Uddannelses- og Forskningsudvalget 2015-16
UFU Alm.del Bilag 216
[email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]]
13. september 2016 16:15
Christine Antorini <[email protected]>
Note from Agilent Denmark
Dear Christine Antorini,
I was pleased to learn from colleagues in California that you and other members of the Parliamentary
Committee on Education and Research visited Agilent at our Headquarters in Santa Clara last week.
I understand that you had a lively discussion about the interplay between research, industry and
innovation. I hope you found the exchange of ideas useful.
Our Glostrup site of 700 employees is deeply engaged in Agilent’s global research, including partnerships
with academia, and I would be delighted to give you and your committee members a glimpse into how that
is working here in Denmark.
At the Glostrup site we are developing tools and reagent to deliver the most accurate cancer diagnosis to
pathology labs around the world including labs in Denmark. We all feel that we are an active part of the
global fight against cancer.
Please let me know if you would be interested in a site visit – you would be most welcome at any time.
Thank you for including Agilent in your visit to California, and don’t hesitate to let us know if there is any
follow up we can provide.
Best regards
Christian Sauber
Dr. Christian Sauber
Vice President and General Manager – Pathology Division
Diagnostics and Genomics Group - DGG
Country General Manager – Agilent/DAKO Denmark
Agilent Technologies