Oslo Tingsrett.
Hanne Fauske
Oslo politidistrikt
Finans - og miljøkrimseksjonen
Telefon: 22 66 91 45
Formal complaint against the fact that the Oslo Police has
decided to close the investigation regarding the arson on
board Scandinavian Star in April 1990.
This letter shall be recognized as a formal complaint against the fact that
the Oslo Police has decided to close the investigation regarding the arson
on board Scandinavian Star.
This complaint is referencing the document “The fire on board Scandina-
vian Star 7-8th of April 1990 – Questions regarding the report
“Brannsakkyndig uttalelse til Oslo Tingrett vedrørende brannen ombord på
Scandinavian Star 7. april 1990” daterad 150114 (Referanse 14-
157832ENE-OTIR/01 med påtegningsark 1302785849427 /14-1
/BSK013) and the ongoing investigation (including its final version)”
In the following, we are directing numerous and relevant questions about
the abovementioned report as well as the ongoing investigation, which
forms the basis for our formal complaint.
The report
Why haven´t the investigators analyzed the actual “travelling” fire with
a model of the entire ship? In what way does this very narrow investi-
gation provide facts for and support any relevant conclusions regard-
ing if a natural spread of fire, concerning the whole course of time and
encompassing a large part of the ship, is possible or not?
Why haven´t the investigators taken into account the total mass of
steel, which is approx. 22 000 tons, in their energy balance calcula-
tions (“lumped heat capacity”) instead of the stated 300 tons of steel?
Doesn´t this have a great impact on the time dependent steel tem-
perature and the pyrolysis of flammable materials, which in turn has a
great influence on whether a natural fire spread after fire no. 2 was at
all possible or not?
Why isn´t it stated in the so-called global temperature analysis to
what extent the investigators have included the cooling boundary ef-
fects from the entire surrounding steel structures, internal water tanks
(ballast and fresh water) and contact surfaces with seawater both in-
ternally and externally etc.?