Udenrigsudvalget 2015-16
URU Alm.del Bilag 175
19 February 2016
Dear Parliamentarians,
I trust you are well and my apologies for the lack of communication since we met in New York last year.
For those of you in Latin America, it has been wonderful to learn that you have since met in Peru and
formed yourself into a regional IPP network.
Last week, it was a pleasure to host the IPP Steering Group and Secretariat here in London for a
meeting. We have provisionally signed off the attached three year strategic plan which we are now looking
to obtain the funding for. Please do let us know any comments that you have as your feedback and ideas
are invaluable.
Please do also let me know of any parliamentary activity that you have undertaken in your jurisdiction that
you would like to be promoted on the network.
Have a lovely weekend,
Best wishes,
Baroness Berridge of the Vale of Catmose
Co-Chair, All Party Parliamentary Group on International Freedom of Religion or Belief
House of Lords
0207 219 8943