Forsvarsudvalget 2015-16
FOU Alm.del
Translated from French
Permanent Mission of the Republic of Mali to the United Nations
Ref. No.: 15 557 MPM-DYD-aha
New York, 19 May 2015
I have the honour to transmit herewith a copy of the Agreement on Peace and Reconciliation
in Mali emanating from the Algiers process, which was signed at Bamako on 15 May 2015.
I should be grateful if you would have the present letter and its annex circulated as
documents to the members of the Security Council.
Accept, Madam, the assurances of my highest consideration.
(Signed) Dianguina dit Yaya
Chargé d’affaires a.i.
Her Excellency Ms. Raimonda
President of the Security Council
New York
FOU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 39: Spm. om oversendelse af en beskrivelse af fredsaftalen, der blev udarbejdet i maj og undertegnet af flere grupper i juni 2015, til udenrigsministeren
Agreement on Peace and Reconciliation in Mali emanating from the Algiers process
We, the Government of the Republic of Mali and the signatory movements to the road map
signed at Algiers on 24 July 2014, hereinafter referred to as "the Parties",
Having met in Algiers in the framework of the negotiation process set out in the road map,
with a view to reaching an Agreement to bring about a comprehensive and lasting peace that will
put a definitive end to the crisis in the northern regions of Mali, referred to by some as the Azawad,
Expressing our sincere gratitude to Algeria, as head of the mediation team, and to the
members of the mediation team, namely the African Union, the Economic Community of West
African States (ECOWAS), the European Union (EU), the Organization of Islamic Cooperation
(OIC) and the United Nations, and Burkina Faso, Chad, Mauritania, the Niger and Nigeria,
Having studied in depth the situation in Mali in general and the nature of the periodic crises
occurring in the northern regions of Mali in particular,
Determined to eliminate definitively the underlying causes of the current situation and to
promote genuine national reconciliation through a reappropriation of history in a spirit of national
unity that respects the human diversity of the Malian nation,
Convinced of the need to reconstruct the national unity of the country on a new foundation;
one which respects the territorial integrity of the country and recognizes its ethnic and cultural
diversity as well as its special geographic and socioeconomic conditions,
Recognizing the need to accelerate economic, social and cultural development in northern
Mali through a tailored approach,
Recognizing the need for governance that takes into account the special geohistorical and
sociocultural circumstances of the northern regions, whose history has been marked by challenges
that have profoundly affected the living conditions of their inhabitants,
Recognizing the need to urgently restore security, to promote sustainable peace and stability
in the country and to put into practice the rules on good governance, transparent management,
respect for human rights and justice, and measures to combat impunity,
Recognizing the need to combat terrorism and transnational organized crime,
Reiterating our commitment to the relevant African and international instruments,
Bearing in mind earlier agreements, as well as the difficulties encountered with regard to
their implementation and monitoring,
Have agreed as follows:
Part I: Principles, commitments and foundations for a lasting settlement of the conflict
Chapter 1: Principles and commitments
Article 1: The Parties reiterate their commitment to the following principles, in line with the road
FOU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 39: Spm. om oversendelse af en beskrivelse af fredsaftalen, der blev udarbejdet i maj og undertegnet af flere grupper i juni 2015, til udenrigsministeren
(a) Respect for the national unity, territorial integrity, sovereignty and the republican and secular
character of the State of Mali;
(b) Recognition and promotion of cultural and linguistic diversity and recognition of the value of
the contribution of all sections of Malian society, particularly women and youth, to the work of
national construction;
(c) The ability of people to manage their own affairs by means of a governance system that takes
into account their aspirations and specific needs;
(d) Promotion of balanced development across all the regions of Mali, taking into account the
potential of each;
(e) The rejection of violence as a form of political expression and the use of dialogue and
consultation to resolve differences;
(f) Respect for human rights, human dignity and fundamental and religious freedoms;
(g) Action to combat corruption and impunity;
(h) Action to combat terrorism, drug trafficking and other forms of transnational organized crime.
Article 2: The Parties undertake to implement fully and in good faith the provisions of the present
Agreement and recognize their primary responsibility in that regard.
Article 3: The institutions of the State of Mali shall, in close consultation with the Parties and with
the support of the Monitoring Committee provided for by the present Agreement, take the necessary
action to ensure that any regulatory, legislative and constitutional measures required for the
implementation of this Agreement are adopted.
Article 4: The provisions of the present Agreement that are applicable at the national level shall be
implemented as a matter of priority in the northern regions of Mali, without prejudice to the specific
measures agreed upon for that area of the country. These provisions are also applicable to the rest of
the country.
Chapter 2: Foundations for a lasting settlement of the conflict
Article 5: The present Agreement aims to create the necessary conditions for a just and lasting peace
that will contribute to subregional stability and international security. It sets out the agreed terms for
the settlement of the conflict, as follows:
The term "Azawad"
The term "Azawad" relates to the sociocultural and symbolic reality and the collective
memory of various groups in northern Mali, who are part of the national community. A common
understanding of this term, which also reflects a human reality, should form the basis of the required
consensus while fully respecting the unitary character and territorial integrity of the State of Mali.
Measures to achieve peace and national reconciliation
The sociopolitical aspect of the cyclical crises in northern Mali must be addressed at the
political level. In that regard, a national reconciliation conference shall take place during the interim
period, with the support of the Monitoring Committee and with equitable representation of the
Parties, to provide an opportunity for the different sections of the Malian nation to discuss in depth
FOU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 39: Spm. om oversendelse af en beskrivelse af fredsaftalen, der blev udarbejdet i maj og undertegnet af flere grupper i juni 2015, til udenrigsministeren
the underlying causes of the conflict. Matters discussed shall include the issue of the Azawad. The
conference should identify the elements of a solution that would allow Mali to overcome this
painful trial, to recognize the value of the contribution of the various sections of its society to the
country’s identity and to promote genuine national reconciliation. A Charter for Peace, Unity and
National Reconciliation shall be drawn up on the basis of a consensus in order to address the aspects
of the crisis in Mali that are related to collective memory, identity and history and to cement its
national unity and territorial integrity.
Measures to improve governance
In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the definitive settlement of the conflict will
require a system of governance that takes into account local circumstances and is based on:
The implementation of institutional architecture based on territorial collectivities with their own
governing bodies, which shall be elected through universal suffrage and possess extensive
The ability of people in the regions concerned to manage their own affairs through a system of
decentralized administration.
Increased representation of the northern communities within the national institutions.
Strengthening of the rule of law through improved access to justice.
Implementation of a defence and security system based on the principles of unity, inclusiveness
and equitable representation.
Active and significant participation of communities, particular those in the north, in the
management of local security.
Progressive redeployment of the reconstituted armed and security forces of Mali.
Establishment of a Northern Development Zone with an Interregional Advisory Council and a
Specific Development Strategy relevant to the sociocultural and geographic realities and the
climate of the region, which will receive a significant amount of its funding from a sustainable
development fund supported by domestic public resources and international contributions.
Commitment from the international community to ensure the effective implementation of and
respect for the provisions of the present Agreement and to assist efforts in that regard through
political, diplomatic, financial, technical and logistical support.
An interim period to commence upon signature of this Agreement.
Part II: Political and institutional matters
Chapter 3: Institutional framework and territorial reorganization
Article 6: The Parties agree to establish an institutional architecture that allows the communities of
the North to manage their own affairs in a spirit of full citizen participation, on the basis of the
principle of decentralized administration, and in a way that ensures increased representation for
those communities within national institutions. To that purpose, the following provisions shall be
FOU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 39: Spm. om oversendelse af en beskrivelse af fredsaftalen, der blev udarbejdet i maj og undertegnet af flere grupper i juni 2015, til udenrigsministeren
At the local level
The region shall have a Regional Assembly that shall be elected by direct universal suffrage,
granted wide-ranging authorities and resources, and invested with the appropriate legal,
administrative and financial powers.
The various communities of Mali, in particular those of the northern regions, shall, within that
framework, manage their own affairs on the basis of the principle of decentralized
The President of the Assembly shall be elected by direct universal suffrage. He shall serve as
both chief executive and chief administrator of the region.
The administrative divisions “cercles” and “communes” shall have legislative bodies (Cercle
Councils and Commune Councils) that shall be elected by direct universal suffrage and presided
over by executive offices headed by a council president and an elected mayor.
Each region shall have the right to adopt the official name of its choosing in accordance with
the provisions relating to the legal status and operation of the regions.
At the national level
Resume and expedite the process of establishing a second parliamentary chamber that shall be
called by the name of Senate, National Council, or any other term that adequately reflects its
nature and role, and that shall serve as an institution the function and composition of which
promote the purposes of the present Agreement.
Enhance the representation of the communities in the National Assembly by increasing the
number of electoral districts and/or any other appropriate measures.
In the short term, take measures to improve access to the High Council of Collectives by
traditional leaders, women and young people.
Ensure greater representation for the communities of northern Mali in the institutions and
main public services, entities and agencies of the Republic.
Chapter 4: Distribution of powers and authorities
Article 7: The Parties recognize the need for roles and responsibilities to be shared between the
State and the territorial collectivities, in order to ensure the necessary level of efficiency and to
address the needs and demands of citizens and communities at the grass-roots level.
Article 8: The regions shall, within a framework established through legislative and regulatory
means, have authority in the following matters:
(a) Economic, social and cultural development planning and programmes;
(b) Land management;
(c) Establishment and management of collective infrastructure and basic social services (basic
education, vocational training, health, environment, culture, regional road and communications
infrastructure, energy, water and sanitation;
(d) Agriculture, livestock, fisheries, forestry, , transportation, business, industry, handicrafts,
tourism and interregional transportation;
FOU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 39: Spm. om oversendelse af en beskrivelse af fredsaftalen, der blev udarbejdet i maj og undertegnet af flere grupper i juni 2015, til udenrigsministeren
(e) Regional administrative budgets and accounts;
(f) Establishment and implementation of their own taxes and revenues on the basis of
set by the State;
(g) Establishment of fees;
(h) Accepting or refusing of grants, subsidies and bequests;
(i) Subsidy allocation;
(j) Equity investments;
(k) Decentralized cooperation and twinning projects;
(l) Local policing and civil protection.
Article 9: Legislative actions taken by the territorial collectivities shall be enforceable upon their
publication and transmission to a representative of the State. The distribution of authorities
among the various territorial collectivities shall be determined by law on the basis of the
principle of subsidiarity.
Chapter 5: State representation and legal oversight
Article 10: The State shall appoint a representative to the territorial collectivities for the purpose of
safeguarding the public interest. In that capacity, he shall transmit the policy of the Government on
major projects and facilitate economic and social development and land management policies.
Article 11: Through its representative, the State shall exercise ex post facto legal oversight over
administrative actions taken by the territorial collectivities. The conditions for the exercise of such
oversight shall be defined by law.
Article 12: Without prejudice to the role of the State within the framework of its sovereign powers,
the Parties agree on the need for consultation between the State and the regions on the following:
Implementation of development projects decided on by the State and the relevant public or
private entities
Exploitation of natural resources, and in particular mining
All other matters related to implementation of this Agreement
Chapter 6: Funding and mechanisms
Article 13: In addition to setting tax rates, fees and local taxes as provided for in article 8 of the
present Agreement, every region shall have scope to establish taxes in accordance with its economic
structure and development objectives within the framework of the law.
Article 14: The State undertakes to establish, by the year 2018, a mechanism for the transfer of 30
per cent of State revenues to the territorial collectivities based on an equitable distribution system
with special attention paid to the northern regions in accordance with criteria to be determined.
Article 15: The State shall reimburse the relevant territorial collectivities for a percentage of
revenues deriving from exploitation of natural resources in their territories, in particular from
mining, in accordance with criteria to be determined by mutual agreement.
Article 16: The State undertakes:
FOU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 39: Spm. om oversendelse af en beskrivelse af fredsaftalen, der blev udarbejdet i maj og undertegnet af flere grupper i juni 2015, til udenrigsministeren
To transfer to the governments of the territorial collectivities decentralized services within their
spheres of competence.
- To make civil service employment in the territorial collectivities more desirable, especially in the
northern regions of Mali.
- To promote civil service recruitment in the territorial collectivities, with a majority of posts
reserved for citizens of the northern regions.
Part III: Defence and security matters
Chapter 7: Guiding principles
Article 17: Defence and security matters shall be governed by the following principles:
- Inclusiveness and meaningful representation of all the communities of Mali within the ranks of
the armed and security forces
- The unity of the armed and security forces of Mali, reporting organizationally and hierarchically
to the central State
- Progressive redeployment of the reconstituted armed and security forces in Mali
Chapter 8: Cantonment, integration into State forces, and disarmament, demobilization and
Article 18: The process of cantonment of combatants is aimed at identifying combatants eligible for
either integration into State forces or the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration programme.
That process shall be carried out in accordance with established professional standards and practices,
with the support of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali
Article 19: The Parties agree to establish a national disarmament, demobilization and reintegration
commission, which shall include representatives of the Government and the signatory movements.
That commission shall work in close cooperation with the Monitoring Committee of the present
Article 20: Integration and disarmament, demobilization and reintegration shall take place in
tandem with the cantonment of combatants with a view to either integration into duly constituted
corps of the State, including within the armed and security forces, or reintegration into civilian life.
Disarmament, demobilization and reintegration shall be implemented for barracked ex-combatants
who are not selected for integration.
Chapter 9: Redeployment of the armed and security forces
Article 21: The reconstituted armed and security forces shall be redeployed throughout the northern
regions in a phased manner starting from the signing of the Agreement. That redeployment shall be
conducted under the direction of an Operational Coordination Mechanism with the support of
Article 22: The redeployed forces should include a substantial number of personnel from the
northern regions, including in positions of command, with a view to building confidence and
facilitating the gradual restoration of security to those areas.
FOU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 39: Spm. om oversendelse af en beskrivelse af fredsaftalen, der blev udarbejdet i maj og undertegnet af flere grupper i juni 2015, til udenrigsministeren
Chapter 10: Reorganization of the armed and security forces
Article 23: The Parties agree on the need to undertake an in-depth security sector reform (SSR),
drawing on the lessons of past experience and relying on relevant African Union and United
Nations documents.
Article 24: The Government shall, with the assistance of international partners, take all necessary
measures for the establishment of suitable defence and security institutions to respond to the
security needs of the country and to contribute to the promotion of regional security.
Article 25: The Parties agree to establish a National Council for Security Sector Reform that is
adequately representative in bringing together members from the various communities, with a view
to embarking on in-depth consideration of a new national vision of security and defence that takes
into account all relevant local, regional, national and international factors.
Article 26: The National Council for Security Sector Reform shall make recommendations for
innovative mechanisms with regard to appointments to major command and services posts, with a
view to reinforcing national cohesion, as well as the professionalism and effectiveness of such posts.
Article 27: In the context of the reform of the armed and security forces, a police force shall be
established under the authority of the territorial collectivities within the framework of their police
Article 28: Local advisory security committees that bring together representatives of the State,
regional and local authorities, community leaders and traditional authorities shall be established
under the authority of the local chief executive.
Chapter 11: Counter-terrorism efforts
Article 29: The Parties reiterate their commitment to combating terrorism and its numerous links
with organized crime and drug trafficking, including through existing regional mechanisms and
Article 30: The Parties agree to establish, as needed, special units for the purpose of combating
terrorism and transnational organized crime.
Part IV: Socioeconomic and cultural development
Chapter 12: Specific Development Strategy
Article 31: The Parties agree that the State must reorient its vision for local development towards
better equipping local communities to design their own development strategies. Such strategies
should involve a participative approach that is based on solidarity and tailored to local
sociocultural and geographic realities. Transparency and accountability must also be ensured at all
Article 32: Two or more regions may, under conditions determined by the law, set up appropriate
bodies to better promote their economic and social development, within the scope of their
competences as defined in the present Agreement.
FOU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 39: Spm. om oversendelse af en beskrivelse af fredsaftalen, der blev udarbejdet i maj og undertegnet af flere grupper i juni 2015, til udenrigsministeren
Article 33: A Northern Development Zone comprising representatives of the concerned Regional
Assemblies shall be created. Its sole responsibilities shall be coordinating efforts and combining
resources in order to accelerate socioeconomic development in the region, and other related
Article 34: A Specific Development Strategy for the Northern Development Zone shall be
developed jointly by the Parties, with the support of international partners. A significant amount of
its funding shall come from a sustainable development fund.
Article 35: The purpose of the Strategy is to bring the development indicators of the northern
regions up to the same level as those of the rest of country within a time frame of no more than 10
or 15 years. Implementation of the Strategy shall be monitored by the Northern Development Zone
Advisory Council, with the support of the competent institutions and authorities.
Article 36: The Parties agree that a joint evaluation mission in northern Mali ("MIEC/Nord Mali")
shall be conducted, under the aegis of the Agreement Monitoring Committee, in order to identify
needs in terms of early recovery, poverty reduction and development in the Northern Development
Zone. The mission shall take place no later than three months from the signature of this Agreement.
The World Bank, the African Development Bank and the Islamic Development Bank shall be
invited to conduct the mission, in cooperation with the Government, the other competent
international institutions and representatives of the Northern Development Zone.
Article 37: A pledging conference shall be held within two months of the drawing up of the
Specific Development Strategy. The conference shall establish a sustainable development fund to
serve as a funding mechanism for the Strategy.
Chapter 13: Mobilization of resources for northern development
Article 38: The Northern Development Zone shall be the priority beneficiary of the State support
measures provided for in the present Agreement.
The Parties agree to implement all short, medium and long-term measures mentioned in the
annex on socioeconomic and cultural development.
When the Agreement monitoring committee begins its sessions, the Government shall
submit a document detailing its commitments, the resources it intends to provide and the timetable
for implementing the commitments undertaken, including those in the following areas:
Basic social services
Human resources development
Food security
Rural development (agriculture, livestock and pastoral activities)
Structural infrastructure to connect the northern regions with the rest of the country
Mining and solar energy
Employment, particularly for women, young people and ex-combatants
Local business creation
Reintegration and rehabilitation of returnees, displaced persons and other vulnerable groups
Handicrafts, tourism, business and communications
FOU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 39: Spm. om oversendelse af en beskrivelse af fredsaftalen, der blev udarbejdet i maj og undertegnet af flere grupper i juni 2015, til udenrigsministeren
Education and culture
Article 39: The Parties agree to take the following measures in the areas of education and culture:
- To adapt teaching curricula to regional sociocultural realities.
- To promote local languages and scripts.
- To strengthen the primary and secondary education systems, with a particular emphasis on
universal education.
- To establish institutions of higher education.
- To create cultural centres and regional museums.
- To promote the cultures of these regions at the local, national and international levels.
Article 40: A regional development agency shall be established in each region to build programme
management capacity and enable appropriate monitoring of the implementation of the commitments
undertaken by the Government to benefit the regions.
The agencies shall form part of the administration framework of their respective regions and
shall fall under the authority of the president of their respective regional assemblies.
Article 41: Programme agreements on the implementation of multi-year high-impact investment
programmes and the regulation of State obligations in terms of economic and social development
shall be concluded between the regions and the State.
Article 42: The State undertakes to facilitate greater participation of the territorial collectivities in
the mobilization and use of revenue and grants generated by the exploration and exploitation of
local natural resources, and dividends from decentralized cooperation, as well as in the formulation
of the related economic agreements entered into by the State.
Article 43: The State undertakes to promote local cross-border cooperation initiatives. Measures
shall be taken to ensure that territorial collectivities are involved to the proper extent in the
development, conclusion, implementation and monitoring of loan and development aid agreements
that concern them.
Article 44: A periodic review of the development programmes shall be carried out by the technical
and financial partners, under the aegis of the monitoring committee.
Article 45: All international actors that have developed strategies or initiatives for the Sahel are
encouraged to give due priority to the needs of the northern regions of Mali and to take into account
the essential role of rapidly bringing stability to these regions in order to ensure regional peace and
Part V: Reconciliation, justice and humanitarian issues
Chapter 14: Reconciliation and justice
Article 46: The Parties agree to promote genuine national reconciliation based on the following
- Elaboration of a national charter for peace, unity and reconciliation.
- Implementation of transitional justice mechanisms, including through the operationalization of the
Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Commission (TJRC).
FOU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 39: Spm. om oversendelse af en beskrivelse af fredsaftalen, der blev udarbejdet i maj og undertegnet af flere grupper i juni 2015, til udenrigsministeren
- Creation of an Anti-Corruption and Financial Crime Commission.
- Establishment of an International Commission of Inquiry to investigate all war crimes, crimes
against humanity, genocide, sex crimes, drug trafficking and other serious violations of international
law, human rights and international humanitarian law throughout Mali.
- Reaffirmation of the imprescriptibility of war crimes and crimes against humanity, and a
commitment by the Parties to cooperate with the International Commission of Inquiry.
- Denial of amnesty for perpetrators of war crimes, crimes against humanity or serious violations of
human rights, including violence against women, girls and children, in armed conflict.
- Strengthening of the judiciary in order to ensure the rule of law throughout the territory.
- A commitment to comprehensive justice reform that will improve access to justice, enhance the
performance of the justice system, end impunity and incorporate traditional and customary
mechanisms, without prejudice to the sovereign rights of the State.
- Expansion of access to legal and judicial assistance and information on citizens' rights.
- Promotion of high-quality training for all legal actors and officials, including cadis.
- Enhancement of the role of cadis in the administration of justice, particularly in the context of civil
mediation, in order to take into account specific cultural, religious and customary circumstances.
- Incorporation of traditional authorities and consideration of those authorities in the rules of
protocol and precedence, in order to enhance their status.
Chapter 15: Humanitarian issues
Article 47: The Parties undertake to create the conditions necessary to facilitate the rapid return,
repatriation, resettlement and reintegration of all displaced persons and refugees and to
implement mechanisms to care for those persons, in accordance with the relevant African and
international instruments, including the 1969 Organization of African Unity Convention
Governing the Specific Aspects of Refugee Problems in Africa and the 2009 African Union
Convention for the Protection and Assistance of Internally Displaced Persons in Africa
(Kampala Convention).
Article 48: The Parties invite humanitarian agencies and organizations to support efforts to ensure
the rapid return, repatriation, resettlement and reintegration of all displaced persons and refugees.
Article 49: The Parties undertake to promote and respect the principles of humanity, neutrality,
impartiality and independence that guide humanitarian action. They also commit to preventing
humanitarian aid from being used for political, economic or military ends; facilitating access for
humanitarian organizations; and ensuring the safety of the staff of those organizations.
Part VI: International guarantees and assistance
Chapter 16: Responsibilities of the Parties
Article 50: The Parties recognize that the most important element in making the Agreement a
success is their sincerity and good faith and their commitment to accept the content of the
Agreement and to work to implement all of its provisions, in the interests of national reconciliation
as well as peace, security and stability in Mali and throughout the region.
FOU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 39: Spm. om oversendelse af en beskrivelse af fredsaftalen, der blev udarbejdet i maj og undertegnet af flere grupper i juni 2015, til udenrigsministeren
Article 51: The Parties request political authorities and civil society, especially women's and youth
organizations, the media, traditional communicators and traditional and religious authorities, to lend
their full support to the achievement of objectives set out in the Agreement.
Chapter 17: Role of the mediation team
Article 52: The mediation team, under the leadership of Algeria, is the political guarantor of the
Agreement and of the respect of its provisions by the Parties. As such, it shall:
Continue to provide good offices to the Parties.
Advise the Parties during the implementation process, as needed.
Be available as a last resort to address any serious political or moral difficulties liable to
undermine the objectives and aims of the present Agreement.
Article 53: The mediation team shall actively participate in advocacy at the international level for
the full implementation of this Agreement and the mobilization of the necessary support for Mali.
Chapter 18: Role of the international community
Article 54: The international community is the guarantor of the scrupulous implementation of the
present Agreement and is urged to support efforts in that regard. Specifically:
The United Nations, AU, ECOWAS, EU, OIC and other international partners undertake to lend
their full political support to the Agreement.
The African Union Peace and Security Council and the United Nations Security Council are
invited to give the Agreement their full support, to closely monitor its implementation and, if
necessary, to take measures against anyone hindering the implementation of the commitments
contained therein or the realization of its objectives.
The international community is called upon to support the implementation of the Agreement by
providing the necessary financial, technical and logistical support for the functioning of the
various mechanisms provided for in the Agreement, disarmament, demobilization and
reintegration, security sector reform and efforts to combat terrorism and organized crime. It is
also urged to contribute promptly and generously to the envisaged trust fund and to seize the
opportunity offered by the pledging conference provided for in the Agreement to make a
significant contribution to the development of the northern regions.
Article 55: The Parties agree to establish a monitoring and evaluation mechanism involving all
relevant Malian stakeholders and international partners.
Article 56: In the realization of the objectives of the present Agreement, the crucial role and
significant contributions of MINUSMA and United Nations agencies and programmes, as well as
those of any other inter-State organization or entity, shall fall within the mandates given to them by
the competent bodies.
Chapter 19: Agreement Monitoring Committee
Article 57: The Parties agree that a Monitoring Committee for the Agreement on Peace and
Reconciliation in Mali shall be created by the signing of the Agreement.
FOU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 39: Spm. om oversendelse af en beskrivelse af fredsaftalen, der blev udarbejdet i maj og undertegnet af flere grupper i juni 2015, til udenrigsministeren
Article 58: The Committee shall be composed of the Government of Mali, the signatory movements
to the present Agreement and the mediation team (chaired by Algeria and also comprising Burkina
Faso, Chad, Mauritania, the Niger, the African Union, ECOWAS, the European Union, OIC and the
United Nations). The permanent members of the United Nations Security Council are invited to
participate in the work of the Committee. The Committee may also invite other international actors
and financial institutions to participate in its work, as needed.
Article 59: Algeria, the head of the mediation team, shall chair the Committee, assisted by Burkina
Faso, Chad, Mauritania and the Niger as Vice-Chairs. The Committee shall be based in Bamako. It
may exceptionally meet elsewhere, if it deems it necessary. It shall hold plenary meetings at least
once a month and may call special meetings as needed.
Article 60: The Committee shall carry out the following tasks:
Monitor, oversee, supervise and coordinate the effective implementation by the Parties of all
provisions of the Agreement, without prejudice to the mandate given to MINUSMA by the
Security Council.
Draw up and ensure adherence to a detailed timeline for the implementation of the relevant
provisions of the Agreement.
Interpret provisions of the Agreement in the event of disagreement between the Parties.
Reconcile the points of view of the Parties, if necessary.
Encourage the Government to take all measures deemed necessary for the effective
implementation of the Agreement, including:
Establishment of devolved and decentralized public services in the north;
Swift adoption of constitutional, legislative and regulatory texts to enable
implementation of the provisions of the Agreement;
Transfer to the territorial collectivities of the resources necessary for them to function
effectively and exercise their powers;
Measures to enable local ownership of the new democratic mechanisms agreed upon in
the Agreement, including updating electoral registers, encouraging registration for and
voting in local elections and supporting the establishment of the new institutions and
Article 61: MINUSMA shall lead the secretariat of the Committee, within the limits of its mandate
and capacities. In cooperation with the African Union Mission for Mali and the Sahel, OIC, the
European Union and ECOWAS, it shall assist the Committee in monitoring the implementation of
the Agreement.
Article 62: To fulfil its mandate, the Committee shall establish four subcommittees, each of which
shall be responsible for one of the following thematic areas: political and institutional matters;
defence and security; economic, social and cultural development; and reconciliation, justice and
humanitarian issues.
Chapter 20: Independent observation
Article 63: The Parties agree that an independent observer shall be appointed by the Committee to
objectively evaluate progress towards implementing the present Agreement.
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Every four months the observer shall publish a comprehensive report on the implementation
of the commitments undertaken in the Agreement. The report shall identify any impediments,
determine responsibility and recommend the steps to be taken.
Article 64: The independent observer shall receive all technical support required to fulfil its
Part VII: Final provisions
Article 65: The provisions of the present Agreement and its annexes may be modified only with the
explicit consent of all signatories to the Agreement and following consultation with the Monitoring
Article 66: The annexes and the Declaration of the Parties to the Algiers process signed in Algiers
on 19 February 2015 are integral to the Agreement and have the same legal force as the provisions
contained in the body of the text.
Article 67: The Coordination and Platform groups of movements are understood to include all of the
entities they comprised on the date of signature of the present Agreement. Those signing the
Agreement in the name of the Coordination and the Platform do so in the name of each and every
one of those entities.
Article 68: The present Agreement shall enter into force upon signature by the Parties and the
mediation team.
Annex I: Interim period
Pending implementation of the measures provided for in this Agreement, the interim
measures below have been agreed. They must be implemented during an interim period that shall
take effect upon signature of the Agreement for Peace and Reconciliation in Mali emanating from
the Algiers process and last for 18 to 24 months.
The purpose of the interim period is to facilitate the establishment of conditions that will
help bring reconciliation to the Malian people and lay the foundations for a new, democratic and
united Mali through, inter alia, the promotion of peace, democracy and acceptance of cultural
diversity. It will also provide an opportunity for the return, resettlement and reintegration of Malians
living outside the national territory and the rehabilitation of victims.
Objectives and duration of the interim period
An interim period shall begin immediately upon the signing of the present Agreement.
During this period, and pending the adoption and entry into force of the legal and governance
provisions set forth in this Agreement, special measures concerning the administration of the
northern regions of Mali shall be adopted and implemented. The objectives of these measures are:
To ensure the adoption of any regulatory, legislative and constitutional texts necessary for the
implementation and operation of the new framework for the institutions and the political system,
security and defence, economic, social and cultural development, justice and national
FOU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 39: Spm. om oversendelse af en beskrivelse af fredsaftalen, der blev udarbejdet i maj og undertegnet af flere grupper i juni 2015, til udenrigsministeren
To revise the electoral law to ensure that elections are held at the local, regional and national
levels during the interim period so that the bodies provided for in the present Agreement may be
To apply measures and arrangements to restore peace, end hostilities, and reform the defence
and security forces in such a way as to increase their professionalism and republican character.
To ensure the adoption of the measures that have been agreed upon with a view to addressing
the challenge of terrorism and extremism and preventing any resurgence of exclusion,
marginalization or impunity.
To implement the Agreement in accordance with the implementation timeline.
To ensure continuity at the State level, the existing institutions shall continue to perform their
functions until the bodies envisaged in the present Agreement are in place.
Administrative authorities responsible for the northern communes, cercles and regions shall be
established during the interim period, where necessary and within three months of the signing of
this Agreement. The names, powers and operational arrangements of those authorities shall be
determined by consensual agreement of the Parties.
Constitutional, legislative and regulatory texts to enable implementation of the provisions of the
Agreement shall be swiftly adopted.
The Government shall take all necessary measures to bring about the adoption of a new electoral
law by the National Assembly within 12 months.
Regional and local elections to the bodies concerned by the present Agreement shall be held
during the interim period, in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement and within 18
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Annex 2: Defence and security
Interim security measures
Under the auspices of the Defence and Security Subcommittee of the Monitoring Committee for the
present Agreement, there shall be established a Technical Commission on Security along the lines
of the Mixed Technical Commission on Security established under the Ouagadougou Agreement
and expanded in Algiers on 16 September 2014.
a. There will be active participation by representatives of the Government, the Coordination and the
Platform in the Technical Commission on Security and in the expanded joint observation and
verification teams, including the regional subunits.
- The Mixed Technical Commission on Security will continue to perform its functions until the
Technical Commission on Security is established.
- The Technical Commission on Security shall include six representatives of the armed and security
forces of Mali; three representatives of the Coordination; and three representatives of the Platform.
It will include two representatives of MINUSMA (including the Chair of the Technical
Commission on Security) and a representative of each member of the mediation team and of
international forces on the ground.
- The Technical Commission on Security shall be charged with the following duties:
To monitor the ceasefire between the Parties.
To investigate any ceasefire violations.
To update and verify security arrangements.
To initiate the identification and approval of sites for cantonment of ex-combatants.
To provide technical support for the integration of ex-combatants.
b. An Operational Coordination Mechanism and joint patrols will be established.
- Within 60 days of the signing of the Agreement, an Operational Coordination Mechanism and
joint patrols shall be established under the Technical Commission on Security.
- The Technical Commission on Security will submit detailed terms of reference for the Operational
Coordination Mechanism, including its make-up and its tasks. Those terms of reference will, on an
inclusive and consensual basis, determine the number of representatives of the armed and security
forces, the Coordination, and the Platform within the Mechanism.
- That mechanism will be coordinated by an officer of the armed and security forces, with the
assistance of a representative of the Coordination and a representative of the Platform.
- The Mechanism will work in close collaboration with international forces on the ground.
- The Mechanism shall be charged with planning and carrying out joint patrols that will include
elements of the armed and security forces of Mali and elements of the Coordination and the
Platform, along with the support, where necessary and where possible, of MINUSMA and the
international forces on the ground (with the procedures and schedule of the patrol of each area to be
determined by the Mechanism). The first joint patrol should be conducted no later than 60 days after
the signing of the Agreement.
- The Mechanism shall also be charged with planning and coordinating all the activities and
movements of combatants for the entire duration of the cantonment process.
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- Within 60 days of the signing of the Agreement, the Technical Commission on Security and the
Operational Coordination Mechanism will submit an implementation plan for security arrangements
in northern Mali, in which the joint patrols will play a critical role in providing security for the
cantonment and assembly and demobilization process. That plan will have the goal of
preventing/limiting any security vacuum before, during and after the cantonment, integration and
disarmament, demobilization and reintegration processes.
c. The cantonment of ex-combatants will be completed.
- Within 30 days of the signing of the Agreement, the Technical Commission on Security will
finalize the identification and approval of cantonment and assembly and demobilization sites.
MINUSMA will begin outfitting those sites, which should be ready within a maximum period of
120 days and will be made available as construction is completed.
- Within 30 days of the signing of the Agreement, the Technical Commission on Security will
update the cantonment procedures of 18 February 2014 in accordance with the present Agreement
and shall set an effective date for the commencement of the cantonment process.
- Within 30 days of the signing of the Agreement, the movements will submit to the Technical
Commission on Security a final and official list of their combatants and weapons on the basis of the
principles set out in the updated procedures of 18 February 2014.
Integration of ex-combatants
Within 60 days of the signing of the Agreement, there shall be established a
Commission on Integration.
- The Commission on Integration, which will include representatives of the armed and security
forces, the Coordination and the Platform, will work in close cooperation with the Monitoring
Committee for this Agreement.
- A decree will define the make-up, role and operation of the Commission on Integration under the
authority of the President of the Republic, who will designate a competent and agreed-upon person
to serve as its chair.
- Within 90 days of the signing of the Agreement, the Commission on Integration, in coordination
with the National Council for Security Sector Reform, will set forth criteria, quotas and conditions
for the integration of combatants into duly constituted entities of the State, including within the
armed and security forces, and for harmonization of ranks.
- On that basis, the movements will submit lists of their combatants who are candidates for
integration, and the Government will take the appropriate measures for their integration within a
period not to exceed six months from the signing of the Agreement, under the supervision of the
Commission on Integration and the National Council for Security Sector Reform.
- The Commission on Integration, in coordination with the National Council for Security Sector
Reform, will draft proposals for procedures for rank assignment and reclassification. Members of
the movements who were formerly officers in the armed and security forces will be integrated at
the same rank or higher. Those who do not meet the criteria or who choose not to be integrated will
be eligible for a retirement pension, a proportional pension, a disability pension, or some other
arrangement on a case-by-case basis.
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Disarmament, demobilization and reintegration process
Within 60 days of the signing of the Agreement, there shall be established a National Disarmament,
Demobilization and Reintegration Commission.
- That Commission will work in close cooperation with the Monitoring Committee for the present
- A decree will define the make-up, role and operation of the Commission under the authority of the
President of the Republic, who will designate a competent and mutually agreed person to serve as
its chair.
- The Commission will include a high-level political body, and technical subcommissions that will
work in parallel and in cooperation, as well as operational units at the regional level.
- The technical subcommissions will be made up of experts and representatives of the armed and
security forces, the Coordination, the Platform, the relevant ministries, and the various communities.
- Within 120 days of the signing of the Agreement, the Commission, in collaboration with the
Agreement Monitoring Committee, will adopt an inclusive, coherent national disarmament,
demobilization and reintegration programme that is acceptable to all and includes the necessary
resource mobilization.
- The Commission will receive technical support from MINUSMA and other partners.
- The operational costs of the Commission and regional branches will be borne by the Government
with the support of its partners.
- The disarmament, demobilization and reintegration programme will be implemented with the
necessary support from all agencies of the State of Mali and its partners.
Redeployment of the armed and security forces
Within 60 days of signing the Agreement, the Operational Coordination Mechanism,
through the Technical Commission on Security, will submit to the Defence and Security
Subcommittee of the Agreement Monitoring Committee, a detailed plan and timetable for the
redeployment of the reconstituted armed and security forces to northern Mali.
- That redeployment plan and timetable will be based on the plan for implementation of
northern Mali security arrangements and should take into account the environment, any
threats, and security needs.
- The deployed reconstituted units will be fully equipped and authorized by the State of Mali.
- The redeployment of the armed and security forces will take into account the need for
protection of the communities, internal security, defence of territorial integrity, border
security and counter-terrorism.
Reform of the defence and security sector
a. Within 60 days of signing the Agreement, the decree establishing the National Council for
Security Sector Reform will be revised in order to increase the representation of the signatory
movements and the various communities, and to agree on reforms and an implementation plan.
FOU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 39: Spm. om oversendelse af en beskrivelse af fredsaftalen, der blev udarbejdet i maj og undertegnet af flere grupper i juni 2015, til udenrigsministeren
- Within 90 days of the signing of the Agreement, the National Council for Security Sector Reform
will undertake a detailed assessment of the defence and security system with the support of partners,
including consultation with the communities, with a view to identifying priority areas for reform in
that sector.
- The National Council for Security Sector Reform will also define the roles and responsibilities of
various actors in the security sector, taking into account the diversity of geographic areas (towns,
villages, the bush, desert areas, major traffic routes, necessary crossings, and border zones) and in
accordance with desired objectives (including protection of the people, justice, enforcement of
imprisonment and other judicial rulings, response to natural disasters, offensive actions, evidence
collection, investigations, defence of territory, border control, intelligence, and supervision and
oversight of security institutions).
- The National Council for Security Sector Reform will work to enhance supervision and oversight
of the armed and security forces at the national and local levels and to promote respect for the law
and the rule of law.
b. Establishment of territorial police
- Within 12 months of the signing of the Agreement, a law establishing and defining the authorities
of the new territorial police will be adopted. It will also define the relationship of the territorial
police to the other security agencies and its make-up, recruitment procedures and training, in
addition to reporting hierarchies and command and control procedures.
c. Establishment of local security advisory committees
- Within 60 days of the signing of the Agreement, local security advisory committees will be
established by decree, initially at the regional level, and then at the communal level (with a local
security advisory committee in each region based in the regional capital, and a local security
advisory committee in each commune).
- The local security advisory committees will include local security and judicial representatives,
including from the new territorial police, as well as representatives of the communities, traditional
and religious authorities, and members of civil society, including women's and youth associations.
The local security advisory committees will issue guidance and recommendations for the local
executive and security actors, and will contribute to information exchange, awareness-raising, and a
better appreciation of the concerns of the communities.
- The local security advisory committees shall meet at least once a month to assess the security
situation and to formulate recommendations.
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Annex 3: Economic, social and cultural development projects and actions to implement in the
northern regions of Mali in the short, medium and long term
I. Interim Measures
In accordance with the provisions set forth under chapter VI of the Agreement for the interim
period, the following actions and projects identified by the Parties must be executed urgently and in
order of priority for the benefit of the communities affected by the security situation in the northern
regions of Mali:
1. Education and training
- Organize the start of the 2015 school year in the Gao, Timbuktu and Kidal regions.
- Update the condition-of-premises reports in those regions' school establishments.
- Improve the operation of school cafeterias in 314 school establishments at the start of the school
year by providing them with food and appropriate equipment.
- Strengthen the efficiency of school establishments by:
• Rehabilitating damaged establishments.
Providing such establishments with school materials (including recreational materials) and
school kits.
Rapidly and effectively returning to the Gao, Timbuktu and Kidal regions all the teachers
redeployed to other regions of Mali by creating incentives for their return.
- Offer guidance to students admitted to the Fundamental Studies Diploma (Diplôme
programme in the Timbuktu and Gao academies.
- Recruit contractual instructors for the duration of the operation.
Build and equip temporary learning spaces.
- Register and provide assistance to those students admitted to the Baccalaureate examination in
institutions of higher learning.
Mobilize and task the communities with promoting the return to and retention in school of
children, particularly girls, in the affected areas.
- Build and equip an agro-pastoral vocational training centre in Kidal and Timbuktu.
- Restore the vocational training centre for the promotion of agriculture in the Sahel portion of the
Gao region.
2. Health care:
- Improve the operation of health care facilities (community health centres, referral health centres
and regional hospitals) by:
• Supplying them with the technical materials and equipment and health products so that they can
offer a care package appropriate to their level.
• Rehabilitating and equipping non-functional health care centres in the regions of Gao (3),
Timbuktu (3) and Kidal (5).
- Arrange for the return of displaced social and health care workers through the use of incentives
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(bonuses, settlement allowance, etc.) and safety measures.
- Recruit and provide health care centres with contractual medical staff in order to strengthen health
care services and improve health coverage throughout the operation.
- Organize specialized medical care days (cardiology, ophthalmology and surgery) staffed by
national hospital practitioners in regional hospitals.
- Improve communities’ financial access to health institutions by covering the health care costs of
indigent persons and repatriates.
- Bolster the advanced strategic efforts in curative and preventive care carried out by mobile teams.
- Implement screening, referral, counter-referral and care systems for children suffering from acute
- Ensure epidemiological surveillance in the three regions and implement a response system.
- Launch the construction and outfitting of the three community health care centres and social
assistance centres in Kidal, Gao and Timbuktu, respectively.
3. Water:
- Rehabilitating water points (drilled wells and pastoral wells)
- Well drilling project in Kidal
- Well drilling project in Gao
- Cistern drilling project in Timbuktu
4. Revitalizing the local economy
Supporting the resumption of agricultural and livestock production by:
- Revitalizing family and community agricultural activities.
- Distributing agricultural inputs.
- Organizing livestock vaccination and treatment campaigns.
- Repairing motor pumps in developed areas.
- Implementing revenue-generating activities for women and young people in the agriculture,
animal husbandry, small business, fishing and handicrafts sectors.
Implementation parameters:
The Government undertakes to execute the actions and projects outlined above in a transparent
manner, in concert with its partners in the Algiers process and the involvement of the communities
- The Government commits to maximizing the financial and human resources necessary to
implement these actions and projects, including by accepting financing offers from technical and
financial partners.
- The Subcommittee on Socioeconomic and Cultural Development Matters of the Monitoring
Committee shall be responsible for monitoring and periodically evaluating the implementation of
FOU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 39: Spm. om oversendelse af en beskrivelse af fredsaftalen, der blev udarbejdet i maj og undertegnet af flere grupper i juni 2015, til udenrigsministeren
these actions and projects. The joint committee shall be composed of the Parties’ representatives
and the mediation team, with one representative from each Party. It may call on any person whose
opinion shall be deemed useful to its work. It shall hold its meetings on an as-needed basis, on the
initiative of the mediation team.
- The international community is invited to strongly support the implementation of the actions and
projects listed in this annex.
- The Government undertakes to ensure the protection, rehabilitation and promotion of vulnerable
social groups such as child heads of families, orphans, traumatized children, widows, female heads
of families, juvenile delinquents, those with physical or mental disabilities, etc., by paying these
groups particular attention.
- These projects shall, to the greatest extent possible, be implemented in an atmosphere that ensures
dynamic and efficient links between activities related to fulfilling urgent humanitarian needs and
longer-term measures for economic recovery sustainable growth, poverty reduction and the
realization of the Millennium Development Goals.
- The Parties shall abstain from any action or initiative that could disrupt or hinder the
implementation of these actions and projects.
- The Parties undertake to ensure free access and safety to State personnel, relevant service
providers and humanitarian staff.
II. Medium and long-term measures
Under the Specific Development Strategy referred to in chapter IV of the Agreement, concerning
the socioeconomic and cultural development of the northern regions, special multi-year plans for
the Development Zone of the northern regions of Mali shall be put in place and shall, above all,
include the implementation of the following actions and projects:
In the framework of rural development, food security and the environment, the following shall be
carried out:
- Provide assistance to seed, fertilizer and other input producers.
- Support technical facilities for the regeneration of plant and livestock genetic resources.
- Bolster livestock health through the rehabilitation of regional and local veterinary facilities.
- Improve each region's livestock health coverage.
- Provide services, materials, logistical aid, technical equipment and assistance for the return
of technical management staff.
- Promote small farm ponds, floating cages and pond restocking practices.
- Distribute food to the most vulnerable populations facing food insecurity.
- Strengthen the effectiveness of the national food security mechanism.
- Strengthen the early warning system to address emergency food situations and crises.
- Build the capacity of the national security stock and commune grain banks.
- Supply the most vulnerable populations with foodstuffs.
- Facilitate trade between communities facing grain deficits and those with grain surpluses.
- Support the production and marketing of local livestock.
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- Carry out silt control for the Niger River and its tributaries, as well as that of the regions’
main lakes, ponds and supply channels.
- Plant vegetation to protect riverbanks and to meet the demand for firewood and
construction wood.
- Protect the fauna and its habitats with a view to developing ecotourism.
- Carry out locust control.
- Provide research assistance in the agro-pastoral sector.
In the framework of the local economic recovery programmes, the following shall be carried out:
- Ensure the economic reintegration of young people and women and their organizations as part
of collective private initiatives.
- Promote income-generating activities for young people and women as members of social and
solidarity economy enterprises (economic or cooperative interest groups or associations).
- Support the creation of community microenterprises in order to revitalize the local economy
and promote employment opportunities.
- Strengthen the skills of young people and women in line with the genuine needs of local
economies and promote their active participation.
- Support cooperatives and companies that may generate jobs by providing financial and non-
financial support appropriate to their needs.
- Provide management training and assistance which, above all, targets the self-employed, initiators
of income-generating activities.
Improve the organization of artisans.
- Establish handicraft villages in the northern regions of Mali.
- Provide access to loans and means of production.
- Establish an area for trade and fairs to promote subregional integration.
- Implement an entrepreneurial support programme to benefit young graduates and women as well
as training and integration programmes for school dropouts and out-of-school youth.
- Improve the productivity and competitiveness of artisans and handicraft businesses through
professional training.
- Implement income-generating activities.
- Provide access to inputs and establish marketing channels.
- Promote economic activity related to the cultural sector such as cultural tourism, events and
artistic and cultural products.
- Develop micro-loan services.
- Promote the extractive industries (research, exploration and extraction) in the northern regions.
In the framework of building large-scale infrastructure, the following shall be carried out:
FOU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 39: Spm. om oversendelse af en beskrivelse af fredsaftalen, der blev udarbejdet i maj og undertegnet af flere grupper i juni 2015, til udenrigsministeren
- Road construction:
Connect Kidal, Gao and Timbuktu to the trans-Saharan highway
Bourem Taoussa
Timiaouine (Algerian border)
Bordj Baji Moctar
Nigerian border
Goma Coura
Gao (rehabilitation)
Aka route
Youwarou route
Indelimane — Nigerian border route
Burkina Faso route
- Building of airports in Kidal, Tessalit, Taoudeni, Menaka, Gao (rehabilitation) and Goundam.
- Building of solar and diesel power stations in the towns of Timbuktu, Goundam, Dire, Niafunke,
Gao, Menaka, Kidal, Tessalit, Gourma Rharous, Ansongo, Tin-Essako, Abeibara, Bourem,
Douentza, Tenikou, Youwarou and Léré.
- Connection of the three northern regions to the regional large-scale trans-Saharan gas pipeline
- Building of quays in the river ports of Bamba, Dire and Youwarou.
In the framework of improving access to basic social services, the following shall be carried out:
- Continue to rehabilitate deteriorating medical units and build and equip new community health
care centres.
- Build a regional hospital in Kidal and Menaka.
- Improve Northern students' access to academic scholarship cooperation programmes.
- Strengthen health care services for nomadic populations by deploying itinerant all-purpose
mobile teams offering preventive care and treatment.
- Implement an advanced strategy in the health care establishments and essential care strategy in
the community.
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- Build new schools in line with the school zoning map in the regions of Timbuktu, Gao and
- Provide operational support to school cafeterias.
- Staff schools with sufficient and qualified teachers.
- Provide students with school supplies and textbooks and provide teachers with teaching materials.
- Launch a widespread campaign to promote children's, and particularly girls', retention in school.
- Develop university centres in the northern regions and establish colleges based on the
requirements of each of the said regions.
- Accelerate the decentralization of higher education by establishing institutions of higher
education in the northern regions.
- Rehabilitate training centres and decentralized employment services in the regions of Kidal,
Gao and Timbuktu.
- Establish a public vocational high school in every region.
- Build a professional training centre in each of the northern regions' cercles.
- Supply the most vulnerable populations with safe drinking water.
- Improving the water supply in the city of Gao.
- Improving the water supply in the city of Timbuktu.
- Build the In Esseri
In Tebzaz
Kidal aqueduct.
In the cultural domain, the following shall be carried out:
Rehabilitate and support regional and subregional cultural services, as well as the cultural
missions of Timbuktu, Gao and Essouk.
- Promote multidisciplinary research activities on the subjects of culture, heritage and the cultural
- Strengthen intercultural dialogue by revitalizing cultural events in the northern regions by means
of cultural seasons, national weeks, artistic and cultural biennials and festivals.
FOU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 39: Spm. om oversendelse af en beskrivelse af fredsaftalen, der blev udarbejdet i maj og undertegnet af flere grupper i juni 2015, til udenrigsministeren
Initialled at Algiers on 1 March 2015
Initialled by
For the Government of the Republic of Mali
His Excellency Mr. Abdoulaye
Minister for Foreign Affairs, African Integration and Economic Cooperation
For the Coordination
Mr. Bilal
Ag Cherif
For the Platform
Mr. Ahmed Ould
Sidi Mohamed
Mr. Harouna
For the Mediation Team
For the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria, Mediation Team Lead
His Excellency Mr. Ramtane
Minister for Foreign Affairs
For the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali
His Excellency Mr. Mongi
Special Representative of the Secretary-General
For the African Union
His Excellency Mr. Pierre
High Representative of the African Union for Mali and the Sahel
For the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)
Mr. Aboudou Touré
Special Representative of the President of the ECOWAS-Mali Commission
For the Organization of Islamic Cooperation
Dr. Mohamed
Representative of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation for the Special Envoy to Mali and Sahel
For the European Union
Mr. Michel Dominique
Reveyrand de Menthon
Special Representative of the European Union for the Sahel
For Burkina Faso
Mr. Dominique
Ambassador of Burkina Faso to Algeria
For the Islamic Republic of Mauritania
Mr. Ould Mougueya
Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania to Algeria
FOU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 39: Spm. om oversendelse af en beskrivelse af fredsaftalen, der blev udarbejdet i maj og undertegnet af flere grupper i juni 2015, til udenrigsministeren
For the Republic of Niger
Mr. Abdoulaye
Cabinet Director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation, African Integration and
For the Federal Republic of Nigeria
Iliya A. D. Nuhu
Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Nigeria to Mali
For the Republic of Chad
His Excellency Mr. Saleh Hamid
Ambassador of the Republic of Chad to Algeria
Present at the initialling of this Agreement
French Republic
Mr. Bernard
Ambassador of the French Republic to Algeria
United States of America
Ms. Joan A.
Ambassador of the United States to Algeria
FOU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 39: Spm. om oversendelse af en beskrivelse af fredsaftalen, der blev udarbejdet i maj og undertegnet af flere grupper i juni 2015, til udenrigsministeren
Signed at Bamako on 15 May 2015
Signed by
For the Government of the Republic of Mali
His Excellency Mr. Abdoulaye
Minister for Foreign Affairs, African Integration and Economic Cooperation
For the Coordination
For the Platform
Mr. Ahmed Ould
Sidi Mohamed
Mr. Harouna
Mr. Fahd
Ag Almahmoud
Also signed by
For the Coalition du peuple pour l’Azawad
Mr. Mohamed Ousmane
Ag Mahamedoun
For the Coordination des mouvements et forces patriotiques de résistance 2
Mr. Younoussa
For the Mediation Team
For the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria, Mediation Team Lead
His Excellency Mr. Ramtane
Minister for Foreign Affairs
For the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali
His Excellency Mr. Mongi
Special Representative of the Secretary-General
For the African Union
His Excellency Mr. Pierre
High Representative of the African Union for Mali and the Sahel
For the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)
His Excellency Mr. Kadré Désiré
President of the ECOWAS Commission
FOU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 39: Spm. om oversendelse af en beskrivelse af fredsaftalen, der blev udarbejdet i maj og undertegnet af flere grupper i juni 2015, til udenrigsministeren
For the Organization of Islamic Cooperation
His Excellency Mr. Djibrill
Special Envoy of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation for the Sahel
For the European Union
Mr. Michel Dominique
Reveyrand de Menthon
Special Representative of the European Union for the Sahel
For Burkina Faso
Her Excellency Ms. Nicole Angeline
Zan Yelemou
Minister for Social Action and National Solidarity
For the Islamic Republic of Mauritania
Her Excellency Ms. Khadijatou
Mbareck Fall
Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, in charge of African and Maghreb affairs and
Mauritanians abroad
For the Republic of Niger
Her Excellency Ms. Aïchatou
Boulama Kané
Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, African Integration and Nigeriens Abroad
For the Federal Republic of Nigeria
His Excellency Mr. Aminu B.
Minister for Foreign Affairs
For the Republic of Chad
His Excellency Mr. Abderahim Bireme
Minister of the Interior and Public Security
Present at the signing of this Agreement
French Republic
Her Excellency Ms. Annick
Minister of State for Development and Francophonie
United States of America
Ms. Bisa
Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for West African and Sahel Affairs