Indfødsretsudvalget 2015-16
IFU Alm.del
Un-Official translation
Official Gazette 27, Issue Number: 3166 - Thursday, July 24, 2014
Act No. (21) For the year 2014
Amendments of some provisions of the Bahraini Nationality Act of
We, Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa of Bahrain
After reviewing the Constitution, And the Bahraini Nationality Act of 1963,
and its amendments,
The House of Representatives and the Shura Council approved the
following law, and have ratified it and promulgate it.
Article I:
Text of Articles (8) and (9) paragraph (1) and (10) and (11) of the Bahraini
Nationality Act of 1963, shall be replaced the by following provisions:
Article (8):
By decree, upon a submission of the Minister of Interior and with the
approval of the Council of Ministers, the Bahraini citizenship of a
naturalized person may be withdrawn in any of the following cases:
If he has acquired it by deception, based on false statements, has
a hidden substantial information, or on the basis of forged
documents, in this case Bahraini citizenship shall be withdrawn
from every person obtained it on his behalf.
If a verdict has been issued against him during the ten years from
the date of he granted a Bahraini citizenship involving moral
turpitude or dishonesty offense.
If he has restored his original citizenship without prior permission
from the Interior Minister.
Has not lived continuously in the Kingdom for five consecutive
years without permission from the Minister of the Interior or a valid
IFU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 37: MFU spm. om, hvilke krav der skal være opfyldt for at opnå statsborgerskab i konkrete lande, til udlændinge-, integrations- og boligministeren
The Bahraini who holds the nationality of one of the member State of the
GCC shall be exempted from applying the provisions of clauses (c) and (d)
of this Article.
Bahraini nationality will be withdrawn from the person alone in cases
provided for in items (b) and (c) and (d) of this Article.
Article 9 paragraph (1):
(1) If he loses the Bahraini nationality in any of the following cases:
(A) He acquired citizenship with a foreign nationality voluntarily without
prior permission from the Interior Minister.
Any Bahraini who has acquired a foreign citizenship in this way, they
shall adjust their situation within six months by giving it up or
requesting the Interior Minister to keep it.
Anyone who requested to keep a foreign citizenship and was
rejected by the Interior Minister and still maintains it will lose the
Bahraini citizenship automatically.
A Bahraini who violated the provisions of this clause will not entail
any prejudice of his Bahraini nationality if other nationality belongs to
one of the members of the GCC without prejudice to the provisions
of Article 11 bis (2) of this Act.
(B) If he gives up his Bahraini citizenship, and a decree approving that
was issued based on the request of the Minister of Interior.
Article (10):
By a decree, and upon submission of the Minister of Interior and after the
approval of the Cabinet, Bahraini citizenship may be dropped who obtained
it in any of the following cases:
(A) If he services in a military of a foreign country, and remained there
despite and order issued by the Government of the Kingdom of
Bahrain to leave such service.
(B) If he helps or engaged in service of a hostile country.
(C) If he causes harms to the interests of the Kingdom or acted contrary
to the duty of loyalty.
Article (11):
IFU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 37: MFU spm. om, hvilke krav der skal være opfyldt for at opnå statsborgerskab i konkrete lande, til udlændinge-, integrations- og boligministeren
By order of the King to restore the Bahraini citizenship to any person who
has lost it for any reason under the provisions of this Act, without prejudice
to the rule set forth at the end of Article 7 paragraph (1) of this Act.
Article II:
Two new articles added to the Bahraini citizenship Act of 1963, Nos. (11)
bis (1) and (11) bis (2), which read as follows:
Article 11 bis (1):
The Minister of the Interior, and after approval of the Cabinet, shall issue a
decision to determine the regulations necessary for the implementation of
the provisions set forth in Articles (8), (9) and (10) of this Act.
Article 11 bis (2):
A fine of not less than BD 3,000 and not exceeding BD 10,000 shall be
penalty of any Bahraini who voluntarily acquires the citizenship of a GCC
country without prior permission from the Interior Minister.
The same penalty shall be inflicted on those who fail to rectify their situation
within the deadline stipulated in item (1) clause (a) Article 9 of this Act, shall
not result in that in both cases the person lose his Bahraini citizenship, may
not bring a criminal action only at the request of the Minister of Interior.
Article 3
The Minister of Interior shall implement this Act and it shall come into force
as from the date of issuance in the Official Gazette.
King of the Kingdom of Bahrain
Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa
Issued in Rifaa Palace:
On 9 Ramadan, 1435
Correspond to July 7, 2014