Indfødsretsudvalget 2015-16
IFU Alm.del
Amiri Decree No. (15) for the year 1959, the Kuwaiti Nationality Act
We Abdullah Al-Salem Al-Sabah, Amir of Kuwait,
Upon the submission of the chief of police and public security departments,
We decided the following law:
Article 1
(Issued by the Emiri decree No. 15 of 1959)
Original Kuwaiti nationals are those persons who were settled in Kuwait prior
to 1920 and who maintained their normal residence there until the date of the
publication of this Law. Ancestral residence shall be deemed complementary
to the period of residence of descendants.
A person is deemed to have maintained his normal residence in Kuwait even
if he resides in a foreign country if he has the intention of returning to Kuwait.
Article 2
(Issued by the Emiri decree No. 15 of 1959)
Any person born in, or outside, Kuwait whose father is a Kuwaiti national shall
be a Kuwaiti national himself.
Article 3
(Amended by Law No. 40 of 1987)
Kuwaiti nationality is acquired by any person born in Kuwait whose parents
are unknown. A foundling is deemed to have been born in Kuwait unless the
contrary is proved.
Kuwaiti nationality may be granted by Decree upon the recommendation of
the Minister of the Interior to any person [upon his attaining his majority who
was] born in, or outside, Kuwait to a Kuwaiti mother whose father is unknown
or whose kinship to his father has not been legally established. The Minister
of the Interior may afford to such children, being minors, the same treatment
as that afforded to Kuwaiti nationals until they reach their majority.
Article 4
(Amended by Law No. 1 of 1982)
Kuwaiti nationality may be granted by Decree upon the recommendation of
the Minister of the Interior to any person of full age satisfying the following
IFU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 37: MFU spm. om, hvilke krav der skal være opfyldt for at opnå statsborgerskab i konkrete lande, til udlændinge-, integrations- og boligministeren
1. That he has lawfully resided in Kuwait for at least 20 consecutive years or
for at least 15 consecutive years if he is an Arab belonging to an Arab
country. The requirement of consecutive residence shall not be affected if the
applicant leaves Kuwait on official business. If he leaves for a reason other
than that of official business, but retains the intention of returning, the period
spent abroad shall be deducted from the total period of his residence in
2. That he has lawful means of earning his living, is of good character and
has not been convicted of an honor-related crime or of an honesty-related
3. That he has knowledge of the Arabic language;
4. That he possesses qualifications or renders services needed in Kuwait;
5. That he be an original Muslim by birth, or that he has converted to Islam
according to the prescribed rules and procedures and that a period of at least
5 years has passed since he embraced Islam before the grant of
naturalization. Nationality thus acquired is ipso facto lost and the Decree of
naturalization rendered void ab initio if the naturalized person expressly
renounces Islam or if he behaves in such a manner as clearly indicates his
intention to abandon Islam. In any such case, the nationality of any
dependent of the apostate who had acquired it upon the naturalization of the
apostate is also rendered void.
A Committee of Kuwaiti national, appointed by the Minister of the Interior,
shall select from those who apply for naturalization, the applicants whom it
recommends for naturalization in accordance with the provisions of this
The number of persons who may be naturalized in any one year in
accordance with the provisions of this Article shall be decided by an Act.
Article 5
(Amended by Law No. 1 of 1982)
Notwithstanding the provisions of the immediately preceding Article, the
following may be granted Kuwaiti nationality by Decree, upon the
recommendation of the Minister of the Interior:
1. Any person who has rendered valuable services to Kuwait;
2. any person [upon his attaining his majority who was] born to a Kuwaiti
mother and who has maintained his residence [in Kuwait] until reaching the
age of majority and whose foreign father has irrevocably divorced his mother
or has died. The Minister of the Interior may afford to such children, being
minors, the same treatment as that afforded to Kuwaiti nationals in all
respects until they reach the age of majority;
IFU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 37: MFU spm. om, hvilke krav der skal være opfyldt for at opnå statsborgerskab i konkrete lande, til udlændinge-, integrations- og boligministeren
3. an Arab belonging to an Arab country provided that he had resided in
Kuwait since before 1945 and has maintained his residence there until the
promulgation of the Decree providing for his naturalization;
4. A non-Arab provided that he had resided in Kuwait since before 1930 and
has maintained his residence there until the promulgation of the Decree
providing for his naturalization. Ancestral residence shall be deemed
complementary to the period of residence of descendants for the purposes of
the application of the third and fourth paragraphs of this Article, provided that
the descendant was born in and is residing in Kuwait. Proof of residence shall
be effected according to the procedure prescribed by Article 21 of this Law.
The number of persons who may be naturalized in any one year in
accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 3 and 4 of this Article shall be
decided by an Act.
The grant of Kuwaiti nationality in virtue of the provisions of this Article shall
be further subject to the conditions laid down in paragraphs 2, 3 and 5 of the
Article immediately preceding.
Article 6
(Amended by Law No. 32 of 1995)
A person who has acquired Kuwaiti nationality by virtue of the provisions of
any of Articles 3, 4, 5, 7 or 8 of this Law shall not have the right to vote in any
Parliamentary election within 30 years following the date of his naturalization.
The provisions of this Article shall apply to any who have already acquired
Kuwaiti nationality by virtue of naturalization prior to the enactment of this
amendment. The 30 year period shall be deemed to start to run in the case of
such persons from 6 July 1966.
A person to whom this Article applies shall not have the right to stand as a
candidate for or to be appointed to membership of any Parliamentary body.
Article 7
(Amended by Decree No. 44 of 1994)
The [foreign] wife of a foreigner who has acquired Kuwaiti nationality shall not
ipso facto be considered to be a Kuwaiti national unless she declares her
wish so to be considered within one year following the date of her husband's
naturalization. The children, being minors, of a foreigner who has acquired
Kuwaiti nationality, shall, ipso facto, themselves be considered to be Kuwaiti
nationals. They shall have the right to decide whether to retain their
nationality of origin within a year of their attaining the age of majority.
IFU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 37: MFU spm. om, hvilke krav der skal være opfyldt for at opnå statsborgerskab i konkrete lande, til udlændinge-, integrations- og boligministeren
Article 8
(Amended by Law No. 40 of 1987)
Kuwaiti nationality may be granted by Decree upon the recommendation of
the Minister of the Interior to a foreign woman who marries a Kuwaiti national
provided that she declares her wish to acquire Kuwaiti nationality and that the
marriage shall have lasted for at least 15 years from the date of her
declaration. All or part of the above requirement as to time may be waived
upon the recommendation of the Minister of the Interior. In the event of such
woman's marriage being terminated by divorce or the death of her husband,
and if a child had been or is boa to her by her husband, Kuwaiti nationality
may be granted to her by Decree upon the recommendation of the Minister of
the Interior, provided that she maintains her lawful and normal residence in
Kuwait until the end of such 15 year period.
Article 9
(Issued by the Emiri decree No. 15 of 1959)
A foreign woman who has acquired Kuwaiti nationality by virtue of either of
the two articles immediately preceding shall not lose it upon the termination of
the marriage unless she thereupon re-acquires her nationality of origin or
acquires another nationality.
Article 10
(Amended by Law No. 100 of 1980)
A Kuwaiti woman who marries a foreigner shall not lose tier Kuwaiti
nationality unless she acquires the nationality of her husband at her own
Article 11
(Amended by Law No. 100 of 1980)
A Kuwaiti national shall lose his Kuwaiti nationality if he becomes voluntarily
naturalized according to the law of another State. His wife, being a Kuwaiti
national, shall not lose her Kuwaiti nationality by virtue of her husband's
naturalization unless she voluntarily acquires the nationality of her husband.
His children, being minors, shall also lose their Kuwaiti nationality if they
themselves acquire ipso facto the nationality of the State according to the law
of which their father has become naturalized if that law so provides. Such
children shall reacquire Kuwaiti nationality upon their informing the Minister of
the Interior within two years following their attaining the age of majority of
their wish to do so.
A Kuwaiti national who has lost his Kuwaiti nationality by virtue of the
provisions of this Article may reacquire his Kuwaiti nationality by Resolution of
IFU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 37: MFU spm. om, hvilke krav der skal være opfyldt for at opnå statsborgerskab i konkrete lande, til udlændinge-, integrations- og boligministeren
the Council of Ministers upon the recommendation of the Minister of the
Interior, provided that he has lawfully resided in Kuwait for not less than one
year and provided further that he applies for such reacquisition and has
renounced his foreign nationality. He shall resume his Kuwaiti nationality
upon the acceptance of his application by the Council of Ministers.
Article 11bis
(Added to Article II of the Decree Law No. 100 of 1980)
A foreigner who may acquire Kuwaiti nationality by virtue of the provisions of
any of Articles 4,5,7 or 8 of this Law shall renounce any other nationality he
may have within three months following the date of his naturalization
according to the law of Kuwait and shall provide evidence of his having done
so to the Minister of the Interior. In the event of his failure to do so, his
naturalization shall ipso facto be revoked and deemed void ab initio. Kuwaiti
nationality shall be revoked by Decree upon the recommendation of the
Minister of the Interior. Kuwaiti nationality which may have been acquired by
any dependant of any such person shall also be revoked.
Article 12
(Amended by Law No. 100 of 1980)
A Kuwaiti woman who has lost her Kuwaiti nationality by virtue of the
provisions of either of the two Articles immediately preceding may reacquire
her Kuwaiti nationality by Resolution of the Council of Ministers upon the
recommendation of the Minister of the Interior, provided that she has
renounced her foreign nationality and that she has maintained her normal
residence in Kuwait or has returned to reside in Kuwait. She shall resume her
Kuwaiti nationality from the date of the Resolution of the Council of Ministers.
Article 13
(Amended by Law No. 40 of 1987)
The nationality of a Kuwaiti national naturalized by virtue of any of Articles 3,
4, 5, 7 or 8 may be revoked by Decree upon the recommendation of the
Minister of the Interior in the following cases:
1. Where naturalization has been acquired by virtue of fraud or on the basis
of a false declaration. Kuwaiti nationality which has been acquired by any
dependant of any such person may also be revoked;
2. where, within 15 years of the grant of naturalization, a person is convicted
of any honor related crime or honesty-related crime. In such case, the
nationality of the convicted person alone may be revoked;
IFU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 37: MFU spm. om, hvilke krav der skal være opfyldt for at opnå statsborgerskab i konkrete lande, til udlændinge-, integrations- og boligministeren
3. Where, within 10 years of the grant of naturalization, a person is
dismissed from public office on disciplinary grounds for reasons relating to
honor or honesty;
4. Where the competent authorities have evidence that a naturalized person
has disseminated opinions which may tend seriously to undermine the
economic or social structure of the State or that he is a member of a political
association of a foreign State. Kuwaiti nationality which has been acquired by
any dependant of any such person may also be revoked.
Article 14
(Issued by the Emiri decree No. 15 of 1959)
A Kuwaiti national may be deprived of his Kuwaiti nationality by Decree upon
the recommendation of the Head of the Departments of Police and Public
Security, in the following cases:
1. Where a person has entered the military service of a foreign State and
has remained in such service notwithstanding an instruction from the
Government of Kuwait that he leave such service;
2. Where a person has worked for a foreign State which is at war with
Kuwait or with which diplomatic relations have been suspended;
3. Where a person is normally resident abroad and lie has become a
member of an association whose objects include objects which may tend
seriously to undermine the social or economic structure of Kuwait or where he
has been convicted of an offence involving breach of his allegiance to Kuwait.
In such cases, only the person concerned may be deprived of his nationality.
Article 15
(Issued by the Emiri decree No. 15 of 1959)
Kuwaiti nationality may, by Decree issued on the submission of the Head of
the Departments of Police and Public Security, be restored at any time to a
person from whom it was withdrawn or who was deprived of it in accordance
with the provisions of the Articles preceding.
Article 16
(Issued by the Emiri decree No. 15 of 1959)
The acquisition, withdrawal, deprivation or re-acquisition of Kuwaiti nationality
shall be of no retrospective effect, unless express provision to the contrary is
made [by the relevant Decree or other instrument].
Article 17
(Issued by the Emiri decree No. 15 of 1959)
IFU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 37: MFU spm. om, hvilke krav der skal være opfyldt for at opnå statsborgerskab i konkrete lande, til udlændinge-, integrations- og boligministeren
The age of majority referred to in any provision of this Law shall be in
accordance with the general provision at any time in force of Kuwaiti law.
Article 18
(Issued by the Emiri decree No. 15 of 1959)
All declarations, notifications of choice and option, application forms and all
other forms and procedures referred to in this Law shall, where effected in
Kuwait, be addressed to the Head of the Departments of Police and Public
Security. Where effected outside Kuwait, they shall be presented to the
Consular bodies authorized to attend to them.
Article 19
(Issued by the Emiri decree No. 15 of 1959)
The Head of the Departments of Police and Public Security shall issue to
every Kuwaiti national a certificate of Kuwaiti nationality after investigation
has been made to establish his right to such nationality in accordance with
the provisions of this Law.
Article 20
(Issued by the Emiri decree No. 15 of 1959)
In every case, the burden of proof shall rest upon one who claims Kuwaiti
Article 21
(Issued by the Emiri decree No. 15 of 1959)
Kuwaiti nationality as provided for by the provisions of this Law may be
proved by way of an investigation carried out by Nationality Committees
established by Decree upon the recommendation of the Head of the
Departments of Police and Public Security. Such Committees may accept
documentary evidence as constituting proof of Kuwaiti nationality. The
Committees may also admit evidence submitted by witnesses considered to
be trustworthy, and be guided by matters of common repute and any other
circumstantial evidence as they may consider to be sufficient to substantiate
a claim to nationality.
The Committees shall report to a Supreme Committee to be established by
Decree upon the recommendation of the Head of the Departments of Police
and Public Security. No determination of a Committee shall be valid until it
shall have been affirmed by the Supreme Committee.
Membership of all such Committees and rules of procedure to be adopted by
them shall be regulated by Decree upon the recommendation of the Head of
the Departments of Police and Public Security.
IFU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 37: MFU spm. om, hvilke krav der skal være opfyldt for at opnå statsborgerskab i konkrete lande, til udlændinge-, integrations- og boligministeren
Article 21bis A
(Added by Law No. 30 of 1970)
A nationality certificate may be withdrawn if it appears to have been obtained
by virtue of fraud or on the basis of a false declaration or on the basis of false
evidence submitted by a witness. Such withdrawal shall be effected by
Resolution of the Council of Ministers upon the recommendation of the
Minister of the Interior. Kuwaiti nationality which has been acquired by any
dependant of any such person may also be revoked.
Article 21bis B
(Added by Law No. 30 of 1970)
Any person who has made, whether orally or in writing, incorrect statements
to the administrative authorities responsible for verification of Kuwaiti
nationality or to the Committees established for that purpose, with the object
of seeking to prove his own Kuwaiti nationality or that of another, or with the
object of seeking to facilitate the acquisition of Kuwaiti nationality according to
the provisions of this Law and who is not proved to have made reasonable
effort to determine the truth of his statements, shall be liable to either or both
of a term of imprisonment not exceeding three years and to a fine of not more
than 200 Kuwaiti Dinars.
If such person has furnished statements knowing them to be false, he shall
be liable to a term of imprisonment not exceeding seven years and to an
additional fine of up to 500 Kuwaiti Dinars.
Article 22
(Issued by the Emiri decree No. 15 of 1959)
For a period of 2 years from the date of entry into force of this Law, no
Kuwaiti passports will be issued save to those who have established their
Kuwaiti nationality in accordance with the provisions of this Law.
Article 23
(Issued by the Emiri decree No. 15 of 1959)
All passports issued before the date of entry into force of this Law and all
passports issued during the period of 2 years thereafter as provided by Article
22, to any who does not carry a certificate of Kuwaiti nationality as provided
for by Article 19, shall cease to be valid on the expiration of that two-year
Article 24
(Issued by the Emiri decree No. 15 of 1959)
IFU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 37: MFU spm. om, hvilke krav der skal være opfyldt for at opnå statsborgerskab i konkrete lande, til udlændinge-, integrations- og boligministeren
This Law shall be published in the Official Gazette and shall enter into force
as from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette.
All Orders for its due implementation shall be issued by the Head of the
Departments of Police and Public Security.
Kuwait's ruler
Abdullah Al-Salem Al-Sabah
Released at Seif Palace on Saturday: 5 Jumad II, 1379.