Udenrigsudvalget 2015-16
URU Alm.del Bilag 326
Kongreya Neteweyî ya Kurdistanê
Kurdistan National Congress
Congrès National du Kurdistan
Rue Jean Stas 41 1060 Bruxelles tel: 00 32 2 647 30 84 fax: 00 32 2 647 68 49
[email protected]
Turkish state enmity to the Kurds continues
The purpose of the Turkish states’ intervention in Syria is not to attack ISIS, but to destroy
the gains made by the Kurds and other groups, in order to further destabilize Syria.
On 24 August 2016, the Turkish state occupied the city of Jarablus, North Syria under the pretense
of fighting ISIS. The timing of the occupation of Jarablus, which sits on the Turkish Syrian border,
is important. The move followed the liberation of an ISIS stronghold, Minbij, by the Syrian
Democratic Forces (SDF) and the Minbij military council on 13 August 2016.
The Turkish army and its alliance forces captured Jarablus with no fight, indicating a previous
agreement. There was no battle during the occupation of Jarablus and ISIS fighters simply changed
their ‘uniforms’ to El-Nusra ones. This means, ISIS is still operating in the area, albeit under a
different name.
The Turkish state and its partners have now started an intense offensive against the Syrian
Democratic Forces (SDF), the Minbij Military council, Kurdish people and other civilians in the
areas, under the cover story that Kurdish Defense Forces (YPG) are still in Minbij. This is
something officially denied by YPG Headquarters, who say that they left the area shortly after the
liberation of Minbij. Some local sources have reported the use of chemical weapons by Turkey and
affiliated groups against civilians in some villages (Al-Amarne, Dendeniye) in order to take them
from the SDF.
The occupation by the Turkish state that is occurring before the eyes of the whole world is a
violation of international law. The states that approved and stay silent to this occupation (EU and
US). ISIS attacks in Europe have been aided by and carried out through the border controlled by
Turkey, and therefore, the occupation leaves the west and humanity vulnerable to further ISIS
attacks. Whereas, the SDF, made up of Kurds, Arabs, Assyrians, Armenians and other groups were
on the brink of defeating and shutting off the borders on ISIS, the Turkish occupation has prevented
the defeat of ISIS.
The Turkish state is operating in partnership with the El-Qaida affiliated Jabhat Fatah al-Sham
(previously Al Nusra) and ISIS. Jarablus has been seized through an agreement between them. We
believe that, the Turkish state and these terrorist groups will spread their attacks across the region.
To prevent further war and chaos and to save the lives of thousands of civilians and more refugees it
is essential:
We call upon all democratic public opinion and all international institutions to raise their
voices against the dirty games of Turkey and their occupation.
We call upon the EU and US to cease all their support for the actions of the Turkish
To stand together against Turkish state intervention and war.
Stop the Turkish occupation and support the Democratic Federation in Syria
KNK Executive Council