27 October 2015
Our ref. 2015:1764
ECPRD Request no. 2959
1. How many governmental jobs or public workplaces have been relocated from
the capital region to other regions in your country during the last 15 years and
what is the percentage of employees that chose to relocate with the jobs?
2. Do you have information about the costs per job per institution and what
expenses that are included in these costs?
3. Did the employees maintain their salary at the same level after the relocation
and did they get a financial compensation or incentive to relocate?
4. Do you have any information about the consequences for the efficiency of the
institutions and on how large an extent this was calculated into the relocation of
5. Access to nature is the number one priority when Danes relocate from larger
cities to the country side. Do you have any information regarding the relocation
of your national employees e.g. if they chose to commute, buy new housing in the
area the jobs was relocated to, or if they chose to buy housing in a third place in
the country side?
Denna rapport skrivs på svenska efter överenskommelse med frågeställaren.
Frågorna besvaras ej i punktform.
De centrala statliga myndigheter med verksamheter som omfattar hela landet har
av tradition varit belägna i Stockholm. Först på 1940-talet flyttades en myndighet
från Stockholm ut i landet när den nybildade Fiskeristyrelsen flyttade till
Göteborg. Under 1970-talet omlokaliserades en rad myndigheter från Stockholm
till olika delar av landet. Omflyttningarna var ett led i den första
Lokaliseringsutredningens arbete, där syftet var att utveckla ett antal
”växtkraftiga stadsregioner till attraktiva alternativ till storstäderna”.
Statskontoret 1989:8A.
Erik Huldt
Visit: Jakobsgatan 6
THE SW EDISH PARLIAMENT SE-100 12 Stockholm • Phone +46 8 786 40 00 • www.riksdagen.se
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