Udenrigsudvalget 2015-16
URU Alm.del Bilag 249
19 May 2016
European TB Summit - Bratislava
Dear Ms Halsboe,
I hope this email finds you very well. My name is Matt Oliver. I am the Head of the Secretariat at
the Global TB Caucus, an international network of parliamentarians who work together on public
health, infectious diseases, and specifically TB.
To date we have over 1,300 members of parliament in our network, drawn from 120
countries. Some of these members are hosting a special European TB Summit in Bratislava at the
end of June to discuss the challenges that infectious diseases, and particularly drug-resistant TB,
pose to Europe as a whole. So far representatives from 20 countries have confirmed that they will
This is particularly relevant today given the UK government's publication of a new report on the
threat of drug-resistance:
TB is a major component
of this threat, representing an estimated 1 in 4 of all deaths from drug-resistance worldwide over the
decades to come.
Accordingly, they have asked me to invite you to join them at the Summit given your experience on
foreign affairs and development cooperation issues. If you are unable to join, we would be more
than happy to extend the invitation to your Vice-Chair or any other members of the Committee.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Very best wishes,
Matt Oliver
| Head of the Secretariat | Global TB Caucus
T: +44 (0)7775 694767 | E:
[email protected]
Twitter: @globaltbcaucus
Global TB Caucus Secretariat is hosted by the Stop TB Partnership in Geneva, a UNOPS registered organisation, and benefits from the ongoing support of
a number of different organisations around the world.