Wirtschaftsrat der CDU e.V. – Kleiner Kuhberg 2-6 - 24103 Kiel
Pia Kjærsgaard
Folketing, Christiansborg
DK-1240 København K
Wirtschaftsrat der CDU e.V.
Landesverband Schleswig-Holstein
Reimer Tewes
Der Landesvorsitzende
Kleiner Kuhberg 2-6, 24103 Kiel
Tel: 0431 / 67 20-75 / Fax -76
01. März 2016
Dear Madam President, Dear Mrs. Kjærsgaard,
The Wirtschaftsrat, Economic Council is one of the largest member organizations within
the German economy; and as an organization supports the fixed link Infrastructure Pro-
ject “Fehmarn Belt” in its entirety and without any restrictions. It is only through these
essential and reliable Baltic region transport links, similar to that of the successful Øre-
sund Bridge, which can progress the common economic growth potential of the Danish,
Swedish, and German economies.
In the eight EU Countries with direct access to the Baltic Sea there are approximately 147
Million people living; which is an equivalent to 29% of the total EU population. These
Countries alone generate 29.3% of the EU’s GDP, which demonstrates their significance to
the European Economic area. The potential development opportunities for the Baltic Sea
region, including its future challenges, are dependent on its innovation capacity and its
infrastructure efficiency. These developments must meet the requirements of the regional
and international global economy of the Baltic EU Countries and the economic needs of
the Baltic Cities.
The Baltic Sea region is not only the birthplace to centuries of successful trading nation’s
but is also the fore-runner for the most innovative and competitive regions of our conti-
nent; which together with the potential fixed link could dramatically enhance the region
for future leading developments.
The people of the Baltic regions have for centuries made their livelihoods from trading;
and for both Germany and Denmark the Baltic Sea region has remained of vital commer-
cial importance. This applies not only for the coastal counties of Schleswig-Holstein, Meck-
lenburg-Vorpommern and Hamburg but also Seeland, Jütland, Copenhagen and Funen
which represent important Baltic Sea trading partners. Where in 2014 goods worth in ex-
cess of 1,000 billion Euros were traded, and of this more than 33% was exported within the
EU. This is also in the interest for both the German and Danish nations to deepen our rela-
tions, as our Countries together can provide the forward momentum, as an European Hub,
for the development for transport and energy networks, as well as improving shipping
security and fighting against cross-border crimes.
Reimer Tewes (Vorsitzender)
Norbert Basler
Hans-Werner Blöcker
Dr. Christian von Boetticher
Prof. Dr. Hans H. Driftmann
Florian Friedel
Dr. Tilman Giesen
Reinhardt Hassenstein
Jens Broder Knudsen (stv. Vorsitzender)
Dr. Philipp Murmann MdB
Dr. Bertram Zitscher (LGF)