Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn 2015-16, Udenrigsudvalget 2015-16
UPN Alm.del Bilag 124, URU Alm.del Bilag 120
Date of Birth
Email and Phone
: Lekey Dorji
10 February 1970
+975 17959736
[email protected]
Married for over 21 years, has a son (18 years) and a daughter (16 years)
Empowerment of local governments as harbingers to successful democracy;
Research and evidence-based decision-making; Empowerment of women and under-
privileged citizens; Accountability mechanisms and anti-corruption strategies; Sustainable
development; and Sovereignty of Bhutan as a nation.
Educational Experiences and qualifications
1999, MSc. (with Merit) in operational telecommunications, Coventry University,
England, United Kingdom
1994, BSc in Electrical Engineering (3.6/4.0 GPA), University of Kansas, USA
1989, ISC-XII Science from Sherubste College (national topper), Kanglung, Bhutan
National topper in class V, VIII, and X Board examinations.
Apprenticed to Buddhist practices and rituals while growing up in a remote village
in Zhemgang
Employment & Professional Records
August 2013
To date
National Assembly, Parliament of Bhutan
As an elected Member of Parliament for Bardo-Trong Constituency, Zhemgang, I am a:
1. Chairperson of Legislative Committee;
2. Member of National Judicial Commission;
3. Deputy Chairperson of House Committee / Parliamentary Affairs;
4. Chairperson of National Committee on Parliamentary Entitlements;
5. Member of Economic and Private Sector Development Committee; and
6. Chairperson of several Joint-Parliamentary Committees and Ad Hoc Committees.
As chairperson of Legislative Committee, I have moved, introduced and successfully
defended several Bills for enactment, amendment and repeals. Among them are – Local
Government Act 2009, Right to Information Act, Tobacco Amendment Act, Narcotic Drugs,
Psychotropic substances and Substance Abuse Act, National Assembly Act, National
Council Act, Speaker’s Act, Committees Act of the National Assembly, Entitlement and
service conditions Act for constitutional Post holders and Members, etc. As an elected
member and champion of democracy in Bhutan, I fought for the successful creation of a
Budget Committee to review annual budgets and brought the multi-billion hydro-power
project expenditures under the review of the Parliament.
April 2008
June 2013
LEKEY DORJI & Associates (LDA)
As chief executive and principal consultant, I led the following projects:
1. ADB Technical Assistance (TA) on country diagnostic study;
URU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 120: Invitation til møde med et parlamentsmedlem fra Bhutan den 11. marts 2016
2. DANIDA technical review on social sector support programme assessment in March
3. Research study on social protection policy and programs for the Department of Labour,
Ministry of Labour and Human Resources;
4. Study on assessment of quality trekking guides and agents in Bhutan for Japan
International Cooperation Agency (JICA);
5. Research study on documentation of local government procedures, elections, and
analysis for DANIDA/ECB. The research work culminated into publication of a book
Democacy Up-Close: Documentary study of Bhutan’s first Local Government
6. ADB Country Policy and Institutional Assessment (CPIA) 2010. This study comprises
of reviewing and looking at 16 criteria such as macroeconomic management, fiscal
policy, debt policy, trade, financial sector, business regulatory environment, gender
equality, equity of public resource use, human resources, social protection and labour,
environmental sustainability, and property rights.
7. World Bank project on Community-Based Disaster Risk Management (CBDRM) under
Japan Social Development Fund (JSDF) to formulate project proposals for CBDRM and
climate change adaptation in three selected Dzongkhags and Gewogs in Bhutan;
8. Drafting e-Governance Contents Guideline for Department of Information and Media,
Ministry of Information and Communications, Thimphu;
9. UNDP TA to assess the capability of Royal Audit Authority as supreme audit institution
in Bhutan to audit UNDP in Bhutan;
10. DANIDA technical review mission team to review and assess the social sector program
support on vocational education and training with the Ministry of Labour and Human
11. ADB TA on Strengthening Public Finance Management and as ICT specialist was
involved in assessing the technology, systems, and audit requirements for the Royal
Audit Authority, and drafting ICT Policy and Strategy, and doing an
assessment/feasibility study report of an audit management system.
May 2008
May 2009
New Edge Technologies Pvt Ltd. / LDA
As CEO and Director, I setup a software developing firm from scratch and successfully
implemented several ERP projects in various public and private corporations in Bhutan.
January 2007
April 2008
Self employed / freelance
As a freelance consultant, I:
1. Collaborated with Ongdi Consulting Services & Price Water House Coopers on an ADB
project. I spearheaded, debt sustainability study for establishment of Dagachhu power
project, Department of Energy, Ministry of Economic Affairs;
2. Was a consultant for World Bank / Ministry of Finance, Royal Government of Bhutan,
to draft ICT policy and strategy in line with Bhutan ICT Policy and Strategy;
3. Was a consultant for Tashi Group of Companies to set up the first private mobile operator
in Bhutan;
URU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 120: Invitation til møde med et parlamentsmedlem fra Bhutan den 11. marts 2016
4. Was a consultant for SNV/ Department of Tourism, Ministry of Trade & Industry,
Thimphu, to draw up the restructuring of Department of Tourism in the wake of a new
policy that converts the department into an autonomous agency;
August 2005
December 2006
Bhutan Postal Corporation Limited
As a senior general manager for business development and marketing, I introduced IT
systems to post offices; track and delivery systems; brought in Federal Express (Fedex)
services into Bhutan; and introduced in-house capacity building in management and IT
operations in Bhutan Post operations.
January 2005
July 2005
Samden Tech Private Limited, Bhutan
As the founding chief executive officer (CEO) and director, I set up the first broadband
wireless Internet service in Bhutan. The company is the first private Internet Service provider
in Bhutan and used the cost-effective Ku-band satellite receivers which increased our
competitive edge in the market.
September 1999
December 2004
Bhutan Telecom, Bhutan (Department of Telecom was converted into Bhutan
Telecom on 1
July 2000)
As a senior manager and head of business division, I was responsible for customer service;
marketing; billing; satellite mobile services; international negotiations and settlements; and
tariffs policy matters.
July 1995
August 1999
Department of Telecom, Bhutan
As an area manager for Gelephu, Sarpang, Tsirang, and Dagana telecom districts, my tasks
consisted of supervising more than 70 personnel (engineers, revenue managers, customer
service managers, security personnel, and others) in south-central telecom district.
February 1995
July 1995
Department of Telecom
As a switch engineer, I was responsible for daily operations of a modern digital switch.
Membership to Commissions, Boards, and Professional Associations
Member, National Judicial Commission
President, Bhutan Chess Federation, Thimphu
Former member of Academic Board, Royal University of Bhutan, Thimphu
Former Director, Board of Natural Resources Development Corporation Limited
Former Director, T-Bank Limited
Former Executive Member, IT Association of Bhutan
Former Executive Member, SAARC Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Former Member of Tau Beta Pi, National Engineering Honour Society in USA
Former Member of Eta Kappa Nu, Electrical Engineering Honour Society in USA
Former Member of Phi Beta Delta, Honour Society for International scholars in USA