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The Genetic Revolution of the Future
The End of "One Size Fits All"
A wide range of megatrends are driving a change in our healthcare system and our approach
to health in general. Today, genomics is a diverse and complex field, but what can we expect
from the future? The challenges are both big and broad and do require efforts from a wide
range of actors. In order to successfully discover the potential of genomics, a gathering of
different perspectives is key.
The Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies is proud to announce the forthcoming
conference on March 18th 2016: "Genomics of the Future – The 360° Perspective", with
expert talks from Bogi Eliasen (CIFS), David Bentley (Illumina), Roald Forsberg (Qiagen),
Jan Egebjerg (Lundbeck), Ellen Thomas (Genomics England), and Mickey Gjerris (Ethical
Council Denmark).The event will be held in English and will be chaired by Peter Høngaard
Andersen, CEO, Innovation Fund, Denmark. See the entire programme here.
Besides talks and lectures given by a wide range of subjectmatter experts, CIFS offers a
platform to apply the tools and insights from the field of futures studies in
individual breakout sessions.
Participants will get a chance to work handson within
the frameworks of horizon scanning, megatrends, and scenarioplanning.
5 Breakout Sessions
Each breakout session will provide foresight in concern
of consequences, strategic implications, and