Udenrigsudvalget 2015-16
URU Alm.del Bilag 150
Stop Turkish state terror in Kurdistan
In recent days, representatives of the EU met with Turkish Prime Minister A. Davutoglu. They
engaged in shameful bargaining with Turkey on the refugee crisis. The Turkish state is using the
victims that have fled from Turkish-ISIS attacks against the EU. By allowing itself to be blackmailed,
the EU has disregarded its own fundamental principles of democracy, human rights, the right to life
and the right to a free press and thought. Unfortunately, the EU has chosen to remain silent in the face
of Turkish state’s support for ISIS and now with the state’s own attacks against the Kurdish people.
For the past six months, the Turkish state has been bombing Kurdish towns and killing defenceless
civilians. They are committing these crimes against humanity before the eyes of the whole world. The
time has come to demand that the Turkish state stops committing these atrocities.
Our aim is to raise awareness of these atrocities and the silence that surrounds them. At a time where
it has been generally acknowledged that the Kurdish people are defending humanity in their fight
against ISIS in the region.
We would like to once again share certain points that should be generally known.
The Turkish state’s record of the last six months:
* Blackmailing the EU by using the refugee crisis into providing it with financial and political aid,
while not doing anything to protect the refugees; on the contrary, allowing them to drown in the
Mediterranean Sea;
* Allowing refugees to cross its borders in order to push the EU into a refugee crisis;
* Using billions of Euros provided to them by the EU for refugees to fight the war against the Kurds
and to support ISIS;
* Declaring that they will not respect the ceasefire in Syria by continuing to bomb the Kurdish
cantons of
on a daily basis;
* Massacring civilian Kurds in their own country:
in the last six months, over 700 civilians,
including babies, children, the elderly and pregnant women, have been massacred
in the towns of
Cizre, Silopi, Idil, Nusaybin, Sur
* 150
Kurds burned
alive by Turkish Military. Turkish Army Burnt City inside Turkey.
* Imprisoning hundreds of politicians, mayors, intellectuals and journalists who have stood up and
spoken out against these atrocities.
Shouldn’t the main aim of the EU be to protect basic human rights, democracy and peace?
If this is the case, we urge you:
to condemn the Turkish state’s actions
that you stand firm against the threats and blackmail of the Turkish state
that you bring the war crimes of the Turkish state before your courts
that you impose economic, political and military sanctions against the Turkish state