Indfødsretsudvalget 2015-16
IFU Alm.del
Bahrain Government
Issue 8 / 1963
We, Issa Bin Salman Al Khalifa, the Governor of Bahrain and its territories, on this
day, the twenty eighth of Rabie Thani, corresponding to the sixteenth of September
1963 Order the the enacting of the following Act:
Bahraini Citizenship Act – 1963
Title and effective date
1. This Act shall be called the “ Bahraini Citizenship Act for 1963 “, and shall be put
into force as of the twenty eighth of Rabie Thani, corresponding to the sixteenth of
September 1963 .
Interpretation of Terms:
2. In this Act, unless the context specifically requires otherwise, the following words
and terms shall have the meanings designated for each of them:
Means any person who is not a Bahraini national
means any person who has acquired the nationality of Bahrain by virtue of
the provisions of this law.
A naturalized person:
Means any person who has been granted the Bahrain
nationality under the provisions of Article (6) herein,
A minor person:
Means any person who has not yet completed eighteen Gregorian
years of age.
A fully competent person:
Means a person who is not minor or insane.
Citizenship Acquired by virtue of former law
3. Anyone who has acquired the citizenship of Bahrain by virtue of Notice No
20/1356 dated May 8
1937, shall be regarded a Bahraini.
IFU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 37: MFU spm. om, hvilke krav der skal være opfyldt for at opnå statsborgerskab i konkrete lande, til udlændinge-, integrations- og boligministeren
Bahrainis by descent:
4. Anyone shall be regarded a Bahraini national, if:
(A) Was born in Bahrain after the effective date of this act and his father was a
Bahraini at the time of birth.
(B) Born outside Bahrain, after the effective date of this Act, and his father was a
Bahraini national at the time of birth provided that this father or the
grandfather was born in Bahrain.
(C) Born in Bahrain or abroad, after the effective date of this Act, and his
mother, at the time of birth was a Bahraini national provided that father was
unknown, without nationality or fatherhood was not substantiated.
Bahrainis by birth
5. A person shall be regarded Bahraini by birth if:
(A) Born in Bahrain, after the effective date of this Act, and his father was also
born in Bahrain and has made Bahrain his permanent residence, at the time of
birth of that person, provided, however, that this person is not holding another
(B) Born in Bahrain, after the effective date of this Act, to unknown parents.
Illegal child shall be deemed to have been born in Bahrain, unless otherwise
has been proved.
Bahrainis by naturalization:
6. (1) The Bahraini Citizenship may be granted, by order from His Majesty the
Governor, to any alien of full legal capacity, if requested by the alien who should
meet the following requirements:
(A) He has made Bahrain, his usual place of residence legally for at least twenty
five consecutive years or fifteen years consecutively for Arab nationals,
provided, however, that this period shall commences after the effective date
of this act.
(B) Shall be of good conduct
(C) Must be conversant in Arabic.
(D) Shall have a real estate in Bahrain registered in his name at the Land
Registry Office of the Government of Bahrain.
IFU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 37: MFU spm. om, hvilke krav der skal være opfyldt for at opnå statsborgerskab i konkrete lande, til udlændinge-, integrations- og boligministeren
(2) Notwithstanding, the above Bahraini citizenship may be granted to anyone, by
order of His Majesty the Governor.
Bahraini Citizenship may also be granted, by Order of His Majesty the Governor, to
any Arab person, upon his request, if that person has rendered Bahrain great services.
(3) An alien who has obtained the citizenship of Bahrain by virtues of this article,
shall not be entitled to voting rights, representation, nomination or appointment in
local councils (except clubs and private associations), except after the lapse of ten
years from date of acquiring the citizenship. This provision is applicable to persons,
who have acquired the Bahraini nationality before the effective date of this Act and
the ten years span, begins from the effective date of this Act.
(4) If a person is granted the citizenship of Bahrain by virtues of this article, his wife
and minor children, shall be regarded Bahraini by naturalization, starting from the
date of granting the nationality.
Nationalities of wives
7. (1) If a foreign woman marries a Bahraini, after the date on which this Act enters
into force, she will be a Bahraini. And if a Bahraini woman marries an alien, after the
date on which this Act enters into force, she shall loose her Bahraini nationality, if
and when she acquired the nationality of her husband; otherwise she remains
Bahraini; and her Bahraini nationality will be retained to her upon her request, if
marriage seizes to subsist and her usual residence is in Bahrain or she returns to live
in Bahrain.
(2) If a woman has acquired citizenship of Bahrain by virtues of the above article, or
by virtues of section (4) of article (6) of this Act, she shall not loose her nationality if
marriage seized to subsist, unless she retained her original nationality or acquired
another nationality. Nationality of such woman may be retained by declaration of His
Majesty the Governor, if she request such.
Deprivation of Bahraini nationality from Bahraini persons by naturalization
8. By the order of His Majesty the Governor, Bahraini nationality may be deprived
from any person who has acquired the citizenship of Bahrain by naturalization, on the
following two cases:
IFU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 37: MFU spm. om, hvilke krav der skal være opfyldt for at opnå statsborgerskab i konkrete lande, til udlændinge-, integrations- og boligministeren
(1) If a person acquired the citizenship of Bahrain by deception or based on false
statements or has hidden substantial information. In such event, Bahraini
nationality may be withdrawn from any person who has acquired through that
person by virtues of the provisions of section (4) of article (6) herein.
(2) If a person is found guilty on a case connected with honor and honesty
(impugns integrity), within five years of his acquisition of Bahraini
nationality. In such event, nationality will be withdrawn from the guilty person
Loss of Bahraini nationality
9. (1) A Bahraini citizen may loose his nationality in the following cases:
(A) If he has voluntarily acquired another nationality and an order is issued by
His Majesty the Governor to withdraw the nationality of that person.
(B) If he renounces his Bahraini nationality and an order is issued by His
Majesty the Governor to withdraw the nationality of that person.
(2) If a person has lost his nationality by virtues of this article, his under-aged children
will also loose nationality.
Denaturalization of Bahraini nationality
10. Citizenship of Bahrain may be deprived by order of His Majesty the Governor
from whoever enjoys such nationality on the following cases:
(A) If he enters in military service of a foreign country and keeps on service
despite an order issued by His Majesty the Governor ordering him to leave
such service.
(B) If he helps or engages in service of an enemy country, or
(C) If he causes harm to the security of the State.
Restoration of citizenship of Bahrain
11. Citizenship of Bahrain may be restored to any person who has lost citizenship by
virtues of the above three articles.
IFU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 37: MFU spm. om, hvilke krav der skal være opfyldt for at opnå statsborgerskab i konkrete lande, til udlændinge-, integrations- og boligministeren
12. This acts nullifies all other contradicting provisions, stated in any other former
law pertaining to citizenship of Bahrain, to the extend that such provisions are
contradicting to the provisions of this act.
Isa Bin Sulman Al Khalifah
Governor of Bahrain and its Territories
Issued on 28th Rabie Al Thani 1383 H
Corresponding to 16th September 1963
IFU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 37: MFU spm. om, hvilke krav der skal være opfyldt for at opnå statsborgerskab i konkrete lande, til udlændinge-, integrations- og boligministeren
Government of Bahrain
Issue No 11 / 1963
We, Isa Bin Sulman Al Khalifah, Governor of Bahrain and its Territories, on this day
twenty fifth Jumadah AlUlah 1383, corresponding to twelfth October 1963, declare
the following:
Citizenship of Bahrain Act (Amended) – 1963
This Act is titled “Citizenship of Bahrain Act (Amended) – 1963” and reads
and construed as one act together with Citizenship of Bahrain Act – 1963, referred to
hereunder as original act.
The validity of this act shall commence as from the validity date of the
original act.
The original act shall be amended as follows:
(1) At the end of article 3, the following phrase shall be added: “If he has
obtained a valid or renewed passport of Bahrain since 1959, or
Bahraini nationality or final judicial decision.
(2) In the articles 4 and 5 and before the phrase “after the date on which
this act enters into force” will be added, wherever this phrase
mentioned, the following two words: “before or”.
Isa Bin Sulman Al Khalifah
Governor of Bahrain and its Territories
Issued on 25th Jumadah Al Ulah 1383 H
Corresponding to twelfth October 1963