines tailored for a career
in academia. The panel also saw examples of the
opposite where professors were assisting Ph.D.s
and postdocs in becoming aware of the possibilities
within the competences and know-how they ac-
quired during their education in the NABIIT-funded
project and the wider application options. Addition-
ally, the panel observed that some, but few, profes-
sors were very direct in providing career advice for
Ph.D. students when terminating their position as
a Ph.D. This was mainly related to whether or not
they were suited for a career in academia, but also
served the purpose of promoting a career in the
The panel suggests that the orientation within fu-
ture career opportunities should be strengthened
among young researchers. This should be done by
raising the awareness among young researchers on
the applicability of their research education.
Subsequently, there is a greater need for training a
broader skill set among young researchers that will
allow for a more smooth transition from academia
to industry after termination of their research posi-
tion. The panel thus suggests that special courses
for Ph.D.s and post.docs in their first years should
be included as part of the NABIIT programme.
The courses could cover themes such as project
management, R&D portfolio management, career
planning, innovation and application of research
results etc. The courses should be designed in such
a way that it has relevance for both academia and
industry. The panel suggest that the courses should
be run by a panel of principal investigators from the
funded projects in order to ensure the quality and
the relevance of the course.
ademia to take up positions in the public or private
sector. The projects interviewed by the panel, however,
appear to predominantly train their young researchers
for a career in academia. Again, this conclusion may
be biased by the fact that the panel met exclusively
with young scientists who are still at the institution,
where they undertook their NABIIT-funded Ph.D. or
post.doc fellowship.
This conclusion may be influenced by the fact that the
young researchers interviewed had either stayed on at the
institution after the end of the NABIIT-funded project or were still
involved with the project.
Another suggestion by the panel concerning young
researchers’ training and integration across aca-
Evaluation of The Strategic Research Programme NABIIT
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demia and industry concerns a public-private post.
doc programme. This suggestion is inspired by both
the Novartis programme and The Danish National
Advanced Technology Foundation’s industrial post.
doc programme. The purpose of such a programme
is that it allows post.docs to work closely with both
academia and industry and thus keep an option
open in both sectors. The programme should be
based within the Council. It should be announced
as a common programme for the projects that are
funded as prestigious post.doc positions where
the likelihood of getting international applicants is
present. The panel assesses that this would provide
an important tool for programmes such as NABIIT in
order to ensure the bridge between academia and
industry for young researchers.
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of Danish research
ing for multi- or interdisciplinary projects, particu-
larly when these are large-scale projects and when
company participants are involved.
Figure 10.1. Is the project within
a new research area or related to
established research areas?
Academic participants
10.1 Impact on participants’ research activities
and competences
Based on insights gained from the
Company participants
self-assessment survey and interviews, grants from
NABIIT have opened up new research fields or estab-
lish new research groups.
Research programmes like NABI-
IT are highly relevant. The efficiency could be further
improved by bringing the collaborating parties closer
Insights from the self-assessment show that for both
academic and company participants; about half of the
projects are based on new research ventures, while
the remaining projects represent a continuation or ex-
tension of key existing research activities in the partici-
pating organisations. This is depicted in figure 10.1.
Both academic and company respondents in the
self-assessment survey were asked whether they
would have sought funding elsewhere in the ab-
sence of funding from NABIIT. 15 and 13 percent of
academic and company participants, respectively,
would have sought funding for the same project
elsewhere. Half of all participants would have
sought alternative funding for a similar or related
project. 40 percent of academic and 37 percent of
company participants would have abandoned their
project had it not been for the funding through NA-
BIIT. This indicates that NABIIT funding has played
a significant role, enabling projects that might not
otherwise have been undertaken.
In fact, academic respondents in the survey stated
there are no or few other adequate sources of fund-
The self-assessment survey among academic
respondents indicates that scientists assess that
there is an impact on the research activities and
competences when participating in a NABIIT-fund-
ed project. In particular, they highlight the follow-
ing themes as the main benefits to the research
— Enabled expansion into a new research field
— Strengthened research capacity and/or core
competences (e.g. application of new theo-
retical areas and methods; consolidation of
existing research activities etc.)
— Stronger international profile and greater visi-
bility in the academic community
— Improved ability to engage in interdisciplinary
research and/or combinations of technolo-
New research area for the organisation
Closely related to key, established research areas and core
competences in the organization
Source: DAMVAD 2012 based on the self-assessment survey.
N (academic participants) = 76, N (company participants) = 38
Evaluation of The Strategic Research Programme NABIIT
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In the interviews, the scientists participating in the
projects explained that NABIIT has played a central
role in the long-term development of critical mass
at the research centre. In this connection, the Na-
noScience Centre at the University of Copenhagen
and iNANO at the University of Aarhus was men-
tioned. DTU has succeeded in building up a strong
engineering environment at DTU Nanotech.
The panel recognises the impact that the scientists
express as a result of the participation in the NABI-
IT-funded project. However, the panel wonders if
the funding for the projects could have been spend
more efficiently if research groups to a larger ex-
tent were able to combine their core competences
within the individual projects. This could be in rela-
tion to application and innovation in the biomedical
sphere that requires combining competences in
fundamental scientific research, (e.g. from Co-
penhagen University) with engineering (e.g. from
The panel further suggests that such competences
should be brought together in a physical unit which
particularly can pose a challenge when they span
university boundaries.
10.2 Supplementary/subsequent funding of
research activities
NABIIT-funded projects have given rise
Figure 10.2. Spin-off projects
Yes - the project has resulted in spin-off projects requiring
additional external funding
No - the project has not resulted in spin-off projects requiring
additional external funding
Source: DAMVAD 2012 based on the self-assessment survey.
N (academic participants) = 77
According to the panel, follow-on funding for a few
very successful and relevant NABIIT projects once
they are completed, i.e. a renewal process, is de-
sirable. As proposed in another section, this could
provide a very competitive environment for qualify-
ing centres or more focused larger-scale projects
where the potential commercial or societal benefits
have also been documented to be high.
International grants
Individuals associated with the projects that the
panel met with seemed to be very successful in at-
tracting grants from the European Research Council;
this is a strong indication of the quality of the re-
search groups.
Since these projects involve several institutions and
companies, it is important to be careful in setting
up too many requirements for the legal agreements
with international partners. How international part-
ners should be brought in, should be up to the na-
ture of the project and the contributions to be made
by the international partner(s).
10.3 Characteristics and outcomes of
It is the impression of the panel that the
to a number of follow-on projects and activities.
The Council should give priority
to stimulating and supporting spin-off projects from
NABIIT projects, as this is likely to increase the ulti-
mate value created by the initial grant. In the experi-
ence of the panel, and based on the insights gained
from particularly the self-assessment survey and the
interviews, the Council could achieve this for exam-
ple by giving projects the possibility of applying for
a follow-up grant to pursue novel research projects
that spring from the original project.
NABIIT-funded projects have given rise to a number
of follow-on projects and activities. For example,
as illustrated in figure 10.2, 49 percent of academ-
ic respondents have developed spin-off projects as
a result of their NABIIT-funded activities.
overall level of interaction in the projects, national as
well as international, is acceptable and similar to what
is found in comparable programmes in other coun-
tries. The panel also observed a high degree of varia-
tion in the level of and approaches to collaboration
among project partners.
In-depth analysis of the projects interviewed indicated
that there is an unrealised potential to strengthen
the degree of collaboration among participants in
Evaluation of The Strategic Research Programme NABIIT
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projects. For example, there were few projects which
involved co-authorship among several/all of the
participating research groups. In the experience of
the panel, this indicates that such collaboration was
lacking; this conclusion was moreover substantiated in
several interviews.
The panel recommends that
Both academic and company respondents bene-
fited from collaboration in the NABIIT-funded pro-
jects. Notably, participants improved their network
to research institutions in Denmark or abroad, and
strengthened their ability and motivation to partici-
pate in interdisciplinary research collaboration.
Projects are employing a combination of informal
and formal approaches to research and collabora-
tion management, e.g. frequent meetings, estab-
lishing of a steering group, or joint attendance of
projects become more aware of the need and benefits
from close collaboration when conducting true inter-
disciplinary research
According to responses in the self-assessment
survey, key channels for interaction among pro-
ject participants include joint research activities,
informal exchanges of information and ideas, and
provision of access to research tools and infrastruc-
ture. Academic participants in NABIIT projects also
collaborate through e.g. co-authorship of scientific
publications and training of young researchers. In
comparison, company participants often collabo-
rate by providing access to insights or data in indus-
try (cf. figure 10.3).
During the interviews and based on the publications
from the projects, the panel noticed that with some
notable exceptions, there were few projects where
key publications involved all project partners.
Of the nine projects interviewed, most were not
heavily dependent on close and daily interaction
among project participants, although there were
also exceptions to this. Had the projects had a high-
er degree of interdisciplinarity, they would have re-
quired a higher level of close and daily interaction.
Responses to the self-assessment survey from
academic scientists provided by the scientists indi-
cate that there are numerous different approaches
to contact, collaboration and communication in
NABIIT-funded projects.
Most scientists indicated that they met on a regu-
lar basis, supplemented by larger meetings a few
times a year, and with occasional ad hoc meetings
where all participants were present. The second
most common model of interaction was bi-annual
meetings supplemented by frequent communi-
cation through e-mail or phone. A smaller group
of scientists engaged in frequent meetings (e.g.
every month) as their means of interacting with
A few scientists indicated that Ph.D. and post.docs
lead the day-to-day interaction and collaboration
in connection with the project, whereas other par-
ticipants met less frequently.
Figure 10.3. Types of interaction with partners in the project
Informal exchanges of information, ideas and the like
Joint research activities
Co-publication of scientific publications
Joint postgraduate education and researcher training
Access to research tools and infrastructure
Access to insights, data or problems in industry or in the public sector
Joint academic conferences
Joint research positions/exchange of employees
Joint dissemination activities; non-academic audiences
Joint patenting
Academic participants
Company participants
Source: DAMVAD 2012.N = (academic participants) = 77, N (company participants) = 38, Multiple answers were possible.
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International collaboration
12 international participants (including both aca-
demic research groups and companies) were for-
mally involved in the 36 projects funded by NABIIT.
According to the survey responses provided by ten
of these participants, their role in the projects was
primarily related to participating in core research
activities (e.g. performing tests), development of
new methods or models, and optimisation, fabrica-
tion, and delivery of specific materials. A few inter-
national participants also acted as Ph.D. supervi-
sors, while others mentioned that they participated
in the preparation of joint articles and presentations
with other project partners.
All ten international participants described the ac-
ademic level in the project that they participated in,
as “very good”, “top level”, “of high international
standard” or “the leading edge of international re-
search in the field”.
10.5 Acquisition and efficient use of research
There were examples of investments in
expensive hardware and research infrastructure that
seemed to be clearly influenced by funding of projects
within the NABIIT programme.
The Council should take steps to
ensure that future programmes through highly appli-
cation specific objectives stimulate the integration of
other disciplines at the centres where large infrastruc-
ture investments in specific areas have been made.
The self-assessment surveys did not provide a clear
picture of NABIIT’s contribution to establishing new
infrastructures for work within the defined focus
areas. Such infrastructure can be relevant in order
to conduct competitive research and to attract the
best researchers to the same physical environment.
The panel saw clear indications that the NABITT
10.4 Researcher mobility
There are obstacles in Denmark, as in
programme had contributed to the establishment
of new infrastructure at three universities, namely
University of Copenhagen, Technical University of
Denmark and University of Aarhus. It has not been
possible for the panel to determine the exact extent
to which NABIIT funding has contributed to the infra-
It is the opinion of the panel that care must be taken
in future programmes that other fields, like IT and/
or biotechnology are stimulated to be integrated in
such centres in order to promote true interdiscipli-
nary research.
several other countries, for mobility between academ-
ia and the public or private sector.
The analysis of researcher mobility undertaken in
connection with this evaluation showed that among
the total of 393 individual participants in NABIIT
projects that constituted the base population in
the analysis, just 58 individuals (15 percent) immi-
grated to Denmark and 31 individuals (8 percent)
emigrated from Denmark in the period from two
months prior to the start of the project period to two
months after the end of the project period (though
not beyond the end of 2011). Of the 58 individuals
who immigrated, 16 subsequently emigrated within
the survey period.
The highest level of international mobility, whether
it be immigration to or emigration from Denmark,
is found among project participants whose highest
appointment level during the project period was
assistant professor/post.doc: among these individ-
uals, 29 percent had immigrated while 17 percent
had emigrated. The second-highest proportion
is seen among Ph.D. students. In this group, 22
percent had immigrated while 16 percent had em-
igrated. At the professor and associate professor
level, international mobility (both immigration and
emigration) was insignificant.
Finally, it is interesting to note that mobility from
abroad to Denmark among NABIIT project partici-
pants in the university sector was lower overall than
at Danish universities in general. However, among
project participants at both Ph.D. and assistant
professor/post.doc level, the percentage that immi-
grated to Denmark from abroad matches the corre-
sponding percentage at all Danish universities.
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Honours include:
Fellowship of the Royal Society (FRS) (2010), the
IOP (Institute of Physics) Mott Prize (2008), the
APS Oliver Buckley Prize (2005), the IUPAP Mag-
netism Prize/Neel Medal (2003), Riso National
Laboratory Fellow (2002), Royal Society Wolfson
Research Merit Award (2002), Mildner Lecturer,
Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering,
UCL (2002), Fellow of the American Physical So-
ciety (1997), Fellow of the Japan Society for the
Promotion of Science (1996).
Fredrik Höök
Professor in Biological Physics, Chalmers University
of Technology.
He holds a Ph.D. in Physics, and a M.Sc. in Engi-
neering Physics, 1992
11.1 The evaluation panel
The evaluation panel behind this evaluation is:
— Søren Isaksen (chairman), Group Executive Di-
rector, CTO, NKT
— Gabriel Aeppli, Professor and Director of the
London Centre for Nanotechnology
— Fredrik Höök, Professor in Biological Physics,
Chalmers University of Technology.
This section contains a short presentation of the
three panel members.
Søren Isaksen
Group Executive Director, CTO, NKT
He holds a Ph.D and MSc in Physics and Maths
Prior to his current position, he was a Professor of
Physics (Nanoscience for Biophysics) at Lund Uni-
versity, Sweden and Assistant Professor of Phys-
ics/Biological Physics at Chalmers and University
of Gothenburg, Sweden.
Distinctions, scholarships and awards:
— Winner of AkzoNobel’s Nordic Research award
— Awarded the SSF INGVAR (Individual Grant for
the Avancement of Research Leaders) grant
— Nominated (through Q-Sense AB) to Stora
teknikpriset, Sweden, 2007
Additionally, Fredrik is one of the co-founders (two
Other positions include:
— Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Pho-
tonic Group companies.
— Board member of NKT Cables.
— Member of the Confederation of Danish Indus-
try’s Committee on Energy and Climate Policy.
— Member of the Tuborg Foundation Board.
Additionally, Søren Isaksen has held a number of
research-oriented honorary positions, including
chairmanship of the Danish Research Council, the
Danish Technical Research Council, the Technology
Foresight on Danish Nanoscience and Nanotechnol-
ogy, as well as the Comittee Responsible for Assess-
ing the Danish Research Council System.
Gabriel Aeppli
Professor and Director of the London Centre for
He holds a B.Sc. in Mathematics and PhD, M.Sc. &
B.Sc in Electrical Engineering from MIT.
Prior to his position at London Centre for Nanotech-
nology, he was a Senior Research Scientist for NEC
(Princeton), a Distinguished Member of Technical
Staff at Bell Laboratories, a Research Assistant at
MIT, and an industrial co-op student at IBM.
patents) of Q-Sense AB (www.q-sense.com),
who has commercialized the QCM-D technology
(2 pending granted patents) and the key inventor
(one granted patent and three patent applica-
tions) behind LayerLab AB (www.layerlab.se)
which was initiated together with Chalmers School
of Entrepreneurship in spring 2003.
11.2 List of interview respondents
This section presents the nine projects that were
selected to be interviewed by the panel and the
different respondents from each project.
Arrays of Nanoscopic Biosensors on Surfaces
Grant size and period:
11.9 million kr.; 2005-2011
Grant holder:
Professor Thomas Bjørnholm, University
of Copenhagen (note: Thomas Bjørnholm was the
grant holder, while Dimitrios Stamou administered the
grant on a daily basis.)
: University of Copen-
hagen, IBM Zürich, Semasopht, Sophion BioScience,
7TM Pharma, Radiometer, AQUAPorin , Novozymes
Interview respondents:
— Senior researchers: Prof. Dimitrios Stamou, As-
soc. Prof. Karen Martinez.
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— Junior researchers: Nicky Ehrlich, Lars Iversen,
Nikos Hatzakis, Andreas Lauge Christensen,
Christina Lohr, Achebe Nzulumike, Vadym Tkach.
Centre for Antimicrobial Research CAR
Metalloprotease sensitive drug delivery systems
for treating cancer and inflammatory diseases
Grant size and period:
7.8 million kr.; 2007-2012.
Grant holder:
Senior Researchers Thomas L. An-
dresen, Technical University of Denmark
Grant size and period:
27.5 miliion kr.; 2008-2014
Grant holder:
Professor Michael Givskov, University
of Copenhagen
: Technical University of Denmark, Bioneer
Interview respondents:
— Senior researchers: Assoc. Prof. Thomas An-
dresen, Prof. Rolf Berg
— Junior researchers: Postdoc Jonas Henriksen,
Ph.D. Rasmus Jølck
— Company respondents: Simon Jensen (Bioneer)
Computational models and tools for drug
discovery (COMODO)
: University of Copenhagen, Technical Uni-
versity of Denmark, Universität Zürich, Teknologisk
Institut, LEO Pharma.
Interview respondents:
— Prof. and grant holder Michael Givskov.
— Senior researchers: Thomas E. Nielsen, Tim
Tolker Nielsen
— Junior researchers:
— Company respondents: Anne-Lise Høg Lejre and
Anna Svensson
Centre for Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology and
Grant size and period:
7.8 million kr.; 2006-2011
Grant holder:
Grant holder: Associate Professor
Christian Nørgaard Storm Pedersen, Aarhus University
Grant size and period:
28 million kr.; 2008-2014
Grant holder:
Professor Seyed Moein Moghimi, Uni-
versity of Copenhagen
: Aarhus University, University of Copenha-
gen, Molegro, Nuevolution
Interview respondents:
— Senior researchers: Assoc. prof. and grant
holder Christian Nørgaard Storm Pedersen, Prof.
Birgit Schiøtt, Prof. Brian Vinter
— Junior researchers: Postdoc Mette Alstrup Lei,
Ph.D. Rune Friborg Møller
— Company respondents: Rene Thomsen and Mi-
kael Hvidtfeldt Christensen (Molegro)
: University of Copenhagen; Technical Uni-
versity of Denmark; H. Lundbeck; Nordic Vaccine
Technology; LiPlasome Pharma
Interview respondents:
— Prof. Steffen Loft; Prof. Dimitrios Stamou; Assoc.
Prof. Thomas L. Andresen
A Nanotechnological Approach to Studying
Interactions of Biological Macromolecules - An
interdisciplinary project
Development of new metal-oxide and -sulphide
Grant size and period:
8 million kr.; 2006-2012
Grant holder:
Professor Flemming Besenbacher,
Aarhus University
Grant size and period:
6.7 million kr.; 2005-2011
Grant holder:
Professor Jörg P. Kutter, Technical Uni-
versity of Denmark
: Aarhus University, Haldor Topsøe, Image
Metrolology, SCF Technology
Interview respondents:
— Senior researchers: Prof. and grant holder Flem-
ming Besenbacher, Assoc. Prof. Jeppe Laurit-
sen, Peter Thostrup
— Junior researchers: Postdoc Stefan Wendt
— Company respondents: Poul Hansen and Stig
Helveg (Haldor Topsøe), Jan Friis Jorgensen
(Image Metrology)
Nano- and Bio-functionalised Surfaces for
Biofilm Prevention
: Technical University of Denmark, Universti-
ty of Copenhagen, Novo Nordisk
Interview respondents:
— Senior researchers: Prof. Jörg P. Kutter
Nano-technology for ultra high-speed optical
communications (Nano-Com)
Grant size and period:
5.9 million kr.; 2006-2011
Grant holder:
Professor Palle Jeppesen, Technical
University of Denmark
: Technical University of Denmark, OFS Fitel
Grant size and period:
8 million kr.; 2007-2012
Grant holder:
Professor Niels Peter Revsbech, Aar-
hus University
Interview respondents.
— Senior researchers: Prof. Leif Oxenløven
— Junior researchers: Postdoc Michael Gallili
— Company respondents: Lars Grüner-Nielsen
: Aarhus University, Teknologisk Institut
terview respondents:
— Senior researchers: Prof. and grant holder Niels
Peter Revsbech, Assoc. Prof. Rikke Louise Meyer
— Company respondents: Helmer Søhoel and Allan
Poulsen (Danish Technological Institute), Jonas
Agenhammer (Alfa Laval)
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11.3 Overview of the evaluation process
As stated in the terms of reference, the purpose
of the evaluation was to assess if
the objectives of
refer to the resources that have been in-
vested in NABIIT-supported activities by NABIIT
but also from other sources. Thus, inputs include
NABIIT grants and additional funding (either
provided by the participants or by other external
sources of financing).
have been fulfilled and to assess the extent
to which the programme has contributed to fulfilling
the general objectives for strategic research, a
s speci-
fied in by the Danish Council for Strategic Research.
In order to fulfil this purpose, the evaluation of NABI-
IT has been based on an overall evaluation design.
Figure 11.1 provides an overview of key elements in
the evaluation design, i.e. the areas that the evalua-
tion method collected data on:
refer to the actual behaviour and activ-
ities that occur and create value in the projects
supported by NABIIT. This includes understand-
ing how project participants interact and collab-
orate and how they approach the combination
of technologies.
refer to the measurable results of in-
vestments under the NABIIT. It includes concrete
results from projects funded by NABIIT (e.g. new
knowledge, scientific publications, doctoral
graduates, etc.).
The evaluation consisted of six different methodo-
logical elements each resulting in individual sub-re-
port. Elements from these sub-reports have been
included in this evaluation report.
Methodological elements in the evaluation
Desk study of aims
and activities
survey among project
Policy rationale for NABIIT and overall goals for
strategic research.
This includes the underlying
rationale and political motivation for the allo-
cation of funds to NABIIT and the establishment
of the programme; it also includes the overall
goals for strategic research that NABIIT should
contribute to, but is not evaluated upon.
— Thus, these are the overriding intentions and
goals that the programme is expected to live up
to in order to catalyse the intended outcomes
and effects.
Immediate outcomes and long-term effects of the
. These are the short-term and long-
term effects of the activities funded by NABIIT,
as described previously in this chapter. These
effects can only to a very limited extent be as-
sessed at this point in time.
Interviews with
selected projects
Analysis of researcher
Objectives of NABIIT.
These are strategic and
operational objectives of the programme; its
results (i.e. outputs and immediate outcomes)
must be evaluated against these objectives.
Bibliometric analysis
of publications
Case studies of
selected projects
and profiles
Design and implementation
refer to how the pro-
gramme is organised and the intervention logic
that it is based on. This is for example reflected
in the selection and use of policy instruments
and in the criteria and focus areas described in
calls for applications.
According to the terms of reference for this evalu-
ation, case studies of two NABIIT-funded projects
were to be undertaken with the aim of communicat-
ing examples of projects that promote public sector
innovation, an important topic in Danish innovation
policy. Additionally, the terms of reference also re-
Figure 11.1. Key elements in the evaluation
Instruments, calls
Grants and
and technology
Project results
Source: DAMVAD 2012. Inspired by DG Budget. 2004. Evaluating EU Activities: A practical guide for the Commission services
Evaluation of The Strategic Research Programme NABIIT
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quested the development of five “profiles” delving
into selected themes in the NABIIT programme.
Because the aim of both the case studies and the
profiles was to highlight and communicate selected
themes in the NABIIT programme, they do not form
part of the documentation for the evaluation. The
evaluation panel has not in any way been involved
in these activities, which have been undertaken by
The following briefly describes the different ele-
ments in the evaluation.
research departments or centres at Danish uni-
versities. This group of respondents also includ-
ed two university hospitals in Denmark.
— A shorter self-assessment questionnaire was
sent to company participants in companies in
Denmark (including authorised technological
services institutes, also known as GTS insti-
— A short list of questions was sent to international
participants including both academic and com-
pany participants.
Table 11.1 presents the number of invited partic-
Desk study of aims and activities
The desk study comprised three elements:
Review of background documents
that de-
scribe the policy rationale behind NABIIT as well
as the stated objectives of the programme.
Analysis of calls for applications
that shed
light on the requirements that applicants to
NABIIT had to fulfil. It also identified themes and
criteria that were especially emphasized in calls
(for example doctoral training or collaboration
with industry).
Analysis of the project
portfolio that provided
an overview of the contents of the programme’s
project portfolio.
The results of this study are described in the sepa-
rate report,
Evaluation of the strategic research pro-
ipants, how many completed the survey and the
response rate. The total response rate was 81 per-
The results of this study are described in the sep-
arate report,
Evaluation of the strategic research
programme NABIIT - Report no. 2: Self- assessment
by project participants.
This report also describes
the results of an analysis of additional funding ap-
plications from and grants to participants in NABIIT
funded projects.
Interviews with selected projects
Nine projects were selected for interviews by the
panel. These included the two strategic research
centres that have been financed by NABIIT and
seven selected interviews distributed across grant
holders at three Danish universities: University of
Copenhagen, the Technical University of Denmark,
and University of Aarhus. The projects were select-
ed based on their distribution across grant holders
at three Danish universities: University of Copenha-
gen, the Technical University of Denmark, and Uni-
versity of Aarhus. Additionally, the selection criteria
comprised the size of the grant, whether the pro-
jects were completed (with emphasis on terminated
projects), the degree of public-private collaboration
and representation of both SMEs and MNEs among
the company representatives.
For each project, separate interviews were conduct-
ed (on site at the universities) with multiple partic-
ipants, including the grant holder and other senior
scientists, young researchers (Ph.D.s, post.docs.)
gramme NABIIT - Report no. 1: A desk study of aims,
instruments and grants under NABIIT.
Self-assessment survey among project
The overall purpose of the survey was to collect
data on activities and results in the funded projects.
The survey was based on the evaluation themes.
The survey was undertaken by DAMVAD, but the
evaluation panel played an instrumental role in the
development of the self-assessment survey ques-
The self-assessment survey was distributed to all
project partners through three separate surveys:
— An extended self-assessment was conducted
among academic participants, i.e. university
Table 11.1. Response rate on the self-assessment survey
Academic participants *
Company participants **
International participants
Source: DAMVAD 2012. * Includes two university hospitals. ** Includes eight GTS institutes.
No. of
No. of
Evaluation of The Strategic Research Programme NABIIT
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and, whenever possible, company participants. See
the interview programme in the Appendix.
The results of this study are reported in this evalua-
tion report.
Analysis of researcher mobility
This study was undertaken by the Ministry of Sci-
ence, Innovation and Higher Education. The analysis
carried out an outline statistical impression of the
volume, composition and vertical and horizontal
mobility of NABIIT project participants, based on a
registry analysis. The analysis comprised just under
400 individuals, who at one time or another partici-
pated in the NABIIT projects.
The results of this study are described in the sepa-
rate report
Evaluation of the strategic research pro-
Bibliometric data like publication source, author
affiliation, citations and Journal Impact Factor (JIF)
scores were obtained through individual searches
for each publication in the leading international bib-
liometric database Web of Science from Thom-son
Assessments of the scientific quality of publications
were based on the Danish authority list developed.
The publications were analysed separately for com-
pleted and ongoing projects along the dimensions
described below.
(1) Scientific productivity
(2) Scientific quality
(3) Scientific impact
(4) Interdisciplinarity
(5) National co-publication.
(6) Internationalisation of research
The results of this study are described in the sepa-
rate report,
Evaluation of the strategic research pro-
gramme NABIIT - Report no. 4: Analysis of researcher
Bibliometric analysis of publications
The bibliometric analysis was based on publication
lists provided by grant holders from each of the 36
gramme NABIIT - Report no. 3: A bibliometric analysis
of publications from NABIIT projects.
11.4 Overview of the 36 projects
Grant holder*
Professor Flemming Besenbacher, iNANO, Aarhus
Professor John Erland Østergaard, University of Southern
Senior researcher Jørgen Schou; RISØ, Technical
University of Denmark
Professor Thomas Bjørnholm, Nano-science Center,
University of Copenhagen
Professor Anja Boisen, Department of micro- and
nanotechnology, Technical University of Denmark
Senior researcher Søren Højsgaard, Faculty of
Agricultural sciences, Aarhus University
Professor Jörg P. Kutter, MIC, Technical University of
Professor Jens Ulstrup,
Faculty of chemistry, Technical University of Denmark
Professor Anders Stærmose Krogh,
Bioinformatics Center, University of Copenhagen
Lektor Marleen de Bruijne,
Department of computer sciences, University of
Professor Herman Autrup,
Aarhus University
Professor Flemming Besenbacher, iNANO, Aarhus
Associate Professor , Troels Andreasen, Department of
Communication, Business and Information Technologies,
Roskilde University
Professor Henning Christiansen,
Department of Communication, Business and Information
Technologies, Roskilde University
Professor Ivan Bjerre Damgård,
Department of computer science, Aarhus University
Project title
Bioimaging in nanoparticles
Plasmonic optical chips for medical diagnostics and
chemical sensing
Wear control of tribological hard coatings with embedded
optical nanolayers
Arrays of Nanoscopic Biosensors on Surfaces
Nano Systems Engineering: NanoNose
Automated monitoring of health and welfare of dairy cows
in loose housing systems
A nanotechnological Approach to Studying Interactions of
Biological Macromolecules - An interdisciplinary project
Nanoscale Investigations of Biological Surfaces and Biofilm
by Scanning Probe Microscopy
Simulating proteins on a millisecond time-scale
Computer-Aided Assessment of COPD from CT Images
SUNANO - Risk assessment of free nanoparticlesl
Development of new metal-oxide and- sulphide catalysts
SIABO - Semanic Information Access through Biomedical
Logic-statistic modelling and analyses of biological
sequence data
Mobile Quantum Security
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Professor Jakob E. Bardram, IT University of Copenhagen
Professor Robert Madsen,
Faculty of chemistry, Technical University of Denmark
Professor Palle Jeppesen,
TU Fotonik, Department of Photonics Engineering,
Technical University of Denmark
Professor Eva Bjørn Vedel Jensen,
Department of mathematical sciences, Aarhus University
Associate Professor, Christian Nørgaard Storm Pedersen,
Department of computer science, Aarhus University
Senior researcher, David Plackett,
Danish Polymer Center, Risø, Technical University of
Professor Bjørk Hammer, Department of physics and
astronomy, Aarhus University
Professor Niels Peter Revsbech, Department of biology,
Aarhus University
Professor Knud Jørgen Jensen, Department of basic
sciences and environment, University of Copenhagen
Professor Bodil Jørgensen, Faculty of science, University
of Copenhagen
Associate Professor, Kristian Thygesen, Department of
physics, Technical University of Denmark
Professor Jan Halborg Jensen, Department of chemistry,
University of Copenhagen
Professor Anja Boisen, Department of micro- and
nanotechnology, Technical University of Denmark
Professor Anders Kristensen, Department of micro- and
nanotechnology, Technical University of Denmark
Associate Professor Thomas L. Andresen, Danish
Polymer Center, Risø, Technical University of Denmark
Professor André Chwalibog, Department of Basic Animal
and Veterinary sciences, University of Copenhagen
Professor Michael Givskov, Department of Internantional
Health, Immunology and Micro biology, University of
Associate Professor, Jesper Nygård, NanoScience
Center, University of Copenhagen
Professor Kurt Vesterager Gothelf. Department of
chemistry, Aarhus University
Professor Seyed Moein Moghimi, Faculty of
Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Copenhagen
Lektor Kim Lefmann, Niels Borh Institute, University of
PC Mini-Grids for Prediction of Viral RNA Structure and
Cancer Treatment by Drug Delivery with Lipid-Based Nano-
Nano-technology for ultra high-speed optical
communications (Nano-Com).
High-Speed Histomorphometry
Computational models and tools for drug discovery
Biopolymer nanocomposite films for use in food packaging
applications (NanoPack)
Hybrid functionals for metal oxide surfaces and nano-
Nano- and Bio-functionalised Surfaces for Biofilm
Nano-scale properties of proteins for biopharmaceutical
Pectic polysaccharides for coating of bone implants
Large-scale quantum simulations and informatics in
Computational Design of Stable Enzymes
Miniaturised sensors for explosives detection in air XSENSE
Liquid Core Waveguide Technology for Diagnositics - LiCorT
Metalloprotease sensitive drug delivery systems for
treating cancer and inflammatory diseases
Nanotechnology in poultry production. Can silver
nanoparticles promote health and growth of chickens?
Center for Antimicrobial Research CAR
Constructing Local Intracellular Probe Systems
Electrochemical sensors for specific monitoring of
neurotransmitters in the brain
Centre for Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology and
MC-Xtrace, a simulation tool for X-ray investigations of
*The listed grant holders are from the time the grant was awarded. In some projects, however, changes have been made during the course
of the project. This has been taken into account based on information from the Danish Council for Strategic Research.
11.5 The Terms of Reference
Terms of reference for evaluation of the stra-
tegic research theme “Interdisciplinary Use of
Nanotechnology, Biotechnology and Informa-
tion and Communication Technology” (NABIIT)
The strategic research theme “Interdisciplinary Use of
Nanotechnology, Biotechnology and Information and
Communication Technology” (NABIIT) was allocating
research grants from 2005 to 2008. There were a to-
tal of 36 grants amounting to almost DKK 320 million.
The political ambition behind the research theme
was to realise and utilise the expected research
potentials of each of the technologies and espe-
cially the research potentials of the technologies
by combining them. In launching the research
theme, there was an expectation to attain break-
throughs and discover innovative uses by com-
bining two or all three technologies which might
contribute to overcoming the challenges, for
example, within the areas of health, environment
and energy. Furthermore, it was expected that the
development within the three technologies would
affect the technological development within a
number of industries considered to be Danish posi-
tions of strength, e.g. the biotechnology industry.
Thus, the research theme was launched in order
to encourage a combined use of nanotechnology,
biotechnology and ICT.
Evaluation of The Strategic Research Programme NABIIT
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The funded research projects have been evaluated
ex ante when it was decided which applications
should be funded. Parts of the funded research pro-
jects have also been exposed to interim and ex post
evaluations as part of the follow-up on the projects.
However, the overall results within the research
theme have not been settled and it has not been
assessed whether the aims of the research theme
have been attained. On this basis, the Danish Coun-
cil for Strategic Research together with the Ministry
of Science, Innovation and Higher Education have
decided to evaluate NABIIT.
Purpose, target groups and use of the
The purpose of evaluating NABIIT is to assess if the
objectives of the research theme have been fulfilled
and if the research theme has contributed to fulfill-
ing the general objectives of strategic research. Be-
sides assessing the achievement of goals regarding
the research theme and strategic research in gener-
al, the purpose of the evaluation is to create aware-
ness of the results of the research investments.
Specifically, the evaluation will assess,
— to which extent and how the research activities
within the research theme have helped to
identify and develop future opportunities for
commercial innovation and solutions to societal
problems by combining nanotechnology,
biotechnology and ICT and thus create synergy
between the areas.
— to which extent and how the research activities
within the research theme have helped to fulfil
the objectives of strategic research, including
— advance research of high international
— increased interaction between public and
private research
— cross-cutting (interdisciplinary) research
— internationalisation of Danish research
— postgraduate education and research training
— strengthening Danish research environments
The evaluation will particularly emphasise the im-
pact of research results in the private sector and on
users in the public sector. Conclusions will be drawn
on basis of the overall results within the research
theme and not the individual research projects.
The evaluation has two target groups. One target
group is the political system and the general public
who will be informed about the results of invest-
ments made in the research theme. The other target
group of the evaluation is the board of the Danish
Council for Strategic Research and the Programme
Commission on Strategic Growth Technologies which
can use the results to develop future priorities and
for the future implementation of research funding.
The scope of evaluation is the research funds which
were allocated between 2005 and 2008 as part of
the strategic research theme NABIIT – a total of 36
grants amounting to DKK 317.8 million.
Table 1 contains a number of key funding figures
within NABIIT. The table shows that the funds have
grown over time. Thus, the average grant amount
has risen from DKK 7.9 million in 2005 to DKK 14.5
million in 2008. The average grant during the period
was DKK 8.8 million. The smallest grant was given
in 2005 and amounted to DKK 3.4 million while the
largest grant was given in 2008 and amounted to
DKK 28 million. On average, each grant has DKK 7.1
million of co-financing and the total budget of the
research projects is DKK 15.9 million on average.
18 out of 36 grants have been completed at the
end of 2011. Three were completed in 2010 and 14
were completed in 2011. Six out of 18 grants which
were completed at the end of 2011 ran for four
years, 11 grants have lasted for five years and one
grant lasted for six years. The remaining grants are
expected to end in 2012 (nine grants), 2013 (eight
grants) and 2014 (two grants).
Table 11.2. Key funding figures within NABIIT
Number of grants
Total grant amount (current prices)
Average grant amount (current prices)
Minimum grant amount (current prices)
Maximum grant amount (current prices)
Average amount of co-financing (current prices)*
Average total budget (current prices)*
Grand total
Source: The Danish Council for Strategic Research Note: The amounts of co-financing are subject to uncertainty.
Evaluation of The Strategic Research Programme NABIIT
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According to the calls for applications, funding was
awarded to research activities which pursued an
interdisciplinary approach to established knowl-
edge areas and included collaboration between
public research institutions and private companies.
There are between two and eight project partners
in the research projects and the average number is
almost four. Universities as well as private compa-
nies generally participate in the projects. Hospitals
and approved technology institutes participate in
some projects. Universities are the dominant party,
with up to five departments participating in one pro-
ject. There are examples of partnerships between
departments at the same university and between
departments at different universities.
comparison of the overall results within the research
theme with the objectives of the research theme and
the objectives of strategic research, respectively.
The assessment of the achievement of goals will be
made by an independent international peer review
panel on the basis of all the different documentation
gathered as part of the evaluation. In assessing the
achievement of goals, the panel shall take into con-
sideration that not all of the research projects have
been completed while some research projects have
only just been completed. The panel shall also take
into consideration that some of the requirements in
the calls for applications have changed over time.
Table 2 presents a number of indicators and bench-
All of the research projects combine at least two of the
three areas nanotechnology, biotechnology and ICT.
The subjects of the projects are broad and encompass
e.g. cancer treatment by drug delivery with nano-par-
ticles, use of nanotechnology in food packaging ap-
plications, computational models and tools for drug
discovery and risk assessment of free nano-particles.
Basis of evaluation
The evaluation will assess to which extent and how
the objectives of the research theme have been
fulfilled and to which extent and how the research
activities within the research theme have helped to
fulfil the general objectives of strategic research, cf.
the purpose. The basis for the assessment will be a
marks which the peer review panel may use in its
assessment. The indicators and benchmarks apply
to the objectives of the research theme as well as
the objectives of strategic research. The indica-
tors and benchmarks are derived from the political
agreement, the calls for applications and the quality
concept of the Danish Council for Strategic Research
which the council uses when assessing the quality
of applications. The concept of quality is made up of
three equivalent criteria: the relevance, potential im-
pact and quality of research, e.g. “Strategic research
– Principles and instruments” from 1 January 2011.
In the evaluation report, the panel is requested to
account for the criteria used in its assessments and
how the criteria have been employed.
Table 11.3. Indicators and benchmarks applicable to the assessment of
the achievement of goals
Purpose of research
Interdisciplinarity (cross-cutting
Share basic research/applied research
Examples of interdisciplinarity
Organisation (distribution of roles and tasks, forms of collaboration, organisation
models, invested resources)
Publications (joint publication)
Combined use of
nanotechnology, biotechnology
and ICT
Participants and forms of collaboration
Examples of the combined use of technologies
New or improved products, technologies, methods, processes or equipment
Publications (joint publication)
Collaboration and synergies
Organisation (distribution of roles and tasks, forms of collaboration, invested
Collaboration with partners who are not formally part of the project
Research management
Publications (joint publication)
Scientific output (process and
Seminar and conference activity
Keynote addresses given
Publications (publication channels)
Data set
Evaluation of The Strategic Research Programme NABIIT
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Quality of the research
Seminar and conference activity
Keynote addresses given
Publications (publication channels)
Data set
Development of research
environments in Denmark
Continuation of the research activities in the projects, for example new funding
Examples of increasing R & D activities among the participants
Recruitment of researchers (nationally and internationally)
Research training for PhDs and postdocs
Training of research managers
Postgraduate education and
education generally
Development of new lesson plans, including courses and conference activities
Participants PhD scholars
Participants postdoc scholars
Publications (PhD thesis)
International seminar and conference activity
International visiting research fellows
Collaboration with international research institutions (for example as part of the
project or an advisory board)
Recruitment of international researchers
Research stays abroad
Applications for EU framework participation and others
Publications (joint publication and national/international publication channels)
Commercialisation of research-
generated intellectual property
Patents, patent applications
Licensing agreements
Spin out companies
New or improved products, technologies, methods, processes or equipment
Public and private-sector collaboration on new or improved products,
technologies, methods, processes or equipment
Public outreach (dissemination
of results to the general public
and companies which are not
part of the project)
Use and potential use in the
public sector
Media appearances (newspapers, radio and television)
Workshops and conference activity
Publications (publication channels)
Innovation in the public sector (new or improved products, technologies,
methods, processes or equipment)
Changes in legislation/control
The board of the Danish Council for Strategic Re-
search appoints an independent international peer
review panel to carry out the evaluation. The panel
is responsible for the overall assessment of the
documentation gathered as part of the evaluation
and for an evaluation report being drawn up. The
panel is also to conduct qualitative interviews with
representatives from the projects and to help im-
prove the other parts of the evaluation documen-
The panel shall be comprised of a chairman and up
to five members. All members shall be international-
ly acknowledged researchers and have experience
with broad research areas in relation to nanotech-
nology, biotechnology and ICT.
Furthermore, the panel shall have experience and
knowledge of:
— Management of/participation in large research
— Collaboration between public research institu-
tions, private companies and public users of
— Utilisation and commercialisation of research
— International research collaboration
— Evaluation methods.
An independent secretary is responsible for drawing
up the evaluation report on behalf of the peer panel.
Besides the interviews with representatives from the
projects conducted by the panel, the other parts of
the evaluation documentation will be carried out by
one or several external consultants. The consultants
shall have confirmed competencies in the different
methods of data collection outlined in these terms
of reference. The consultants shall also have knowl-
edge about strategic research and research policy
in Denmark.
The Ministry of Science, Innovation and Higher Edu-
cation is responsible for the quality assurance of the
Evaluation of The Strategic Research Programme NABIIT
UFU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 168: Spm. om ministeren vil fremsende relevante evalueringer af Globaliseringspuljen 2007-12, til Uddannelses- og forskningsministeren
documentation. Moreover, the ministry will, if nec-
essary, gather one or several parts of the documen-
tation on behalf of the panel. Furthermore, the min-
istry will assist the panel and the consultants with
relevant information about the scope of the evalu-
ation, including the population of project partners,
and, if necessary, with practical matters such as the
planning of the interviews with representatives from
the projects by the panel and travel planning.
Methods of data collection
The documentation gathered as part of the evalua-
tion shall ensure that the evaluation sheds light on
the questions asked from different perspectives and
with different kinds of data. Data will be collected
using the following methods:
be compared with regard to networking and
quality of the research.
The purpose of the analysis of mobility is to
examine to which extent the research projects
have contributed to national and international
mobility, including mobility between different
research institutions and between the public and
the private sector.
The purpose of the analysis of funding is to
examine to which extent researchers who are
participating in the projects simultaneously or
subsequently plan to apply, have applied or have
obtained further national or international funding
for the research activities in the projects.
The evaluation will result in a written report. The
report is to contain a description and analysis of the
different parts of documentation, the conclusions
and assessments made by the panel and an execu-
tive summary and at least five portraits of different
projects suitable for publication.
The evaluation report is expected to be published
in the first quarter of 2013. In continuation of the
publication of the report, the panel is expected to
participate in a meeting with the Danish Council for
Strategic Research in order to discuss the evalua-
tion report.
Self evaluation among the participants
The purpose of the self evaluation among uni-
versities, private companies, hospitals and
approved technology institutes is to expose
the qualitative judgment of the participants as
regards for example the collaboration in the pro-
jects and the achieved results.
Furthermore, the self evaluation shall produce
quantifiable factual knowledge about the
organisation and the results of the research
activities including the scientific output, com-
mercialisation, postgraduate education and
Qualitative interviews with selected representa-
tives from the projects conducted by the panel
The purpose of the qualitative interview with
selected universities, companies, hospitals and
approved technology institutes is to let the panel
meet representatives from the projects in order
to validate and qualify the assessments made
by the panels on the basis of the self evaluation.
Case studies of the use and potential use of re-
search results in the public sector
The purpose of the case studies is to examine
concrete examples of the use and potential use
of research results in the public sector.
It shall be examined to which extent the use of
research results is expected to or already has
contributed to innovation, improved the basis
for decisions or led to changes in public control.
Register-based analyses
Three different register based analyses are to
be carried out:
— A bibliometric analysis
— An analysis of mobility
— An analysis of funding.
The purpose of the bibliometric analysis is to ex-
amine the types of publications, national and in-
ternational joint publication and public outreach
from the projects in order to identify different
publication profiles across the projects. In that
regard, the publication profiles shall, if possible,
Evaluation of The Strategic Research Programme NABIIT
UFU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 168: Spm. om ministeren vil fremsende relevante evalueringer af Globaliseringspuljen 2007-12, til Uddannelses- og forskningsministeren
Danish Council
for Strategic Research
Secretariat of The Danish Council for Strategic Research
Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation
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DK-1260 Copenhagen K
Telephone +45 3544 6200
Fax +45 3444 6201
E-mail: [email protected]