European Council
The President
Brussels, 4 March 2016
Dear colleagues,
To prepare for our meeting on Monday with Prime Minister Davutoglu on EU-Turkey cooperation
and our internal meeting afterwards, this week I travelled to Vienna, Ljubljana, Zagreb, Skopje,
Athens, Ankara, Istanbul and Belgrade in order to continue to build a European consensus on
migration. Let me share with you some results and thoughts from my trip, which could serve as a
basis for our work.
First, we need to get back to Schengen. The countries of the Western Balkans route, also those
outside the EU, are all ready and determined to return to the full application of our common rules
and decisions, including the Schengen Borders Code. This will mean an end to the so-called wave-
through policy of migrants. It will not solve the crisis but it is a necessary pre-condition for a
European consensus. On Monday, we should all confirm this approach. With that we will close the
Western Balkans route, which was the main entry point for migrants with 880.000 entering in 2015
alone and 128.000 in the first two months of this year.
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