Committee of Employment and Social Affairs
Interparliamentary Committee Meeting (ICM)
Tuesday, 16 February 2016 - 15.00 - 18.00
Questions in view of receiving contributions from national parliaments on the themes of the
ICM organised by the EMPL Committee.
1) What is a Social Triple A? - A European pillar of social rights, including wage setting
1. Has your Chamber/Parliament assessed the Commission's package adopted on 21
October 2015 on “Completing Europe’s Economic and Monetary Union”?
2. How does your country involve social partners in the elaboration of National Reform
Programmes? Do you intend to strengthen this involvement?
3. What is your country’s view on the proposed Council Recommendation on National
Competitiveness Boards, particularly their proposed role in the wage setting
4. What is your country's view on the announcement of the European Commission
regarding legislative proposals to ensure the principle of "equal payment for the same
work at the same workplace" as part of the Commission's Work Program 2016?
2) Investment policies for job creation: EU investment instruments and skills policies
1. Has your country presented any candidacy to the European Fund for Strategic
Investments (EFSI) on education or training programmes? If so, in what sense and
extension? What is your view how Europe can boost EU2020 social objectives,
particularly job creation through its Investment Plan and EFSI?
2. Does your country have any particular plan to address the general lack of
competencies acquired through educational national programmes, highlighted by
European enterprises? What is your view how enterprises should be engaged in
education and training programmes?
3. How efficient are your country’s skill policies for the young people and unemployed
with a view to their integration or reintegration into the labour market? Could you
provide information on the most successful programmes? Does your country apply
government's aid or particular tax incentives, to those enterprises, specially SMEs that
employ the most skilled youngsters? Of what kind?
4. Does your country intend to use the European Social Fund for the integration of
refugees into the labour market? If not, what is the reason for it?