Sundheds- og Ældreudvalget 2015-16
SUU Alm.del Bilag 24
Extra Edition – October 2015
SUU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 24: Henvendelse af 23/10-15 fra Borgerretsbevægelsen vedr. behandling af ME-patienter
1. Colofon / Personalia
Scientific reviews:
Richard Podell
Advisory board:
Leonard A. Jason
Editor/Editorial team:
David Egan, Eddy Keuninckx, Rob Wijbenga
Textual contributions for this issue:
Bente Stenfalk
Bill Clayton
Brenda Vreeswijk
Eddy Keuninckx
James David Chapman
Prof. Leonard A. Jason
Michael Evison
Rob Wijbenga
Eddy Keuninckx
Eddy Keuninckx
(here you can download all magazines for free)
The editorial team doesn't accept any responsibility for any possible incorrect information that it
has been supplied with and which has been published in this monthly issue. Anyone can subscribe
to this free magazine by sending their email address to:
[email protected]
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Textual contributions for the October issue need to be supplied in Word by 10
December and sent
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The next issue will come out
on December 20
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We are no association or society, just a bunch of idealists who want to give our best efforts
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Picture front page:
Greg & Linda Crowhurst, Eddy Keuninckx
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SUU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 24: Henvendelse af 23/10-15 fra Borgerretsbevægelsen vedr. behandling af ME-patienter
2. Table Of Contents
COLOFON / PERSONALIA ___________________________________
TABLE OF CONTENTS ______________________________________
INTRODUCTION ___________________________________________
KARINA HANSEN __________________________________________
CARTOON DJANKO _____________________________________________ 7
. _________________________________________________ 8
PATIENTS BATTLE FOR JUSTICE _________________________________ 13
CARDS2KARINA CAMPAIGN _____________________________________ 19
HELP KARINA – DONATE TO SAVE4CHILDREN _______________________ 21
VOTE FOR… _____________________________________________
MAJOR FUNDRAISING _____________________________________
POEM – ME ISN’T REAL YOU KNOW __________________________
CONNECTING YOU TO M.E. _________________________________
We as editors tried to make the magazine much more accessible by adding a link to each article
as included in the Table of Contents, which gives you direct access to the article itself. Any
suggestion is most welcome.
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SUU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 24: Henvendelse af 23/10-15 fra Borgerretsbevægelsen vedr. behandling af ME-patienter
3. Introduction
Dear readers,
The editors of the ME Global Chronicle decided to publish a
special on the Danish severe ME-patient
Karina Hansen,
who is kept
against her wishes and the wishes of her parents in a clinic for people
with brain damage (which she doesn’t have), after having spent
more than two years in Hammel Neurocentre in Hammel, Denmark.
Being supervised by psychiatrist
Per Fink
Nils Balle
who decide about her life.
The contents of this extra edition consists mostly of articles, published in MEGC
13, but are highlighted here to commemorate the third birthday
will spend
in custody, on November 7, 2015, when she will become 27.
We believe that it’s most important the voice of the entire global ME-community
is being heard on this occasion, both for the sake of
and her family, and
of the community itself. It is high time to raise our joined voices, to proclaim we
don’t take our being discriminated and stigmatized and not being treated or even
mistreated anymore.
What you can do:
Write a birthday card to
in a way it will get to her on or before 7th
November, either to her parents
or to the clinic. Although
the psychiatrist most likely decided no postcard will be handed over to her:
Per Hansen
Kløvermarken 8,
7500 Holstebro, Denmark
Karina Hansen
p/o Tagdækkervej 10
8450 Hammel, Denmark
Give a donation to the fund
In coordination with the Danish groups all donations will be spent on
case, until she is set free, like the German girl
last July.
Support all activities to support the campaign to free Karina (more news
later). Check this page for more actions. People who sign up for the event
will be notified about further actions in early November when all the cards
have been sent:
Let our joined voices be heard, all over, by everyone
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Next issue will be published about the 20th December, its deadline being the 10th
December 2015. Contributions, preferably in Word, can be mailed to:
[email protected].
However if you think something’s important enough to bring to all our attention,
it can be submitted earlier through:
the mentioned email-address:
[email protected]
The editors
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SUU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 24: Henvendelse af 23/10-15 fra Borgerretsbevægelsen vedr. behandling af ME-patienter
4. Karina Hansen
Please join the event and support the fight to free
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Cartoon Djanko
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SUU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 24: Henvendelse af 23/10-15 fra Borgerretsbevægelsen vedr. behandling af ME-patienter
Karina Hansen – 3
Birthday In
Hostage Of The Danish
Psychiatric System
Karina Hansen
is a 26-year-old Danish Severe
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) patient.
story is no ordinary
disabled persons story
with the help of her parents, was
struggling with an unknown disease from the age
of 16. She was eventually told she had ME,
although no official diagnosis was given. But the
treatment she was then given made her condition
worse, thus requiring her mother to become her
full time carer.
In Denmark, People with ME are deemed to be suffering with a 'Functional
Disorder' which is psychiatric condition. Their health service treatment is GET
(Graded Exercise Therapy) & CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) &
Treating ME patients with these treatments, due to the PENE (Post Exertional
Neuro-immune Exhaustion) effect can often tip them into a severe ME state. This
happened to
in 2008 when she was admitted to an arthritis hospital.
In 2010
was again pressured into a hospital stay. By this time, she was
suffering all the classic ME symptoms, plus light & noise sensitivities. During that
hospital stay, a Dr. recorded that
was not depressed or had any psychotic
tendencies, so there was no reason why she should be kept for psychiatric
reasons, so should be allowed to go home. Two weeks later she was officially
diagnosed with ME.
In early 2012, I remember reading that a young girl (her name was
unknown at the time) was being pressured by a Danish psychiatrist,
Per Fink,
to be taken into his Hammel Neurocenter psychiatric clinic,
but refused to state what the treatment would be.
This reminded me of the case of the UK Severe ME patient
Sophia Mirza,
who in
2005 was forcibly removed from her home by Social Services and psychiatrists
and subjected to intensive GET/CBT treatment which sadly led to her premature
death. The coroner stated the cause of death was ME/CFS which was exacerbated
by the psychiatric treatment (they did not know about PENE in those days).
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and her parents hired a lawyer and
were granted the power of attorney over
and managed to fend of the
advances of
Per Fink.
wrote to the Danish Ministry of health
asking for the power to remove the
parents’ legal rights over her.
On February 12th 2013,
Per Fink
(not actually there) but behind an
unannounced return, by five policemen,
two doctors, two social workers and a
physically restrained whilst the bedbound
was forcibly removed, pleading with them to allow her to remain at home
with her family.
The Danish state overrode
parents’ legal rights to represent her, by
making some false claims against the family, that resulted in the state imposing
a legal guardian hand picked by the psychiatrists. These allegations were later
dismissed but the legal guardian has remained and has actually been extended,
despite numerous protest from ME patients from around the world.
Since that time,
parents’ rights of power of attorney, have been
disregarded and
Per Fink
installed a legal guardian, a retired policeman named
Kaj Stendorf,
who has the replaced the rights of her family for her. He has also
refused all requests from
family to visit her including Birthdays and
The psychiatrists have imposed a total ban on anyone who knows
seeing her, throughout the two and half years of her captivity. This also includes
the Chairman of the Danish ME Assn and the UK
Dr. Nigel Speight
(ME Expert).
They claim
has a mental health condition, because they are politically
driven to prove that she does not have ME and that ME does not not exist in
They are funded by the worlds Health insurance industry and Big pharmaceutical
companies. The psychiatrist
Nils Balle Chriistensen,
has by his own admission,
said that he does not know what is wrong with
but he claims it isn't ME.
Per Fink
has stripped
of her ME diagnosis and replaced it with an unknown
psychiatric diagnosis and barred
Dr. Speight
from carrying out any tests on
to get a second opinion.
Their repeated use of psychiatric treatment on
such as GET etc, has by
their own admission resulted in brain damage to
As well as being guarded
24/7 by the legal guardian, the staff in the 'care home' are barred from speaking
to anyone, including the rest of the patients in in the home.
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There is an unofficial media blackout in Denmark about
and she was even
hidden when the Danish Royalty visited the Hammell center last year. This is a
political situation that was set up by the previous Danish Social Democrat Govt
and is now being continued by the current Danish Liberal party Govt.
They have a constitutional monarchy and the main parties are virtually the same.
A very similar situation to the pre Corbyn UK situation. The Govt will not respond
to appeals by concerned individuals by concerned ME patients around the world.
The Danish State has funded the psychiatrists to redefine the ME disease as a
psychiatric disease in Denmark. At the same time Denmark has acknowledged
along with WHO's ICD-10 definition of ME as a neurological disease. So it does not
make sense.
We are fighting the Danish state and the
financial power of the Health insurance
employed a Lawyer for a long while and that
has led to them draining their personal
The reason the Health Insurance industry
are funding
is because ME is
recognised by the WHO (World Health
Organisation) ICD-10 as a neurological
disease. Therefore, ME patients can claim
on their health insurance.
These companies have a clause that that enables them not to pay out on
psychiatric illnesses. So they can save millions by avoiding the requirement to pay
out to the 17 million ME patients around the world. The pharmaceutical companies
are also looking to make billions out of the same patients by manufacturing
psychiatric drugs for the worlds ME patients.
Last summer ME patients and advocates had a fundraising campaigning to fund
further legal challenges against the psychiatrists. They now have a
Dr. Stig
who has been active in campaigning against the use of Gardasil in
Denmark. He intends to challenge
Per Finks
who theory on his BDS (Bodily
Distress Syndrome) Diagnosis, which is a psychosomatic functional disorder, that
he claims is the real truth about ME and numerous other misunderstood diseases.
Without a doubt, they have all now gone too far to save face in their attempts to
disprove ME and are unable to turn back now. The same power that many of the
worlds psychiatrists have, is based around the DSM V (Diagnostic & Statistical
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They intend to create a huge multimillion dollar psychiatric industry around the
manual. We in the UK have the
lobby who claim to be CFS/ME experts
and are employed as consultants on ME by the DWP and the NHS. The UK
Peter White,
who is one of the
lobby, is actually involved
case and BDS has been trailed in the UK.
On November 7th 2015,
will spend her third birthday as a hostage to
and has no hope of release in sight,
desperately needs our help.
Please don’t forget
The psychiatrist has never allowed her family & friends to visit her, regardless
whether it is her birthday, Christmas or whatever.
Is this the way a very ill human being should be treated in a modern European
country and where does the Human Rights Act stand on cases like this?
Shame on Denmark for allowing this to happen in 2015 and the Danish media who
have imposed a news blackout on
What is Amnesty Internationals view on this abuse of human rights in Denmark?
What is the policy of the European court of Human Rights on this matter?
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SUU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 24: Henvendelse af 23/10-15 fra Borgerretsbevægelsen vedr. behandling af ME-patienter
In November, for the second year running, we will be organising a mass birthday
card campaign for
The psychiatrists have ruled out accepting any cards
so all cards will once again be sent to her parents’ home in Denmark.
On behalf of
we appeal to Amnesty International to try to help
Send someone to talk to her parents and the Danish ME patients who hold vigils
out side the home that
is bring held against her will. Please give
hope on the eve of her third birthday as a hostage.
Michael Evison
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SUU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 24: Henvendelse af 23/10-15 fra Borgerretsbevægelsen vedr. behandling af ME-patienter
Patients Battle For Justice
Is it possible that a disease as impairing as Type II diabetes
mellitus, congestive heart failure, multiple sclerosis, and end-stage
renal disease could be repeatedly belittled and delegitimized by
scientists and health care professionals? Tragically, this is the case
for a devastating illness affecting over one million Americans, and these patients
have been deprived of their basic rights to respect, appropriate diagnosis, and
humane treatment.
In the beginning, patients with this illness had a credible name, myalgic
encephalomyelitis (ME), and diagnostic criteria that had been developed by the
distinguished British physician,
Dr. Melvin Ramsay.
Yet, in 1988, the Centers for
Disease Control (CDC) renamed this illness chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).
Patients were unanimous in their disdain for this trivializing term, but they were
no match for the supreme power and authority of the CDC. The new name placed
patients around the world in a compromised position, as they were now forced to
use a degrading and stigmatizing term in explaining their illness to family
members, friends, work associates and medical personnel.
Patients were next characterized as having a relatively rare “Yuppie Flu” disease,
and flawed epidemiology was responsible for these inaccurate and biased
characterizations. If this were not enough, the CDC in 1994 developed a case
definition that did not require the cardinal symptoms of this illness (such as post-
exertional malaise and neurocognitive impairments).
When this porous case definition was used to select patients, the resultant
heterogeneity increased the risk of failing to consistently identify biomarkers,
which contributed once again to dismissing those affected as having a psychiatric
illness. Misguided psychiatrists then developed treatment approaches focusing on
increasing exercise, even though the patients’ chief complaints were muscle
weakness and exercise-induced fatigue.
Rarely in the annals of recorded
medicine has there been such a
David and Goliath-like battle,
impaired and sick patients trying to
defeat an entrenched medical and
scientific establishment. Their story
of resistance is not one of an epic
skirmish, but rather a veritable war
with health care professionals and
scientists that has endured for
decades, as has been so well
documented by
Hillary Johnson.
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This past year, in an effort to rectify these tragic abuses, the Institute of Medicine
(IOM) released a report that not only clearly emphasized the debilitating nature
of this illness, but also strikingly rejected the stigmatizing name CFS and the
defective case definition.
Unfortunately, particularly in light of
decades of past disastrous scientific
blunders, the IOM once again
imposed an inappropriate name (i.e.,
disease) on the patient community,
but patients valiantly challenged this
recommendation by collecting data
that exposed the spuriousness of
this foolish name change effort.
Even a federal panel called the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Advisory Committee at
its recent meeting in August has rejected this new name.
The IOM also released a new case definition to replace CFS, and our published
work now suggests that these new criteria would almost triple the prior CFS
prevalence rate, and this is in part due to the inclusion of individuals who formerly
had been excluded.
Unwittingly, this inadvertent action accomplished much of what
Bill Reeves
the CDC had attempted to do a decade ago when they proposed an ill-fated
expansion of the case definition.
Is there any way to salvage the damage inflicted on the larger patient community
by well-intentioned scientists from the IOM? Perhaps we might consider re-
activating the brilliant scholarship of
Dr. Melvin Ramsay
and the term Myalgic
Encephalomyelitis, which would identify a smaller more homogenous group of
patients as having ME.
In contrast, those meeting the broader IOM criteria, which we might call
neuroendocrine dysfunction syndrome (which had been recommended by the
patient inspired Name Change workgroup over a decade ago) could replace CFS
and this category would represent a larger group captured by the key IOM
Those that do not meet the ME criteria or the broader IOM criteria could be
classified as having chronic fatigue, which is the most general category, and
represents those with 6 or more months of fatigue. Such a tripartite classification
system would eliminate the detested term CFS, validate the original respected
name ME, differentiate ME from the IOM criteria, and provide a new
nonstigmatizing term for those not meeting the more restrictive ME criteria.
In addition, the broader IOM criteria could be used for clinical purposes, whereas
the more restrictive ME criteria could be used for research purposes.
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Some scientists might prefer to consider this tripartite grouping a matter of
severity rather than categorical differences, but all agree that differentiations of
this type occur with many diseases, and such a classification system has the
potential to clarify discrepant findings from epidemiologic, etiologic, and treatment
Ultimately, whatever decisions are made on the names and criteria, the vetting
process needs criteria to be open, inclusive and transparent, with patients playing
a prominent, decisive, and leadership role in these deliberations.
Prof Leonard Jason,
September 28, 2015
Leonard A. Jason
is a professor of clinical and community psychology at
director of the
Center for Community Research,
and the author of
Principles of Social Change
and co-editor of the soon to be published
Handbook of Methodological
Approaches to Community-Based Research: Qualitative, Quantitative,
and Mixed Methods
Read his previous blog posts on the OUPblog.
See more at:
DePaul University researchers invite persons with ME, CFS, MS, Lupus, and Cancer
to participate in a voluntary research study to determine which symptoms may be
commonly experienced by individuals in multiple fatiguing illness groups, and
which symptoms may be unique to each illness. Participation includes completion
of a confidential online questionnaire, which takes approximately 45 minutes to
Eligibility Criteria:
Adults at least 18 years of age
• Must be able to read or speak English
• Have a diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus Erythematosus, Cancer, Myalgic
Encephalomyelitis, or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
If you are interested in participating, follow this link to access the survey:
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SUU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 24: Henvendelse af 23/10-15 fra Borgerretsbevægelsen vedr. behandling af ME-patienter
The ‘Rights’ And Wrongs
In Karina Hansen’s Case
Abuse of power, conflict of interest, cronyism, lies, incompetence,
secrecy and deep unprofessionalism infuse the case of
Karina Hansen.
Karina Hansen
was neither insane nor a danger to herself or others. She suffered
from the physical illness ME (chronic fatigue syndrome). Yet she was hospitalized
against her will in February 2013. She was legally incapacitated when she was
hospitalized, and despite the fact that she called her parents and the police to try
to get help, she was not heard.
After the forced hospitalization, she was appointed a guardian on May 29, 2013.
The guardian,
Kaj Stendorf,
is a recently retired policeman. Before May 29,
parents were her guardians, but their requests for access to her medical
records have been rejected.
The police officer who gave the order to remove
from her home in February
2013 was none other than
Kaj Stendorf,
who was at that time working as chief
of police in
home county, Holstebro. He should therefore be disqualified,
due to conflict of interests, but the court refuses to consider this issue.
Hospitalization-papers and the legal basis for the hospitalization are still missing.
is still not allowed to receive visits, 2 years and 7 months after her
hospitalization. This is ordered by the psychiatrist
Nils Balle Christensen
the Research Clinic for Functional Disorders.
She has been treated with cognitive therapy, physical training and psychotropic
drugs, which are very hazardous for ME-patients. Medicine works more intensely
in ME-patients than in healthy people. That’s why she may have been seriously
damaged by the treatment.
The psychiatrists did not respect her ME-diagnosis, even though she was
diagnosed by internationally recognized specialists. The psychiatrists gave her
another diagnosis, PAWS, (Pervasive Arousal Withdrawal Syndrome) which is
rarely used and usually only for children traumatized by war.
parents hoped to annul the guardianship of
Kaj Stedorf,
but the City
Court upheld the guardianship without allowing the family’s lawyer to speak or
present his case.
The High Court also upheld the guardianship, but the judgment is inconsistent and
untrustworthy. There are obvious contradictions in the judgment and the
Kaj Stendorf,
was not called as a witness, despite the fact that the
lawyer of the family,
Keld Parsberg,
had specifically requested the court to do
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has been transferred to Tagdækkervej 10, in Hammel, a home for
brain-damaged people. She was not brain-damaged when she
was hospitalized.
The two lawyers on the case have not yet been told the exact
legal basis on which
Karina Hansen
was hospitalized. The
Municipality of Holstebro, the Board of Health and a Mental
Health Fund all give different explanations.
state-appointed lawyer,
Anne Grete Kampmann,
has earlier been paid by the Municipality of Holstebro to give them legal
assistance. This presents a clear conflict of interest and means she should be
declared incompetent in
Neither the guardian,
Kaj Stendorf,
nor the appointed lawyer,
Anne Grete
have been helpful in getting
a second opinion from a
specialist in ME, which is a normal patient’s right. They appear to be the 'system’s
men' and not guardians who want the best for her.
On 30th August last, there was a trial to decide if
Kaj Stendorf
should be
permanent guardian. This would mean that the guardianship would not have to
be renewed on a yearly basis. During the trial, the judge and the lawyer,
Grete Kampmann,
exchanged meaningful glances several times. And during the
Keld Parsberg’s
Anne Grete Kampmann
rolled with her
eyes and shook her head which is completely unacceptable behavior during a trial.
This behavior could give one the impression that the matter was decided in
The guardian,
Kaj Stendorf,
asked the judge for permission to leave before the
trial was over, which he was allowed to do and thereby avoided answering any of
planned questions.
Kaj Stendorf
did not know whether
psychotropic drugs or not. He knew nothing about the treatment she underwent.
He seemed nervous and he stuttered.
From the Municipality no one came and thus the Municipality avoided answering
questions in the court.
The psychiatrist
Nils Balle Christensen
appeared strangely incoherent and
inconsistent in his statements. For example, he claims to have had long
conversations with
while at the same time he says that she has no
language. At a meeting about the PAWS diagnosis (which does not have a WHO
ICD-10 code)
said that he has no experience with that diagnoses or
how to treat it, and that it was 'another' psychiatrist who had given the diagnosis.
Who this was could not be disclosed.
second-to-last written statement he says that
does not
speak, but nevertheless according to him
stated that she voluntarily lives
at this home for brain-damaged people and that she voluntarily receives
treatment. In the last statement from
it is said that
had a patient
advisor, but we cannot get this verified.
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In this last statement
is described as incompetent and unable to take care
of herself. Furthermore, it states that she will not talk to NBC, but after that it is
said that she shows a number of improvements in her condition. But these
“improvements” do not fit with what she was able to do when she was first
hospitalized where she managed to phone home several times and even call the
also apparently invented a malnutrition-diagnosis that must have
occurred in his care, because before her hospitalization
was given a diet
which was recommended by leading ME-experts. Furthermore, they don’t want to
tell which treatment she currently receives, if any, or how she responds to it.
As the reader can understand, the man who is responsible for
Karina Hansen’s
hospitalization and detainment appears either indifferent or totally arrogant
towards her needs, or he is deeply unserious or maybe sick.
The court ought to reconsider
incoherent argumentation and in the
opinion of the Civil Rights Movement, the court ought to understand that it is
necessary to reevaluate the case with new eyes now, 2 years and 7 months after
the case has begun.
Bente Stenfalk,
Vice President of the Civil Rights Movement.
Civil Rights Movement’s Newsletter from August 2015
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Cards2Karina Campaign
Sadly, this is the the second Cards2Karina campaign we have been forced to run,
in the ME worlds efforts to free
from the grip of the Danish state and their
Per Fink.
Please support this event. Please fight for an end to the worldwide
psychiatric 'solution' to ME. Help us in our struggle to bring
November 7th 2015 is
birthday. Unbelievably, its her third birthday as a
hostage of the Danish state, simply because they contest her ME diagnosis, due
to their false belief that ME is a psychiatric disorder, that is being pursued on a
financial basis, because it is cheaper to fund psychiatric care for ALL Danish ME
patients, than fund creditable bio-medical treatment and care and then excludes
ME patients from many aspects of health insurance or benefits.
This scandal has now lasted 33 months,
which is 924 days, but to poor
will seem more like the 22,176 hours!
Once again, we are hoping to send cards
to both
at her 'care' home and
to her parents’ home.
The 'care' home management promised
our ME friends in Denmark, that any
post sent to
would be given to
her. So to test this statement, a plain
brown registered letter was sent to
at the home. Sadly, it was returned, unopened. Further investigations via
the Danish postal service led to the statement from the post man who actually
delivered the letter saying that he handed the letter to
but she handed it
back unopened.
We have to assume that last years’ statement from the Hammell Clinic, that
had been moved to a nearby 'care' home, because she now was suffering
from brain damage, is sadly very true. Most people who understand ME, know
that there is an inflammation issue in the brain, with severe ME and the constant
use of GET only exasperates this problem. The clinics are known to favour
CBT/GET and 'Mindfullness' training, in an attempt to brain wash ME patients into
'exercising' themselves back to health frown-emoticon
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In order to capture
imagination, in her present state, we are suggesting
that those sending cards to
should use 'cute' stickers all over the envelope
and make it plain that it is a birthday card for
with 'happy birthday',
'birthday presents' & 'birthday cakes' stuck on the envelope. Also fancy lettering
with her name may help. These stickers can be bought at a Poundshop for 2 packs
for a pound called Fun stickers. Also some are available from Ebay.
Posting a standard card to Denmark 18 cm X 13 cm, weighing 5 grams from the
UK will cost you £1 or two 2nd class stamps. The delivery time is 3-5 working
days. Those posting from other parts of the world, please either check out your
local postal service for international costs and delivery times (this can be done on
line) If you do get the information, please share on this page.
The care home address is:
Karina Hansen
p/o Tagdækkervej 10,
8450 Hammel,
parents home address is:
Per Hansen
Kløvermarken 8,
7500 Holstebro,
Please ask any further questions you may have, about the aims of this
Cards2Karina event on this event page.
This year we intend to have a second wave of actions in our continuing campaign
to free
The details of the 2nd wave will be released after the final date of
UK/Europe posting, on the 31st October.
Michael Evison
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SUU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 24: Henvendelse af 23/10-15 fra Borgerretsbevægelsen vedr. behandling af ME-patienter
Help Karina – Donate To
The charity
has been created by the editors of the ME Global
Chronicle ( and helps parents whose children have been
forced into psychiatric wards by authorities, to try and set them free by legal
procedures, if the parents have proven to be incapable of affording needed legal
They helped in
case – the German teenager who has been held under
psychiatric care for 18 months, and
has been allowed to go home last
July. Now they would like to help
Karina Hansen.
patient who has
been held in a
hospital against
her will for 2 �½
parents are still
not allowed to see
her. Her condition is worse now than when she was forcibly removed in 2013.
She can no longer speak in full sentences. She sits in a wheelchair and mumbles
to herself. She is allowed to wear her earplugs as she becomes very distressed
when they have tried to take them from her.
When she was first taken, she actively resisted treatment and was therefore given
the diagnosis of Pervasive Refusal Syndrome.
This is the same diagnosis as
was given. Now
no longer resists
treatment and the psychiatrists claim that this is improvement.
has never
resisted eating, which is a core symptom of PRS, so of course this diagnosis is
completely ridiculous.
is a young adult and PRS is exclusively a pediatric diagnosis.
Although it does not look good for
at the moment, the fact that “Joanne”
has been released gives us hope.
If you would like to help, please donate to
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SUU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 24: Henvendelse af 23/10-15 fra Borgerretsbevægelsen vedr. behandling af ME-patienter
The money that will be donated will be transferred in mutual deliberation to a
volunteer non-profit civil rights group called The Citizens Right’s Group
(Borgeretsbevægelse) that has taken up
CRG fights for cases that are examples of principle human rights violations and
they are finding many violations in
Information about the
and the case can be found in this and future issues
of the ME Global Chronicle and at these sites:
Justice for
Karina Hansen
- find info under notes.
Two videos about
from 2013:
The Citizen’s Rights Group – documents in the case in Danish
New documents will be added as they become available.
Check also:
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SUU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 24: Henvendelse af 23/10-15 fra Borgerretsbevægelsen vedr. behandling af ME-patienter
5. Vote For…
Justice for
Karina Hansen
suffers with severe Myalgic
inflammation of the brain and spinal cord.
ME is a neurological disease as noted with the World Health Organization (WHO)
G93.3. Every country who belongs to the United Nations must abide by the WHO
description of what is a physical disease as well as the United Nations Human
Demark is holding Karina
against her will and forcing her to take part in
which can kill her.
Denmark believes that ME is the same as Insanity
which is not how ME is described in WHO G93.3. Denmark is a member of the
European Union, United Nations, Human Rights and WHO.
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SUU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 24: Henvendelse af 23/10-15 fra Borgerretsbevægelsen vedr. behandling af ME-patienter
6. Major Fundraising
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The fund called Save4Children has been initiated in March 2014 by the editors of
ME Global Chronicle.
We would very much appreciate your financial help
with this project to give financial support to parents whose children are forcibly
taken from home and ‘treated’ in psychiatric wards, like
Sophia Mirza
once was,
and the German 14 year old
She´s been released thanks to legal procedures, partially financed by the
Save4Children Fund.
The Fund will now direct its arrows to try and set free Danish
Karina Hansen,
about whom you can read in the section ME & Children of this issue of the ME
Global Chronicle.
Until now the fund has collected more then
€ 6.386,-
You can donate any amount through:
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SUU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 24: Henvendelse af 23/10-15 fra Borgerretsbevægelsen vedr. behandling af ME-patienter
7. Poem – ME Isn’t
Real You Know
ME isn’t real you know
ME is all just fake
I chose to give up work you know
To rely upon the state
ME isn’t real you know
It’s all just in my mind
I just fancied giving up
On everything in my life
ME isn’t real you know
ME is all just talk
I just chose to give up running
And use a stick to help me walk
ME isn’t real you know
The pain is in my head
In fact, it’s also in my arms
My back, my ribs, my legs
ME isn’t real you say
It’s all just my pretend
You think I choose, my life to lose
As well as my final friend?
ME isn’t real you say
Laziness is in my genes
You say this though not knowing
That I’ve worked since in my teens
ME is just fake you say
I really am ok
Do you really reckon, for just one second
I’d choose to be this way?
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SUU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 24: Henvendelse af 23/10-15 fra Borgerretsbevægelsen vedr. behandling af ME-patienter
Lazy sod, it’s in your head
Wish I could just stay in bed
Shake it off, stop complaining
To be like that, you must be feigning
Just not possible, to have pain like that
And legs that just won’t go
To feel battered and bruised like you say you are
You’re a lying so and so……
To be this way is not by choice,
To hide from light, to hide from noise,
Friends don’t call, and that’s not all
They talk behind our back
They say we’re no fun, won’t go for a run
But then they don’t know Jack.
Hit with this, we don’t know why
Keep fighting on, is our battle cry
All we ask is for belief,
It’s taken our lives like a skulking thief
I ask for not a single pound
But when next the thought is going round
Let’s all do a charity run
What’s our cause, is there one?
Can I ask that you keep minds free
And choose to help those with ME.
Bill Clayton
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SUU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 24: Henvendelse af 23/10-15 fra Borgerretsbevægelsen vedr. behandling af ME-patienter
8. Connecting You To M.E.
Leonard A. Jason,
Ph.D. DePaul University - Chicago, USA
“The future of the field is in connecting the many patient and
scientific groups into one larger body that is united for change.
Any events that bring people together across countries and
organizations should be promoted.
The message is simple, we have more impact with numbers, and when we
flex our collective muscles, then we become a movement like the civil
rights, women’s and disability revolutions of the 60s, 70s and 80s.
The HIV/AIDS groups changed policy throughout the world, but they did it by
keeping their focus on critical issues and demanding change, and although the
voices in that movement were also divided, for a few things like increased funding
and provision of services, they were all together.”
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