Udenrigsudvalget 2015-16
URU Alm.del Bilag 258
Kongreya Neteweyî ya Kurdistanê
Kurdistan National Congress
Congrès National du Kurdistan
Rue Jean Stas 41 1060 Bruxelles tel: 00 32 2 647 30 84 fax: 00 32 2 647 68 49
[email protected]
Is it not time to call a halt to Erdogan’s fascism?
The Turkish state and its President R. T. Erdogan are speedily heading towards a one-man system,
or in other words: The Hitler model. The Turkish oligarchy, entrenched by a fascistic mentality, is
conducting a policy of destruction, annihilation and looting in Kurdistan in order to preserve its
colonising status.
In order to achieve this dirty objective, Erdogan initiated a comprehensive war in Kurdistan in the
July of 2015. First, he ceased the peace process between the Turkish state and the Kurdish people’s
leader Mr. Abdullah Ocalan and then he isolated him completely; then very soon after, he attacked
the people with suicide attacks in a joint AKP-ISIS operation. In these attacks, 5 people died in
Diyarbakir, 33 people died in Suruc, and 100 people died in Ankara; a total of 929 people were
wounded in all three attacks.
The police and army were introduced in the second phase of Erdogan’s war. For months now
curfews have been declared in several towns and cities across Kurdistan. Kurdish towns such as
Cizre, Silopi
have been almost completely destroyed and only in
120 civilians were
burnt alive in a basement (this has been documented by the UN, HRW and AI). The same things are
now occurring in
Nusaybin, Yuksekova
All Kurdish towns are under the attack of the
Turkish army on a daily basis. Until now, a total of 800 civilians (mostly women and children) have
been killed in these towns and cities by the Turkish state.
Erdogan has attacked and lynched anyone who has voiced opposition to his war including the 1028
academics who signed a petition titled “we
will not join you in this crime”,
many of which he later
had sacked from their jobs. The media has also been silenced with the threat of legal action.
Hundreds of journalists are still in prison.
Those opposing Erdogan’s dream of becoming a superpower are being labelled “terrorists”
Currently, Erdogan is targeting those in parliament who are in the way of his dictatorial ambitions.
His goal of abolishing the parliamentary system is now ever so closer after the political immunities
of the HDP legislators was removed. Erdogan has implemented this plan with the help of the
representatives of Turkish state nationalism: AKP, MHP and CHP. It has once again been proven
that the only thing that these parties agree on is animosity towards the Kurdish people.
URU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 258: Henvendelse af 3. juni 2016 fra Kurdistan National Congress om situationen i Tyrkiet
The silence of the EU and the USA has made them partners in crime?
The EU and the USA have confined themselves to mere written and oral statements; These states
need to wake up and understand who they are dealing with. They need to understand who it is they
are supporting. It must be acknowledged that no alliance can be maintained with those that a hold a
Hitler-like mentality. It is not enough to merely claim “democracy is in danger”; or that “the quality
in democracy is falling”. Democracy has ended in Turkey! This approach is exactly what Erdogan
Don’t meddle with my work, don’t critics, don’t share my power.
If you really want to preserve democracy in Turkey and stability in the region, the EU and the USA
must decide on economic, military and political sanctions immediately.
The worlds power are passing through a significant test of humanity and democracy in the face of
an Erdogan state supporting ISIS and declaring all-out war on the Kurdish people.
To call a halt on the policies of Erdogan is to call a halt to fascism.
To call a halt on Erdogan is to support stability.
To call a halt on Erdogan is to deplete ISIS.
To call a halt on Erdogan is to promote a peaceful solution to the Kurdish question.
To call a halt on Erdogan is a humanitarian responsibility.