Sundheds- og Ældreudvalget 2015-16
SUU Alm.del Bilag 480
Alpha-1 in the European Union
Expert Recommendations
Recommendations of the Alpha-1 Expert Group
Initiated and chaired by Members of the European Parliament.
SUU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 480: Henvendelse af 23/3-16 fra Alfa-1 Danmark vedr. invitation til symposium om Alfa-1 antitrypsinmangel den 12. april 2016
SUU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 480: Henvendelse af 23/3-16 fra Alfa-1 Danmark vedr. invitation til symposium om Alfa-1 antitrypsinmangel den 12. april 2016
Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency (Alpha-1) is a rare genetic condition that can cause ultra-rare cases of pulmonary
emphysema, chronic liver diseases or panniculitis, a serious skin condition. It is known as the “Viking disease” due
to its origin in Sweden, but it affects patients all over the EU. There is currently no cure for Alpha-1, but appropriate
treatment and a high standard of clinical care can save patients from having to undergo heavy medical interventions
such as organ transplantation.
Patients lack information on treatment options, and their access to effective therapy is often restricted. This is often
related to individual Member States pointing to a perceived lack of clinical data, which cannot be produced due
to the rarity of the condition. This has created obvious health inequalities, depending on the country patients are
affiliated with, on the region where they live and, in some cases, on the date when their condition was diagnosed.
The European Union (EU) has prioritised the needs of patients suffering from rare diseases or conditions for over a
decade now. Since 2009, additional key policies that should have addressed the issues of patients suffering from
Alpha-1 have been adopted. EU legislation was passed on organ transplantation and on improved cross-border
access to treatment and care, notably for patients suffering from rare or ultra-rare conditions. Important initiatives
are still being developed, such as the adoption of national plans for rare diseases, legislation on information to
patients, the revision of the Clinical Trials Directive and the identification of health inequalities in Europe.
The European Union has successfully developed policies and legislation on rare diseases and orphan medicinal
products. These have resulted in more favourable national policies for patients whose needs were previously
neglected and have led to the development of therapies treating their diseases. This success illustrates how EU
legislation can have a direct positive impact on patients’ lives, but if patients cannot eventually access therapies that
have been developed for their condition, efforts at EU and national level would lose their raison d’être.
The lack of understanding of Alpha-1 is one of the main reasons why Alpha-1 patients’ needs are still widely ignored.
This document, which has been produced with contributions from some of the most prominent experts in the
field, highlights Policy Recommendations that bring pragmatic solutions to existing issues and provides policy and
decision-makers with a roadmap for ensuring patients’ access to the treatments and care they need.
This report will therefore outline the following items:
A common understanding of Alpha-1 as a rare disease
An analysis of current Policy and Legislation with direct impact on Alpha-1
Recommendations for concrete policy improvements addressing the needs of Alpha-1 patients.
Christofer Fjellner
Member of the European Parliament
SUU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 480: Henvendelse af 23/3-16 fra Alfa-1 Danmark vedr. invitation til symposium om Alfa-1 antitrypsinmangel den 12. april 2016
Expert Group
Expert Group
Initiator and Chair
Mr. Christofer Fjellner and Mr. Carl Schlyter
Members of the European Parliament
Expert group – Contributors
Mary G. Baker
European Federation of Neurological Associations (EFNA)
Mario Ciuffini
Alpha-1 Italy
Alan Heywood-Jones
Alpha-1 Federation Europe
Dr. Jacques Hutsebaut
Hôpitaux Iris Sud - IRIS Ziekenhuizen Zuid (HIS-IZZ)
Brussels (Belgium)
Prof. Maurizio Luisetti
San Matteo Hospital Foundation, University of Pavia (Italy)
Professor Robert Stockley
University Hospital Birmingham (United Kingdom)
John W. Walsh
Alpha-1 Foundation (USA)
COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) Foundation (USA)
Coordination of the Alpha-1 Expert Group
Mark Walker and Giovanni Asta
Rohde Public Policy
SUU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 480: Henvendelse af 23/3-16 fra Alfa-1 Danmark vedr. invitation til symposium om Alfa-1 antitrypsinmangel den 12. april 2016
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
I. Recommendations .................................................................................................................... 6
II. What is Alpha-1? ...................................................................................................................... 7
1. A treatable rare condition ..................................................................................................................7
2. A condition neglected in several Member States ..............................................................................8
The unexpected negative consequences of the OMP regulation on Alpha-1 ...................................9
The fragmented implementation of the EU definition on rare diseases ...........................................10
Patients are denied freedom of circulation and free choice of treatment ........................................11
The cost of not complying with the EU Strategy on Organs for Transplantation ............................12
The neglected clinical evidence and expertise ................................................................................13
III. Alpha-1 and European Union policies for rare diseases: missed opportunities?.................... 9
IV. Who should get tested for Alpha-1?...................................................................................... 14
SUU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 480: Henvendelse af 23/3-16 fra Alfa-1 Danmark vedr. invitation til symposium om Alfa-1 antitrypsinmangel den 12. april 2016
I. Recommendations
I. Recommendations
Member States and the EU must ensure appropriate recognition of Alpha-1 as a rare condition and Alpha-1
related emphysema as a specific ultra-rare disease.
Member States must raise awareness of Alpha-1 in the medical community and the general public in order
to ensure a timely and fast diagnosis that will increase the chances of preventing irreversible tissue damage.
Member States must prevent and put an end to health inequalities affecting patients suffering from Alpha-1
and other rare diseases.
The EU must ensure that all Member States respect the EU definition of rare diseases.
Future EU and national policies with a relevance to rare and ultra-rare diseases should respect the spirit and
the letter of existing EU policies addressing these issues.
EU Member States should ensure that policies and legislation in the field of rare diseases are not jeopardised
by cost containment measures. Such measures should not have a negative impact on areas where long-term
investments are needed to make a difference, such as public health.
Each EU Member State should develop and implement ambitious national plans or strategies on rare diseases,
as recommended by the Council of the European Union’s recommendations on action in the field of rare
Member States should ensure that Alpha-1 patients can access the treatments they need, notably when
implementing the Cross-Border Healthcare Directive.
The EU should work towards better standardisation of treatments and devices supporting breathing to ensure
that patients can enjoy their freedom of circulation.
The EU should develop an ambitious strategy on information to patients so that all patients can make informed
choices about their treatment options.
Member States should ensure that the optimal guidelines for the treatment of Alpha-1 are implemented in
order to reduce the need for lung transplants and thereby contribute to increasing the availability of lungs for
Patients should be given the possibility to decide with their physician whether and when they should undergo
organ transplantation.
Member States, national HTA experts and policy makers must acknowledge the reality of clinical research
on therapies for rare and ultra-rare conditions and accept alternative evidence validated by experts. Gold
standard randomised, placebo-controlled and double-blind clinical trials with a sufficient number of patients
are impossible to conduct and unethical. Physicians treating Alpha-1 patients should be asked about
effectiveness when a therapy is being assessed.
The EU and Member States must provide support to Alpha-1 expert groups, including academic and patients’
groups, in order to pool expertise and build on it.
The EU and Member States should support the creation and the management of Alpha-1 patient registries
and seek the advice of Alpha-1 experts who are already running them.
SUU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 480: Henvendelse af 23/3-16 fra Alfa-1 Danmark vedr. invitation til symposium om Alfa-1 antitrypsinmangel den 12. april 2016
II. What is Alpha-1?
II. What is Alpha-1?
1. A treatable rare condition
Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency (Alpha-1) is a potentially life-threatening rare genetic condition and, however treatable,
affects approximately 4 in 10,000 people in the EU
. It can cause diseases that can be considered as “ultra-rare” in
the sense that it is estimated that they affect less than 1 in 50,000 persons across the EU. Alpha-1 is caused by the
lack of a protective protein produced naturally by the human body. It can cause severe debilitating diseases such
as chronic liver disease but, most notably, pulmonary emphysema. This is a life-threatening disease, irreversibly
destroying the tissues supporting the function of the lungs and therefore causing severe shortness of breath, which
usually prevents patients from working or taking part in simple physical activities.
Alpha-1 related emphysema cannot be cured yet but its progression can be slowed down considerably. If the condition
is diagnosed at an early stage and is appropriately managed, patients have the possibility to lead a normal and
productive life. If not, patients will have a poor quality of life, some may need to undergo lung transplantation and have
the risk of an early death. Emphysema when not related to Alpha-1 usually affects heavy smokers. Cancer prevention
has been a priority for the EU for several years and efforts are being made to ensure that all lung cancer patients
can access the highest standards of treatment. Unfortunately, patients are denied Alpha-1 antitrypsin augmentation
therapy in most Member States, even though the disease that affected patients develop are of genetic origin. Due
to the little attention that patients with rare inherited conditions receive, a correct diagnosis is often only made after
a long delay and patients receive insufficient treatment. Early screening measures would enable a reduction in the
progression of Alpha-1 related diseases by adopting appropriate therapies.
International expert treatment guidelines indicate that optimal management of Alpha-1 should include strict lifestyle
standards, including smoking cessation, exercise, diet and symptomatic treatment. In some ultra-rare cases, patients
whose lungs deteriorate particularly rapidly (known as “fast decliners”) in spite of strict lifestyle standards and
symptomatic treatment should receive Alpha-1 augmentation therapy. Neonatal screening allows early diagnosis
of patients which means that these measures can be taken promptly and as such can be cost effective in terms of
prevention of eventual healthcare costs. This therapy increases the concentration of the deficient protective protein
in the blood and lungs to prevent rapid lung deterioration. Patients generally receive symptomatic treatments only.
These temporarily alleviate the symptoms but are not sufficient to halt emphysema progression. Two main issues
stand in the way of improving this situation:
Patients are not given the possibility to take preventive measures due to the lack of policy initiatives making
an early diagnosis possible. Such initiatives should typically include programmes to raise awareness of
Alpha-1 in the medical community and the general public, and appropriate recognition of Alpha-1 as a rare
genetic condition that can lead to ultra-rare diseases.
In the EU, “fast decliners” requiring augmentation therapy often struggle to receive it when they need it,
although it is the only therapy available for their specific condition. This is surprising since estimates suggest
that augmentation therapy reduces mortality by about a third
, and studies indicate that it reduces the loss
of lung tissue by 33-50 percent
. Augmentation therapy is available and has been used in the United States
and Canada since 1988. By 2011, three products were approved by the FDA, the United States’ agency
regulating medicinal products. Augmentation therapy is authorised in the EU but it is only readily available
in a few Member States such as Germany (since 1989), Austria, France, Italy, Spain and Portugal.
Strict lifestyle standards
Symptomatic treatment
Augmentation therapy
Smoking cessation
Physical exercise
With regular review
For patients with a rapidly declining lung function
Young patients have a higher chance of benefitting from therapy
SUU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 480: Henvendelse af 23/3-16 fra Alfa-1 Danmark vedr. invitation til symposium om Alfa-1 antitrypsinmangel den 12. april 2016
II. What is Alpha-1?
2. A condition neglected in several Member States
Alpha-1 patients struggle seven years on average before receiving an accurate diagnosis
, as Alpha-1 is often
misdiagnosed as “regular” smoking-induced chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or asthma. In addition,
several Member States do not recognise the specificity of Alpha-1 and bundle it together with regular COPD, without
recognising its specificities, genetic origin and the fact that it is caused by the lack of a natural protective protein as
is also the case in other rare diseases, such as Fabry’s disease.
A case in point is the United Kingdom, where the disease is not widely recognised as a rare disease even though
the country is home to the biggest physician-led patients’ registry in Europe. NICE, the National Institute for Health
and Clinical Excellence, does not differentiate between Alpha-1 and smoking-induced COPD or asthma. As a result,
patients are not granted access to optimum treatment and often receive minimal information about their condition
and how to prevent its life-threatening consequences. Poor awareness results in late diagnosis or no diagnosis at all,
which far too often leads to irreversible, serious lung damage.
The treatment provided to Alpha-1 patients also varies from one country to another
and regional differences in
access to augmentation therapy heavily discriminate against patients who are “fast decliners”:
Access to treatment was not de facto made possible in Sweden and Denmark despite the fact that therapies
had received a marketing authorisation. After denying patients optimal treatment for years, Sweden recently
changed its relevant guidelines which now recommend augmentation therapy for fast declining patients
Denmark, on the other hand, has still not changed its position even though several experts and Members
of the Parliament (Folketinget) have been raising the issue with the Government for years.
Augmentation therapy was available and almost completely reimbursed in Belgium until mid-2010. 26
patients received it then, and some were treated with product imported from Germany. In 2010, the
National Institute for Disease and Invalidity Insurance (INAMI/RIZIV) recommended continuing to reimburse
augmentation therapy only for those patients who were already receiving it, but not for any additional
patients who are in need of this treatment, thus barring them from accessing the same level of care and
creating a clear case of inequality between citizens within an EU Member State. Patients who were not
consulted and Alpha-1 medical experts who were heard but whose opinion was not taken into account
prior to this decision still struggle to understand such a recommendation and the ministerial decision to
implement it.
Member States and the EU must ensure appropriate recognition of Alpha-1 as a rare condition and Alpha-1
related emphysema as a specific ultra-rare disease.
Member States must raise awareness of Alpha-1 in the medical community and the general public in order
to ensure a timely diagnosis that will increase the chances of preventing irreversible tissue damage.
Member States must prevent and put an end to health inequalities affecting patients suffering from Alpha-1
and other rare diseases.
SUU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 480: Henvendelse af 23/3-16 fra Alfa-1 Danmark vedr. invitation til symposium om Alfa-1 antitrypsinmangel den 12. april 2016
III. Alpha-1 and European Union policies for rare diseases: missed opportunities?
III. Alpha-1 and European Union policies for rare diseases: missed opportunities?
1. The unexpected negative consequences of the OMP regulation on Alpha-1
The European Union has successfully developed policies and legislation on rare diseases and orphan medicinal
products since the European Regulation EC/141/2000 on Orphan Medicinal Products (OMP)
was adopted which
introduced the definition of rare diseases. These policy initiatives have resulted in more favourable national policies
for patients whose needs were previously neglected due to the low prevalence of their condition. This success
illustrates how EU legislation can have a direct positive impact on patients’ lives.
However, this has not yet fully benefited the Alpha-1 community. Therapies which were developed prior to the OMP
Regulation could not get an official OMP designation, even though they were treating rare diseases or conditions.
Between 1996 and 1999, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) provided support for eight centrally authorised
medicinal products which were indicated for patients with rare diseases but were authorised prior to the OMP
. In order to support these “already existing orphan-therapies”, the EMA created an ad-hoc designation
(“Orphan-like products”) and granted fee exemptions to marketing authorisation holders
. These products were
approved by the EMA
through the centralised procedure. Such measures could be explained by the Agency’s
desire to respect the spirit of the upcoming Regulation 141/2000, which was not retroactive and did not foresee any
“Orphan-like designation”. This ad-hoc designation helped some therapies in receiving appropriate recognition and
support as their specificities were acknowledged.
Alpha-1 augmentation therapy was not granted such support because it had been introduced into the market more
than 10 years prior to the Regulation, and additional financial support from the EMA was not sought. Later, this
contributed to a misunderstanding of Alpha-1. Some decision makers questioned the rarity of the disease and
stopped granting appropriate attention to existing treatment options. They argued that the lack of an official OMP
designation necessarily meant that Alpha-1 augmentation therapy should be treated in the same way as therapies
for more “common” diseases, and hence an unrealistic level of clinical evidence demonstrating the benefits of this
therapy is expected.
As a consequence, patients in Europe still struggle to get appropriate recognition of their condition and their specific
needs. This leads to inequalities in healthcare, which clearly breach the spirit and the letter of the rare disease policies
initiated by the EU. CVZ, the Dutch Health Care Insurance Board, still refuses to consider Alpha-1 augmentation
therapy products as medicinal products treating a rare disease, a decision that predates the spirit of Regulation
141/2000. While the tasks of CVZ include providing advice and implementing the Dutch statutory health insurance,
based on financial, societal and care related considerations, the needs of Dutch Alpha-1 patients are ignored.
License for A1AT augmentation
therapy extended to 14 EU countries
and Switzerland
First A1AT augmentation
therapy marketed in EU
First A1AT augmentation
therapy marketed in US
Augmentation therapy
with plasma-derived antitrypsin
(A1AT) first introduced in the US
2009 – 2015:
EU Communication
on an Action Plan on Organ Donation
and Transplantation
EU Cross-Border
Healthcare Directive
EU Clinical Trials
Directive 2001/20/EC
Commission Proposal on
Revised Clinical Trials Directive
Development and
implementation of National
Plans on Rare Diseases
Implementation of
Cross-Border Healthcare
EU introduces Orphan Drug
Regulation No. EC/141/2000
Antitrypsin (A1AT)
deficiency first disco-
vered in Sweden
EU Council
on an action in the
field of Rare Diseases
EU Transparency
Directive 89/105/EEC
US coins term "Orphan Drug"
through Orphan Drug Act
EU Directive on Human Organs
intended for Transplantation EU/45/2010
Commission Proposals on
Pharmaceutical Pricing and Transparency
of Reimbursement Measures
Commission Proposals on
Pharmaceutical Pricing and
Transparency of Reimbursement
SUU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 480: Henvendelse af 23/3-16 fra Alfa-1 Danmark vedr. invitation til symposium om Alfa-1 antitrypsinmangel den 12. april 2016
III. Alpha-1 and European Union policies for rare diseases: missed opportunities?
2. The fragmented implementation of the EU definition on rare diseases
The definition of rare diseases has been introduced de facto in the Regulation 141/2000
and affirmed in the
Directive on Cross-Border Healthcare
. The European Union (EU) considers diseases to be rare when they affect no
more than 5 per 10,000 persons in the EU.
Any definition based on prevalence necessarily has limitations but this one has been fit for purpose considering the
greater attention that is now granted to rare diseases and most Orphan Medicinal Products (OMP). The European
Commission is aware of this and is constantly aiming to improve its approach and communication with regards to
rare diseases. Europe’s challenges
called for a refined definition on rare diseases.
The Council Recommendations of 2009
that followed the Commission Communication requested a more coherent
and coordinated approach to rare diseases through the development and implementation of National Plans on rare
diseases by 2013. These should pave the way for ambitious rare diseases policies, starting with an appropriate
common definition and recognition of rare diseases in order to ensure the appropriate circulation of information, the
exchange of best practice and optimal management of rare diseases.
Nonetheless, some Member States are still reluctant to apply the main EU definition of rare diseases that was
first introduced in 2000. In several countries, the fact that Alpha-1 is not recognised as a rare condition that can
potentially lead to ultra-rare diseases often serves as an excuse for cost containment measures, barring patients’
access to the therapies and targeted care they need.
There is no common EU definition which has been implemented in all EU Member States. Sweden considers diseases
to be rare in the country if they affect no more than 1 per 10,000 people
; Denmark considers diseases to be rare
in the country if they affect no more than 2 per 10,000 persons
. In addition, Alpha-1 is sometimes not recognised
as a rare condition because Member States categorise it as smoking-induced COPD
. Alternatively, there is an
erroneous perception of its prevalence across Member States. Some decision makers with little experience of
Alpha-1 actually confuse the prevalence of the genetic predisposition for Alpha-1 with the actual manifestations
of the diseases it can cause, which are even rarer. Within the pool of patients with the genetic condition Alpha-1,
the group of patients whose lungs deteriorate the fastest and who need augmentation therapy represents a very
small and defined sub-group (the “fast decliners”, see above). For this reason, Alpha-1 related emphysema is to be
considered ultra-rare. This situation can only be addressed if Member States appreciate that the rarity of Alpha-1
makes it hard to understand and study the disease.
The EU must ensure that all Member States respect the EU definition of rare diseases.
Future EU and national policies with a relevance to rare and ultra-rare diseases should respect the spirit
and the letter of existing EU policies addressing these issues.
EU Member States should ensure that policies and legislation in the field of rare diseases are not jeopardised
by cost containment measures. Such measures should not have a negative impact on areas where long-
term investments are needed to make a difference, such as public health.
Each EU Member State should develop and implement ambitious national plans or strategies on rare
diseases, as recommended by the Council of the European Union’s recommendations on action in the
field of rare diseases.
SUU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 480: Henvendelse af 23/3-16 fra Alfa-1 Danmark vedr. invitation til symposium om Alfa-1 antitrypsinmangel den 12. april 2016
III. Alpha-1 and European Union policies for rare diseases: missed opportunities?
3. Patients are denied freedom of circulation and free choice of treatment
The EU Cross-Border Healthcare Directive
initially intended to regulate access to healthcare by European patients
beyond the borders of their Member State of affiliation. This Directive at last introduced and developed a number of
broader concepts and policies that were not mentioned in legislative texts or policy initiatives before. While the European
Union is still developing its legislation on information to patients, this Directive already enhances patients’ rights to make
informed choices and lays the ground for better access to early diagnosis and optimum treatment and care.
Among other measures, the establishment of European Rare Diseases Networks is encouraged in order to ensure
that expertise reaches the patient. Indeed, Member States are required to request scientific advice if they do not
have the expertise needed to assess an individual case for treatment, or when such assessment is inconclusive.
Furthermore, patients suffering from a rare disease should have the possibility to seek treatment and care abroad,
when a specific treatment is not available in their Member State of affiliation, which is their so-called ‘home Member
State’ where they are resident, but is available in another. However, patients will not be able to automatically do so
under the EU Cross-Border Healthcare Directive once it is fully implemented by all EU Member States in October
2013. They would need ‘prior authorisation’ first, which is authorisation from their country of residence. However,
with ‘prior authorisation’ it would be possible for a patient using new ‘rights’ under the EU Cross-Border Healthcare
to receive any medicinal product authorised for marketing in the Member State of treatment
, which is the country
the patient would go to in order to receive such healthcare. The patient has this right, even if the medicinal product
that he or she seeks is not authorised for marketing in their Member State of affiliation. It should be made clear that
the Directive recognises that nothing should oblige the Member State of affiliation to reimburse a patient’s treatment
costs if the patient would not be entitled to the medicinal product in their Member State of affiliation. The Directive
further recognises the principle of an EU patients’ right to be treated abroad in order to have access to different
methods of treatment than the ones provided in their Member State of affiliation
, allowing for patients to receive all
relevant information in order to make an informed choice concerning their treatment options
As has already been outlined, this ground-breaking legislation will be implemented by October 2013 by each EU Member
State. Alpha-1 patients hope that this will contribute to securing better access to the therapies and care they need, when
and where they need them. Nonetheless, this new legislation may shift the problem as Member States keep the right to
limit access to reimbursement on several grounds, including the desire to control costs
. While this legislation will make
access to Alpha-1 augmentation treatment virtually possible for those patients gaining prior authorisation from their
Member State of affiliation, patients coming from Member States not widely recognising Alpha-1 as a rare disease may
not be reimbursed the costs for the supplementary oxygen and augmentation therapy affected patients need. This would
highlight the fact that some Alpha-1 patients will de facto be denied access to the treatment they need. This illustrates
how much of an impact national policy makers’ decisions can have on the lives of Alpha-1 patients.
The legal embodiment of patients’ rights reflected in this Directive represents an important step ahead, especially
with regards to diagnosis and treatment. However, Member States need to address the issues faced by patients so
that they can lead a life as normal as possible. Many patients do not know about their treatment options because
information is scarce and not always provided. Others cannot enjoy the simple freedom of circulation within the EU,
one of the main rights introduced by the EU Cross-Border Healthcare Directive. The cheap and seemingly simple
refilling of the oxygen tank that many patients need becomes a dreadfully complicated operation due to the lack
of standardised connectors and the non-recognition of prescriptions issued abroad. Patients have therefore very
limited autonomy and must choose their ‘destination of travel’ according to their possibility to access treatment,
which may even differ across the city they live in.
Member States should ensure that Alpha-1 patients can access the treatments they need, notably when
implementing the Cross-Border Healthcare Directive.
The EU should work towards better standardisation of treatments and devices supporting breathing to
ensure that patients can enjoy their freedom of circulation.
The EU should develop an ambitious strategy on information to patients so that all patients can make
informed choices about their treatment options.
SUU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 480: Henvendelse af 23/3-16 fra Alfa-1 Danmark vedr. invitation til symposium om Alfa-1 antitrypsinmangel den 12. april 2016
III. Alpha-1 and European Union policies for rare diseases: missed opportunities?
4. The cost of not complying with the EU Strategy on Organs for Transplantation
Patients with Alpha-1 who do not receive optimal treatment and care have a higher likelihood of requiring lung
transplantation. In Sweden, 19% of lung transplantations are performed in Alpha-1 patients
. Transplantations are
highly invasive, complicated operations that bear significant risks, including organ rejection as the EU Directive
on organs for human transplant
re-emphasised. In addition to the risk of rejecting a transplanted organ, the
transmission of blood-borne viruses cannot be excluded.
Alpha-1 patients also have to cope with the uncertainty of whether they will receive a life-saving organ on time. Organs
for transplantation are very scarce. In its Communication on an Action Plan on Organ Donation and Transplantation
(2009-2015), the European Commission noted that “the demand for organs exceeds the number of available organs
in all Member States” and that this demand is increasing faster than organ donation rates
. As a result, in 2007 there
were more than 56,000 patients waiting for a suitable donor organ within the European Union
Patients therefore end up on waiting lists before they can hope to receive a suitable organ. It can be months or years
during which they live with an extremely poor quality of life as they cannot breathe normally. The EU developed
legislation and polices on organs for transplantation in order to increase their safety and their availability. Member
States, who started exchanging best practices in this regard, should therefore ensure that optimal treatment
guidelines are respected as this would contribute to decreasing the demand for organs for transplantation. It would
also protect patients from the risks related to transplantation and save some Alpha-1 patients from a highly invasive,
traumatic and dangerous surgical procedure.
Member States should ensure that the optimal guidelines for the treatment of Alpha-1 are implemented in
order to reduce the need for lung transplants and thereby contribute to increasing the availability of lungs
for transplantation.
Patients should be given the possibility to decide with their physician, whether and when they can undergo
organ transplantation.
SUU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 480: Henvendelse af 23/3-16 fra Alfa-1 Danmark vedr. invitation til symposium om Alfa-1 antitrypsinmangel den 12. april 2016
III. Alpha-1 and European Union policies for rare diseases: missed opportunities?
5. The neglected clinical evidence and expertise
The Clinical Trials Directive was approved shortly after the first EU policy initiatives on rare diseases, and it did not foresee
the specific challenges posed in this field. The Directive’s framework is not adapted to diseases with low or ultra-low
prevalence, such as Alpha-1 related emphysema. Due to their lack of expertise in Alpha-1, several Member States do
not accept the available evidence supporting the efficacy and the use of Alpha-1 augmentation therapy. These Member
States de facto ask for clinical data that cannot be produced due to the low prevalence of Alpha-1 related emphysema.
This leads some Member States to argue that there is no effective treatment, ignoring the needs of patients suffering from
this condition.
Alpha-1 experts are the first to acknowledge that no conclusive placebo-controlled trial has been performed to date
to confirm the therapeutic benefits in augmentation therapy according with the same statistical significance required
for more common diseases, which is what some Member States are calling for. However, there is wealth of data from
observational studies and patient registries available, which could be further developed and should be accepted as
sufficient proof of evidence. The definitive “gold-standard” clinical trial that some Member States request simply can not
be performed. Depending on the primary outcome parameter, such a trial would require up to 500 patients
, with each
patient receiving a weekly infusion for three years. The combination of issues posed by the need to recruit a high number
of patients in such a rare disease, the need to ensure full compliance with a complex treatment regimen and a long study
duration makes such a trial technically impossible. The pressure such a trial would put on patients requested to travel
to the research facilities every week is huge. In addition, the weekly intravenous administration of a placebo in patients
needing the active treatment would be unethical, especially if one considers that patients in several countries such as the
United States, France, Germany, Italy or Spain have been receiving augmentation therapy for up to 21 years.
Augmentation therapy has one of the strongest evidence bases in the field of rare diseases when taking into account
all available data from observational studies in existing registries
28, 29, 30
concordant results from clinical trials
31, 32
, and
combined analyses of available studies
, and the fact that this treatment has been used safely for more than two
decades. Based on the available data and expert opinions
, recommendations for the use of augmentation therapy have
been issued by various national and international professional bodies, such as the European Respiratory Society and the
American Thoracic Society
Since Alpha-1 related emphysema is a rare disease, expertise is scarce and only a small number of highly specialised
physicians understand its complexity
. The interpretation of the clinical data therefore requires the involvement of these
experts as they have the necessary expertise to judge the clinical data and therapeutic value of various treatment options.
Only experts with sufficient experience have the ability to evaluate and interpret the clinical features of a rare disease
and can determine the clinical relevance and therapeutic value of a particular treatment in balance with other therapeutic
options and existing needs in daily clinical practice
Several countries, such as the United Kingdom and Belgium, have physician-led registries, but national decision makers
do not seem to fully realise their value. Registries can help to understand the disease and allow a better assessment of
therapeutic approaches.
Member States, national HTA experts and policy makers must acknowledge the reality of clinical research
on therapies for rare and ultra-rare conditions and accept alternative evidence validated by experts.
Gold standard randomised, placebo-controlled and double-blind clinical trials with a sufficient number of
patients are impossible to conduct and unethical. Physicians treating Alpha-1 patients should be asked by
decision makers about effectiveness when a therapy is being assessed.
The EU and Member States must provide support to Alpha-1 expert groups, including academic and
patient groups, in order to pool expertise and build on it.
The EU and Member States should support the creation and management of Alpha-1 patient registries and
seek the advice of Alpha-1 experts who are already running them.
SUU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 480: Henvendelse af 23/3-16 fra Alfa-1 Danmark vedr. invitation til symposium om Alfa-1 antitrypsinmangel den 12. april 2016
IV. Who should get tested for Alpha-1?
IV. Who should get tested for Alpha-1?
Genetic testing is recommended or should be discussed in specific cases only. Early detection allows the identification
of the few patients who need augmentation therapy treatment in a timely fashion, hence reducing costs and optimising
health outcome. Genetic testing is recommended for:
Symptomatic adults with emphysema, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), or asthma with
airflow obstruction that is incompletely reversible after aggressive treatment with bronchodilators. Genetic
testing should be discussed and could reasonably be accepted or declined in populations where the
prevalence of AAT (Alpha-1 antitrypsin) deficiency is known to be much lower than the general North
American and Northern European prevalence for diagnostic testing.
Individuals with unexplained liver disease, including neonates, children, and adults, particularly the elderly.
Asymptomatic individuals with persistent obstruction on pulmonary function tests with identifiable risk
factors (e.g., cigarette smoking, occupational exposure)
Adults with necrotizing panniculitis.
Siblings of an individual with AAT deficiency.
Genetic testing should be discussed and could reasonably be accepted or declined for:
Adults with bronchiectasis without evident etiology
Adolescents with persistent airflow obstruction
Asymptomatic individuals with persistent airflow obstruction and no risk factors
Adults with C-ANCA-positive (anti-proteinase 3-positive) vasculitis
Individuals with a family history of COPD or liver disease not known to be attributed to AAT deficiency
Distant relatives of an individual who is homozygous for AAT deficiency
Offspring or parents of an individual with homozygous AAT deficiency
Siblings, offspring, parents, or distant relatives of an individual who is heterozygous for AAT deficiency
Individuals at high risk of having AAT deficiency-related diseases
Individuals who are not at risk themselves of having AAT deficiency but who are partners of individuals who
are homozygous or heterozygous for AAT deficiency
Population screening may apply in countries satisfying three conditions:
1. the prevalence of AAT deficiency is high (about 1/1500 or more)
2. smoking is prevalent and
3. adequate counselling services are available.
American Thoracic Society / European Respiratory Society Statement: Standards for the Diagnosis and Manage-
ment of Individuals with Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.
SUU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 480: Henvendelse af 23/3-16 fra Alfa-1 Danmark vedr. invitation til symposium om Alfa-1 antitrypsinmangel den 12. april 2016
Orphanet, ( Website accessed on 1 November 2011
The Alpha-1-Antitrypsin Deficiency Registry Study Group. Survival and FEV1 decline in individuals with severe deficiency of alpha1-antitryp-
sin. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 1998;158(1):49-59.
Dirksen A, Piitulainen E, Parr DG, Deng C, Wencker M, Shaker SB, Stockley RA. Exploring the role of CT densitometry: a randomised study
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European Medicines Agency. Status report on the implementation of the European Parliament legislation on Orphan Medicinal Products.
30 March, 2011 [EMEA 7381/01].
€1,000,000 in fee exemptions were granted between 1996 and 2000. An additional €480,000 in fee exemptions (annual fees and variations
fees) was expected in 2001.
Central authorisation procedure through the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP), as the Committee for Orphan
Medicinal Products (COMP) did not yet exist at that time.
European Parliament and Council Regulation (EC) No 141/2000 of 16 December 1999 on orphan medicinal products [OJ L 18, 22.1.2000, pp.1-5].
Directive 2011/24/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 March 2011 on the application of patients’ rights in cross-border
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The Swedish Information Centre for Rare Diseases ( Website accessed on 5 January 2011
Rare Disorders Denmark – Sjaeldne Diagnoser ( Website accessed on 5 January 2010.
Please refer to Chapter II
Directive 2011/24/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 March 2011 on the application of patients’ rights in cross-border
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Directive 2011/24/EU, Article 4.2.b
Directive 2011/24/EU, Article 7.9
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Schluchter MD, Stoller JK, Barker AF, Buist AS, Crystal RG, Donohue JF, Fallat RJ, Turino GM, Vreim CE, Wu MC. Feasibility of a clinical trial
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Expert Institute for Clinical Relevance (EICR). Impartial expert report on the Treatment approach of Alpha1- Antitrypsin Deficiency (Alpha-1).
[Expert Report AATD, dd. 31-01-2011].
SUU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 480: Henvendelse af 23/3-16 fra Alfa-1 Danmark vedr. invitation til symposium om Alfa-1 antitrypsinmangel den 12. april 2016