Udenrigsudvalget 2015-16
URU Alm.del Bilag 243
IPPFoRB (International Panel of Parliamentarians for Freedom of Religion or Belief)
[mailto:[email protected]]
16 May, 2016
Letter of Concern - Mr. Rata and Rev. Taour of Sudan
Dear member of the IPPFoRB Network,
In late February, I wrote to you on behalf of the Steering Committee regarding
two Sudanese pastors imprisoned for their faith. Mr. Telahoon Nogosi Kassa
Rata and Rev. Hassan Abduraheem Kodi Taour were arrested and held by
Sudan’s National Intelligence and Security Services for choosing to manifest
their religious beliefs.
Today, the Steering Committee is pleased to inform you that Mr. Rata was
released from prison on the 10
of May. We have no doubt that the voices and letters of
concerned people across the globe, including IPPFoRB members, made a positive impact on
Mr. Rata’s case.
Unfortunately, Rev. Taour remains in prison and will face criminal charges. As
such, please find attached a letter of concern signed by members of the
IPPFoRB Steering Committee. As with all of our advocacy efforts, the Steering
Committee encourages members of the IPPFoRB network to ensure further
attention to this case by sending their own, similar version of the letter to
Sudanese authorities.
David Anderson, MP
Canadian House of Commons
Member, IPPFoRB Steering Committee
[email protected]
The International Panel of Parliamentarians for Freedom of Religion or Belief (IPPFoRB) is an informal network of elected
parliamentarians and legislators from around the world committed to combatting religious persecution and advancing
freedom of religion or belief, as defined by Article 18 of the UN Universal Declaration for Human Rights.